What is the XAT 2026 official mock test date?
The XAT 2026 official mock test date is September 2025. It will be available on the official XAT website at xatonline.in. The mock test will only be accessible to candidates who have completed XAT 2026 registration by September 2025.
What is the XAT mock test?
XAT mock test is a replica of the original XAT test which is released by XLRI, Jamshedpur every year. The mock test is released at least ten to fifteen days before the exam so that students can get evaluate their performance and accelerate their last-moment preparation.
Is the XAT mock test tougher than the real XAT exam?
No, the XAT mock test is not tougher than the real XAT exam. Both have the same difficulty levels and practising the mock paper will boost the confidence of the students. They will also understand how to answer the questions in the final examinations and the strategies that will aid them to maximise their scores.
What are the advantages of solving the XAT mock test?
The advantages of solving the XAT mock test are plenty. Firstly, they are released by the official authority that conducts the exam so solving the paper will prepare the students for the real exam. They will also get acquainted with the interface that will help them easily manoeuvre across the questions. Besides, they will help candidates predict their scores in the XAT exam.
Will the XAT mock test score count in the final XAT exam?
No, the XAT mock test score will not be counted in the final XAT exam. The score that will be displayed on the screen after the conclusion of the mock test will only rate the performance of the candidates in the test.
Can anyone take the XAT mock test?
Yes, anyone can take the XAT mock test from the official website of XLRI by agreeing to the terms and conditions irrespective of whether they have registered for the test or not. However, the test is most suited for candidates who will appear for the upcoming exam.
Do I need to pay a fee to appear for the XAT mock test?
No, you do not need to pay a fee to appear for the XAT mock test. It is provided free of cost to the candidates as well as to anyone interested to take the test. Also, you do not need to pay a fee to get the scores.
Is there any official syllabus for the XAT mock test?
No, there is no official syllabus for the XAT mock test. You have to follow the unofficial but authentic syllabus that has been predicted by experts in the field. You can get the XAT syllabus by clicking on the syllabus page of the XAT exam on the CollegeDekho website.
Is an offline version of the XAT mock test available?
No, an offline version of the XAT mock test is not available. XLRI publishes the test online on its website. Also, XAT is a computer-based test that comes with a timer and it will not be fruitful if practised offline.
Is there a limit to appearing for the XAT mock test?
No, there is no limit to appearing for the XAT mock test. You can take the test as many times as you wish till you get confident. You should also make sure that you understand the interface of the test and how it functions.
Can I pause the timer on the XAT mock test?
No, it is not possible to pause the timer on the XAT mock test. You will have to complete the exam at a go. If you want to pause to take a break then you will have to restart the exam again from the beginning.