SSC CGL 2025 Exam Pattern - Check Marking Scheme, Total Marks, Chapter Wise Weightage, Duration

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 07 Feb, 2025 07:22

The SSC CGL exam pattern 2025 differs for Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams. The Tier 1 exam comprises four sections with 100 MCQs, and the maximum mark is 200. The Tier 2 Exam comprises Paper I (compulsory for all posts) and Paper II for candidates who apply for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

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SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2025

SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2025 is set by the Staff Selection Commission. The exam includes 2 stages namely, Tier 1 and Tier 2, both of which are conducted in online mode. SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam comprises multiple-choice type questions (MCQ), while the Tier 2 exam consists of 3 phases- Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3. You have to appear for Paper 1 mandatorily, however, papers 2 and 3 are only for the selective posts. Check the SSC CGL Syllabus 2025 to know the topics from where maximum questions are asked in the exam.

The first thing you need to do is learn the format of the test. The SSC CGL Full Form is the Staff Selection Commission - Combined Graduate Level Examination, whose examination format will assist you in strategically arranging your preparation.

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SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2025 Highlights

You can refer to the table below containing the important highlights related to the SSC CGL 2025 Exam:



Number of Stages


Mode of Exam

Tier 1- Online

Tier 2- Online

Time Allocated

Tier 1- 60 minutes

Tier 2- 150 Minutes (Paper 1); 120 Minutes each (Paper 2 and 3)

Number of papers/sections

Tier 1: 4 sections

Tier 2: 3 papers

Total number of questions

Tier 1: 100

Tier 2: 350

Type of questions

Tier 1: MCQs

Tier 2: MCQs + DEST

Total marks

Tier 1: 200

Tier 2: 850

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern 2025

The SSC CGL 2025 Tier-1 test will be delivered online and consist of 4 sections with a total of roughly 100 questions and a maximum of 200 marks. A total of 60 minutes must be allotted for finishing the exam.

  • Each question will be of 2 marks.

  • There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for every wrong answer.

  • You can choose the medium of writing the exam as Hindi or English.

The SSC CGL Tier-I Exam Pattern has been provided in the table below:

SSC CGL Exam Pattern

Tier-I Exam Highlights

Type of Questions

Objective; Multiple Choice Questions

Duration of the Exam

60 minutes/ 1 hour

Mode of the Exam

Online Computer Based Test (CBT)

Name of the Sections

1. General Intelligence and Reasoning

2. General Awareness

3. Quantitative Aptitude

4. English Comprehension

Total Marks


Number of Questions


Negative Marking

0.50 marks (For every incorrect answer options)


English/Hindi (Except English Paper)

Marking Scheme


QuestionsMarksTime Allotted

Part A: General Awareness



  • 60 minutes (1 Hour) 
  • 1 hour and 20 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribe

Part B: English Comprehension



Part C: General Intelligence & Reasoning



Part D: Quantitative Aptitude





Note - SSC CGL Tier 1 is just a qualifying exam. The marks obtained in SSC CGL Tier 1 will not be considered for the final selection.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern 2025

If you qualify for SSC CGL Tier 1 you will be shortlisted for CGL Tier 2. Now this is where the commission made the major changes. SSC CGL Tier 2 will be divided into 3 papers. Paper 1, 2 and 3. Paper 1 will be further divided into 2 sessions and further each session will be divided into certain modules. 

In Paper 1, there will be 3 sections. In section 1 there are two modules. Module 1 is mathematics and Module 2 is Reasoning ability. 30 questions will be asked from each maths and reasoning module. Then in Section 2, there are again two modules, English and General ability test. 45 questions will be asked from the English language and 25 questions will be there in the GK part. So, in total there will be 130 questions and each question will be of 3 marks.And in the last section of Paper 1, there will be a test of Computer Knowledge. There will be 20 questions of three marks each. Computer knowledge test has replaced the computer proficiency test which used to be in the olden exam pattern. Computer knowledge test will be of qualifying nature. Paper I will also be followed by a Data entry speed typing test, which, unlike earlier, is compulsory for all posts. But this will be of qualifying nature. You will just need to secure the qualifying marks in the typing test where you will be supposed to type 2000 key depressions in 15 minutes.

