TS PGECET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Maushumi on 26 Aug, 2024 19:32

91 days Remaining for the exam

Candidates who are willing to take admission to the postgraduate courses of engineering, agriculture, and pharmacy courses must know all the essential preparation techniques required to qualify for TS PGECET 2025.

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TS PGECET 2025 Preparation Strategy

JNTU on behalf of TSCHE will conduct the TS PGECET 2025 examination for admission into Master's degree programs in the field of Engineering, Architecture and Planning. Keeping in mind the competitive nature of the examination it is important to develop a strong TS PGECET preparation strategy 2024 to obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the exam. Candidates should focus on creating a proper preparation strategy to be successful in the TS PGECET 2025 examination.

A proper preparation strategy for the TS PGECET 2025 exam will not only help in increasing the expertise and awareness of a particular topic but also assist in understanding the key concepts of the subject. The TS PGECET 2025 preparation tips will help the aspirants score well and obtain better results in the upcoming exams. Candidates should be aware that different subjects will require different preparation strategies therefore candidates should have a proper strategy for each course on how to prepare for TS PGECET 2025.

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How to Prepare for TS PGECET 2025?

Preparation for any exam involves proper planning and strategy development before the exam and also on the day of the exam. Candidates who are willing to take admission to the postgraduate courses of engineering, agriculture, and pharmacy courses might be looking for how to prepare for TS PGECET 2025. Having an idea of how to prepare for TS PGECET 2025 will enable candidates to plan appropriately for the exam and score high marks in the exam. Here is a compilation of the best TS PGECET preparation tips and tricks to be successful in qualifying for the entrance exam.

Knowing the TS PGECET 2025 Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Under the engineering stream, there are different courses that a candidate can opt for in the TS PGECET 2025 exam. Therefore the TS PGECET Syllabus 2025 will also differ for every course. Having an in-depth understanding of the exam syllabus will help the candidates to excel in their exam preparation. Candidates should also be well aware of the TS PGECET Exam Pattern 2025 to prepare for the TS PGECET 2025 exam. Awareness of the exam syllabus and exam pattern are prerequisites for every candidate to complete the exam. 

Solving Mock Tests and Previous Year Question Papers

No one can deny the importance of mock tests and solving previous year's question papers when it comes to preparing for any exam. One of the best sources of time management skills required during the exam is practicing mock test papers. Moreover, another essential source of preparation for the TS PGECET exam is practicing TS PGECET Previous Year Question Papers. Previous year question papers help candidates to know the weightage of each topic for each subject and it becomes helpful for candidates to know their core areas of strength and weakness thereby allowing them to improve. Thus practicing mock test series and solving previous year question papers is another way candidates can incorporate in their TS PGECET 2025 preparation strategy. 

Reference Materials 

Reference materials are a great resource to prepare for any competitive examination. Selecting the correct reference material will prepare for the TS PGECET exam more clearly, viable, and successfully. With the right study materials at their disposal, candidates can clear the exam with flying colours. Therefore, candidates must select the reference materials for themselves in advance and incorporate this in their TS PGECET 2025 preparation strategy.   

Following a Proper Study Schedule 

Placing a well-planned study schedule at your study table is another important aspect of  TS PGECET 2025 preparation. Without proper planning and strategy, candidates will not be able to be consistent in their TS PGECET 2025 exam preparation. Furthermore, without consistency, it becomes quite difficult to be successful in such competitive exams. Study schedule also gives aspirants a direction on which topics and subjects they need to cover before the exams. Focusing on the important sections also becomes important before the exam therefore candidates should keep a well-planned study schedule at their disposal during their preparation. 

Focus on Basics

Having a strong foundation in each subject enables a candidate to have a competitive advantage over others. Candidates whose basics are quite strong can easily prepare for the TS PGECET 2025 examination. This gives the candidates greater confidence, self-belief and interest in studying the subjects for the exam. A strongly laid foundation helps aspirants to even answer questions about topics that they have not studied well for the exam. 

Make Revision Notes 

For the TS PGECET 2025 examination, there are multiple topics that candidates need to prepare for. A day before the exam, it is not possible for candidates to read the entire book for the subject nor to chalk out each important section for the subject. The exam pressure engulfs the candidates during the last two days before the examination. One way to work less on the last day before the exam and concentrate more for D-day is by making running notes during the preparation phase. Making running notes of the sections that are important, the sections that a candidate seems to be confusing and difficult is an important strategy for TS PGECET preparation.  

Revise and Practice Wisely

Once a candidate arrives in the last week or last two weeks before the examination it becomes more challenging for the candidate to focus on their studies. It is advised to make a strategy of how to revise the important topics and practice more and more questions. Revising the important sections over and over again from their notebook will help them quickly cover the sections of the different subjects without wasting much time. At the same time practicing questions will enable the candidates to develop confidence in attempting more and more questions in the exam. 

