AP EAMCET Chemistry Syllabus 2025

Updated By Diksha Sharma on 26 Aug, 2024 19:59

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AP EAMCET Chemistry Syllabus 2025

The AP EAMCET 2025 will hold a total of 160 questions out of which 40 questions will be asked from the chemistry syllabus. These questions from the Chemistry 2025 syllabus will be in multiple choice questions format. The AP EAMCET syllabus for chemistry has not yet been released. Considering last year's trends the organic chemistry syllabus holds important topics like carboxylic acids, polymers, and haloalkenes, and inorganic chemistry holds important topics like hydrocarbon, classification of elements, p block elements, and others. Check the chemistry syllabus for the AP EAMCET exam here.

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Unit Wise AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus for Chemistry

Check the table below to know the entire 2025 syllabus of chemistry. 


Topics in the Units 

Atomic structure 

  • Subatomic particles 
  • Atomic models 
  • Development in the Bohr’s atom model 
  • Electromagnetic radiation wave nature/particle nature  
  • Quantum theory by Planck 
  • Quantized electronic energy evidence 
  • Line of the spectrum of hydrogen explanation 
  • Bohr’s model limitations 
  • Subatomic particle's quantum mechanical principle 
  • Quantum mechanical model of atom important features 
  • Quantum members & orbitals 
  • Atomic orbitals shape/energy/filling of orbitals in an atom
  • Principle by Pauli & Aufbau 
  • Rule by Hund for maximum multiplicity
  • Atoms electronic configuration 
  • Half & completely filled orbitals stability 

Elements classification & periodicity in properties 

  • Periodic classification genesis 
  • The present form of the periodic table & modern periodic law 
  • Nomenclature for elements with atomic numbers larger than 100
  • Elements electronic configuration & periodic table 
  • Physical properties trends 
  • Chemical properties periodic trends 
  • Chemical reactivity periodic trends 

Chemical bonding and molecular structure 

  • Lewis & Kossel's approach to chemical bonding 
  • Octet rule 
  • Simple molecules representation by Lewis 
  • Octet rule limitationns 
  • Electrovalent/ionic bond 
  • Factors responsible for the formation of ionic compounds 
  • Sodium chloride crystal structure 
  • Lattice enthalpy 
  • Ionic compound's general properties 
  • Bond parameter, length, angle, enthalpy, order
  • Polarity of bonds 
  • Prediction of geometry of simple molecules 
  • Valence bond theory 
  • Concept of orbital overlap 
  • Bonds directional properties 
  • Atomic orbitals overlapping 
  • Nature of covalent bonds & overlapping types 
  • Pi bonds & sigma strength 
  • Hybridization & its different types (including s,p, and d orbitals)
  • Simple covalent molecules shape 
  • Coordinate bond (its definition with example)
  • Molecular orbital theory/formation
  • Atomic orbitals linear combination & its conditions 
  • Molecular orbitals types, energy level diagram for it
  • Molecular behavior & electronic configuration 
  • Homonuclear diatomic molecules bonding 
  • Hydrogen bonding, formation cause of hydrogen bond
  • Hydrogen bond types (inter & intramolecular), generation properties for hydrogen bond 

States of matter (liquids & gases)

  • Intermolecular forces 
  • Thermal energy 
  • Thermal interactions vs intermolecular forces 
  • Gaseous state 
  • Law for gas/ideal gas equation 
  • Law of diffusion by Graham 
  • Law of partial pressure by Dalton 
  • Kinetic molecular theory of gases 
  • Ideal gas kinetic gas equation 
  • Molecular speed distribution 
  • Kinetic energy 
  • Real gases behavior 
  • Ideal gas behavior derivation 
  • Gases liquefaction 
  • Liquid state 
  • Vapor pressure 
  • Surface tensions & viscosity 


  • Significant figures 
  • Chemical combination laws 
  • Conservation of mass law
  • Definite proportions law 
  • Multiple proportions law 
  • Molecular & atomic masses 
  • Molar mass & mole concept 
  • Equivalent weight concept 
  • Calculation of molecular & empirical formula of compound & percentage composition of compounds 
  • Stoichiometric calculations 
  • Methods to express the concentration of solutions 
  • Redox reactions (the classical idea of it, oxidation & reduction reactions, redox reaction in electron transfer)
  • Oxidation number concept 
  • Redox reaction types/balancing of redox reactions, redox reactions in titrimetry