Some of the important points related to SSC CGL Tier 2 have been listed below:

  • Tier II will be conducted in online mode, and it will have Objective type of questions.

  • You can choose the medium of writing the paper as Hindi or English.

  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks in Paper-II and 0.50 marks in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III for each wrong response.

  • Paper-I is  compulsory to attempt for all the categories of posts, whereas Paper-II is only for those who apply for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. II and Compiler, and Paper III is only for those who apply for the post of Assistant Audit Officer. 

SSC CGL Exam Pattern

Tier-II Exam Highlights

Type of Questions

Objective; Multiple Choice Questions

Duration of the Exam

Paper I- 2 hours 30 minutes

Paper II โ€“ 2 hours

Paper II โ€“ 2 hours

Mode of the Exam

Online Computer Based Test (CBT)

Name of the Sections

1. General Intelligence and Reasoning

2. General Awareness

3. Mathematical Abilities

4. English Language and Comprehension

5. Computer knowledge

6. Statistics

7. General Studies (Finance and Economics)

Total Marks


Number of Questions


Negative Marking

Paper I: 1 Marks & Computer: 0.5 Marks

Paper II & III: 0.5 Marks (For every incorrect Answer)    


English/Hindi (Except English Paper)

 SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper I Exam Pattern 

The table given below shows the module-wise division of paper I

SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper I Exam Pattern




No. of Questions




Section I


Mathematical Abilities




1 hour


Reasoning and General Intelligence




Section II


English Language and Comprehension




1 hour


General Awareness




Section III


Computer Knowledge Test




15 minutes


Data Entry Speed Test 

One Data Entry Task


15 minutes

 SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper II & III Exam Pattern 

The table given below shows the pattern for paper II and III:

SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper II & III Exam Pattern



No. of question

Maximum Marks


Paper II




2 hours

Paper III

General Studies (Finance and Economics)



2 hours

SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2025 Negative Marking

It has to be noted that for every wrong answer, there will be a negative marking in the SSC CGL exam. Therefore, taking this into account you should attempt the questions. You can check out the quantum of negative markings in each tier given below which is one by four. 

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam: Negative Marking

You will be awarded with one mark for every correct answer in the exam. While for each wrong answer in the exam, 0.50 marks will be deducted, meaning, each four incorrect answers will reduce the marks secured in one correct question leading to the resultant marks of 5 questions to zero. 

Marks for Right Answer

Negative Marking


SSC CGL Tier 2: Negative Marking

In the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam 2025, 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II and Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I and 0.50 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer in Paper-II and Paper-III. 

SSC CGL Tier 2 Papers

Marks Allotted per Question

Negative Marking

Paper I - Section I

3 Marks

1 mark

Paper I - Section II

3 Marks

1 mark

Paper I - Section III

3 Marks

1 mark

Paper II

2 Marks

0.50 marks

Paper III

2 marks

0.50 marks

SSC CGL 2025 Document Verification (DV)

If youl pass the SSC CGL Tier 1 and Tier 2 you will be eligible to appear for Document Verification (DV) with photocopies and original documents. The document verification will be carried out by the user departments or organizations. The reserved category candidates have to submit supporting documentation or else they will be considered in the Unreserved or General category. Below are the documents that are to be presented in both original as well as photocopy by the candidates for verification:

  • Matriculation or secondary certificate
  • Caste or category certificate (if applicable)
  • Educational qualification certificate
  • PwD certificate (if applicable)
  • Mark sheets of three years of post graduation
  • ID proof
  • Provisional certificate or the certificate of graduation
  • Two passport-size coloured photos
  • Relevant certificate if seeking any age relaxation
  • Relevant documents for Ex-Servicemen
  • No Objection certificate, in the case already employed in Government/Government undertakings
  • Any other document specified in admit card

