If two or more candidates score the same marks in GUJCET 2025, ACPC will implement a tie-breaking process. Preference will first be given to candidates with higher scores in Mathematics and Physics. If the tie remains unresolved, the next criterion will be higher scores in Mathematics and Chemistry. If the tie persists, the sectional marks across all categories will be compared to determine the final ranking.
Candidates can check the GUJCET Merit List 2025 by visiting the official website at gujacpc.admissions.nic.in. After navigating to the 'GUJCET 2025 Merit List' section, they should click on the displayed link to access the ACPC merit list on their screen. If any discrepancies are found, candidates have the option to raise objections against the released list.
The provisional merit list for GUJCET 2025 can be downloaded from the official website - gujacpc.admissions.nic.in.
What is the formula used to normalise final scores in the GUJCET entrance examination?
The formula based on which scores are normalized is as follows: Final Score = 0.60 x Class XII marks + 0.40 x GUJCET 2025 marks
Will class 12 marks taken into consideration while preparing the GUJCET 2025 merit list?
Yes, Class 12 marks will be taken into consideration while preparing the GUJCET merit list 2025.
If two or more candidates secure the same marks, the authorities will use the tie-breaking criteria to resolve the tie.