XGMT 2025 Result (Out) - Result Link (Available), Merit List, Cutoff and Download Scorecard/Rankcard

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 30 Jan, 2025 13:32

The XGMT 2025 results has been released on January 30, 2025, on the official website at xim.edu.in/x-gmt. Candidates will be able to check the result using their XU ID and Paswrod created at the time of registration.

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XGMT Result 2025 (Out)

The XGMT result 2025 has been released on January 30, 2025. XIM University released the XGMT 2025 results on the official website - xim.edu.in/x-gmt/. You can view and download your results/scorecards using login credentials such as the Xavier University ID and Password. The direct link to XGMT result 2025 has been updated in the table below :

The XGMT 2025 exam was conducted on January 25, 2025. XIM University, Bhubaneswar, will determine the XGMT 2025 cutoff, including both sectional and overall marks required for shortlisting candidates for GD, PI, and WAT. Those who meet the cutoff will be invited for further admission rounds. You must bring your XGMT scorecards to the selection process. The final results will take into account performance in the WAT, GD, and PI. Information on how to check or download the XGMT 2025 scorecard and details included will be provided below.

Also Read:XGMT 2025 Score vs Percentile

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XGMT Result 2025 Dates

Aspirants who are planning to seek MBA admissions through the XGMT exam 2025, must be aware of all the major events and their corresponding dates related to the XGMT timeline. Check out the list of important dates related to the XGMT exam 2025 given below:

XGMT 2025 Events


XGMT 2025 Exam Date

January 25, 2025 (Concluded)

XGMT 2025 Results Release Date

January 30, 2025 (Out)

XGMT 2025 WAT and PI Round

To Be Announced

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How to Check XGMT Result 2025?

Candidates who have appeared for the XGMT exam 2025 will be able to view their result once it is released on the official website. However, candidates must know how to check their XGMT results to easily access and also download their XGMT scorecard. Candidates may follow the steps mentioned below to view their results/scorecards:

XGMT Result 2023

Step 1: First, candidates should visit the official website for the XGMT exam 2025 - xim.edu.in/x-gmt/.

Step 2: Once on the official website, candidates need to find and click on the โ€˜XGMT Result 2025โ€™ link.

Step 3: Subsequently, candidates will be redirected to the login page, where they have to provide their login credentials, including their XU ID and Date of Birth, and click on โ€˜Submitโ€™

Step 4: Once the XGMT scorecard is displayed on the screen, candidates need to check and verify all the details mentioned on the scorecard. Subsequently, candidates may either print the scorecard directly or download a soft copy of the scorecard for future reference.

Details Mentioned on the XGMT Scorecard 2025

Apart from containing the percentile/score of the candidates, the XGMT scorecard also consists of numerous other details related to the candidate and the XGMT exam. Candidates must make sure all these details are accurate when they access the scorecard for the first time, to avoid any kind of hassle during the XGMT selection process. If candidates find any discrepancies in the scorecard, they must report it to the relevant authorities and get them rectified immediately. The details mentioned on the XGMT scorecard are as follows:

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Registration ID of the Candidate
  • Section-wise percentage score of the candidate
  • Section-wise percentile score of the candidate
  • Overall Percentile/Score of the candidate
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What After XGMT Result 2025?

Qualified applicants will be asked to take part in the Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD), and Personal Interview (Pi) rounds of the XGMT admission process following the announcement of the XGMT results. Shortlisted candidates will be chosen based on their total and sectional cutoff scores, which will be announced by Xavier University, Bhubaneshwar, at the time of shortlisting. Candidates will be required to take care of all travelling and lodging expenses during XGMT selection process. Candidates must be aware of the following points about the XGMT Shortlist Criteria given below:

  • In addition to entrance exam results (XAT, CAT, GMAT, or XGMT), XIM University, Bhubaneswar also emphasizes on academic background, professional experience, and other factors when shortlisting candidates.
  • Following the release of the XGMT entrance exam results, candidates will be shortlisted for the XGMT GD and PI rounds based on their sectional and overall scores in XGMT 2025.

XGMT Counselling Process 2025

As we know, the XGMT exam is a university-level examination conducted by XIM University, Bhubaneshwar for MBA admissions at the prestigious institute. Similar to other popular entrance exams like the CAT, a counselling process is also conducted for the XGMT exam. There are three different stages of the XGMT counselling process, these include:

  • XGMT Selection Process: The XGMT selection process involves the initial shortlisting of candidates who have appeared for the XGMT exam based solely on their sectional percentile scores and overall percentile scores on the entrance exam. For candidates who are residents of the state of Odisha, there may be different sets of sectional and overall cut-off scores for other major MBA entrance exams XAT/CAT/GMAT/NMAT.
  • Group Discussion, Personal Interview, and Written Ability Test: Similar to the GD/PI/WAT rounds conducted during the counseling sessions of other MBA entrance exams, these rounds of selection are taken for qualified candidates to test their interpersonal skills, essay writing skills, communication skills, and more. The GD round requires a group of candidates to hold a conversation about a certain topic that has been assigned to them. The goal of the GD round is to assess the candidates' ability to work as a group. In the WAT round, applicants must complete a brief essay on one or more topics within the allotted time. The PI round requires candidates to present themselves to a group of interviewers. Candidates are evaluated based on a variety of factors, including overall academic performance, general knowledge (GK), communication skills, performance in previous rounds, presence of mind, etc. The WAT/GD/PI rounds of admissions for XGMT will be conducted in the following cities:
    • Bhubaneswar
    • Bangalore
    • Kolkata
    • Mumbai
    • New Delhi
    • Hyderabad
  • Final Selection: The candidate's performance in the entrance exam, writing ability test, group discussion, personal interview, past academic records, relevant work experience, and other relevant aspects, if any, will all be taken into consideration when making the final decision. 

