TS POLYCET Sample Papers with Solutions and Answer Keys PDF

Updated By Lipi on 26 Feb, 2025 23:28

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TS POLYCET Sample Paper

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TS POLYCET Sample Papers

TS POLYCET sample papers are the best practice resource for the TS POLYCET exam. Solving the TS POLYCET sample papers will help you in boosting your confidence and speed along with accuracy. You will be able to understand the exam pattern and weightage of the exam. One of the major advantages of solving sample papers is that the TS POLYCET 2025 syllabus will be covered thoroughly and you will be familiar with the types of questions that will be asked. To crack the test with a good score, you must also study with the top books for TS POLYCET 2025. TS POLYCET sample papers PDF can be downloaded from this page.

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Steps to download TS POLYCET Sample Papers

The steps to download the sample papers of TS POLYCET have been explained below. You need to check them in case of any confusion.

  • You need to click on the links that highlight the sample paper PDFs of TS POLYCET
  • The TS POLYCET sample paper PDF of the same will be opened
  • You need to download the sample paper and practice

Advantages of Practicing TS POLYCET Sample Papers

While preparing for TS POLYCET sample papers should practice them to get the following advantages:-

  • Practicing the TS POLYCET sample papers, accuracy will be increased. You will be able to complete the paper on time.
  • If you practice the TS POLYCET sample papers, you will be aware of the question paper pattern, nature of the questions, and weightage of the questions.
  • You will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Also Read: TS POLYCET 2025 Exam Dates

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TS POLYCET Sample Questions

While preparing for the exam, you must solve the TS POLYCET sample questions from the previous year's papers. It will help you to understand the difficulty level and analyze the exam preparation. Check out the TS POLYCET important questions given below:-

Q1- What is the slurry mass of food that forms in the mouth due to chewing called?

  1. Chyme 
  2. Chyle
  3. Bolus
  4. Pellets

Q2- Convex lens is used in the microscope due to the following reason

  1. It gives a diminished image
  2.  It gives a magnified virtual image on the same side of the object
  3. The real image behind the screen
  4.  It gives a magnified real image on the opposite side of the lens

Q3- If the refracted rays from a convex lens are traveling parallel to the principal axis, then the main distance is

  1. Equal to object distance
  2. Infinity
  3. Equal to the radius of curvature of the lens
  4. Equal to the focal length of the lens

Q4- The empirical relation between Mean, Median, and Mode is

  1. Mode + Median = 4 Median - 3 Mean
  2. Mode - Median = 2 (Median - Mean) 
  3. Mode Median = 2 (Median + Mean)
  4. Mode + Median = 4 Median + 3 Mean

Q5- Amorphous allotrope of carbon is

  1. Buckminsterfullerene
  2. Graphite
  3. Coal
  4. Diamond

Q6- In which chamber of the human heart the blood is low in oxygen?

  1. Right atrium
  2. Right ventricle
  3. Left atrium
  4. Right atrium and Right ventricle

Q7- Coal, Petroleum (oil), and Natural Gas belong to which type of fuels?

  1. Chemical fuels
  2. Sunlight
  3. Fossil fuels
  4. Water

Q8- In a series connection of resistors, if one of the resistors breaks down, then

  1. The circuit is open and no current flows in the circuit
  2. Current increases in other resistors
  3. Current remains the same in other resistors
  4. Current decreases in other resistors a little

TS POLYCET OMR Sheet Instructions

TS POLYCET 2025 exam will be held in online mode and includes MCQ-type questions. You need to answer the questions in the OMR sheet. Only some people are aware of how the TS POLYCET OMR sheet should be utilized. Therefore, we have provided important instructions regarding the TS POLYCET OMR Sheet:-

  • Always carry a ballpoint pen in either black or blue; other colors are not permitted.
  • Carefully fill in or darken each pertinent Circle and Box on the OMR page.
  • If any fields are filled in inaccurately, the answer sheet will become invalid.
  • On side 1 of the OMR Sheet, use a ballpoint pen to fill in the following details: your name, hall pass number, exam center name, date of the exam, and signature.
  • On the response page, do not scribble or create any other marks than where to write the answers and other pertinent information.
  • Instead of checking any response, shade the relevant circle.
  • It is forbidden to shade more than one response for a single question.

Want to know more about TS POLYCET


How many TS POLYCET sample papers should I solve to score good marks in the exam?

Once you have studied your syllabus try to solve as many TS POLYCET sample papers as possible for better exam preparation.

Can I expect questions to be repeated from TS POLYCET sample papers?

We can't predict whether the question will be repeated from the TS POLYCET sample paper or not. But, you can expect questions from repeated topics in the sample papers.

What are the benefits of solving the TS POLYCET sample papers?

By attempting the TS POLYCET sample papers you will be able to understand the exam pattern well, your time management skills will improve and you will work on your mistakes. 


What is the duration of the TS POLYCET 2024 entrance exam?

The TS POLYCET 2024 exam is conducted for 2 hours 30 minutes.

How many questions are there in TS POLYCET 2024 PCM subjects?

There are a total of 120 questions asked in TS POLYCET 2024 question paper.

Is there any negative marking for TS POLYCET 2024 entrance exam?

Candidates are rewarded with a +1 mark for the correct answer and no there are no provisions of negative marking in TS POLYCET 2024.

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