ATMA 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 03 Feb, 2025 11:45

If you are wondering how to prepare for ATMA 2025, you must note that the first step is to familiarize yourself with the ATMA syllabus, exam pattern, and marking scheme. Improve your vocabulary, enhance your reading comprehension skills, and learn important formulas and shortcuts to perform effectively in the exam.

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How to Prepare for ATMA 2025 Overview

ATMA preparation 2025 is all about practice. One must dedicate at least 6 to 12 months to prepare for the ATMA exam. Candidates who plan to take ATMA 2025 must start covering all the important topics to score good marks. The first 2 to 3 months should be spent focusing on learning the basic concepts and brushing up on the fundamentals of the topics. For the best preparation, the candidates are suggested to start solving ATMA Previous Year Question Papers and ATMA Mock Test Papers for better knowledge regarding the ATMA 2025 syllabus.

AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) is one of the six national tests recognized by AICTE and MHRD, GoI. It is a Quality Test for Institutions of Eminence. ATMA is a credible, comprehensive, and single-window test for admission to postgraduate management programs like MBA, PGDM, MCA, and PGDBA offered by over 750 colleges across India. The exam is conducted at the national level by the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS). 

The 180 questions, which will be asked in ATMA 2025, will assess the Verbal skills, Analytical Reasoning Skills, and Quantitative skills of the applicants over a duration of 180 minutes (3 hours). For the benefit of the aspirants, we have shared section-wise ATMA preparation tips 2025 on this page that will help them excel in the exam.

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Six Months Preparation Tips for ATMA 2025

ATMA tests the candidates' verbal, quantitative and analytical reasoning skills. It consists of 180 questions and the duration of the exam is three hours. The test has a total of six sections and thirty minutes are allotted for each. There is a negative marking and a 0.25 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

Make A Study Schedule

The aspirants can prepare for the exam in an organized way only if they have an effective study schedule or routine. To crack the ATMA exam in six months, one must never deviate from the schedule. Sticking to the study routine would assist the candidates to attain their desired scores. The best preparation strategy would be to divide the time based on the topics and weightage. It is imperative for the candidates to make a month-wise plan. In this study plan, the first three months must be dedicated to knowing the exam pattern and marking scheme, identifying the strengths and weaknesses, and covering every topic of the ATMA 2025 syllabus.

Taking short notes during preparations for formulae and theories and other key points will enable the candidates to revise well before the ATMA 2025 exam. In the next month, the candidate must work on the main points and work on strengthening his/her weak areas. The last two months must be completely dedicated to revision and practicing ATMA mock tests so that they can answer more and more questions with speed and accuracy.  An effective study routine also teaches students the importance of time management and how to use time effectively. 

Referring to the Right Study Material

The most important key to performing efficiently in the ATMA 2025 exam is to refer to the right study material that covers the entire ATMA syllabus. Collecting a bulk of study material only confuses the students and hampers the preparation. Effective preparation can only be done if students refer to the right study material. A plethora of study materials are available both online and offline for ATMA preparation. Online study groups and sample papers also provide effective study material. Candidates may also seek guidance from mentors.

Subject-wise Preparation

All three subjects, Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Reasoning Skills, cover different topics. For the Analytical Reasoning section, candidates must focus on topics such as Puzzles, Riddles, Syllogisms, Coding and Decoding, Arguments, Data Sufficiency, etc. The candidates must focus on improving their logical and critical thinking skills. In the preparation of reasoning, repeated practice is required. More and more practice would enable the candidates to solve puzzles efficiently.

To perform well in the Quantitative Skills section, candidates must enhance their mathematics skills. Referring to mathematics books of classes 10th and 12th are the key methods for preparing for this section. Candidates must gain deep insight into the fundamentals of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry to perform well in this section.

The Verbal Skills section will comprise topics such as Grammar, English Usage, Para Jumbles, Reading Comprehension, etc. It is imperative for the candidates to develop a habit of reading newspapers and magazines daily. This will help them to improve their vocabulary and their expertise in reading comprehension passages.

Take Online Mock Tests

Taking mock tests is the most crucial way for an aspirant to evaluate his/her preparation, where they stand, and where to improve. The organizer of ATMA, AIMS, has rolled out AIMS ATMA Mock Test Portal. One can avail of ATMA 2025 mock tests on the official website of AIMS. Candidates must make proper utilization of it. 

Practice In A Constructive Manner

The entire test is based on only three subjects, verbal, quantitative, and analytical reasoning skills, which require a lot of practice. Candidates must figure out the important topics in the subjects and start practicing them. This will even help the candidates learn the formulae required for the quantitative aptitude section.

How to Prepare for ATMA 2025 in One Month?

The exam is based on three main sections: Quantitative Skills, Analytical Reasoning Skills, and Verbal Skills. These sections have 2 sub-sections each, making it a total of 6 sections. There will be a total of 180 questions in the exam. All 6 sections carry 30 marks each. The total marks would be 180 with a marking scheme of 1 mark per question and a negative marking of -0.25 marks per incorrect answer.