Take Advantage of the Exam Pattern

As stated above, the importance of knowing the exam pattern is a strategy that candidates should focus more on and make a part of their TS PGECET 2025 preparation strategy. This strategy can ensure whether the candidate will cross the cutoff marks or not. In the TS PGECET 2025 exam pattern, candidates should know that there is no negative marking. Therefore, candidates should focus on attempting more and more questions in the exam without the fear of losing marks to questions that they do not know. Attempting more questions creates a possibility that a few answers that are marked might be correct which will help the candidate cross the necessary cut-off marks. 

Develop Answer Attempting Methods

To ensure that the candidates cross the minimum cut-off marks in such competitive exams, studying only is not the best alternative. One must develop techniques to correctly respond to the questions. But the question remains how to correctly answer the questions since the TS PGECET paper is objective-based and not subjective. One method a candidate can easily focus on is the elimination method. Here, aspirants can easily omit the two wrong options among the four responses that are given in the question sheet. This method helps the candidate to easily identify the correct answer since he/she has to choose from only two options. Therefore, using such small tricks during the exam will help candidates to be successful. 

Importance of Hard Work and Smart Work

Another important strategy of how to prepare for the TS PGECET examination is to know when to work hard and when to work smartly. Keeping in mind the tentative exam schedule for the exam, candidates can divide the syllabus that they intend to complete. During the last three months, candidates must work very hard to cover the sections that are important and confusing to them. Making short notes, practising MCQs from the important sections, and solving previous year's questions from sections that are confusing are some ways that a candidate can work. During the last month before the exam, candidates can only revise the portions that they have covered during the last three to four months. This helps to eliminate the final stress before the exam. 

Importance of Stressbusters

During the preparation phase, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and including stressbusters in the middle of studying is important. This helps to keep a better focus and study long hours which is quite important for candidates' TS PGECET 2025 preparation. Taking a walk inside the house, having a glass of juice, listening to songs, talking to friends, and taking a night walk after dinner helps to remove the extra stress that aspirants take. A tight sleep during the night is equally important to make a candidate feel relaxed the next day and also on the day of the exam. 

TS PGECET 2025 Syllabus

JNTU will shortly release the TS PGECET 2025 syllabus for the candidates willing to take admission in different courses around the state of Telangana. Each candidate must have a thorough knowledge of the syllabus of each course. Knowing the syllabus helps candidates to accelerate their TS PGECET 2025 preparation. A good awareness of the syllabus enables the candidate to know the chapters, units, and important topics for the exam. Therefore, the candidates should have a complete grasp of the syllabus of the exam, which is a cornerstone of the TS PGECET 2025 preparation strategy. Aspirants who are planning to appear for the TS PGECET 2025 exams can click on the links given below in the table.

TS PGECET Exam Pattern 2025

Candidates should be very well aware of the TS PGECET 2025 exam pattern to prepare for the exam. The exam pattern of the TS PGECET enables the candidate to better comprehend the format and structure of the paper. The TS PGECET exam pattern includes the section-wise marks distribution, types of questions, duration of the exam and the number of questions. Let's take a brief look at the table below to know the exam pattern in a better way and also be well acquainted with how to prepare for TS PGECET 2025. 



Mode of the exam

CBT (Computer-based exam)

Language of the exam


Type of Questions


Time duration of TS PGECET 2024

2 hours

Number of sections

The exam will have 2 sections -

  • Mathematics
  • The subject is chosen by the candidate

Number of Questions

There will be total of 120 questions -

  • Mathematics - 10 Questions
  • The subject is chosen by the candidate - 110 Questions

Total Marks

120 Marks

Marking Scheme

  • Candidates will be awarded 1 mark for each correct answer
  • There will be no negative marking
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Best Books for TS PGECET 2025

There are a lot of books that are available in the market which give the candidates a fair idea of the syllabus and how to prepare for TS PGECET 2025. However, selecting the correct books is of utmost importance as it gives the candidates the correct direction for the exam including focusing on the major topics that are important from the exam point of view. Few available books also have MCQs at the end of every chapter thus enabling the aspirants to prepare themselves extensively. Candidates can follow the table below to know the best books that are important for the upcoming TS PGECET 2024 examination. 

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by J. M. Smith and H. C. Van Ness

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering with a Flight Test Perspective (Aerospace Series) by Stephen Corda

The Engineering of Chemical Reactions by L. D. Schmidt

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Third Edition by John Enderle,โ€Ž Joseph Bronzino

Plant Design And Economics (3rd Edition) by Max Peters, Klaus Timmerhaus, Ronald West

Handbook of Civil Engineering by RPH Editorial Board

Engineering Thermodynamics by Cengel A Boles

Handbook of Computer Science & IT by Surbhi Mitra

Unit operations-I & II, Heat and Mass transfer by K.A.Gavhane

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Third Edition by John Enderle,โ€Ž Joseph Bronzino

Engineering Mathematics by IES Master Team

Mechanical Engineering For Competitions by R.K. JAIN

GATE Engineering Mathematics for all streams by Abhinav Goel, Suraj Singh

Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications by Mansi Karkare

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