RUHS Pharmacy 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Shagun Bhardwaj on 31 Jan, 2025 15:18

Your Ultimate Exam Preparation Guide Awaits!

How To Prepare for RUHS Pharmacy Exam 2025?

RUHS Pharmacy 2025 Exam is all set to be conducted in October 2025. The application form will open in August 2025. It is a state-level entrance exam organised by RUHS (Rajasthan University of Health Science).

For smooth preparation and successfully qualifying for the RUHS Pharmacy entrance exam, candidates need to be familiar with the RUHS syllabus, prepare based on the RUHS marking scheme, revise, practice, and self-test. Select the right textbooks and reference books, and most importantly, manage their time during the RUHS Pharmacy exam.

Here are some easy tips for preparing for the RUHS Pharmacy exam: 

  1. Syllabus: To get started, read the RUHS Pharmacy Syllabus 2025 carefully. 
  2. Books: Find out which books will help you prepare for the RUHS Pharmacy exam.
  3. Exam Pattern: To understand the types of questions and difficulty levels, know the RUHS exam pattern, and students can also solve the previous year's question papers.
  4. Mock Tests: Take RUHS Pharmacy sample exams and free mock tests within the given deadlines.

Upcoming Exams :

RUHS Pharmacy Preparation Tips

Study Plan

Preparation for exams requires a well-structured study plan. Allocate time for each topic in the syllabus. Here are a few tips on creating a study plan that will be efficient:

  1. Define your weekly or monthly goals.
  2. Focus on topics that are more important or challenging.
  3. Take regular short breaks to avoid burnout.
  4. Don't forget to revise! After you learn something, take time to review it.

Invest in Quality Study Materials

You should invest in quality study materials that cover the entire syllabus in detail. Study guides, textbooks, and reference books can be a big help. You might also want to try:

  1. Observe previous years' question papers to understand the exam pattern.
  2. Websites, video lectures, and online courses provide additional information and explanations.
  3. You can improve your speed and accuracy by practising mock tests regularly.

Study Techniques

Make use of study techniques that will help you retain and understand what you learn:

  1. Engage actively in the learning process by summarising, asking questions, and discussing the material.
  2. Flashcards and mnemonics can be useful tools for remembering complex information.
  3. It can be helpful for you to study with your fellow students to gain a different perspective and improve your understanding.

RUHS Pharmacy Syllabus 2025

Knowing the syllabus is an important part of RUHS Pharmacy exam preparation. RUHS Pharmacy 2025 syllabus is available on the official website, and it contains the subjects and topics covered in the question paper.

The RUHS Pharmacy Syllabus 2025 mainly consists of: 

  1. Physics Class 11 and Class 12th 
  2. Chemistry Class 11 and Class 12th

RUHS Pharmacy Important Topics - Subject Wise

We understand that sometimes students do not have the time to cover the entire syllabus or just want to know which topics make up most of the questions in the exam. We have mentioned the important topics from both physics and chemistry below to help students prepare for the RUHS pharmacy exam. 

RUHS Pharmacy Physics Important Topics

The important physics topics for the RUHS exam are mentioned below. If students have less time to prepare they should make sure they at least do not skip these topics:

  • Physical World and Measurement
  • Kinematics
  • Laws of Motion
  • Work, Energy and Power, 
  • Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, 
  • Gravitation, 
  • Properties of Bulk Matter, 
  • Thermodynamics, Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory, 
  • Oscillations and Waves
  • Electrostatics, 
  • Current Electricity, 
  • Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, 
  • Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, 
  • Electromagnetic Waves, 
  • Optics, 
  • Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, 
  • Atoms and Nuclei
  • Electronic Devices. 

RUHS Pharmacy Chemistry Important Topics

The important Chemistry topics for the RUHS exam are mentioned below. If students have less time to prepare they should make sure they at least do not skip these topics:

  • basic concepts of chemistry
  • structure of the atom
  • classification of elements and periodicity
  • chemical bonding and molecular structure
  • states of matter (gases and liquids)
  • Thermodynamics
  • equilibrium, 
  • Topics Organic chemistry relevant to pharmaceuticals (functional groups and drug-target interactions)

One-Month Study Plan for RUHS Pharmacy - Physics

Physics is an application-based subject, therefore Numerical problem-solving is important. Students should focus on understanding the concepts, and do basic numerical problems for all these topics. Don't get stuck on any one topic. Focusing on the application of formulas.

