ANU PGCET 2025 Counselling - Registration, Documents, Seat Allotment, Fees, Procedure and Online Reporting

Updated By Sakunth Kumar on 30 Nov, 2020 12:58

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ANUPGCET Counselling Process 2020 (Started)

The first phase of the counselling process of ANUPGCET 2020 has been extended for all the candidates who had qualified the entrance exam till 27th November. In ANUPGCET, the selection of the candidates for admission will be done on the basis of the rank obtained by them in the entrance exam. As a part of the ANUPGCET  2020 counselling process, candidates have to carry various documents at the counseling venue. 

The result of ANUPGCET 2020 was declared in the month of October 2020. On the order of merit, the admission was given to the candidates and they were allotted a seat into various courses. Candidates were required to pay a non-refundable fee as a part of the counselling process in order to confirm the acceptance of the allotted seat.

Candidates must note that the admission process of ANUPGCET 2020 will continue unless all the seats have been filled.

Upcoming Exams :

ANU PGCET 2020 Counselling Schedule

ANU PGCET 2020 Phase 1 Counselling Schedule





31st October 2020

10 AM


1st to last


1st to last

12 Noon

NCC/CAP all courses (except BFA, M.P.Ed, M.Ed)

1st to last

2 PM


1st to last

PwD/Sports all courses (except BFA, M.P.Ed, M.Ed)

1st to last

01st November 2020

9 AM

Chemical Sciences

1 to 300

2 PM

301 to 600

9 AM

Social Sciences

1 to 300

2 PM

301 to 600

02nd November 2020

9 AM

Chemical Sciences

601 to 900

2 PM

901 to 1200

9 AM


1 to 300

2 PM

301 to Last Rank

03rd November 2020

9 AM

Chemical Sciences

1201 to last rank

2 PM

Mathematical Sciences

1 to 300

9 AM

Physical Sciences

1 to 300

2 PM

301 to Last Rank

04th November 2020

9 AM

Mathematical Sciences

301 to 600

2 PM

601 to 900

9 AM

Life Sciences

1 to 300

2 PM

301 to 600

05th November 2020

9 AM

Mathematical Sciences

901 to last rank

2 PM


1 to last rank

9 AM

Life Sciences

601 to 900

2 PM

901 to 1200

06th November 2020

9 AM

Life Sciences

1201 to last rank

Detailed ANUPGCET 2020 Counselling Process

To participate in the counselling process, candidates can check the detailed ANUPGCET 2020 counseling procedure that has been mentioned below:

  • On the basis of marks obtained in the ANUPGCET 2020, the order of merit will be decided. If there is a tie, then the same will be resolved on the basis of percentage obtained in the qualifying entrance exam. And if the tie still prevails, then it will be resolved on the basis of marks scored by the candidates in the Group subjects of the qualifying examination. Still, if the tie persists, then the date of birth in favor of elder candidates will be considered.

  • At the time of counselling, candidates are required to pay the processing fee and prescribed admissions fee in single installment failing which he/she has to forfeit his / her seat.

  • Candidates must note that their selection shall be done on the basis of the rank scored in the entrance exam. Note: On the basis of the marks obtained in the entrance test and weightage of marks for sports achievements will be done for M.P.Ed. admission. 

  • In case a candidate who has once opted for a course and has been allotted a seat will be allowed to change the course which he/she already opted for. This shall be subject to the availability of seats on payment of INR 300/- for the first time and on payment of INR 500/- for the second and final time. However, the change, of course, is limited to the entrance test he/she attempted.

  • It should be noted by the candidates that the purpose of reimbursement of fee, the income certificate is invariably to be issued by M.R.O. If at the time of counselling, the original certificates are not submitted by the candidate, they will have to pay the total prescribed fee on par with the candidates of other categories and no concession will be allowed by the allocating authority. Additionally, the income certificate of the parent/ guardian issued by M.R.O. is valid if it is issued within six months from the date of ANUPGCET counselling 2020. 

  • All the candidates who have taken admission into the PG courses of ANU and entitled for fee reimbursement of INR 20,000/- shall pay INR 100/- additionally.

  • Candidates failing to report to the allocating authority (Director, Directorate of Admissions) when his / her rank or name has been announced, will be considered for seat allotment at the end of that session. However, this will be subject to availability of seats. 

Documents Required During ANUPGCET Counselling 2020

At the time of counselling and seat allotment process of ANUPGCET, given below is the list of documents that will be required for ANUPGCET qualified candidates:

  • ANUPGCET Rank Card 2020

  • ANUPGCET Hall Ticket 2020

  • Qualifying degree certificate (Original/Provisional)

  • Qualifying degree marksheet (Consolidated/3-year marks statement)

  • Class XIIth certificate (Intermediate certificate)

  • Date of Birth certificate (Class Xth certificate etc)

  • Transfer certificate

  • Conduct certificates (from class IX to degree)

  • Study Certificates (from class IX to degree)

  • EWS category certificate (if applicable)

  • residence certificate (7 years preceding to qualifying examination)

  • Caste certificate

  • Income certificates of parents

  • NCC/Sports/PwD/CAP certificate

  • Migration certificate (for candidates outside Acharya Nagarjuna University)

  • Two sets of copies of all the documents listed above

Seat Cancellation in ANUPGCET Counselling 2020

Following is the process of seat cancellation in ANUPGCET counselling 2020:

  • After the seat allotment is done and candidates have been allotted seats in a particular course, then, they will have to join in that course and the college on or before the stipulated time frame. In case a candidate fails to report, then, the allotted seat will automatically be cancelled and it will be allotted to the next candidate in order of merit.

  • The allotted seat will be cancelled on request if he/she gets a seat in another University or get a job.

  • For the two reasons that are mentioned above, if the seat allotted to a candidate is cancelled, then, the total fee paid by the candidate will be refunded after deducting 10% of it. However, the processing fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

  • In case the candidate cancels the seat which has been already allotted to him or her and has also not paid the fee, then such candidate will have to pay  10% of course fee to receive the original certificates. However, cancellation of the seat is allowed only before the closure of the admissions for the academic year 2019-20.

  • Once the admissions are closed, and then if any candidate wishes to cancel the seat, then, the penalties he/she is required to pay will be decided by the Registrar, A.N.U. based on the merits of the case.

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