When will CTET 2025 Result be announced?
The CTET 2025 result for the July session was announced by the second week of August 2025. Candidates can check and download their CTET scorecards on the official website by entering their CTET Roll Number.
Can I download the CTET scorecard?
Yes, you can download the CTET scorecard once it is released on the official website. You can download the CTET scorecard from ctet.nic.in, cbse.gov.in, or cbseresults.nic.in. You can also use the DigiLocker platform for the CTET scorecard alongside the CTET certificate. After the CTET results, CBSE shares the login information for the DigiLocker accounts on the registered mobile phones of the candidates.
What is a good score in CTET?
A good score is CTET is anything above the CTET passing marks. CTET is a qualification test and candidates who achieve the minimum qualifying score are eligible for teaching positions at the Elementary and Primary school level. However, candidates with a high score receive preference during the CTET recruitment process. The CTET passing marks is 90 out of 150 for General category students and 82.50 out of 150 for Reserved category students
Does CTET score matter during the recruitment process?
Yes, the CTET scores matter during the recruitment process. Candidates must score the CTET passing marks to receive the CTET eligibility certificate. However, it must be noted that candidates who obtain a high score on the CTET exam are given preference during the teaching recruitment process. Thus, it is important that aspirants aim to achieve a high score on CTET and not just qualify for the exam.
Can the CTET results be re-checked?
No, the CTET results cannot be re-checked or reevaluated according to the CBSE policy. The CTET results are prepared after thorough review and consideration of any candidate objections to the CTET preliminary answer keys. Therefore, if any candidate believes that the CTET answer key has discrepancies they can object against the provisional answer key through the official website by paying INR 1000 per challenge.
How can I check the CTET results if I have forgotten my CTET roll number?
You can check the CTET results even if you have forgotten your CTET roll number by checking your CTET admit card since every candidateโs roll number is mentioned on the CTET hall ticket. If candidates have misplaced their CTET admit card they can download the same again from the official website by using their application number, date of birth, and security pin.
How long is the CTET certificate valid for?
The CTET certificate is valid for a candidateโs lifetime once issued to a candidate who has qualified for the CTET exam. Previously, the CTET certificate had a validity of 7 years, however, the same has been increased to a lifetime validity.
What is the CTET qualifying marks?
The CTET qualifying marks is 60% for the General category. Reserved category students must secure at least 55% marks to qualify for CTET. This means that out of 150 marks, General category candidates need to score 90 marks and reserved category candidates need to score 82.50 marks to pass the CTET 2024 exam.
What after CTET results?
After the CTET results are declared, candidates will get to know if they have qualified for the exam or not. Candidates who clear the CTET exam will be issued a CTET certificate with a lifetime validity. Candidates will be able to apply for the different recruitment exams for teachers in the central schools with the help of the CTET Eligibility Certificate which they must download from the DigiLocker app.
Is 120 a good score in CTET?
Yes, 120 is a good score in CTET since it is 80% marks out of the total 150. For general category candidates, the CTET passing score is 90; for SC/ST/OBC candidates, it is 82. Thus, those who score well on the CTET exam are those who receive more than 100 points will receive preference during the CTET recruitment process.