  • Terms of thermodynamics 
  • System & surrounding, its types 
  • Internal energy as a state of function 
  • First/second/third  law of thermodynamics 
  • Relation between Cp and Cv
  • Calorimetry 
  • Enthalpy 
  • Thermochemical equations 
  • Constant heat summation law by Hess 
  • Enthalpies for multiple reactions 
  • Spontaneity 
  • Gibbs energy 

Chemical equilibrium & acid bases 

  • Equilibrium in physical & chemical processes
  • Dynamic equilibrium 
  • Chemical equilibrium law 
  • Mass action & equilibrium constant law 
  • Homogeneous equilibria 
  • Equilibrium constant applications 
  • Relation between reaction quotient Q, equilibrium constant k, and Gibbs energy G 
  • Factors that affect equilibria 
  • Ionic equilibrium in solutions 
  • Acids, salts, and bases 
  • Concept of acids & bases by Lewis, Lorry, Arrhenius
  • Acids & bases ionization 
  • The ionization constant of water and the ionic product related to it 
  • Weak acids scale ionization constants 
  • Common ion effects in acids & bases ionization 
  • Salt and their pH solutions hydrolysis 

Hydrogen and its compounds 

  • Hydrogen’s position in the periodic table 
  • Isotopes & dihydrogen occurrence 
  • Properties & preparation of dihydrogen 
  • H2 uses 
  • Hydrides (covalent, ionic, non-stoichiometric)
  • Water & its physical properties 
  • Water & ice structure 
  • Chemical properties of water (hard & soft water)
  • Temporary & permanent hardness of water 
  • Hydrogen peroxide 
  • Heavy water 
  • Hydrogen as fuel 

The S block elements 

  • Group 1 elements (alkali metals, electronic configuration, ionic & atomic radii, ionization/hydration enthalpy, chemical & physical properties, and uses, general characteristics for the compounds of the alkali metals, oxides, halides, oxo acids salts, lithium anomalous properties, lithium and magnesium similarities, important sodium compounds, sodium and potassium biological importance)
  • Group 2 elements (alkaline earth elements, electronic configuration, ionization enthalpy, hydration enthalpy, physical & chemical properties, uses, characteristics of compounds from the alkaline earth metals, beryllium anomalous behavior, important calcium compounds, uses & preparation of calcium hydroxide, calcium & magnesium biological importance)

P block elements Group 14 Carbon Family 

  • General introduction (atomic radii/electronic configuration/ionization enthalpy/electro negativity)
  • Physical & chemical properties 
  • Anomalous properties and important trends of carbon 
  • Carbon’s allotropes/uses
  • Important silicon & carbon compounds 

P block elements Group 13 Boron Family 

  • General introduction (atomic radii/electronic configuration/ionization enthalpy/electro negativity)
  • Physical & chemical properties of aluminum reaction towards alkalies & acids
  • Anomalous properties and important trends of boron
  • Carbon’s allotropes/uses
  • Important boron compounds

Environmental chemistry 

  • Air/water/soil/environmental/atmospheric pollution definitions 
  • Acid rain 
  • Controlling environmental pollution with strategies 
  • Green chemistry 

Organic chemistry 

  • Introduction 
  • Tetravalency for carbon 
  • Organic compounds shapes/structural representation/classification/nomenclature/isomerism 
  • Organic reaction mechanism fundamental concepts 
  • Covalent bond fission 
  • Electrophiles & nucleophiles 
  • Organic reaction electron movement 
  • Effect of electron displacement on covalent bonds 
  • Organic reactions types 
  • Organic compound methods of purification 
  • Qualitative/quantitative elemental analysis of organic compounds
  • Hydrocarbons (classification, alkanes, alkynes, alkenes, aromatic hydrocarbons) 

Solid state 

  • Solid state general characteristics 
  • Crystalline & amorphous solids 
  • Crystalline solids classification based on multiple binding force 
  • Solid structure probing 
  • Atoms in a unit cell 
  • Close packed structures 
  • Octahedral & tetrahedral voids 
  • Simple cubic packing efficiency 
  • Calculations with unit cell dimensions 
  • Solid-type point defect imperfections 
  • Electrical properties 
  • Semiconductors & insulators 
  • Magnetic properties 


  • Solution types 
  • Concentration for solution-mass percentage 
  • Volume percentage/mass by volume percentage 
  • Solubility 
  • Law by Henry 
  • Liquid solutions vapor pressure 
  • Ideal/non-ideal solutions 
  • Abnormal molar masses 