The entire paper must be completed in 3 hours, thus each section of the ATMA 2025 paper is to be completed in 30 minutes duration. It is at the discretion of the candidates if they will write the exam offline (pen and paper) or online mode (Computer Based Test). The medium of the paper is English. The preparation strategy for the last month to ace the ATMA 2025 exam must remain the following:

Take ATMA Mock Tests

Candidates must practice an ample number of sample papers and ATMA mock tests in the last two months of ATMA preparation. This is because candidates can only have an in-depth understanding of the ATMA exam pattern and the type of questions asked in the exam only by solving previous yearsโ€™ question papers. Mock tests also help one to evaluate oneโ€™s performance, identify one's strengths and weaknesses, and eventually improve on weak areas. It is very important for the candidates to know their strengths and weaknesses and prepare accordingly for the ATMA exam 2025. Mock tests also enhance the speed and accuracy of the candidate.


Repeated revision in the last few days before the exam is the key to acing the ATMA 2025 exam. In the last 15 days of ATMA preparation, candidates must revise all the concepts and formulae. Revision on a continued basis would enable a candidate to assess his position and credibility to take the ATMA 2025 exam and help them make plans on what to revise in the last few days of the exam.

ATMA 2025 Section-wise Preparation Tips

Check the section-wise tips for ATMA 2025 preparation so that you can crack the exam successfully.

Preparation Tips for Analytical Reasoning

The difficulty level of the questions in this Analytical Reasoning section is moderate. This section comprises questions from both Analytical Reasoning and Critical Reasoning. This section will test the candidateโ€™s ability to analyze and assimilate a given statement and reach a conclusion based on their understanding. This section will be divided into Analytical Reasoning Skills Part-I and Part-II and the candidates will have 60 minutes to try and attempt 60 questions in this section. To perform well in this section, the candidates must start solving riddles and puzzles.

Also Read:ATMA 2025 Preparation Tips for Analytical Reasoning

Preparation Tips for Quantitative Skills

The difficulty level of the questions in this Quantitative Skills section is moderate. This section will contain 60 questions divided into two parts. The maximum time that will be allotted to the candidates to complete the section is 60 minutes. For the best preparation, the candidates must start solving questions from Mathematics textbooks prescribed by NCERT. Learning shortcuts, attempting mock test papers, and solving previous year's ATMA papers will provide an edge to the candidates.

Also Read:How to Prepare for ATMA 2025 Quantitative Skills

Preparation Tips for Verbal Ability

The difficulty level of the Verbal Ability section is moderate. This section will be divided into two parts, Verbal Ability/English Usage, and Reading Comprehension. This section will also consist of 60 questions in total which the candidates must aim to solve within the allotted period of 60 minutes. To ace this section, the candidates must polish their vocabulary and Grammar skills with the help of magazines, and newspapers along with basic Class 8 and Class 9 Grammar books to strengthen their fundamentals. 

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Important Topics for ATMA 2025 Preparation

The most important topics for the ATMA 2025 exam have been tabulated below:

SectionImportant Topics for ATMA Preparation
Verbal Ability
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Sentence Completion
  • Word Meanings    
  • Comprehension
  • Jumbled Paragraph    
  • One Word Substitution
  • Vocabulary    
  • Fill in the blanks with words
  • Summary Questions    
  • Antonyms
  • Close Passage    
  • Synonyms
  • Sentence Correction  
  •  Analogies
Analytical Reasoning
  • Deduction
  • Distribution
  • Circular Arrangement
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Coding and Decoding
  • Input-Output
  • Statements and Conclusions
  • Strong & Weak Arguments
  • Cause & Effect
  • Course of Action
  • Cause & Effect, Inference
Quantitative Ability
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Variation
  • Equations
  • Percentage
  • Partnership
  • Numbers
  • Profit & Loss
  • Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  • Mixture and Alligation
  • Average
  • Time & Distance
  • Time & Work
  • Geometry & Mensuration
  • Number Series
  • Permutation & Combination
  • Quantitative Comparison
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • Pie Charts

General Tips and Tricks for ATMA 2025 Preparation

Here are some general tips for the aspirants preparing for ATMA 2025.

  • Have a fair idea about the ATMA syllabus, ATMA 2025 Exam pattern, and marking scheme.

  • Identify and sort their strong and weak areas section-wise.

  • Buy ATMA 2025 Best books and study material.

  • Solve ATMA 2025 mock test papers and ATMA previous year papers.

  • Learn the formulas and shortcuts.

  • Improve vocabulary by noting down new words they come across in a newspaper/magazine.

Important Instructions for ATMA 2025

Following are the important exam instructions for the candidates to follow in ATMA 2025:

  • The question booklet, as well as the answer sheet, will be supplied by the exam conducting authority. You should bring two HB pencils, one eraser, one pencil sharpener, and one ballpoint pen.

  • You should also bring a specimen answer sheet given in the bulletin / on the website. This will help you to fill in the information on the actual answer sheet in the examination hall.

  • Please bring the ATMA 2025 admit card and identity card (undetached) with photographs pasted in the space provided, when you come to appear for the ATMA. You have to put your signature on the line for Applicantโ€™s Signature only in the presence of the invigilator in the examination hall.

