NIFT Entrance Exam 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 09 Feb, 2025 17:50

Candidates must first understand the NIFT exam pattern that involves CAT (Creative Ability Test), GAT (General Ability Test), and Situation Test (for B.Des). They must also stay updated on art movements, fashion icons, fashion history, and current fashion trends. Strengthening creative skills is important to improve speed and quality. Find the detailed NIFT 2025 preparation tips below.

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How to Prepare for NIFT 2025?

With a wealth of practical advice, NIFT 2025 preparation tips can help you be ready to perform well in the actual examination. The NIFT 2025 exam has been conducted on February 9, 2025. The purpose of this examination is to assess your creativity in writing, visualising, observing, and sketching. Admission to Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Fashion Technology, Master of Design, Master of Fashion Management, and Master of Fashion Technology programmes is determined by your performance on the NIFT entrance exam. You must complete as many NIFT sample papers and previous year question papers as possible. You also need to select the best books for NIFT 2025 to have a comprehensive study of the NIFT syllabus. Continue reading to know NIFT preparation tips 2025 along with 3 months & 6 months preparation strategy.

One Week Revision Plan for NIFT 2025

With only a few days left for the NIFT Entrance Exam, it is essential to strengthen the revision plan and score well in the exam. Check out the detailed revision plan for a week before the NIFT 2025 exam below.

Revision Plan for NIFT

Tip #1: With only a limited few days left for study, allocate tasks and realistic goals to each day and try achieving them.

Tip #2: Organise all the study materials and notes that you require for revision. 

Tip #3: Start from the most critical and most likely to come up in the exam topics and move down to the least important ones.

Tip #4: Jot down very very important topics or highlights somewhere and keep visiting them till the last day so that they stay on your mind.

Tip #5: Measure revision coverage based on topics covered rather than time spent covering them.

Tip #6: Solve as many sample papers & practice questions as possible.

Tip #7: Find out which sections you feel the most confident & least confident about. Give them time accordingly.

Tip #8: Take breaks after every 30 minutes or one hour of study.

Tip #9: Break subjects into topics and revise each concept multiple times.

Tip #10: Lend some break to your mind as well as body. Sleep for 8 hours every day and keep taking breaks between the study time.

Tip #11: Do not take the stress and use the last night to review.

Tip #12: Do not go for the exam empty stomach. Take a balanced and healthy meal. Overstuffing can also make it difficult to think.

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NIFT 2025 Subject-Wise Preparation Strategy

CollegeDekho has prepared a subject-wise preparation strategy for NIFT 2023 which the candidates must adhere to if they wish to score good marks in the upcoming NIFT entrance examination:

Creative Ability Test (CAT)

โ€‹The candidates must strengthen their hold over perspective drawings, concepts of 3-Ds, space design, product design, illustration skills & colour rendering, human figure, visual communication, colour interpretation etc to score the desirable marks in this section


In-depth understanding of topics like ratio proportion, number system, ages, averages, speed & time, profit & loss, mixtures & alligations, upstream & downstream, work & time, pipes & cisterns, compound & simple interests, set theory, mensuration, height & distance, trigonometry, probability and permutations & combinations is must to score good marks in this section of NIFT 2023.


Undivided attention to topics such as coding-decoding, verbal & non-verbal series, ranking, directions, syllogism, sitting arrangements, clocks, calendars, blood relations, eligibility criteria, line counting, cubes & dice, puzzles, graphs etc will pave the way for marks that will help the candidates secure a passage to the next round of the admission process.


Questions will be based on syntax and grammar. Topics such as antonyms, synonyms, spot errors, idioms & phrases, fill-in-the-blanks, cloze tests, analogies, sentence correction, one-word substitution, spelling errors, and ordering of passages/sentences must be thoroughly prepared by the candidates. Extensive work on vocabulary should be the utmost priority of the candidates.

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Important Instructions for NIFT Preparation

We have compiled some tips and tricks that candidates may use to keep anxiety at bay and focus on boosting their performance in the exam.

