What are the NID DAT 2025 result dates for Mains for BDes and MDes?
The NID DAT 2025 Mains results for B.Des will be released on May 16, 2025, and the NID DAT Mains results 2025 for M.Des will be released on May 6, 2025.
Where can we see the NID DAT results 2025?
The NID DAT 2025 Prelims results will be released on:
- M.Des: February 17, 2025
- B.Des: April 1, 2025
Are separate scorecards of NID DAT sent to each applicant?
No, separate scorecards of NID DAT are not sent to each applicant. The NID DAT result is released online and candidates can view and download their scorecard from the official NID website.
Can I receive my NID DAT Result through a mail?
No, your NID DAT Result cannot be sent to you via mail. Only the official NID website will host the online publication of the NID DAT Result. Scammers pretending to deliver you your NID DAT result via mail should be avoided.
Should I take the print out of the NID DAT result?
Absolutely, taking a printout of the NID DAT result is advisable. The printout can be shared with others, utilised for the admissions process, and kept as documentation. Additionally, keeping a digital record of the outcome is a smart idea.
Is the NID DAT result generated separately for Prelims and Mains?
Yes, the Prelims and Mains NID DAT results are created independently. The candidate's combined scores from the two examinations are used to determine the final NID DAT result. Each exam has a different weight based on the course for which the applicant is applying.
What is the significance of the NID DAT Prelims result?
Because it is the initial round of the admissions process and determines a candidate's total NID DAT score, which is used to create the NID DAT merit list, the NID DAT Prelims result is important. The NID DAT Prelims result is another tool that candidates may use to evaluate their exam performance and pinpoint areas in which they need to grow.
What details are a part of the NID DAT result?
The NID DAT result typically includes the following details:
- Candidate's name and roll number
- Candidate's score in the NID DAT Prelims exam
- Candidate's score in the NID DAT Mains exam
- Candidate's overall score in the NID DAT exam
- Candidate's rank in the NID DAT merit list
- Candidate's qualifying status
Is the qualifying status of an individual displayed on the NID DAT Prelims result?
Yes, the NID DAT Prelims result usually indicates an individual's qualifying status. This status lets the candidate know if they made it through the first round of the NID DAT, an important admissions step.
Is the NID DAT Result released separately for B.Des and M.Des courses?
Yes, the B.Des and M.Des courses get different releases of the NID DAT results. This is due to the fact that the entrance tests and admission requirements for the two degrees differ. Candidates for both the B.Des and M.Des programmes take the same NID DAT Prelims test, however, the Mains exam is different. Compared to the M.Des Mains exam, the B.Des Mains exam assesses a candidate's design talents more thoroughly.
Is the seat allotment list released the same day of NID DAT result declaration?
No, the announcement of the NID DAT results does not coincide with the release of the seat allocation list. After the NID has completed the preparation of the merit list and determined the rankings of each candidate, the seat allocation list is often made public a few days following the announcement of the results. On the official NID website, the precise publication date of the NID DAT seat allocation list is disclosed. It is recommended that candidates often check the website for changes.
Where can we see the NID DAT results 2025?
The NID DAT 2025 results will be available on the official NID admission website: admissions.nid.edu. In addition, a direct link will be updated on this page as soon as it goes live.