TS PGECET 2025 Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus PDF - Download TS PGECET Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus Topic wise

Updated By Rupsa on 03 Oct, 2024 11:39

101 days Remaining for the exam

The TS PGECET Syllabus 2025 will be soon announced at pgecet.tsche.ac.in. Candidates appearing for the TS PGECET 2025 exam must keep an eye on the official website as well as on this page to find the syllabus for all papers.

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TS PGECET Instrumentation Engineering (EI) Syllabus 2025

Candidates preparing for the TG PGECET 2025 exam can download the syllabus including the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025 from the official exam website, pgecet.tsche.ac.in. The TG PGECET EI syllabus 2025 is divided into two sections, Engineering Mathematics, and Instrumentation Engineering, aspirants are required to attempt both sections. The TG PGECET 2025 Instrumentation Engineering syllabus provides a closer look at the detailed topics and helps students come up with an effective preparation study plan.

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TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus 2025 Topics

Candidates preparing for the TG PGECET 2025 exam should know all the important topics from the TG PGECET syllabus 2025. This helps students identify important topics and plan their preparations accordingly. In the following table, we have listed down all the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025 topics:  




Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra

Matrices and Determinants, Systems of Linear Equations, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Calculus: Mean Value Theorems, Theorems of Integral Calculus, Evaluation of Definite and Improper Integrals, Partial Derivatives, Maxima and Minima, Multiple Integrals, Fourier Series. Vector Identities, Directional Derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green's Theorems. 

Differential Equations

First Order Equation (Linear and Nonlinear), Higher Order Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Method of Variation of Parameters, Cauchy's and Euler's Equations, Initial and Boundary Value Problems, Partial Differential Equations and Variable Separable Method. 

Complex Variables

Analytic Functions, Cauchy's Integral Theorem and Integral Formula, Taylor's and Laurent's Series, Residue Theorem, Solution Integrals. 

Probability and Statistics

Probability, Sampling Theorems, Conditional Probability, Probability Density Function, Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation, Random Variables, Discrete and Continuous Distributions, Exponential, Poisson, Normal and Binomial Distribution, Correlation and Regression Analysis. 

Numerical Methods

Solutions of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations, Single and Multi-Step Methods for Differential Equations. 

Instrumentation Engineering

Electricity and Magnetism

Coulomb's Law, Electric Field Intensity, Electric Flux Density, Gauss's Law, Divergence, Electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions, Effect of dielectric medium, Capacitance of simple configurations, Biot-Savartโ€™s law, Ampereโ€™s law, Curl, Faradayโ€™s law, Lorentz force, Inductance, Magnetomotive force, Reluctance, Magnetic circuits, Self and Mutual inductance of simple configurations.

Electrical Circuits and Machines

Voltage and current sources: independent, dependent, ideal and practical; V-I relationships of resistor, inductor, mutual inductance and capacitor; transient analysis of RLC circuits with DC excitation.

Kirchoffโ€™s laws, Mesh and Nodal analysis, Superposition, Theveninโ€™s Nortonโ€™s, maximum power transfer and reciprocity theorems

Peak, Average and RMS values of AC quantities; apparent, active and reactive powers, Phasor analysis, Impedance and admittance, Series and parallel resonance, Locus diagrams, Realization of basic filters with R, L and C elements. transient analysis of RLC circuits with AC excitation. 

One-port and two-port networks, driving point impedance and admittance, open-, and short circuit parameters.

Single phase transformer: Equivalent circuit, Phasor diagram, Open circuit and Short circuit tests, Regulation and efficiency; Three phase induction motors: Principle of operation, Types, performance, Torque-speed characteristics, No-load and blocked rotor tests, Equivalent circuit, Starting and speed control; Types of losses and efficiency calculations of electric machines

Transducers, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation

Resistive, Capacitive, Inductive and Piezoelectric Transducers, Hall effect sensors and their Signal Conditioning. Measurement of Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration (Translational and Rotational), Force, Torque, Vibration and Shock. Measurement of Pressure, Flow, Temperature and Liquid Level. Measurement of Ph, Conductivity, Viscosity and Humidity.

Analog Electronics

Characteristics of Diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET. Diode Circuits. Transistors at Low and High Frequencies, Amplifiers: Single and Multi-Stage, Feedback Amplifiers. Operational Amplifiers, Characteristics and Circuit Configurations. Instrumentation Amplifier. Precision Rectifier. V-To-I and I-To-V Converter. OP-Amp Based Active Filters. Oscillators and Signal Generators. 

