CAT Percentile Predictor 2025: Predict Your CAT 2025 Score Here

Updated By Aarushi Jain on 19 Mar, 2025 11:05

The CAT Percentile Predictor is a helpful tool that test-takers can utilize to estimate their percentile based on their exam performance in comparison with peers. It considers various factors like attempts, marks, and trends to provide a predicted rank, helping you understand where you stand among competitors.

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CAT Percentile Predictor 2025

Predict your Percentile for CAT 2025 here.
  • MCQ - Total(49 questions )
  • Non MCQ - Total(17 questions )

Note - This prediction is as per result and exam analysis of last few CAT exam papers.

What is CAT Percentile Predictor 2025?

CAT Percentile Predictor 2025 is a tool designed to estimate the percentile you might get in the exam based on their expected or actual CAT raw score. You can get an idea of how you performed in the CAT 2025, which is expected to be held on November 30, 2025, using the CAT 2025 rank predictor. Way before the official results are released, the percentile predictor can help you anticipate your probable scores for which you can determine whether your score aligns with the percentile range required for your desired colleges.

CollegeDekho's CAT percentile calculator not only allows one to calculate their estimated CAT Percentile but also suggests a list of colleges that are best suited for their percentile score, enabling candidates to choose appropriate CAT participating colleges for admission. You can also utilize our CAT college predictor 2025 to get an idea of the college you might get admitted to based on your predicted CAT 2025 rank/percentile. 

Also Read: CAT Score vs Percentile 2025

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How to Use CollegeDekho's CAT Percentile Predictor 2025?

To use our CAT percentile predictor 2025, follow the steps given below.

CollegeDekho CAT percentile predictor 2024

  • The first box is for 'No of Correct Attempts' wherein you will have to enter the number of questions attempted by you correctly.
  • The second box is for 'No of Incorrect Attempts' wherein you will have to enter the number of questions attempted by you incorrectly.
  • The final box is for 'No of Correct Attempts for Non-MCQs' wherein you will have to answer the number of Non-MCQ questions, you have attempted correctly.
  • You should enter all the details correctly as the final prediction will be made after considering the data entered by you. Verify the data before submitting it.

CAT Percentile Predictor 2

  • After clicking on submit, you will be asked to register with CollegeDekho for more information on your CAT percentile predictions and suggested list of colleges. Enter the required details which include your Name, Phone Number, and Email Address.
  • After entering all the necessary contact details you can click on submit and view your predicted CAT 2025 percentile score.

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What is CAT Percentile?

A percentile is regarded as a unit used to calculate/ evaluate the percentage of students above or below you in the merit list. For example, if you score 70 percentile in CAT, it means that 70% of students who appeared in the entrance test scored less than you. Therefore, candidates securing 70 percentile or above indicate their position in the top 30% of applicants who appeared for the exam.

Let us look at another example to make it clearer. If two lakh students take the CAT exam, at least 20% of students (40,000 students) would come under the 80-100 percentile range. Therefore, the percentile secured by the candidates in the CAT exam is suggestive of their position and does not indicate the marks they score in the CAT exam.

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How to Calculate CAT Percentile?

The percentage of students on the merit list that are either above or below you is measured using a percentile. For example, if you scored in the 80 percentile on the CAT, it indicates that 80% of the students who took the exam scored less than you. The CAT percentile score calculation 2025 has been explained in the PDF below, which was released by IIM Calcutta.

Candidates can calculate the CAT 2025 percentile for a sectional as well as an overall paper following the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Note the total number of candidates (N) who appeared for the paper in the morning and afternoon sessions.

Step 2: A scaled score is obtained for each section, and the overall scaled score is obtained after the normalization process. Candidates will be assigned a rank (r) based on the scaled score. 

Step 3: Calculate the percentile score. The formula to calculate sectional as well as the overall CAT percentile of each candidate is the same, which is mentioned below:

P = (R/N) ร— 100


P = Percentile score

R = Rank of the candidate assigned based on scaled CAT score or the total number of candidates who rank below you.

N = Number of candidates who appeared in CAT 2025 (both morning and evening sessions)

There is an alternative method to calculate the CAT percentile that is provided below:

Percentiles in the CAT exam are just like percentiles in other exams. The percentiles are just a representation/ indication of the number of people who are behind you in the test. The General formula to calculate percentile, along with some of the examples in this regard, are elaborated below.

