Best Books for TS EDCET 2025 Exam Preparation - Check TS EDCET Preparation Books Here

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 19 Feb, 2025 14:46

Registration Starts On March 01, 2025

Students must utilise the right resources to do well in the admission test. To help the students, we have furnished the list of the best books for TS EDCET 2025 on this page. Check them out now!

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Best Books for TS EDCET 2025 Preparation

Best Books for TS EDCET 2025: It is important to follow the right study materials for effective preparation. While selecting the best books for TS EdCET, students must make sure the content is based on the latest syllabus and the concepts are explained in simple language.

Apart from that, the books must have been written by subject matter experts. Following the completion of the syllabus, candidates can concentrate on responding to questions focused on the syllabus by trying TS EDCET previous years question papers, TS EDCET sample papers, and TS EDCET mock tests. TS EDCET admission test scores are used to select students at various universities and B.Ed schools across Telangana.

Upcoming Education Exams :

Important Topics for TS EdCET 2025

Candidates should choose the best books for TS EdCET 2025 after skimming through the syllabus for the essential topics for TS EDCET 2025. Aspirants will be awarded plus one for each correct answer.

The TS EDCET 2025 syllabus is summarised here and comprises the following sections - 

Mathematics, Science and Social Studies

  • This section will have 60 questions. Students will have to attempt 20 questions from the above sections per their methodology and eligibility. 
  • For Mathematics, students will face questions from topics like Number Systems, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Data Handling, Commercial Mathematics, Algebra, etc.
  • For Science, aspirants will have to study topics like Chemical Reactions, Food, Heat, Living Organisms, Electricity & Magnetism, Weather & Climate, Stars & Solar System, etc.
  • For Social Studies, questions will be asked about topics like Geography, History, Political Science, Economics, etc.

Teaching Aptitude

  • This Teaching Aptitude section will have 20 questions of one mark each.
  • Questions will be based on communication skills with children, analytical thinking, general intelligence, understanding the teaching and learning process, classroom management, and mentorship, teacher-pupil association.

General English 

  • This General English section will have 20 questions of one mark each.
  • Questions will be based on Reading Comprehension, Spelling errors, Vocabulary, Phrase replacement, Error detection, Word association etc.

General Knowledge and Educational Issues

  • The General Knowledge and Education Issues segment will have 20 questions.
  • Some major sub topics include Indian and International Current Affairs, Contemporary Educational Issues, History, Culture, Geography, General Policy, Ecology, Economics, and Scientific Research about India and its neighbours.

Computer Awareness

  • Aspirants will need to answer 20 questions from the Computer Awareness segment.
  • Important topics are Computer - Internet, Memory, Networking and Fundamentals of Computers Antivirus etc.

List of Best Books for TS EDCET 2025 Preparation

Here is the list of best books for TS EDCET 2025 preparation -



Author/ Publication

General Knowledge

Lucent General Knowledge

Dr Binay Karna

Manorama Year Book

Mammen Mathew

General English

Wren & Martin English Grammar and Composition

Dr. N.D.V Prasad Rao

Objective General English

SP Bakshi

Computer Awareness

Computer Knowledge

Shikha Aggarwal

Computer Awareness for General Competitive Exams

Soumya Ranjan Behera

Objective Computer Awareness

Arihant Experts

Teaching Aptitude

Teaching Aptitude and Attitude Test

Abha Malik

Social Studies

Self Preparation Guide TGT Social Studies Recruitment examination

Arihant Experts

1100+ Multiple Choice Questions for General Studies

Tarun Goyal


Quicker Maths

M. Tyra

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

RS Agarwal

Shortcuts in Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

Disha Publications


Encyclopedia of General Science for General Competitors

Arihant Experts

General Science

Ravi Bhushan, Lucent Publications

Other Important Sources for TS EDCET 2025 Exam Preparation

In addition to the TS EDCET Books, the applicants should also consult the previous year's question papers of TS EDCET and model test papers if they want to enhance their results and get the TS EDCET score they want. The question papers from the previous year's exam, current events news, quiz, practice tests, newspapers, mock test series, and other similar resources are some of the most helpful resources for passing the entrance exam. These will assist them in constructing the fundamental ideas and will strengthen their preparation for the actual examinations