Selected candidates will get a notification of their selection by the first week of April 2024 through e-mail. Their final acceptance will be contingent upon submitting the necessary paperwork during the counseling session.

XGMT Counselling Process: Necessary Documents

Candidates who wish to participate in the counseling process of XGMT are required to produce certain documents that are vital for their final selection at XIM University, Bhubaneswar for MBA admission. The documents required for the XGMT Counselling Process are as follows:

  • XGMT Admit Card
  • XGMT Scorecard
  • Class 10 Marksheet
  • Class 12 Marksheet
  • Bachelorโ€™s Degree Marksheet and other relevant documents
  • Passport-size Photographs of Candidate (Recent)

Candidates who are in the final year of their bachelorโ€™s degree and are expected to appear for their final examinations by June 15, 2025, are also eligible to apply for the XGMT counselling process.

Want to know more about XGMT

FAQs about XGMT Result

What is the XGMT 2025 cutoff score required for XIMB?

The XGMT 2025 cutoff score required for XIMB are: Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning - 70, Quantitative Aptitude - 45, Data Interpretation - 45, Emotional Quotient & General Awareness - 50, with an overall percentile of 91. XIMB releases the XGMT cutoff scores after the results, considering both sectional and overall percentiles for admission.

What is the difference between XAT and XGMT?

The major difference between XAT and XGMT is that one is a national-level entrance exam and the other is a university-level entrance exam. Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is a national-level MBA entrance exam conducted by XLRI, Jamshedpur and is accepted by over 160 institutes across India. In contrast, XGMT is a university-level exam administered by XIM University, Bhubaneswar, exclusively for management admissions at XIM. Additionally, XGMT is generally considered easier compared to XAT.

What is the marking scheme of the XGMT 2025 exam?

The marking scheme of the XGMT 2025 exam awards 3 points for each correct response on the XGMT exam, and for each incorrect response, one point is deducted. There is no negative marking in the X-GMT exam for unattempted questions, although there is no negative marking for unanswered questions.

What should candidates do if they are not able to download their XGMT 2025 result?

In case, candidates are not able to download their XGMT 2025 results due to glitches on the official website and candidates are known to face extremely slow response times on the website when the XGMT results are announced. Many candidates may struggle to access or download their scorecards during this time. In such cases, it is best to wait for a while before attempting again. Alternatively, switching to a different web browser may help resolve the issue and allow access to the XGMT results or scorecards.

Is work experience compulsory for XGMT?

No, work experience is not a mandatory requirement for appearing in the XGMT exam and its subsequent counselling process. Freshers, as well as final year students with no prior work experience, can also take the XGMT exam and participate in the counselling process for management admissions at XIM University, Bhubaneswar.  However, aspirants must note that work experience is considered during the selection process and candidates with prior work experience are given weightage during the final selection.

Can candidates choose their interview location for XGMT counselling?

Yes, candidates can choose their interview location for XGMT counselling. While filling out the application form for the XGMT exam, candidates are required to provide their preference for the interview city. XGMT interviews are conducted in six different cities across India, these locations are Bhubaneswar, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, and Hyderabad. Candidates can choose any of these locations for their interview during XGMT counselling. Candidates must note that they have to bear the travel and lodging expenses when participating in the XGMT counselling process themselves.

Are XGMT results sent to candidates via post?

No, the XGMT results are not sent to individual candidates via mail or post. Candidates who have appeared for the XGMT exam will only be able to access their result/scorecard on the official website for XIM University, Bhubaneswar, i.e. xim.edu.in/x-gmt/. Candidates must check their results by providing the required login credentials including their Xavier University ID and Date of Birth. Candidates should also download their XGMT result and take a printout of the same for future reference, as the XGMT scorecard is a prerequisite for participating in the XGMT counselling process.

When are the XGMT 2025 cutoffs announced?

The XGMT 2025 cutoffs for various management programs offered at XIM University, Bhubaneswar will be announced after the declaration of the XGMT results. The XIMB cutoff is based on the XAT, CAT, GMAT, XGMT, and NMAT exams. The minimum score needed to be called in for a personal interview is known as the cutoff score. But it's important to keep in mind that the cutoff serves as a primary filter, and only those who achieve high enough scores may expect to be admitted. The XIMB cutoff figures change slightly every year. Candidates can expect the XGMT cutoff scores to be released within a week of the result declaration.

Can candidates apply for re-evaluation of their XGMT results?

No, candidates do not have the facility to apply for re-evaluation of their XGMT result. Once the XGMT results are released by XIM University, Bhubaneswar, candidates will have to use the scores/percentile allotted to them for the XGMT counselling process. In the event of a tie between applicants who receive the same score on the XGMT test, the order of merit will be determined using the candidate's date of birth, with the older candidate receiving preference. Since the XGMT exam is a computer-based test (CBT), it does not allow for re-evaluation or in-person verification.

What is the validity of the XGMT result/scorecard?

The XGMT result/scorecard is only valid for the academic session in which the exam is taken by candidates. This means that candidates will only be able to use their XGMT result/scorecard 2024 for MBA admissions at XIM University, Bhubaneswar for the academic year 2024-26. Candidates who plan on taking the entrance exam must also note that the XGMT exam is a university-level entrance exam and is only accepted by XIM University for admissions into various Masterโ€™s Degree programs in the field of management.

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