NID DAT Question Paper 2024 - Download PDF, Difficulty Level

Updated By srishti chatterjee on 27 Nov, 2024 17:28

NID DAT previous year question papers are a real treasure for any candidate who is going to take the test because they give an idea of what to expect: the type of questions, variety of question types, and the degree of difficulty. By working through these past papers, you can get an idea about the structure of the examination and locate your strengths and weaknesses to work on, along with developing your time management skills.

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NID DAT Question Paper 2024

NID Question Papers 2024: If you are taking the NID DAT exam in 2025, practising with practice question papers is a great way to prepare. Practising question papers improves your problem-solving skills. If you only focus on the theoretical parts of your studies, you may struggle to apply those concepts to real problems. Understanding the concepts is important, but using them effectively is crucial for finding solutions.

You will also have limited time to complete your exam. You cannot take an unlimited amount of time to explore every possible solution. Therefore, practice question papers are essential for your exam preparation. Now that you see the importance of practice question papers for the NID exam, letโ€™s discuss how many papers to solve when to start, and some important tips. You can also download previous years' NID question papers and practice question papers below. Use these for practice to improve your speed and accuracy.

NID DAT Question Paper 2024

The NID DAT 2024 question paper pdfs for BDes and MDes courses are available here for download in PDF form. Students must practice the question papers released by NID to get a comprehensive understanding of the exam. 


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Also Read: What is a Good Score in NID DAT 2024?

Colleges Accepting Exam NID DAT :

NID DAT 2024 Exam Analysis

If you are planning to take the upcoming NID entrance exam, it is helpful to review previous years' NID DAT exam analyses. This analysis shows the types and number of questions asked in the NID DAT 2024 Exam.

The NID prelims exam took place on December 24, 2023. Students who took the exam reported that it was moderately difficult.  The National Institute of Design (NID) Design Aptitude Test (DAT) consisted of two main sections: Aptitude and Drawing. The total marks allocated for Aptitude were 25, and for Drawing, it was 75. Here's a detailed analysis of the NID DAT 2024.

Difficulty Level: Overall, the difficulty was easy to moderate. However, some students found the paper lengthy.

Section-wise difficulty level:

  • Maths: Very easy
  • Drawing: Moderate'

Section-wise Exam Analysis for NID DAT 2024


  • Total Marks - 25
  • Difficulty Level - Varies (Easy to Above Average)
  • Key Points - General Knowledge, Reasoning, Sustainable Development, G20 Summit. 


  • Total Marks - 75
  • Difficulty Level - Moderate
  • Key Points - Posture Drawing, Slow Fashion, Conscious Buying

Exam Insights

Questions covered General Knowledge and Reasoning, including topics such as Sustainable Development and the G20 summit. Subjective questions focused on posture drawing related to slow fashion and conscious buying.

Tips for NID DAT 2025 Based on Analysis

Focus on the questions related to the chapters in the practice question papers. It may seem challenging at first, but it will get easier with practice.

As you finish your syllabus, try to solve the whole practice question paper. The more you practice, the quicker you will become, and you will also improve your understanding of different concepts.

Benefits of Practising with NID DAT Question Papers

Solving question papers, one can benefit in multiple ways as discussed below:

  1.  NID DAT sample papers will give the candidate a clear idea regarding the types of questions asked, difficulty level, and topic-wise weightage.
  2. The sample papers will help the candidate work on their problem-solving and time-management skills.
  3. One can also assess one weak and strong areas from this exercise; this in turn will help the candidate to reinforce the weak points and fortify the strong areas.
  4. After completing a topic, the candidate can solve corresponding questions in the sample papers. This way, the candidate will be better able to learn and retain the concepts, and also learn how to use disparate concepts and ideas to solve a problem.
  5. If you take the sample papers at the same time as the NID DAT 2025 exam timings, you can better align your body clock. This will help you have a better frame of mind on exam day, as you will feel like being in a familiar environment.

Want to know more about NID DAT

FAQs about NID DAT Question Papers

How to crack NID DAT 2025?

NID DAT is a national exam held every year for admission into design programs. To succeed in the NID DAT entrance test, students need effective strategies. They should improve their observation and visualization skills, spend time studying for the exam, manage their time well, boost their general knowledge, and practice with past exam questions.

Can you take the NID Question Paper After the Exam?

No, you cannot take the NID question paper with you after the exam. The NID does not release the question papers for either the Prelims or Mains. This is because NID question papers are very subjective. The NID DAT question paper will be in English. However, you can find unofficial versions of the NID question papers from coaching institutes. These will be mostly based on memory and compiled with input from past candidates.

Is the NID Exam Difficult?

The NID exam tests your knowledge, creativity, and design skills. Many experts say it is one of India's toughest design entrance exams. However, if you prepare properly, the NID Entrance Exam is of medium difficulty. The competition is high because there are only a few seats available. For example, there are only 425 seats for the BDes program at NID, while NIFT has 2,748 seats.

How to Download NID Sample Papers?

You can download sample papers for the NID from the official NID admissions website, You can also find the question papers and sample papers from previous years on this page. To download the sample papers, click on the one you need; you do not need to log in. The sample papers are in PDF format. These papers include questions similar to those in the actual exam

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