Percentile = ( 1 - All India Rank (Total Candidates in the Exam) * 100%

Example: Let us assume that 50 candidates appeared for the CAT exam. You have done well in the exam and scored 3rd rank in the entrance test, which means that 47 students scored less than you. Now, your percentile should be calculated as follows: -

47/50*100 = 94 Percentile.

Step 4: Round off the calculated CAT 2025 percentile score of a candidate up to two decimal points. The CAT 2025 percentile score for the other two sections, i.e. DILR and VARC in CAT 2025 are also calculated similarly. 

After looking at the instances above, candidates might question how several people achieve the 100 percentile in the CAT. Well, rounding off is the reason it occurs. Candidates should be aware that the percentage on the CAT scores is displayed up to two decimal places. We will therefore need to round it off. If we must round this to two decimal places, we should do so to the hundredth percentile.

The aspirants should be aware that there is no unique CAT scoring system that can be used to determine the precise score that applicants must obtain to be included on the top list of the CAT 99 percentile league. The percentage on the CAT exam is assessed in line with the exam's degree of difficulty.

Top Management Colleges :

CAT Score vs Percentile 2025

Given below is the expected CAT score vs percentile 2025 candidates can refer to get an estimate of how much score is required to achieve a certain percentile.

CAT Percentile

VARC Score

DILR Score

QA Score

Overall Score

99 %ile





98 %ile



































Also Read: 

What are the Benefits of Using CAT Percentile Predictor 2025?

Even though the rank is just an estimated one, our CAT Score Calculator offers several benefits to the candidates. Some of them are: 

  • Using the CAT Percentile Predictor tool, the test-takers will know their estimated ranks even before the official CAT result announcements.
  • Candidates can be well prepared for the final CAT results using the CAT rank predictor.
  • Candidates can compare the ranks and plan accordingly for getting MBA admission to their preferred MBA colleges.
  • With the help of our CAT Score Predictor, you will get an idea of where you stand amidst the competition and make an informed decision.

People Also Ask:

Que: What is the CAT Percentile Predictor tool?

Ans: The CAT Percentile Predictor tool is a calculator that helps you predict your CAT percentile based on your performance in the exam. The CAT percentile calculator 2025 not only allows one to calculate their estimated CAT Percentile but also helps them get a fair idea of their overall performance in the exam.

Que: Does the CAT percentile predictor tool give accurate results?

Ans: The name CAT Percentile Predictor indicates that it can only predict the percentile. CollegeDekho CAT percentile calculator is made to give the most accurate result. Therefore, any predictor tool of CAT is not 100% accurate. However, most predictor tools of CAT give 80 - 99% accurate results.

CAT 2025 Percentile Predictor: Key Features

The key features of the CAT percentile predictor 2025 tool have been mentioned below:

  • The CAT percentile predictor 2025 enables the test-takers to predict their percentile before the results are announced.
  • The accuracy of the CAT percentile calculator 2025 depends upon the details entered by the students.
  • CAT rank predictor 2025 indicates the percentile for the difficulty level of the exam shift based on studentsโ€™ experience and expert analysis of the exam.
  • CAT percentile predictor 2025 will give college and branch preferences with which students will have an easier time in selecting their desired MBA colleges.

People Also Ask:

Que: How to use CAT Percentile Predictor?

Ans: It's easy to use the CAT Percentile Predictor on CollegeDekho. Simply input the number of questions you answered correctly and the number of questions you answered incorrectly for both multiple-choice and non-multiple-choice questions. Then, click on the Submit button and your estimated CAT percentile will be shown on the screen.

Que: Why use the CAT Percentile Predictor?

Ans: The CAT Percentile Predictor free tool is a useful resource to help you estimate your CAT percentile. This can assist you in narrowing down your college choices and selecting the best fit for your needs. By targeting the most suitable colleges, you can set realistic goals and work towards achieving them.

