KLEE 2025 Counselling - Registration, Documents, Seat Allotment, Fees, Procedure and Online Reporting

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 04 Nov, 2024 13:22

The final seat allotment result for 3-year LLB for KLEE 2024 counselling for round 2 was announced on October 24, 2024. Candidates can check the seat allotment results for phase 2 for 3-year LLB by visiting cee.kerala.gov.in.

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About KLEE 2024 Counselling Process (Ongoing)

KLEE counselling 2024 for 5-year and 3-year LLB is being conducted by the CEE Kerala. The final seat allocation result and the last rank details for round 2 were launched on October 24, for 3-year LLB and 5-year LLB. 

The allocation result is declared based on the online options and the rank obtained in the rank list. Entrants can check their allotment results and download their allotment memo from the Candidate Portal. Those who secured allocation for 3-year LLB have to report to the allocated institute by October 30, 2024, 3 pm.

Apart from the regular rounds of counselling, mop-up counselling and stray vacancy filling may be held depending on vacancies. Option registration, provisional seat allocation list, objection submission against the provisional list, final seat allotment list release, and fee payment are the major stages of Kerala LLB counselling. KLEE 2024 seat allotment PDFs for the 1st and 2nd rounds are provided in the below table -

 (round 2)KLEE 2024 Final Seat Allotment List for 5-Year LLB(round 2)KLEE 2024 Final Seat Allotment List for 3-Year LLB 
KLEE 2024 Last Rank List for 5-Year LLB (round 2)KLEE 2024 Last Rank List for 3-Year LLB (round 2)
KLEE 2024 Final Seat Allotment List for 5-Year LLB (round 1)KLEE 2024 Seat Allotment List for 3-Year LLB (round 1)
KLEE 2024 Last Rank List for 5-Year LLB (round 1)KLEE 2024 Last Rank List for 3-Year LLB (round 1)

Upcoming Law Exams :

KLEE 2024 Counselling Process: Important Dates

Given below are some of the important dates regarding the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2024 counselling and other major events -



KLEE Option Registration for Phase 1

3 Year LLB - September 19 - September 29, 2024 (revised)

5 Year LLB - September 19 - September 28, 2024 (revised)

Publication of Phase 1 Final Seat Allotment List

3 Year LLB - October 11, 2024

5 Year L.B - October 11, 2024

Option Confirmation for Second Phase

3 Year LLB - October 17 - 22, 2024

5 Year LL.B - October 17 - 22, 2024

Publication of Second Phase Final Seat Allotment List

3 Year LLB - October 24, 2024

5 Year LLB - October 24, 2024

Publication of Mop Up Final Seat Allotment List

3 Year LL.B - TBA

5 Year LL.B - TBA

Stray Vacancy Round

Find the dates for the stray vacancy round here - 

EventsDates for 3-year LLBDates for 5-year LLB
College Reporting Process (Round 1)



College Reporting Process (Round 2)

Colleges Accepting Exam KLEE :

How to Apply for KLEE 2024 Counselling Process?

Here are the main steps to apply for KLEE 2024 counselling process -

  1. Visit the official Government of Kerala Commissioner of Entrance Examination (CEE) website

  2. Click on the flashing link saying “Kerala LLB 2024 Counselling Process”

  3. Choose the desired course from the list of available courses 

  4. Enter the requisite student’s credentials such as application number, roll number and password

  5. The venue and time for the Kerala LLB 2024 counselling procedure will be displayed on the computer screen

  6. College names and their three-digit codes will appear offering Three-Year and Integrated Five-Year LL.B courses

  7. The candidates need to select the course and colleges of their choice

  8. Submit fee as per the course opted by them. 

Documents Required During the KLEE 2024 Counselling Process

Below is the list of essential documents to be produced at the time of KLEE counselling / admission - 