Digital Electronics

Combinational Logic Circuits, Minimization of Boolean Functions, IC Families, TTL, MOS and CMOS. Arithmetic Circuits. Comparators, Schmitt Trigger, Timers and Mono-Stable MultiVibrator, Sequential Circuits, Flip-Flops, Counters, Shift Registers. Multiplexer, S/H Circuit. Analog to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters. Basics of Number System. Microprocessor Applications, Memory and Input-Output interfacing, Microcontrollers. 

Signals, Systems and Communications

Periodic and Aperiodic Signals, Impulse Response, Transfer Function and Frequency Response of First- and Second Order Systems, Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform, Sampling Theorem, Z-Transform, Convolution, Correlation and Characteristics of Linear Time Invariant Systems. Discrete Time System, Impulse and Frequency Response. Pulse Transfer Function, Ideal filters: LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF, Amplitude and Frequency Modulation and Demodulation. Pulse Code Modulation. Frequency and Time Division Multiplexing. Amplitude Shift Keying, Frequency Shift Keying and Phase Shift Keying for Digital Modulation. 

Electrical and Electronic Measurements

Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Measurement Systems. Error and Uncertainty Analysis, Bridges and Potentiometers, Measurement of R, L and C. Measurements of Voltage, Current, Power, Power Factor and Energy. AC & DC Current Probes. Extension of Instrument Ranges. Q-Meter and Waveform Analyzer. Digital Voltmeter and Multimeter. Time, Phase and Frequency Measurements. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. Serial and Parallel Communication. Shielding and Grounding. 

Control Systems and Process Control

Feedback Principles. Signal Flow Graphs. Transient Response, Steady-State-Errors. Stability analysis using Routh and Nyquist Criteria. Bode Plot, Root Loci. Time Delay Systems. Phase and Gain Margin. State Space Representation of Systems. Mechanical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic System Components. Synchro Pair, Servo and Step Motors. on-off, Cascade, P, PI, PID, Feed Forward and Derivative Controller, Fuzzy Controllers.

Analytical, Optical and Biomedical Instrumentation

Mass Spectrometry. UV, Visible and IR Spectrometry. X-Ray and Nuclear Radiation Measurements. Optical Sources and Detectors, LED, Laser, PhotoDiode, Photo-Resistor and their Characteristics. Interferometers, Applications in Metrology. Basics of Fiber Optics. Biomedical Instruments, EEG, ECG and EMG. Ultrasonic Transducers and Ultrasonography. Principles of Computerized Tomography (CT) & Generations of CT

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TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering (EI) Syllabus 2025 PDF Download

Candidates can find the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025 on the official website as it highlights all the sections, chapters and topics to be studied for the exam. Alternately, they can can download the TG PGECET 2025 EI syllabus PDF by clicking on the link below: 

TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus 2025 Important Topics

Instrumentation Engineering syllabus for TG PGECET 2025 includes many topics from electrical circuits and electronics. Now that we have discussed all the topics from the TG PGECET EI syllabus 2025, letโ€™s have a look at some of the most important topics for the exam from the table below: 



Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, Numerical Methods

Analog Electronics

Main features of applications of the diode,  Amplifiers feedback, Applications of op-amps, etc, Zener diode Small-signal analysis of circuits

Circuits Electrical

Voltage and current sources, Transient analysis of RLC circuits with DC excitation, Impedance and admittance, realization of main filters with R, L, and C elements, driving point impedance, admittance, open-, and short circuit parameters Inductor, mutual inductor and capacitor

Control System

Feedback principles, Routh and Nyquist criteria, root loci, design of lead, state-space representation of systems, Time-delay systems, hydraulic and pneumatic system components

Signals and Systems

Periodic, aperiodic, and impulse signals Impulse response of systems; convolution, correlation. Discrete-time system: impulse Response, Fourier and z-transforms, Frequent response of main linear time-invariant systems, Frequent response


Systematic and random problems in measurement, expression of uncertainty - accuracy and precision index, propagation of errors, Measurement of voltage, current, and power in single and three-phase circuits, Bridges of measuring R, L, and C, Q-meter

Digital Electronics

Combinational logic circuits, sequential circuits, multi-vibrators, a sample-and-hold circuit, Multiplexer, sequential circuits, Schmitt trigger, minimization of Boolean functions, analog-digital, integrating, flash, and sigma-delta) and digital-to-analog converters.

