Management of water resources | - Water management emerging issues
- Development of watershed % capacity building
- Water users association/Farmers Association
- Watery delivering systems
IT in agricultural system | - Expert systems and models of plant production in horticulture
- E-commerce, e-governance, e-business (systems and their applications)
- Precision farming
- Crop production modeling
- Plant growth in greenhouse on line measurement
System analysis | - Linear programming
- Irrigation water allocation
- Dynamic programming
- Irrigation management
- Application for irrigation scheduling
- Decision support systems
- Application to design & reservoirs operations
Preservation of food | - Water activity
- Microbial death kinetics
- Sterilization/pasteurization of liquid foods and milk
- Cooling and freezing for preservation of food
- Desorption and sorption isotherms
Storage systems | - Bins, godowns, and grains silos
- Modified and controlled atmosphere storage
Size reduction and conveying | - Grain cleaners effectiveness
- Grading and cleaning
- Solids, liquids, and gas centrifugal separation
- Size separation using screening
- Pneumatic, screw, bucket conveying
- Energy requirement & mechanics in reducing size of granular solids
- Comminuted solids particle size analysis
Drying | - Evaporators, drum, tray, and spray dryers
- Hydrothermal treatment
- Milling and drying of pulses, cereals, and oilseeds
- Steady state heat transfer in radiation, convection, and conduction
- Psychrometry
- Concentration & drying of liquid foods
Wells and pumps | - Steady flow via wells
- Pumps classification
- Characteristics of pumps
- Selection and installation of pumps
- Types of wells
Groundwater hydrology | - Groundwater occurrence
- Law by Darcy
- Confined and unconfined aquifers steady flow
- Groundwater recharge
- Aquifer properties evaluation
Agricultural drainage | - Surface and subsurface drainage system design and layout
- Salinity control & leaching requirement
- Quality & reuse of drainage and irrigation water
- Drainage coefficient
Irrigation engineering | - Underground pipelines and design of irrigation channels
- Irrigation scheduling
- Irrigation methods design and evaluation
- Irrigation efficiencies
- Sprinkler, surface, and micro irrigation methods
Soil water plant relation | - Infiltration measurement
- Crops water requirement, consumptive use and evapotranspiration
- Soil moisture & irrigation water infiltration
Erosion control | - Soil erosion mechanics
- Types of soil erosion
- Water/wind erosion
- Factors that affect erosion
- Control soil erosion with engineering and biological measures
- Estimation of soil loss
- Bunds and terraces
- Gully control structures
- Vegetative waterways
- Drop, drop inlet
- Earthen dams
- Land use capability classification
- Structures for rainwater harvesting
- Farm ponds
Leveling and surveying | - Distance and area measurement
- Surveying and leveling instruments
- Chain surveying
- Traversing methods
- Angles and bearings measurement
- Plane table surveying
- Leveling types
- Theodolite traversing
- Contouring
- Computation of volume and area
Hydrology | - Hydrological cycle (its components)
- Meteorological parameters (measurement, analysis of perception data, runoff estimation)
- Hydrograph analysis, theory of unit hydrograph (its application)
- Measurement of steam flow
- Flood routing
Soil mechanics | - Soils engineering properties, relationships, and fundamental definitions
- Mohrโs circle of stress
- Earth pressures active/passive
- Slopes stability
Fluid mechanics | - Real/ideal fluids
- Fluids properties
- Hydrostatic forces at curved and plane surface
- Equation of continuity
- Bernoulliโs theorem
- Moodyโs diagram
- Flow in open channels
Tractors & power tillers | - Power tillers & tractors repair, maintenance, selection, type
- Brakes and clutches of tractor
- Power transmission system
- Tractors chassis mechanics
- Hydraulic control and mechanics used in tractors
Farm power | - IC engine thermodynamics principles
- Components of engines
- Combustion and fuels
- Lubricants (its properties)
- IC engine systems
Farm machinery | - Hitch systems
- Soil tillage forces on tillage tool
- Principles of working, functions, construction, operation for tillage
- Performance parameters
- Implements & tractors cost analysis
Sources of power | - Source of power on farm
- Bio fuels
Machine design | - Selection/design of machine elements
- Permanent and temporary joints
- Energy storing elements