The timetable focuses on the important topics for Physics. If students have extra time, then explore other areas of the 11th/12th-grade Physics syllabus. 

Week 1: Mechanics 

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Physical World and Measurement (Quick review of units and dimensions)
  • Kinematics (Motion in 1D and 2D โ€“ projectiles, circular motion)
  • Laws of Motion (Newton's Laws, Friction)
  • Work, Energy, and Power
  • Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body (Rotational Motion โ€“ Torque, Moment of Inertia)
  • Gravitation

Week 2: Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Waves

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Properties of Bulk Matter (Elasticity, Viscosity, Surface Tension โ€“ focus on the key definitions and formulas)
  • Thermodynamics (Laws of Thermodynamics, Heat, Work, Internal Energy)
  • Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory (Ideal gas law, Kinetic interpretation of temperature)
  • Oscillations and Waves (SHM, Wave types, Superposition, Doppler Effect)
  • Activities: Same structure as Week 1. Thermodynamics and Waves are important, so ensure you understand the concepts well. Practice derivations for wave-related formulas if your exam requires it.

Week 3: Electromagnetism & Optics

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Electrostatics (Coulomb's Law, Electric Fields, Gauss's Law, Capacitors)
  • Current Electricity (Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Circuits)
  • Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism (Magnetic fields, forces on moving charges, Magnetic materials)
  • Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents (Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, AC circuits)
  • Electromagnetic Waves (EM spectrum, properties of EM waves)
  • Optics (Ray Optics โ€“ lenses, mirrors, optical instruments; Wave Optics โ€“ Interference, Diffraction)

Study Tip: Some students might feel that the above-mentioned topics were heavy to cover So give priority to understanding the fundamental concepts. Circuit analysis (Current Electricity) and Ray Optics are very important. Students should practice ray diagrams.

Week 4: Modern Physics, Revision, Practice

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation (Photoelectric effect, de Broglie wavelength)
  • Atoms and Nuclei (Nuclear structure, radioactivity)
  • Electronic Devices (Semiconductors, diodes, transistors โ€“ focus on basic functionality)

One-Month Study Plan for RUHS Pharmacy - Chemistry

Organic chemistry is crucial for pharmacy and therefore the timetable covers primarily topics from organic chemistry. Students must know that Reaction mechanisms and problem-solving are very important topics to cover in chemistry.

The timetable focuses on the important topics for Chemistry. If students have extra time, then explore other areas of the 11th/12th-grade Chemistry syllabus. 

Week 1: Foundations & Structure

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Mole concept, stoichiometry, significant figures)
  • Structure of the Atom (Electronic configuration, quantum numbers, atomic orbitals)
  • Classification of Elements and Periodicity (Periodic trends, properties of elements)

Week 2: Bonding, States of Matter, Thermodynamics

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure (Ionic, covalent, coordinate bonds, VSEPR theory, hybridization)
  • States of Matter (Gases and Liquids โ€“ Gas laws, ideal gas equation, properties of liquids)
  • Thermodynamics (Laws of thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy)

Week 3: Equilibrium & Organic Chemistry (Part 1)

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Equilibrium (Chemical equilibrium, Le Chatelier's principle, ionic equilibrium, pH)
  • Organic Chemistry (Nomenclature of organic compounds, Isomerism, Functional groups)

Week 4: Organic Chemistry (Part 2)

Students should cover the following topics:

  • Reactions of important functional groups
  • Drug-target interactions โ€“ (focus on the types of interactions, not specific drug mechanisms at this stage)

Last-Minute Prep Tips Before the Exam

Go through all the important formulas, concepts, and diagrams.
Students should at least take at least two full-length mock tests which will give them the exam experience.
Solve as many past papers as you can. This will give you the best idea of the exam pattern and difficulty.
By now students might be aware of their weak areas from the mock tests and past papers. Revise those topics again.

RUHS Exam Day Tips 2025

The following are instructions for RUHS Pharmacy Exam Day 2025 before and after you arrive at the exam centre:

  1. Be on time! Get to the exam centre at least one hour before your scheduled time. Don't wait until the last minute to enter.
  2. Your RUHS Admit Card is mandatory, so don't forget it. You can't take the test if you don't have it.
  3. Please leave your bags and phones at home since they are not permitted in the exam hall. 
  4. Please don't bring any food items inside the exam hall as they aren't allowed.