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TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus 2025 Subject-Wise Weightage

The TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus is divided into 2 sections, Engineering Mathematics and Instrumentation Engineering. Even though the question paper largely features IN topics, candidates should know the complete marks weightage for each section. In the following table, we have provided the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025 subject-wise weightage:


Number of Questions


Instrumentation Engineering



Engineering Mathematics



Preparation Tips for TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering 2025 Syllabus

Candidates preparing for the TG PGECET EI exam should follow certain preparation tips and study techniques to help them score well in the upcoming exam. These TG PGECET preparation tips 2025 not only will help students keep a dedicated study plan but also help them assess their abilities and knowledge:

1. Refer to the syllabus: It is important to understand and only refer to the official TG PGECET Instrumental Engineering 2025 syllabus for a focused study plan. 

2. Understand the exam pattern: Students should also build a good understanding of the exam pattern including the marking scheme, and marks distribution, and identify important topics from the TG PGECET EI syllabus accordingly.

3. Prepare important topics: The most important topics such as Analog Electronics, Circuits Electrical, Control Systems, Signals and Systems, Measurements, and Digital Electronics should be covered first.

4. Practice numerical problems: Candidates should focus on sharpening their fundamental concepts by practicing more numerical problems and exercises.

5. Refer to Previous yearโ€™s question papers: Candidates should attempt solving the previous yearโ€™s question paper to understand the exam pattern, and marking scheme, and get familiar with the actual question papers.

6. Attempt Mock Tests: There are several online and offline mock test series that an aspiring candidate should participate in to assess their knowledge and understanding of the concepts.

7. Do timely revisions: Revising concepts and topics from the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025 helps in grasping the concepts.

Recommended Books for TG PGECET Instrumentations Engineering 2025 Syllabus

The following are some of the best-recommended books for the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering 2025 syllabus:

Name of the Book


Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku

Circuit Theory: Analysis and Synthesis

Abhijit Chakrabarti

A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentations

A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney

Network Analysis

M. E. Van Valkenburg

A Course in Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation

J. B. Gupta

Industrial Instrumentation And Control

S K Singh

Instrumentation Devices & Systems

D Patranabis

Principal of Instrumentation and Control

D Patranabis

Instrumentation Devices & Systems

C. S. Rangan

Electronic Devices And Circuits Theory

Robert L. Boylestad , Louis Nashelsky

Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuit

Jacob Millman , Christos Halkias , Chetan D Parikh

Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits

Ramakant A. Gayakwad

Microelectronic Circuits

Adel S. Sedra

Digital Principles And Applications

Leach P Donald

Fundamentals of digital circuits

A. Anand Kumar

Digital Logic and Computer Design

M. Morris Mano

Signals And Systems

A Nagoor Kani

Communication Systems

R P Singh and S P Sapre

Communication Systems: Analog and Digital

Sanjay Sharma

Principles of Communication Systems

Goutam Saha, Herbert Taub, Donald Schiling

Electronic Communication Systems

George Kennedy

A Course in Electrical And Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation

A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney

A Course in Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation

J. B. Gupta

Control Systems

Kumar A. Anand

Automatic Control Systems

Benjamin C Kuo

Linear Control Systems with MATLAB Application

B. S Manke

Problems and Solution of Control Systems with Essential Theory

A.K Jairath 

Modern Control Engineering

Katsuhiko Ogata

Control Systems Engineering

I. J. Nagrath, D. P. Kothari

Handbook Of Biomedical Instrumentation

R. S. Khandpur

Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements

Leslie Cromwell

Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice

John M. Senior

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FAQs about TS PGECET Syllabus

How to prepare for the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering?

Candidates can start preparations by understanding the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025 and identifying the most important topics from the syllabus. 

Is Engineering Mathematics a subject in the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus?

Yes, Engineering Mathematics is a subject in the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus featuring topics such as Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.

What is the weightage of the Instrumentation Engineering in TG PGECET EI syllabus?

The Instrumentation Engineering section features 110 questions in the TG PGECET EI exam. 

What are some of the best books to cover the TG PGECET EI syllabus 2025?

Industrial Instrumentation And Control, Instrumentation Devices & Systems, Principal of Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation Devices & Systems, and Electronic Devices And Circuits Theory are some of the most recommended books to cover the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus. 

How to download the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025?

Candidates can download the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025 pdf file from the official exam website, pgecet.tsche.ac.in.

What are some of the most important topics in the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus 2025?

Analog Electronics, Circuits Electrical, Control Systems, Signals and Systems, Measurements, and Digital Electronics are some of the most important topics in the TG PGECET Instrumentation Engineering syllabus.

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