  • Applicant’s Data Sheet.
  • Allotment memo 
  • SSLC or other related school records / birth certificate / passport / other acceptable documents to establish the date of birth in the original are acceptable.
  • Original qualifying exam mark list and pass certificate
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Conduct Certificate from the last institution the Candidate attended.
  • Four copies of recent passport-size photos
  • The applicant who is working or a trainee in Government / Quasi Government/Banks, etc., must have a relieving order. 
  • Eligibility Certificate from the relevant university (CAP).
  • Students who qualify from other universities must present a migration certificate at the time of enrollment or before the first semester of classes.
  • All presented documents / certificates must be original.
  • Other certificates / documents must be provided in compliance with the prospectus / notifications / allotment memo.
  • Eligibility Certificate from the University concerned before submitting online options for allotment under the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) if applicable.
  • Originals of all the uploaded documents or certificates (to prove nativity / reservation / fee concession).
  • Any other certificates / documents must be furnished per the prospectus / notifications / allotment memo.

KLEE 2024 Counselling Process: CAP and Online Submission of Options

The Centralised Allotment is a simple and transparent technique of course allotment that allows the candidate to exercise their options for colleges of their choice in the order of their priority. Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the candidate's options exercised, rank earned, and eligible reservations. Candidates should only register for courses and colleges that they are certain they will attend upon allotment. 

If the aspirants fails to pay the fees or enrol in college, they will forfeit the allotment as well as all other possibilities. When a candidate is allotted, the preceding allotment, if any, is instantly annulled.

To offer an allotment to the Integrated Five Year LLB and 3-year LLB programmes, the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) would be done online. Candidates will be able to choose courses / colleges based on their performance in the entrance test. Courses / colleges will be assigned strictly in accordance with the rank list and category lists.

Allotments to all courses for all categories will be made through a Centralised Allotment Process. The process is done through a Single Window System (SWS) of Allotment to give allocations to the aspirants who have been included in the CEE's Rank list and Category lists based on the entrance examination.

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala, will manage the Single Window Admissions System for the Integrated Five Year LLB Courses and three-year LLB courses, with technological assistance from the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

Courses and seats in government law colleges, as well as government merit seats in private self-financing colleges, shall be included in the SWS and will be allocated in accordance with the terms of allotment.

Candidate to Register Options

Only through the website can students register options. Candidates must register their options in the candidate's 'Home Page' via the internet within the time frame specified. By following the instructions, candidates can use this website and register for courses and colleges. Options sent to the CEE via fax, post, hand delivery, or other means will not be considered or evaluated for seat allocation.

Time Period for Registering Options

The alternative registration facility will be available only during the time period mentioned in the CEE notifications. When the time period expires, the facility will be withdrawn, and the candidate will no longer have access to it. 

A candidate who does not register their alternatives within the specified time frame will not be eligible for allotments against any of the available seats, regardless of rank. Under no circumstances can an extension of time for registering options be given.

Eligibility for Options Registration

Only students whose names appear on the Kerala LLB 2023 state Rank list and Category list prepared by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations are eligible to register online. 

When the applicant submits for admission, the Principal / Head of the Institution shall be directly responsible for verifying eligibility conditions. Only candidates who are found to be qualified as stipulated will be admitted to the college / institution, regardless of whether they have received an allotment through the SWS.

Essentials for Option Registration

By correctly completing the details, the candidates can access their home page (i.e. Application number and Password). The candidate's application number is a seven-digit number provided to the applicant when he or she submits the online application to CEE for the Integrated Five-Year LLB Courses or the three-year LLB 2023.

Procedure for Registering Options

Any applicants who intend to register their options should have the 'Application number' and 'password' on hand. To register options, the candidate should complete the steps outlined below:

  • Login to the Candidate Portal with the Application Number and Password.
  • Then move to the Option Registration web page and use the Option Registration Link
  • Register Options and Save them
  • View and take the printout of the list of registered options.

Accessing the website

The applicant can use any computer with internet access to access the website - https://cee.kerala.gov.in. The platform can be Windows or Linux-based, and the most recent version of Mozilla Firefox is preferred.

Logging on to the Candidate’s Home Page: 

The candidate can access their home page by correctly entering the application number and password.

