63 days Remaining for the exam
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The result of ANU PGCET 2020 has been declared on the official website of Acharya Nagarjuna University in online mode. The qualifying status and the rank card is also available for the candidates who appeared for ANU PGCET 2020. In order to check the results, candidates will be required to enter their roll number on the official website of the university. The ANU PGCET 2020 result will display the overall marks scored by the candidate in the entrance exam.
Candidates must note that after the result declaration of ANU PGCET 2020, the rank list will be announced on the basis of a candidateโs score in the entrance examination. Additionally, all the candidates who have qualified ANU PGCET 2020 will be selected to participate in the counselling process.
By following the table given below, candidates can cross-check the result dates of ANU PGCET 2020:
Events | Dates |
ANU PGCET 2020 Exam Date | 10th October and 11th October 2020 (Click here for the detailed exam time table) |
Declaration of ANU PGCET 2020 Result | To be Announced |
The result of ANU PGCET 2020 will be available in online mode on the official website of Acharya Nagarjuna University. By following the steps given below, candidates can download their results of ANU PGCET 2020:
Aspirants have to go to the official website of Acharya Nagarjuna University.
A new window will open where candidates will have to enter their Roll Number.
Click on the 'Submit' tab to view 'ANU PGCET 2020 result'.
After submitting all the necessary details, ANU PGCET 2020 result will be displayed on the screen.
Test takers must download the ANU PGCET 2020 result and also save a printed copy of the same for future reference.
The rank card of ANU PGCET 2020 will be declared in an online mode only. The rank card of the candidates who have appeared for the exam will have some important information about them mentioned in it. Candidates must check the below-mentioned details carefully while checking their ANU PGCET 2020 result. The important details mentioned in the rank card are as follows:
Name of the candidate
Roll number of the candidate
Fatherโs name
Date of birth
Exam qualifying status
Total score
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