When will final NIFT Entrance Exam 2025 answer key be out?
The final NIFT 2025 answer key will be made public by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in April 2025, on its official website for Shift 1, GAT.
When will the provisional NIFT 2025 answer key be released?
The provisional answer key of NIFT 2025 Entrance Exam was released on February 15, 2025. After the release of the answer key, candidates are given a window to submit their responses if they have any objections to the answer key.
Do I have to pay any fees for raising objections in the NIFT answer key?
Yes, for every objection you raise in the NIFT answer key, you will have to pay a sum of Rs. 500.
How can I raise objections in the NIFT Exam answer key?
You will have to raise the objections in NIFT answer key in the online mode by visiting the official website of the exam. You can find the link on the application portal page and raise all the objections that you might have. Then you can submit your objections after paying the required fee.
Can I raise objections against NIFT answer key?
Yes, you can raise whatever objections you have in the NIFT answer key. The authorities open a window in which you can send all the objections that you face and after the window cleses, a rectified answer key is released, if there are any actual errors in the original one.
How can I calculate my marks with the answer key of NIFT?
When the NIFT answer key is out, it gives you an opportunity to match it with the answers that you have marked for each question in the exam. In this way, you get to know how many questions have you attempted correctly and how many wrong answers have been selected by you in the exam. Subsequently, you can calculate the tentative marks that you will score in the exam with the help of the marking scheme, You have to give yourself 1 mark for each correct answer and 0 marks for every incorrect/unattempted question. Then you can calculate your total score in the NIFT Entrance Exam as per the answer key.
What details will be given in the NIFT answer key?
The NIFT Entrance Exam answer key will contain the question booklet series number, the question number, and its correct choice of answer.
What are the steps to download the NIFT answer key?
In order to download the NIFT Answer Key, you will have to click on the link given on this page above or log on to the official website of NIFT. After that, click on the link that is titled 'NIFT 2025 Answer Key'. Upon clicking on that link you will have to enter certain details like your roll number, question booklet series, date of birth, and programme. Submit these details and your NIFT answer key will appear on the screen.
How can I check the NIFT answer key?
You can check the NIFT answer key by cicking on the direct link mentioned above. You will have to log in to your portal on the official website of NIFT and you can access the answer key from there.
What is the use of the answer key of the NIFT Entrance Exam?
The NIFT answer key provides the correct answers to all the questions that were asked in the exam. The answer key of NIFT will help you in getting an idea of what will your score be.