Computer Typing Test

Paper I will also be followed by a Data entry speed typing test, which, unlike earlier, is compulsory for all posts. But this will be of qualifying nature. You will just need to secure the qualifying marks in the typing test. Some important points related to SSC CGL Computer typing Test are as follows:

  • The data typing test evaluates your ability with computers.
  • The combined time for the exam is 15 minutes.
  • It is Qualifying in nature
  • You have to type 2000 key presses in 15 minutes for the Data Entry Speed Test (DEST).
  • The CPT is used to assess your computer skills by looking at your knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, and slide creation.
Mode of ExamScheme of ExamMarks

Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) / Computer Proficiency Test (CPT)

Same as published in the Notice of Examination


Changes in the SSC CGL Exam Pattern Over the Years

SSC CGL exam, which earlier used to be a 4-tier exam, saw a lot of improvisations in its exam pattern after a corrigendum was released by the commission on September 17, 2022, on its official website. The official notification stated that the new SSC CGL pattern will be divided into two tiers. SSC CGL Tier 1 will be as it is. There will be no change in its exam pattern. The fact is that the SSC CGL Tier I will now be only qualifying in nature, which was earlier accounted for in the final merit. 

If you qualify for Tier 1 you will be shortlisted for Tier 2. Now this is where the commission made the major changes. SSC CGL Tier 2, which earlier consisted of two sections namely, Mathematics and English, will now be based on three sections and three sections will further be subdivided into modules. In a general sense, CGL Tier 2 will now be just a test of maths and English. It will include subjects like reasoning, general ability, and computer applications. Furthermore, the commission abolished the descriptive writing paper, which earlier used to be the Tier 3 exam. Instead, the commission has made it compulsory for all the students to undergo the computer speed typing test. This speed typing test was earlier not mandatory for all the posts. But now every student who qualifies in the proceeding stages of CGL will have to appear in the typing test to get selected. Complete information about the latest SSC CGL 2022 Exam pattern has been provided in the sections given below.

You should be aware that if the SSC CGL Tier-I and Tier-II Exam are administered in various shifts, the scores will be normalized. The SSC will determine the normalization score, which will be taken as the final criterion for choosing candidates for the final selection. 

The notification states the following:

Tier 1: Objective Type โ€“ Computer Based Examination (CBT)
Tier 2: Objective Type โ€“ Computer Based Examination (CBT) followed by a Computer Test / Skill Test

Want to know more about SSC CGL

FAQs about SSC CGL Exam Pattern

What is the examination pattern of the SSC CGL exam?

One paper with four sectionsโ€”General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehensionโ€”makes up the Tier 1 SSC CGL test's exam structure. There are 100 questions on the paper, and there are 200 total marks. Quantitative Abilities, Statistics, and General Studies (Finance and Economics) each have 100 questions, while English Language and Comprehension have 200. Tier 2 consists of four examinations. Each of the four papers carries 200 marks. Tier 4 is a skill-based test, while Tier 3 is a descriptive test.

Has the SSC CGL pattern changed?

In 2016, the SSC CGL pattern changed. No personal interviews are done for any SSC CGL positions under the new pattern. Instead, depending on the position the candidates have applied for, the Tier 4 test comprises of either a Computer Proficiency Test or a Data Entry Skill Test.

Does the SSC CGL have a negative marking system?

Negative marking is allowed in the SSC CGL 2025 exam, yes. Each unsatisfactory response for Tier 1 and Tier 2 (Papers 1, 3, and 4) will be deducted 0.50 marks. There will be a 0.25 marks deduction for Paper 2 in Tier 2. Candidates should try to respond to the questions they are most familiar with.

What are the subjects to study for SSC CGL?

English, General Awareness and Current Affairs, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude are among the disciplines included in Tier 1 of the SSC CGL. The subjects in Tier 2 are General Studies (Finance and Economics), English Language Comprehension, Statistics, and Quantitative Ability. In Tier 3, candidates must attempt a descriptive paper in either Hindi or English to assess their proficiency in writing in that language.

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