CAT Percentile Predictor: Important Points to Remember

Before using the CAT percentile predictor, aspirants must know certain aspects of the tool to avoid confusion. The CAT percentile predictor is a very sophisticated tool that uses the information provided by the candidate to determine the CAT percentile of a student as accurately as possible. However, since the CAT percentile score calculation process used by the IIMs may differ from the process used by the CAT percentile predictor tool, deviations, and other variations are possible. Nonetheless, candidates must not worry about these slight variations since the difference between their predicted CAT percentile that they find using the CAT percentile predictor tool and their actual CAT percentile is negligible. Take a look at some of these important points before using the CAT percentile predictor tool:

  • Candidates may expect a deviation of around 0.5%ile since a prediction accuracy of 97.7% for candidates scoring above 98%ile and 95.6% accuracy for candidates scoring above 95%ile is expected when using the CAT percentile predictor tool.
  • Students may expect a deviation of around 1%ile since the prediction accuracy of 97.7%ile for candidates scoring above 98%ile, 97.5% accuracy for candidates scoring above 95%ile, and 92.3% accuracy for candidates scoring above 90%ile is expected.
  • It is important to note that the accuracy of the CAT percentile predictor tool is directly related to the accuracy of the information provided by the candidate. If a candidate provides inaccurate information they are bound to receive inaccurate results. Thus, it is advised that candidates first make sure that they are sure of details like their Number of Correct Attempts, Number of Incorrect Attempts, etc.
  • Candidates must also note that the CAT percentile predictor takes into account information like 
    • Total number of candidates who appeared in the CAT exam
    • Candidate performance relative to other examinees
    • Session-wise difficulty level of CAT
    • Section-wise difficulty level of CAT
  • Candidates must keep these aspects of the CAT exam in mind when using the CAT percentile predictor tool. Also, it is advised that aspirants not compare their predicted CAT percentile with other examinees from different sessions of the CAT exam.

What is the IIM Admission and Selection Criteria?

All the IIMs consider many factors such as CAT score, Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI), work experience, academic record, extra-curricular activities and diversity (gender and educational) while selecting candidates for MBA admission.

  • Screening of Candidates based on CAT score: Candidates need to satisfy the minimum cutoff decided by the college. The minimum cutoff of the top 5 IIMs, namely IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore and IIM Kozhikode, generally lies between 90 to 100. The CAT cutoff for IIMs varies depending on many factors, such as the number of candidates appearing for the examination, past year CAT cutoff and seat availability. It is also important to remember that the CAT Score Weightage in IIMs is the highest among B-schools on average.
  • Written Ability Test and Personal Interview: Candidates will be called for PI and WAT rounds. These rounds will test the personality, intelligence, knowledge, leadership qualities and communication skills of the candidates.
  • Final selection of candidates for admission: The final selection list will be prepared after considering the performance in the CAT exam, WAT, PI, Work Experience, Diversity and Academic Records of the candidates. The weightage of these parameters will be different for all the IIMs. 

IIM Admission Criteria

The selected candidates can begin classes at IIMs after confirming their admission.

CAT Percentile Predictor 2025 for Top 10 IIMs

To get admission into IIMs, candidates need to meet a certain percentile that varies as per various factors. You can get a PI-WAT call from IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode, and IIM Indore even if you have scored 70 sectional and 85 overall percentile in the CAT 2025 exam. Below is the prediction of the CAT 2025 percentile that candidates need to meet to get admission to the top 10 IIMs.


Name of the IIM

NIRF Rankings 2025

Qualifying CAT Percentile 2025 (Expected)

Final CAT Percentile 2025 (Expected)


IIM Ahmedabad


80 Percentile 

99-100 Percentile 


IIM Bangalore


85 Percentile 

99-100 Percentile 


IIM Kozhikode


85 Percentile 

97-98 Percentile 


IIM Calcutta


85 Percentile 

99 Percentile 


IIM Lucknow


90 Percentile 

97-98 Percentile 


IIM Mumbai


90 Percentile 

99 Percentile 


IIM Indore


90 Percentile 

97-98 Percentile 


IIM Raipur


93 Percentile 

94-95 Percentile 


IIM Rohtak


95 Percentile 

95-96 Percentile 


IIM Udaipur


93 Percentile 

94-95 Percentile 

Percentile-wise MBA Colleges Accepting CAT Scores

There are over 1300 MBA colleges in India that accept CAT scores for MBA admission. Check out the percentile-wise MBA colleges accepting CAT provided in the links below.

Want to know more about CAT

FAQs about CAT Rank Predictor

What is CAT composite score?

The final score determined by IIMs for admission to their programs is called the composite score. The composite score for a candidate is determined by taking into account a variety of factors in addition to their CAT score. Two applicants with identical on-paper score may have different composite scores depending on a number of factors.

What is CAT scaled score?

The CAT exam is administered across several shifts (two or three). To ensure fairness and justice in performance comparison, the question papers for each session are slightly different from one another, and a scaled score is produced through the normalization process. This scaled score could vary in both ways from the raw score.

