Does KMAT Kerala have any reservations for SC / ST candidates?
KMAT Kerala does not have any reservation policy for the exam itself but SC / ST candidates can apply for reserved seats in the colleges during admissions.
What is the maximum age to apply for KMAT Kerala?
There is no maximum age limit to register for KMAT Kerala. Candidates of all ages can appear for the exam.
Do I need to have work experience to be eligible for KMAT Kerala?
No, work experience is not required to be eligible for KMAT Kerala. However, individual colleges may require candidates who have work experience for admission to their MBA courses.
Can I apply for KMAT Kerala after completing a postgraduate course?
Yes, you will be eligible to apply for KMAT Kerala during or after completing your postgraduate degree.
Who decides the eligibility criteria for KMAT Kerala?
Admissions Supervisory Committee for Professional Colleges in Kerala is responsible for prescribing the eligibility criteria for KMAT.
Can final year students apply for KMAT Kerala?
Yes, students in the final year of their bachelor's degree course are eligible to apply for KMAT Kerala. However, such candidates must ensure that their results are declared before their admission is finalised.
Are foreign citizens eligible to register for KMAT Kerala?
No. Only citizens of India who are also natives of Kerala are eligible to appear for the KMAT Kerala exam.
Are Science stream candidates eligible for KMAT Kerala?
Yes, candidates from any stream including Science, Arts, Engineering, Social Science, Medicine etc. are eligible to appear for KMAT Kerala.
How much percentage is required to be eligible for KMAT Kerala?
Candidates interested in registering for KMAT Kerala must have scored at least 50% aggregate marks (40% for reserved category candidates) in their graduation.
What is the minimum education required to attempt KMAT Kerala?
Candidates having at least a bachelors level of education are considered eligible to attempt the KMAT Kerala exam.