Electrochemistry & chemical kinetics 

  • Electrochemistry (electrochemical cells, galvanic cells, electrode potential measurement, equation by Nernst, electrochemical cell & Gibbs energy for cell reaction, electrolytic solutions conductance, conductivity measurement of ionic solutions, variation of molar conductivity and conductivity with concentration, strong/weak electrolytes, Kohlrausch’s law applications, electrolytic cells & electrolysis, law by Faraday, batteries, fuel cells, metals corrosion)
  • Chemical kinetics (chemical reaction rate, rate of reaction factors that influence it, rate constant order/rate expression of a reaction, reaction’s molecularity, integrated rate equations, reaction’s half-life, temperature dependence of the rate of reaction, catalyst effect, chemical reaction rates collision theory)

Surface chemistry 

  • Adsorption (difference between adsorption & absorption, adsorption mechanism, adsorption types, physisorption characteristics, chemisorption characteristics, adsorption isotherms, adsorption applications)
  • Catalysis (autocatalysis, homogeneous/heterogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis adsorption theory, solid catalysts important features, enzyme catalysis, catalysts in industry)
  • Colloids (colloids classification, multimolecular/macromolecular/associated colloids, soaps cleansing action, colloid preparation, colloidal solution purification, colloidal solutions properties, colligative properties, Tyndall effect, electrophoresis, protection of colloids & coagulation of lyophilic acids, colloids around us)

General principles of metallurgy 

  • Metals occurrence 
  • Ores concentration 
  • Crude metal extraction from concentrated one 
  • Thermodynamics metallurgy principles 
  • Iron, copper, and zinc extraction from oxides 
  • Metallurgy electrochemical principles 
  • Oxidation & reduction 
  • Crude metal refining 
  • Aluminum, zinc, copper, and iron uses 

P block elements 

  • Group 15 elements (occurrence, electronic configuration, radii & atomic, ionization/enthalpy/electro negativity, physical/chemical properties, dinitrogen’s preparation, properties, & uses, nitrogen compounds/preparation/properties/uses of ammonia, nitrogen oxides, preparation & properties for nitric acid, phosphorous-allotropic forms
  • Group 16 elements (occurrence, electronic configuration, atomic & ionic radii/ionization enthalpy/electron gain enthalpy/electro negativity, physical & chemical properties, dioxygenpreparation its properties & uses, simple oxides, ozone-preparation/properties/structure/uses, sulfur-allotropic forms, sulphur dioxide-preparation/properties/uses, oxoacids of sulphur, sulphuric acid-industrial manufacturing process, properties & uses)
  • Group 17 (occurrence, electronic configuration, atomic/ionic radii/ionization enthalpy/electron gain enthalpy/electronegativity, physical & chemical properties, chlorine preparation properties/uses, hydrogen chloride preparation/properties/uses, oxoacids of halogens, interhalogen compounds preparation/properties/uses)
  • Group 18 elements (occurrence/electronic configuration/ionization enthalpy/atomic radii/electron gain enthalpy, physical & chemical properties, Xenon-fluorine compounds preparation/hydrolysis, xenon oxygen compounds their formation/structure, noble gases use)

D & F block elements and coordination compounds 

  • F & D block elements 
  • Position in the periodic table 
  • D block elements electronic configuration 
  • Transition elements general properties 
  • Atomic & ionic sizes of transition series variation 
  • Ionization enthalpies 
  • Oxidation state 
  • Formation of colored ions/complex compounds/catalytic properties/interstitial compounds 
  • Alloy formation 
  • Transition elements important compounds 
  • Inner transition elements f block (electronic configuration/atomic & ionic sizes/oxidation states/general characteristics)
  • The actinoids 
  • D and F block elements applications 
  • Coordination compounds (Werner theory, some terms definition in the coordination compounds, coordination compounds nomenclature, IUPAC nomenclature, isomerism & bonding in coordination compounds, stereo/structural isomerism, valence bond/crystal field theory, coordination compounds stability, application & importance of coordination compounds)


  • Polymers classification 
  • Polymerization reactions types 
  • Free radical method/preparation of addition polymers
  • Condensation/step growth polymerization 
  • Polyamides 
  • Terylene 
  • Rubber
  • Polymers molecular mass 
  • Polymers of commercial importance 


