Best Books for CG PET 2025 Exam Preparation - Check CG PET Preparation Books Here

Updated By Shivani on 04 Mar, 2025 16:42

Registration Starts On March 04, 2025

It is recommended that the candidates read the best books for the CG PET 2025 exam to ace their preparations for the exam. Preparations will become easy for the candidates if they study from the books like Concepts of physics (vol 1 & 2) by HC Verma, mcq question bank by D Mukherjee, organic chemistry by NCERT, IIT chemistry by OP Aggarwal, Arihant series by Dr SK Goyal, etc. Applicants can check this page to know more about CG PET best books for the exam.

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Best Books for CG PET 2025

Everyone knows how important a role the best books play during the preparatory stages of an entrance examination. So it is very important that the candidates choose the best books for CG PET 2025 for the upcoming examination. The success of the candidates in the CG PET 2025 entrance exam will depend a lot on which books the candidates pick up for their CG PET exam preparation. The first step towards choosing the right kind of study materials for the CG PET 2025 exam is to know which are actually the CG PET 2025 best books that can be used for preparation. If the candidates choose those CG PET best books 2025 which are not recommended by the experts or do not have good ratings (on the web), the possibility of scoring high marks in the CG PET entrance exam gets grimmer. So, the candidates must look to buy only those books or study materials that can assuredly help them score a good percentage in the upcoming CG PET 2025 exam. 

Some of the best books for the CG PET exam for physics are concepts of physics (Vol 1& 2) by HC Verma, objective physics by Mahesh Jain, MCQ question bank by D Mukherjee. The best books for CG PET chemistry preparations are IIT chemistry by OP Aggarwal, organic chemistry by NCERT, entrance chemistry by Bhakta, and for mathematics some of the best books are Arihant series by Dr SK Goyal, higher algebra by Hall & Knight, IIT mathematics by RD Sharma. Candidates should aim for books that cover the entire CG PET 2025 syllabus. Refer to the page to know more books for CG PET preparations. 

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Recommended Best Books for CG PET

There are numerous books in the market, but applicants must choose the best of the books available in the market or if needed can find out these books from the nearest library. Preferably applicants must follow the best books that have been recommended by our experts.


Best Books


Concepts of Physics โ€“ Volume 1 and Volume 2 by H.C. Verma

Practice problems in Physics for Engineering Examinations by S.Mishra

Optics and Modern Physics by DC Pandey

MCQ Question Bank by D Mukherjee

Concepts of Physics by HC Verma

Objective Physics by Mahesh Jain


IIT Chemistry by O.P Agarwal

Textbook of Chemistry for Class 11th and 12th by NCERT

A Textbook of Organic Chemistry for IITJEE by R.K Gupta

Organic Chemistry by NCERT

Entrance Chemistry by Bhakta


IIT Mathematics by R.D Sharma

Senior Secondary School Mathematics for Class 12 by R.S. Aggarwal

Plane Trigonometry by S.L. Loney

Part 2 (NCERT difficulty) by RD Sharma

Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight

Objective Mathematics Part 1 and

Arihant Series by Dr SK Goyal

How to Select the Best Book for CG PET 2025?

There are certain parameters based on which the best books of CG PET exam are selected. There are applicants of a different meritorious level. Not two aspirants would be of the same merit. Therefore there are different books that the candidates can select as their level of understanding. There are plenty of books in the market as per the different difficulty levels, so applicants must follow the given parameters in order to choose the right CG PET 2025 best books for themselves.

  • Before buying any book the test-taker must be aware of the entire syllabus. Since CG PET 2025 is an entrance for many undergraduate subjects so the syllabus is also quite lengthy

  • Candidates should preferably choose books subject-wise because not all candidates will have to attend all the questions from different subjects

  • Firstly, candidates must choose a book which has been published lately

  • Secondly, candidates must cross-check more than two books to find the book which follows the most accurate syllabus

  • Thirdly, follow a book that has been published by a good publisher and written by a good writer

  • Choosing a book that has the revised syllabus in detail and follows the revised section based on the older version with a better explanation completely is recommended

  • Candidates must follow a book, whose language would be easy for them to study. Since the medium of language for the exam would be Hindi and English both, candidates must choose the books based on their prefered language

  • Candidates can also choose books that have attached old question papers or previous yearsโ€™ question papers. Solving old question papers are advantageous, so preferably choose a book that provides the question bank

How to Prepare for CG PET 2025?

While preparing for any competitive exam, it is important for candidates to be aware of some basic tips and tricks to qualify for the exam with flying colors. Apart from having a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern of CG PET, candidates should go through the important instructions related to the exam to avoid any hassle on the day when the exam is held. Candidates must set their preparation strategy for CG PET 2025 in a manner that they are able to cover all the important topics and sections of the syllabus prescribed by the concerned authority. Here are some highlighted pointers below that will help the candidates ace their preparation for the exam:

  • Join online study groups to easily clarify the doubts during the preparation, the candidates can seek help from their peers in these groups or the group members to sort out any doubts within minutes. 
  • Practice the previous year's papers for effective preparation for the exam. PYQs can help the candidates understand the question paper format, the difficulty level of the questions, and the weightage of chapters. 
  • Do not take up multiple books while preparing for the exam take one best book and then begin with the preparations. Candidates need to study from the best books to get well prepared for the exam. 
  • Practice time management so that the candidates can spare enough time in the exam to complete all the sections & questions in the given time frame.
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FAQs about CG PET Books

What is the difficulty level of the CG PET exam?

The difficulty level of CG PET will be similar to that of the 12th standard qualifying examination, as the syllabus will be similar. Candidates will be examined based on their knowledge of topics from the subjects of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.

Is there any negative marking in the CG PET exam?

There is no negative marking in the CG PET exam. CG PET will be conducted as a pen-and-paper-based test for all the eligible candidates at various centres.

Is 45 marks good for the CG PET exam?

According to the CG PET eligibility criteria, candidates from the General category are required to have an aggregate marks of 45% in the 12th standard or equivalent qualifying examination to apply for the CG PET exam.

What is the format of the CG PET exam?

According to the official CG PET exam pattern, the CG PET paper will consist of a total of 150 objective multiple-choice questions prepared from the topics of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. There will be 50 questions each from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.



What is the marking scheme of the CG PET exam?

Questions asked in the CG PET paper are of objective type. For every question 4 or 5 options are provided out of which only one has to be selected. For each correct answer, one mark will be awarded.

Is NCERT enough for the CG PET exam?

CG PET's Physics, Mathematics & Chemistry questions are generally from the NCERT textbooks and its Chemistry questions are very easy. NCERT is sufficient for the CG PET preparation. And, if candidates are scoring well enough in their pre-boards, for example 85+ in PCM, then cracking PET is considered to be very easy.


What are the passing marks for the CG PET exam?

The candidates appearing for CG PET should pass in all the three subjects of Physics, Mathematics and one of the subjects from Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Technical Vocational subject/ Chemistry with at least 45% marks. The minimum percentage of marks fixed for SC/ST/OBC and PWD category candidates is 40%.

How do I prepare for the CG PET  exam?

Candidates are advised to study the entire CG PET syllabus to have a higher chance of securing good marks in the CG PET entrance examination. While the candidates can give more importance to the important chapters and topics which have proved to have more weightage, they are advised not to ignore the other units.

What are the qualifying marks for CG PET?

As per the CG PET eligibility criteria, candidates from the General category are required to have an aggregate marks of 45% in their class 12 or equivalent qualifying examination to apply for CG PET. On the other hand, Reserved category (SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Female) candidates will be required to have secured minimum 40% marks.

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