Keep Stress Away โ€“ You must avoid taking too much stress. Anxiety not only hampers your preparation but also negatively impacts your performance on the exam day. Stress may not be completely unavoidable during this time but you must try and stay positive to keep yourself calm and relaxed.

Have a Proper Plan โ€“ When you're beginning your journey of preparing for a competitive exam, the first and foremost thing to do is to create a plan that you can follow religiously. Having a schedule means you can always incorporate short breaks to rejuvenate and come back to study with full concentration.

Get Your Basics Right โ€“ Knowing things on the surface is not enough when you're preparing for an entrance exam. You should have in-depth knowledge and understanding of each topic that you cover. Learning formulas may help in some case but competitive exams are more about logic and your understanding at the fundamental level.

Keep Short Notes Handy for Revision โ€“ During revision, it is not possible to go through all the topics in detail. Hence, it makes sense to prepare short notes covering all the important points. It improves your chances of performing well in the exam to a great extent.

Get Expert Guidance โ€“ When you're preparing for an entrance exam, you will probably have some doubts related to the syllabus, exam pattern or the test day. In that case, it is best to have a mentor on your side who will not only clear your confusion but will also boost your confidence to take the exam.

NIFT 3-Month Preparation Strategy

Many students who aspire to be designers wonder if they will qualify for the NIFT exam in three months. Those who follow accurate NIFT 2025 preparation tips and use reputable study materials can do so within three months with ease. On this page, we have outlined how to prepare for the NIFT 2025 in three months. To ace the design entrance exam, all applicants must read through and adhere to the below-mentioned NIFT 2025 preparation strategy.

  • Designing a timetable for your three-month NIFT 2025 preparation plan is the first step. Allocate time for every section and categorise all the topics correspondingly.

  • Make sure you avoid missing even a single day of study by being constant in your NIFT 2025 preparation. Be sure you thoroughly and consistently go over every section.

  • While learning a new topic, jot down brief notes that you can refer to later for clarification.

  • Strive to improve your capacity for observation as much as you can. Take in the intricacies of the things surrounding you.

  • Engage in a variety of creative pursuits to expand your imagination.

  • Give yourself adequate time to review and fix any weak areas while covering the complete NIFT 2025 syllabus.

  • Increase your pace and work on completing the question paper in the allocated time.

  • Assemble the NIFT previous year's question papers and practice sample papers regularly. Get familiar with the test and hone your time management skills.

  • Every day, read newspapers or listen to the news to improve your current affairs and general knowledge.

  • Comprehend the NIFT 2025 syllabus thoroughly and customise your mock exams accordingly.

  • To improve your sketching and drawing abilities for the NIFT Situation Test, practise regularly.

NIFT 6 Months Preparation Strategy

NIFT is a highly competitive examination that is taken by around 22,000 aspirants every year. Based on merit, nearly 2,400 seats are offered to deserving candidates. With a well-structured and designed preparation strategy anyone can clear the exam. Check out the 6 months preparation strategy of NIFT that an aspirant can adopt to score well and get admission to the National Institute of Fashion Technology.

Know Your Syllabus: Candidates have to go through the entire syllabus and important topics that are prescribed by the NIFT. Covering the whole syllabus is of utmost importance as questions can crop up from anywhere.

Check Out the Exam Pattern: An interested individual needs to be familiar with the exam pattern of the NIFT Entrance Exam as it helps in building confidence and understanding the question paper.

Chalk Out a Plan: Prepare a 6 months long plan on paper so that it becomes easy to implement the ideas. Give more time to the weak areas but also revise the strong areas for the optimum result.

Get your Basics Right: Basics are the main blocks that are responsible for the formation of the whole foundation. Keep your basics straight and clear as it makes the preparation a little easier.

Work on your Speed: Increasing the speed is of key importance as time-management is extremely important for completing the entire exam on time. Focus on practice and consistency. It helps in enhancing the speed and will let you answer more answers with accuracy in a short period of time.

