iDAT 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 04 Nov, 2024 12:23

Registration End On December 17, 2025

Preparing for the IIAD 2025 entrance exam? Start by creating a strict study schedule, gathering all the necessary study materials, and thoroughly reviewing the syllabus. Following tips and advice from students who have cracked the IIAD exam before is important to understand how to prepare for the exam.

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How to Prepare for IIAD 2025

IIAD 2025 preparation tips must be considered by all the students who are going to appear for the IIAD 2025 exam. The first and foremost tip to ace this entrance exam is to frame a strategic plan with relevant study hours. As the exam is approaching, students must start with their full-fledged preparation. We advise students to segregate the best study materials and solve a similar pattern of questions to understand the exam pattern better. Candidates should not start any new topics or sections just a few days before the final exam. Refer to IIAD 2025 preparation tips and tricks on this page.

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IIAD 2025 Preparation Tips for Logical Reasoning

The logical reasoning section of the IIAD entrance exam is the most important section to be solved with logical thinking skills. So, if you want to ace the logical reasoning section, check out the tips for the same below:

  • Review the question paper first then move to solve it: Candidates must note that going through the question before starting to solve it will help them analyse and think logically for alternative answers. 
  • Look for every small detail: Before making a move to solve the question, applicants must make a note of every detail provided in the question. 
  • Avoid guesswork: Donโ€™t guess anything as per the data given in question. Assuming details that are absent from a question may lead you to take the wrong path. Candidates can use the elimination procedure to solve the objective-type questions. 
  • Solve previous year's question paper to get an idea of the exam pattern: Practising through practice papers and previous year's question papers will help candidates understand the exam and question paper pattern in a better way. It will also fuel the candidateโ€™s problem-solving ability plus increase their efficiency and quickness.
  • Choose relevant study materials: Select the relevant study materials for the logical reasoning section because it will be an unproductive use of time to follow the preparation tips without the relevant books that cover the prescribed syllabus.
  • Make use of visually appealing structures to remember topics: Practising through charts, tables, Venn diagrams, and figures will help to recall topics. 
  • Practice with consistency: Solve the issues faced regularly to improve accuracy and time management. Candidates are also advised to practice with consistency. By solving numerous questions, students will enhance and have a more thorough comprehension of the questions.
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IIAD 2025 Preparation Tips for Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

Check out some tips to prepare for the creative thinking and problem-solving section of the IIAD exam 2024: 

  • Identify and check out the question first: Candidates must take time to go through the question asked to identify how should it be answered. Then, analyse and check for the answers that the questions demand. 
  • Try a unique approach to showcase your creativity: Exploring the creative and imaginative skills inside them will be a significant way to lay the personal style and unique touch to differentiate from all others. Candidates are advised to explore a bit different approach and not stand by anything regular. 
  • Explore your creative side: Engaging in activities which are related to design, both practically and theoretically will only help explore the creative side of the candidate. 
  • Consistency is the key to success: Continuous and consistent practice is advised for better focus and enhanced ideas. Try to engage in activities that boost lateral and creative approaches.
  • Approach the question with problem-solving ability: Questions which require a problem-solving approach and creative thinking skills can only be attempted correctly with open-mindedness. So, candidates must unlearn their learned concepts and try a stimulating and innovative approach.
  • Solve an ample amount of sample questions: To better understand the exam pattern and question types try solving the previous yearโ€™s questions and sample papers. 
  • Be thorough with the theories and concepts: This section is about the creative outlook so candidates must have a sound knowledge of art and design. Try to understand the theories and concepts given by experts which can be used as references in the answers.

Top 10 Tips to Ace IIAD Entrance Exam 2025

IIAD entrance exam can be aced by a candidate with a proper strategic plan in mind, however, to frame the same they must keep in mind certain tips & tricks as mentioned below:

#1 Kick off with the best preparation plan: Applicants must come up with a relevant and well-thought-out plan before kicking off the preparation.

#2 Exam pattern must be at your fingertips: Go through the entire exam pattern of the IIAD entrance exam along with the syllabus mentioned on the official website.

#3 Books are the heart of preparation: Choose books which are not only appropriate but also have easy language to understand. Check whether the selected study material is apt, so preparation can be done without struggling with the material. 

#4 Sample papers must be handy:  Sample papers include a blueprint of the question paper, so candidates are advised to solve them on priority. It will also help to enhance basic understanding and problem-solving approaches. Apart from sample papers, candidates can also go for mock tests and previous year's question papers.

#5 Analyse your strengths and weaknesses: Recognize your weaknesses and strengths and attempt to reflect on them. Invest more time in polishing your weaknesses and play to your strengths.

#6 Enhance speed and time management: Speed along with time management is essential because the exam is bounded with time and to solve questions with accuracy candidates need to master this skill.

#7 Learn shortcuts and techniques: Learning elimination techniques and shortcuts to solve objective-type questions can spare a lot of time and energy that you can infuse into descriptive and drawing questions.

#8 Take care of your health: While preparing for the IIAD exam candidates often forget to take care of themselves. However, it is important to be physically and mentally fit and fresh to prepare for any entrance.

#9 Breaks will help come back with more concentration: Studying continuously is not a good idea. Give your mind and body a break now and then. Candidate must understand the importance of recreation as it freshens up their mind.

#10 Revise, revise and revise: Revision plays an important part in the preparation, so candidates should revise regularly. It will also help to recall the covered parts and continue with new topics.

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FAQs about iDAT Preparation Tips

Where can I find the IIAD sample papers?

Candidates can find the IIAD sample papers on the official website of the IIAD or various other websites. They will be able to download the sample paper also from the College Dekho page.

Is the IIAD exam easy to crack?

Yes, the IIAD exam is said to be easier than most design entrance exams. So, with proper planning and study routine candidates can easily crack this exam.

What is the IIAD exam date 2025?

The IIAD exam date 2025 will be held on December 27 & 29, 2024. Candidates are advised to gear up their preparation as the exam is almost here.

What role does revision play in IIAD exam preparation?

Regular revision will help students recall learned concepts ensuring they are well-prepared for the IIAD exam. So, it is highly recommended to revise all sections before the final exam.

How often should I take breaks during IIAD exam study sessions?

Generally, students are recommended to take short breaks every 45-60 minutes to maintain focus and prevent burnout while studying for the IIAD exam. However, it may vary from student to student.

Are mock tests useful for IIAD exam preparation?

Yes, taking mock tests will help students get familiar with the exam pattern, manage time effectively, and identify areas requiring improvement.

How important is time management during IIAD exam preparation?

Time management is very important during the IIAD exam preparation. Candidates are suggested to allocate specific time slots for each section and stick to their study schedule to ensure comprehensive preparation.

How can I improve my creative thinking skills for the IIAD exam?

To improve creative thinking skills for the IIAD exam students are suggested to practice brainstorming, engage in creative activities, and work on past creative thinking questions to enhance their creativity.

What resources are best for Logical Reasoning for the IIAD exam?

For the logical reasoning section of the IIAD exam students must refer to reasoning books, and online practice tests focused on logical reasoning to enhance their skills. They can check out books on the College Dekho page.

How should I start preparing for the IIAD exam?

Candidates must begin their preparation for the IIAD exam by understanding the syllabus and exam pattern. They are advised to prepare a study plan covering all topics in Logical Reasoning, Creative Thinking and Visual Aptitude.

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