  • Carbohydrates (classification, structure & properties of glucose, fructose structure, sucrose preparation, invert sugar, polysaccharides, carbohydrates importance, amino acids, d and l forms structures, proteins, zwitterions, proteins)
  • Enzymes (mechanism of enzyme action, vitamins, nucleic acids, nucleic acids chemical composition, nucleic acids structure, hormones)

Chemistry in everyday life 

  • Drugs & its classification 
  • Classification of drugs on the basis of pharmacological effect, drug action, chemical structure, molecular targets
  • Catalytic action of enzymes 
  • Therapeutic action of multiple drug classes 
  • Chemicals in food (artificial sweetening agents/food preservatives/food antioxidants)

Halo alkanes & halo arenes

  • Nomenclature & classification 
  • C-X bond nature 
  • Preparation methods: aryl halides & alkyl halides 
  • Density & solubility 
  • Chemical reactions 
  • Polyhalogen compounds, its uses & environmental effects of dichloro methane/triiodomethane, trichloromethane/freons/DDT)

Organic compounds containing H,C, and O 

  • Phenols, alcohols, ethers 
  • Nomenclature 
  • Ether functional groups & hydroxy structures 
  • Preparation methods- carbonyl compounds from Grignard reagents alcohols from alkenes 
  • Phenols from benzene sulphonic acid /haloarenes/diazonium salt/cumene
  • Alcohols & phenol's physical properties 
  • Alcohol & phenols acidity 
  • Kolbe reaction 
  • Reaction by Reimer-Tiemann
  • Alcohols that are commercially important 
  • Ethers/methods of preparation
  • Williamson synthesis (physical properties)
  • Aldehyde & ketone (structures & nomenclature of carbonyl group, aldehyde & ketones preparation, physical properties of ketones & aldehydes, aldehydes & ketones chemical reactions, aldehydes & ketones uses)
  • Carboxylic acid (structure & nomenclature of carboxyl group, carboxylic acids methods of preparation, methods of preparation of carboxylic acid from aldehydes & primary alcohols/from alkyl benzenes/from amides & nitriles/from girgnard reagents/ from anhydrides & acyl halides/from esters, physical properties, chemical reactions, carboxylic acids uses)

Organic compounds containing nitrogen 

  • Amines (structure, classification, nomenclature, preparation, reduction of nitro compounds/nitriles/amides, synthesis by Gabriel & degrade reaction by Hoffmann, basic character of amines/alkylation/acylation)
  • Diazonium salts (preparation methods, physical properties, chemical reactions, diazonium salts importance in synthesis of aromatic compounds)
  • Cyanides & isocyanides (structure & nomenclature/preparation/physical properties/chemical reactions)

Important chapters & weightage from the Chemistry syllabus

Here are the important chapters and their weightage for chemistry. 

Important Chapters In Organic Chemistry 

Chapter Name


Carboxylic acids 




Ketones & aldehydes 








Important Chapters In Inorganic Chemistry  

Chapter Name


P block elements 


Classification of elements & periodicity in properties 




S block elements 


Metals & metallurgy 


Best Books for AP EAMCET chemistry preparation

Here are the best books to prepare for the 2025 syllabus for chemistry. 

  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
  • Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by Mukherjee
  • EAMCET Chemistry Chapterwise 23 Years Solutions & 5 Mock Tests (3rd Edition) by Arihant
  • Organic Chemistry (7th Edition) by Robert Thornton Morrison, Saibal Kanti Bhattacharjee, & Robert Neilson Boyd
  • Organic Chemistry by O.P Tandon

Preparation tips for the AP EAMCET chemistry syllabus

Read the preparation tips here to prepare for the Chemistry 2025 syllabus effectively. 

  • Master the periodic table, and be familiar with the periodic properties, trends, and their uses. Make a habit of practicing the periodic table by writing, do it once a week or on your weekends, this way you will be able to simply understand & learn the table. 
  • It is very important to practice the chemical equations. Make it a regular pratice to pratice different reactions. 
  • Take the help of online tools or YouTube videos to have a deep understanding of molecular structures. These will help you in grabbing them for a long time. 
  • Do not forget to learn the law of thermodynamics as understanding the laws and explaining then realistic examples can help you score good marks. 
  • Memorize all the important key reactions. Pratice the reactions daily to ensure you remember them. 
  • Solve the AP EAMCET 2024 question papers or the question papers of previous years. This will help you understand the difficult level of the questions asked in the chemistry section. 

We hope these tips will help you in preparing the 2025 syllabus for chemistry properly, for more such updates stay tuned with CollegDekho.

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