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ANU PGCET 2020 hall tickets have been released on the official website of Acharya Nagarjuna University, DoA. The release of the ANU PGCET 2020 hall tickets was delayed due to the postponement of the examination schedule because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is advisable for the candidates to download their respective admit cards on time to avoid any last moment whimsicalities. All the information related to the hall ticket / admit of ANU PGCET has been provided by us in this section.
ANUPGCET Hall Ticket 2020 - Direct Link to Download
It is to be noted that the examinees will have to carry id proof along with their respective admits cards in order to justify the information present on the ANU PGCET hall ticket.
CollegeDekho has also provided the candidates with the steps which are to be followed by them in order to download the ANU PGCET 2020 hall tickets in the section below. To know more about this particular topic, candidates should give this page a read.
The important dates related to the admit card or hall ticket of ANU PGCET 2020 has been provided in the table below:
Events | Date |
Release of the ANU PGCET 2020 Admit Card | Released |
Date of the Entrance | 10th & 11th October 2020 (Click here for the detailed exam time table) |
We have provided the steps in a sequential manner in the pointers below:
Candidates should visit the official website of the ANU PGCET 2020 with the help of the direct link provided above.
There will be a link for admit cards on the homepage of the official website.
Candidates should click on the link.
A page will open up asking for certain personal login details.
Once the candidates submit the required details, the respective admit cards will get displayed on the screen.
Candidates are advised to download their respective admit cards.
They should also take printouts of it for future use.
Given below are certain pointers regarding the ANU PGCET 2020 admit cards which should be kept in the minds of the candidates:
Candidates should carry a hard copy of their respective admit cards to the venue of the examination.
It is necessary for the candidates to check the details on the admit cards before downloading it.
Candidates will have to have to carry certain other documents along with their admit cards. These documents include an ID proof and recent passport-sized photograph.
If the candidates do not fulfil the criteria of required documents, they wonโt be allowed to appear in the entrance.
The admit cards for ANU PGCET 2020 will not be sent to the candidates by any offline mode.
The admit cards of ANU PGCET should be kept in proper shape. Distortion found in the admit cards might lead to cancellation of the candidature.
As mentioned earlier, there are certain important details mentioned on the admit cards of ANU PGCET 2020. We have listed the details down for the benefits of the candidates.
Candidateโs Name
Date of Birth of the Candidate
Fatherโs Name
Signature of the Candidate
Candidateโs Photograph
Exam Date
Examination Centre
Roll Number of the Candidate
Registration number of the Candidate
Candidates will have to carry an id proof along with them to justify the personal details given on the admit cards of ANU PGCET 2020. We have provided a list of options among which the candidates can choose any:
Aadhar Card
Voter Id Card
Driving License
Pan Card
Admit card is considered to the most important documents which consist of certain information about the candidates. Candidates should be very careful to check if the details are correct while downloading their respective admit cards. If the information present on the hall ticket or admit card is incorrect, they should immediately report to the examination conducting authority. It is to be noted that candidates having wrong details mentioned in the admit card will not be allowed to sit for the entrance examination.
We have provided the contact details of the examination conducting authority below.
GUNTUR - 522510.
Cellphone - 0863-2346138/2346171
E-mail - diranuadmissions@gmail.com
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