Will the conducting authority accept Kerala LLB answer key objections via email or fax?
The conducting authority will not accept Kerala LLB answer key objections via email or fax.
Does CEE refund the fee used for filing objections against the answer key of Kerala LLB?
Yes, the CEE will refund the fee used for filing objections against the answer key of Kerala LLB if the aspirant's concern is genuine. However, if the candidates send objections after the designated date and without the fee, they will not be considered under any conditions.
How can candidates calculate their probable scores with the help of the Kerala LLB answer key?
Candidates can compute their probable scores with the help of the Kerala LLB answer key by following the marking pattern suggested by the exam cell. Applicants can award themselves three marks for right answers and subtract one mark for wrong answers. In cases where the candidates have not attempted the question, they do not have to deduct any marks.
How can aspirants raise objections against the Kerala LLB answer key?
Aspirants can raise objections in writing against the Kerala LLB 2023 answer key in the format the conducting body asks within 5 days from the date of answer key publication. They also have to supply supporting documents in relation to their claim and pay the specified fee via DD in favour of the CEE, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
Can candidates challenge the Kerala LLB answer key if they see any errors?
Yes, candidates can challenge the Kerala LLB answer key if they see any errors in it. All the complaints received against the provisional answer key will be reviewed by the subject expert committees of the CEE.
What information is provided in the Kerala LLB answer key?
The Kerala LLB answer key will present the official question paper, the probable choices for the questions, and the right responses. It will help the aspirants get an idea about the score they can expect in the examination.
Is the Kerala LLB answer key released in offline mode also?
No, the Kerala LLB answer key is not released in offline mode.
How can aspirants access the Kerala LLB 2023 answer key?
Aspirants can access the Kerala LLB 2023 answer key from the homepage of the official site. They have to click the โAnswer Keyโ link available and download the key along with the official question paper set.
When will the Kerala LLB 2023 answer key be released?
The Kerala LLB 2023 answer key will likely be released within two weeks of the entrance exam. Candidates must frequently check the official website for updates and notifications.