Polish Visualisation & Observation Skills: Creativity, Observation and Visualisation ability play a vital role in attempting the questions of NIFT exam. Along with the good sketching skills, visualisation, creativity and observation of an applicant are also evaluated. Go through practice papers to solve multiple questions of the NIFT exam.

Solve Sample Papers and Previous Year's Question Paper: It is the best way to comprehend the exam pattern and understand the nature of the exam. It also lends an idea about the type of questions that might crop up in the final exam.

Keep an Eye on General Knowledge: Making reading newspapers and magazines a habit. Also, watch the news on television to stay updated with public affairs and general knowledge. Ensure that no field and design-related news is left out.

Leave Some Time for Revision: Do not bury your nose under a stack of the book till the last day. Try leaving at least a month or so for revision and end moment practice. Instead of focusing on new topics try utilising the last month for refreshing the brain's memory.

Take Regular Breaks: Keep taking breaks in between the studying hours. It helps in enabling focus and concentration and does not feed the brain with too much information.

Sleep and Eat on Time: It is the most underrated strategy and tip. Sleeping and eating on time keep the brain fresh and the body active which help in preparing better.

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NIFT Preparation Strategy: Time Table for NIFT 2025

The candidates can take help from the table below to prepare an effective timetable for NIFT 2025 preparation:

Study Session

Ideal Time to be Put In

Things To Do

Morning Session

3 Hours

  • Pick up any topic from the Subject of your choice

  • Be thorough with the entire topic (theoretical aspect)

  • Focus on the practical aspect of the topic


Afternoon Session

3 Hours

  • Revise the topic covered in the previous session in the first hour

  • Pick up any topic from the Subject of your choice

  • Be thorough with the entire topic (theoretical aspect)

  • Focus on the practical aspect of the topic


Evening Session

4 Hours

  • Revise the topic covered in the previous session in the first hour

  • Pick up any topic from the Subject of your choice

  • Be thorough with the entire topic (theoretical aspect)

  • Focus on the practical aspect of the topic

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FAQs about NIFT Entrance Exam Preparation Tips

Is one book enough for preparing for the NIFT GAT Reading Comprehension section?

Yes, one book is sufficient for the preparation of the section of Reading Comprehension of NIFT GAT. You can choose any popular book like Arihant NIFT Entrance Exam Self Study Guide or Prashant Kumarโ€™s NIFT Entrance Examination Preparation Guide and practice questions through sample papers or previous yearsโ€™ papers.

How can I prepare for the Quantitative section of NIFT Entrance Exam?

In order to ace the Quantitative section of the NIFT Entrance Exam, you have to have an in-depth understanding of all the basics of the topics that are covered in the section. Once you have revised all the formulas and mathematical rules, you must practise regularly. Maths only improves with good and thorough practice. Taking mock tests will also help you in understanding the type of questions that will be asked in the exam.

How long does it take to prepare for the NIFT Entrance Examination?

The time required for NIFT Entrance Exam preparation varies from person to person. Someone who has a good understanding of all the basics and is good with the mathematics topics asked in the quantitative section can complete his/ her preparation in 2 months. Whereas a person who does not have clarity regarding the basics and has to start from scratch will need around 6 months or more to prepare for the NIFT Entrance Exam.

What is considered to be a good score in the NIFT Entrance Exam?

The cut off and average marks of the NIFT Entrance Exam is different every year. However, it can be said that getting an average score of 83 or above will place you in the top 100 ranks.

Which is easier? NIFT GAT or NIFT CAT?

Both NIFT GAT and NIFT CAT are different exams and hence, it cannot be compared as to which one is easier. The syllabus for GAT is more than that of CAT and some candidates find that to be slightly tougher.

Is it difficult to crack the NIFT Entrance Exam?

Cracking the NIFT Entrance Exam is considered difficult but if you have prepared well and are clear with the basics, you can easily ace the exam.

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