  • Please ensure that the photographs on both the admit card and identity card are verified and signed by the invigilator in the examination hall.

  • Admit card for ATMA should be given to the Invigilator and an identity card should be retained by you.

  • You have to download your ATMA admit card from the website by using the login credentials.

Other Information

  • All rough work/calculations can be done in the test booklet itself and not in the answer sheet or elsewhere. Books, notepapers, calculators, slide rules, mobile phones, and other electronic devices are not permissible. Giving/seeking/receiving help in any manner during the Test is prohibited.

  • ATMA admit card is valid when the photograph of the candidate is pasted on it and produced with a photo ID proof.

  • Possession of mobile phones even in switch-off mode is not allowed in the exam. Do not bring mobile phones to the test centers as there is no arrangement for safekeeping.

  • You are not allowed to carry calculators, statistical tables, laptops, computers, or gadgets to the examination hall.

  • You have to report at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination.

  • In all Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each question will have only one correct or most appropriate answer. The answer must be indicated by selecting the checkbox provided on the left side of the options.

  • Ensure that your test invigilator signs in the space provided on your ATMA admit card.

  • Use of unfair means, disobedience of instructions, arguing or threatening the examination officials, cheating, etc. will be treated as malpractice. This may lead to the cancellation of your examination.

Best Books for ATMA 2025 Preparation

ATMA is a credible, comprehensive, and single-window test for admission to postgraduate management programs like MBA, PGDM, MCA, and PGDBA offered by over 750 colleges across India. Important topics for the ATMA 2025 Exam include Number Series, Statement-Conclusion, Analogy, Verbal Logic, Coding-Decoding, Profit, Loss and Discount, Inequalities, Averages, and Problems on Ages, among others.

ATMA is designed to estimate the capabilities of the students to study Master in Business Administration or MBA in the top B-Schools of India. To achieve the best result in ATMA, here are a few curated books, reviewed & suggested by subject matter experts for cracking the ATMA exam.

Name of the Book


Krishna's Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations


Arithmetic For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations (Paperback)


Quantitative Aptitude for MBA: Entrance Examination 1st Edition (Paperback)


Mission MBA - MAT: Solved Papers 2013-2011 1st Edition (Paperback)

Tarun Goyal & BS Sijwalii

Master Key To MBA Entrance Exam 2009 01 Edition (Paperback)

S. L. Gulati, Ravi

Study Package for CMAT

Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay

CMAT Entrance Guide with Mock Test CD 2 Edition

Disha Experts

SNAP / IIFT / XAT / TISS / CMAT / NMAT / IRMA / MAT Management Entrance Tests: MBA Solved Papers

Gautam Puri

ATMA 2025 Exam Day Checklist

Candidates must remember the following things about the ATMA 2025 exam day:

  • ATMA 2025 will be held in computer-based mode as a centre-based exam.
  • It is mandatory for the candidates to carefully read the instructions given in the question paper before starting the examination.
  • After the completion of the 2 hours of the ATMA test, the "Submit" button will appear.
  • The authorities will deal with any attempt of impersonation/ malpractice and cheating strictly, and the result will not be declared.
  • AIMS will disqualify any student who indulges in any kind of malpractice.
  • Candidates must follow the section-time of ATMA 2025. Each student will be given a fixed time of only 30 minutes to resolve each section. Also, students should be aware that they will not be given extra time to solve the ATMA question paper.

ATMA Exam Pattern 2025

The ATMA 2025 exam will be held for 3 hours. Given below is the section-wise ATMA 2025 exam pattern which includes the number of questions in each section and the marking scheme.

SectionNo. of QuestionsMarks Per QuestionTime Allotted
Analytical Reasoning30130 Minutes
Verbal Skills30130 Minutes
Quantitative Skills30130 Minutes
Analytical Reasoning30130 Minutes
Verbal Skills30130 Minutes
Quantitative Skills30130 Minutes
Total180180180 Minutes

Want to know more about ATMA

FAQs about ATMA Preparation Tips

Is coaching necessary to clear ATMA?

No, coaching is not necessary for ATMA preparation. You will be able to clear the exam with self-preparation. You can refer to the preparation tips provided by the toppers to get some additional help for exam preparation.

What type of questions are asked in the ATMA exam?

You can refer to previous years question papers of ATMA to know the type of questions which can be expected in the exam.

What is the importance of checking the exam pattern for ATMA preparation?

Checking the exam pattern of ATMA will allow you to know the section-wise weightage of ATMA exam. Besides this, it will also help you know about the marking scheme.

When should I start preparing for the ATMA exam?

You are advised to start preparing for the ATMA exam at least 5-6 months before the exam.

What are the preparation strategies for ATMA?

You are advised to check the syllabus of the exam to know all the important topics that will be covered in the exam. Besides this, you are also advised to check the exam pattern to know the marking scheme.

How to prepare for ATMA?

You can start your preparation by preparing a schedule so that all the sections of the exam can be covered. Besides this, you can check the preparation strategies provided on this page to know exam wise strategy for ATMA exam.

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