RUHS Pharmacy Exam Pattern 2025

The RUHS Pharmacy 2025 exam pattern consists of two sections of 50 questions each. The total marks is 100, and there is no negative marking for any wrong answer or question left unanswered.

  1. Exam Mode - Computer-based test
  2. Type of Questions - Multiple-choice questions
  3. Total Sections in Exam - Two (Physics and Chemistry)
  4. Total No. of Questions - 100
  5. Total Time - 120 Minutes (2 Hours) 
  6. Negative Marking - No
  7. Medium of Exam - English

RUHS Pharmacy Marking Scheme

The RUHS Pharmacy 2025 exam is divided into 2 sections, i.e. chemistry and physics and the marking scheme is mentioned below: 

  1. Total Number of Questions: 100 | Physics - 50 and Chemistry - 50 
  2. Marks Per Question: 1 Mark Each 
  3. Options Per Question: 4 
  4. Negative Marking: None 


You have to be dedicated, strategic, and consistent to prepare for pharmacy entrance exams. Understand the exam format, make a solid study plan, focus on core subjects, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to maximise your chances of success. Don't give up and keep a positive attitude! Wishing you good luck with your preparation!

Want to know more about RUHS Pharmacy

FAQs about RUHS Pharmacy Preparation Tips

What is the marking scheme of the RUHS Pharmacy exam?

The RUHS Pharmacy exam has 100 Multiple-Choice Questions in the exam of 1 mark each. There is no negative marking. 

What is the syllabus of the RUHS Pharmacy exam 2025?

The RUHS Pharmacy Syllabus 2025 consists of topics from Chemistry Class 11 & Class 12 and Physics Class 11 & Class 12. 


What is the difficulty level of RUHS pharmacy exam?

The difficulty level of the RUHS exam is usually Moderate but can vary every year. xam. The RUHS Pharmacy exam is MCQ (multiple choice questions) based. The RUHS exam is for a total score of 100 marks and each question carries 1 mark. The RUHS Pharmacy Syllabus 2025 consists of topics from Chemistry and Physics.

What is the exam pattern for RUHS Pharmacy Exam 2024?

The RUHS Pharmacy exam 2024 has a total of 100 questions that students need to answer in 120 minutes and each question has 1 mark. The 100 questions are divided into 2 subjects physics - 50 questions and chemistry - 50 questions. The Exam is conducted in MCQ format with 4 options for each question. There is no negative marking in the RUHS Pharmacy Exam. 

The RUHS Pharmacy exam 2024 is conducted online or offline?

The RUHS pharmacy exam 2024 is a Computer-based test conducted in the English language for 120 minutes with 100 questions to answer and no negative marking. 

What is the RUHS Pharmacy Syllabus 2024?

The RUHS Pharmacy Syllabus 2024 consists of Chemistry Class 11 and Class 12th and Physics Class 11 and Class 12th. The detailed syllabus is available on the official website for students to download. 

What is the last date for Ruhs Pharmacy 2024?

The registration for RUHS pharmacy closed on 23rd September 2024. The Application correction window will be open on 27th and 30th September, 2024. 

Is B Pharm easy to pass?

Yes! It is easy to pass BPharma. It's an easier branch compared to engineering or medicine. The experience of learning pharmacy degree is great. All subjects are covered, including mathematics, engineering, chemistry, psychology, and the most important ones, biology, microbiology, and pharmacology of drugs.

How can I score good marks in pharmacy?

To score good marks in pharmacy exams students should create a timetable and prepare their Notes and focus on the weak areas. Follow study techniques like explain the topic to somebody else to understand your grasp of the concept. 

How can I prepare for pharmacy entrance exam?

For smooth preparation and successfully qualifying the pharmacy entrance exam, candidates need to be familiar with the syllabus, prepare based on the marking scheme, revise, practice, and self-test. Select the right textbooks and reference books, and most importantly, manage their time during the test.

What is the difficulty level of the RUHS Pharmacy exam?

The RUHS BSc Nursing entrance exam is known for its moderate difficulty level of questions. It might be because there is no negative marking and the question paper is in MCQ format.

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