How to Select Best Books for TS EDCET 2025

To effectively prepare for the TS EDCET 2025, candidates need to select entrance books after taking into account the following factors:

  • It would be beneficial for students to choose a book that is not only simple to read and comprehend in a short amount of time but also thoroughly addresses the topics covered in the curriculum.
  • Candidates are required to choose a text that covers the totality of the TS EDCET 2025 curriculum, including all of the sections and subtopics.
  • Students might take into consideration the year the book was published if they are looking for the most relevant reading material for TS EDCET 2025. Students will be able to determine whether or not the revision reflects changes made to the course material and examination formats since the book was first released.
  • Aspirants should search for books and materials that provide them the option of sample questions along with solutions. They can solve those questions and cross-check the answers later on.

How to Prepare for the TS EDCET Exam?

Although thousands of people take the test, only a select few successfully pass the admissions test. Candidates must devise the most effective exam strategy to achieve a certain score to crack the examination. Those applicants who perform exceptionally well on the written examination will be considered further in the TS EDCET Counselling Process. 

The following are some helpful preparation hacks that can be used to achieve success on the TS EDCET Exam.

  • Candidates need to be familiar with the syllabus and TS EDCET Exam Pattern to comprehend the examination's paper pattern, question types, and marking scheme, as well as the types of questions that will be asked during the examination.
  • Candidates are expected to have a solid understanding of the fundamental ideas underlying every subject covered in the syllabus. To achieve this, they must develop a rigid schedule and adhere to it until the end of the admissions test. To ensure that they can finish the course material on time, you should make sure that they study every day for the appropriate amount of time.
  • Applicants should look at the TS EDCET cut off from the previous year to get an idea of the level of exam difficulty that will be present in the upcoming exam as well as the expected cut-off marks, and then they should adjust their study strategy accordingly.
  • The sessions require the candidates to devote at least three to four hours of their time regularly. They should carefully go over all of the concepts, theories, and topics that have been covered because doing so will assist them in remembering the major points, formulas etc., for a longer period of time.

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FAQs about TS EDCET Books

Is studying from TS EDCET best books adequate for preparation for the entrance test?

Studying from TS EDCET best books is not adequate for preparation for the entrance test. Once they finish the syllabus, they must revise the topics well, and take up mock tests, and solve previous year question papers.


Where can candidates get the best TS EDCET best books?

Candidates can get the best TS EDCET best books from online books stores, or from local markets. 


How many books must the aspirants use for TS EDCET preparation?

There is no specific number as to how many books must the aspirants use for TS EDCET preparation. Candidates must make sure they use reliable and trustworthy books which provide correct information and sample questions for practice.


Can candidates prepare from old edition books of TS EDCET?

Candidates should follow only the recent edition books of TS EDCET. The old books may contain outdated syllabi and lack new and recent updates and information.


What are some of the important books that the candidates must follow for TS EDCETโ€™s Mathematics and Science segment?

Some of the important books that the candidates must follow for TS EDCETโ€™s for Mathematics are Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Agarwal, and Shortcuts in Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Disha Publications. For the Science segment, the best books for TS EDCET are Encyclopedia of General Science for General Competitors by Arihant Experts and General Science by Ravi Bhushan.


What are TS EDCET best books for the General English section?

Some of TS EDCET best books for the General English section are Wren & Martin English Grammar and Composition by Dr N.D.V Prasad Rao, and Objective General English by SP Bakshi.


What are TS EDCET best books for the General Knowledge section?

Some TS EDCET best books for the General Knowledge section include Lucent General Knowledge by Dr Binay Karna, and Manorama Year Book by Mammen Mathew.


What are the major subjects of TS EDCET for which candidates need to prepare from the best books?

Mathematics, Science and Social, Teaching Aptitude, General English, General Knowledge and Educational Issues, and Computer Awareness are the major subjects of TS EDCET for which candidates need to prepare from the best books.


Why is it important for the candidates to use TS EDCET best books for preparation?

It is important for the candidates to use TS EDCET best books for preparation as without knowing the source from which they can study the subjects their preparation will not be effective. 


How can candidates choose TS EDCET best books?

While selecting TS EDCET best books candidates must check out the recommended list provided by several coaching institutes, exam toppers, mentors or teachers. Apart from this criteria, the students must check out if the books they wish to purchase are from reputed authors or not.

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