What is the CAT 2024 marking scheme?

The CAT 2024 marking scheme is as follows:

  • +3 will be awarded for every correct answer
  • -1 will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
  • There is no negative marking for the non-MCQs.

What is the meaning of CAT Marks vs Percentile?

The aspirants must note that there is no specific method for CAT through which you can figure out the exact score you will have to achieve to feature in the elite list of the CAT 99 percentile league. The percentile in the CAT exam is evaluated at par with the difficulty level of the exam. The difficulty level of the CAT exam is not constant every year, and hence the evaluation process of the CAT percentile changes every year. 

In 2020, a total of 9 candidates and 19 candidates out of 2,27,835 acquired 100 and 99.99 percentile respectively in CAT. Aspirants were from various backgrounds such as engineering or technology, mathematics, electronics, management, etc.

CAT 2019 witnessed 10 candidates out of 2.09 lakh candidates scoring 100 percentile in CAT. Those who scored 100 percentile in the CAT were from Engineering backgrounds. The highest number of toppers in CAT 2019 were from Maharashtra where four candidates scored 100 percentile. Almost 21 candidates scored 99.99 percentile, and 19 of them were from Engineering backgrounds.

What is CAT Percentile?

A percentile is regarded as a unit used to calculate/ evaluate the percentage of students above or below you in the merit list. For example, if you score 70 percentile in CAT, it means that 70% of students who appeared in the entrance test scored less than you. Therefore, candidates securing 70 percentile or above indicate their position in the top 30% of applicants who appeared for the exam.

How to find out the CAT percentile?

The formula to calculate sectional as well as the overall CAT percentile of each candidate is the same, which is mentioned below:

P = (R/N) ร— 100


P= Percentile score

R= Rank of the candidate assigned on the basis of scaled CAT score or total number of candidates who rank below you.

N= Number of candidates who appeared in CAT 2024 (both morning and evening sessions)

What CAT Score is required for a specific percentile?

There is no certainty of getting a certain CAT percentile for a specific CAT score. However, taking a look at the CAT score vs percentile analysis provides a candidate with a basic idea of how much they need to score.

What is a good attempt for 99 percentile in CAT?

Attempting 30-34 questions with 85 - 90% accuracy is sufficient to land in the 99 - 100 percentile bracket in CAT. By attempting 30-34 questions, you will be able to achieve a raw score of 90-102 that would get you a 99 percentile in CAT.

Is it possible to get admission in IIM with 80 percentile in CAT?

No, it is not possible to get admission in IIMs with 80 percentile in CAT as the minimum percentile required to be shortlisted for IIMs is 90 percentile. After that, a candidate also has to ensure that they perform well in the selection rounds. Academic performance also affects the selection of the candidate.

Can I get admission with 50 percentile in CAT?

Yes, it is possible to get admission in some MBA colleges with just 50 percentile in CAT. Some of the colleges accepting 50 percentile in CAT are SBS Ahmedabad, SMS Lucknow, Institute of Public Enterprise Hyderabad, etc.

Which are the best colleges for a low percentile in CAT?

There are many MBA colleges where you can take admission with a low CAT percentile. Some of the best ones on the list include JIMS Rohini, SCMS Cochin, IMI Kolkata, BIMTECH Noida, SIESCOMS Mumbai, MITSOM Pune etc.

How can I find out which are the best colleges for me using my CAT percentile?

To find out which are the best colleges for you using the CAT percentile, you can use the CAT College Predictor tool to check the best colleges for your requirements. You can also check the CAT Cut Off page for information related to CAT score accepted by various colleges for admission.

What are the steps of using CAT Percentile Predictor?

Using the CAT Percentile Predictor is simple. All you have to do is enter the number of questions you answered correctly and the number of questions you answered incorrectly. Do this for both MCQs and non-MCQs. After that, click on Submit and your estimated CAT percentile will be displayed on the screen.

What is the benefit of using the CAT Percentile Predictor tool?

The benefit of using the CAT Percentile Predictor tool is that you can get an estimate of your CAT percentile which will help shortlist colleges that better suit your requirements. Applying and focusing on the best colleges will help you set a better target and work towards achieving it.

How does the CAT Percentile Predictor tool work?

The CAT percentile predictor tool analyses previous year data to reach an estimate of your CAT percentile based on your number of correct and incorrect attempts in the exam. Through this functionality, candidates can get an idea of how they performed in the examination.

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