How to register options on their Homepage

All options are provided on the Home Page by clicking on the 'Option Registration' link. All of the participant's eligible options will be displayed here, and the candidate should select just those possibilities in which they are interested. 

If a candidate is assigned to a certain seat based on their preference, they must accept it or lose that allotment as well as any other possibilities. Once lost, the allocation and accompanying options are no longer available in later phases.

In the Mop-up phase, however, new options can be registered.

Online option Confirmation for participating in subsequent phases of allotment

 Aspirants who have legitimate options and want to participate in the second / subsequent allotment must log in to the Candidate web portal and affirm their options by clicking the Confirm button on the Home Page. After online option validation, applicants can delete undesired alternatives or change the importance of current options.

Saving the selected options

Any option selection, addition, removal, or reordering must be saved before closing the option registration site for the changes to take effect on the server. 

All unsaved modifications will be lost upon exit through logging out or another method. So, before you exit, make sure that the course-college combinations you've chosen are saved. 

Printing of the Options List based on the options registered

After saving the selected options, a print of the final list of chosen course-college pairings can be taken and saved for future reference.

Logging off from the Home page

When the applicant is done reviewing the alternatives, they should log off from the system by clicking on the "logout" link. Don't leave the system without first logging out. The 'Option Registration' process is complete when the candidate logs off.

Processing of Options and Allotment in KLEE 2024 Counselling

The processing of options and allotment includes the following stages - 

Allotment Schedule and Allotment Memo

After the registration time, the options will be processed, and the allocation for all courses will be posted on the CEE's website. The CEE will issue all necessary notifications.

Remittance of Fee

The candidates must pay the specified fees for the course at the college assigned to them when applying for admission.

Admission for all courses

Aspirants who have been assigned to courses and have paid the required fee should enrol in the college allotted as per the CEE's schedule.

Last Rank Information

Following each allotment, the last rank details will be published and made accessible via the website. 

Further Allotments

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will notify you of any subsequent allotments following the first Counselling.

Mop-Up Allotment 

Vacancies in various Law Colleges that may occur following the second phase of the centralised allotment procedure will be filled through a Mop-up allotment.

Candidates who appear on the Rank List / Category-wise Lists may register new alternatives for mop-up allotment via the official website following the CEE's instructions.

Candidates who are assigned a seat in the mop-up allocation (regardless of admission status) are ineligible for any further allotments.

Registration Fees 

  • Students who want to register their options in the Kerala LLB 2024 Mop-up allotment must pay the registration charges.
  • Candidates who wish to register only for Government Law Colleges must pay a registration fee of Rs 1575 (approximate) the amount set as the Annual Tuition Fee.
  • Applicants who wish to register for Self Financing Law Colleges must pay a registration fee of Rs 10,000 (approximate) to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.

KLEE 2024 Counselling: Stray Vacancy Round Eligibility

Applicants are only qualified for stray vacancy filling allocations at the respective institutions if all of the following criteria are met:

  • They are on the KLEE 2024 rank list for 3-year LLB / 5-year LLB.
  • They must meet the academic requirements outlined in the brochure for enrollment to the offered programme.
  • They should not be admitted to the offered programme through the CEE's Centralised Allotment Process.
  • They have not been assigned a seat through the CEE's Mop-up Counselling, regardless of admission status.
  • When attending the stray vacancy filling process at the respective institutions, they should be prepared to pay the prescribed fees and present all supporting documents that demonstrate the various eligibility requirements and claims, as prescribed in the prospectus.

KLEE 2024 Counselling Stray Vacancy Filling Allotment Process Lists

Find the three major lists for the stray vacancy filling allotment process -

Allotment List 

The list was created using the candidates' Mop up allotment options and the available positions. Candidates admitted to the course through the phases up to the second of Centralised Allotments performed by the CEE are not included in this list. The various institutions may accept candidates on the allotment list throughout the reporting period if they are judged eligible upon verification of original documents and payment of fees.

Probable Candidates List 

This list has been prepared by excluding those who were allocated a seat in the above allotment list or through mop up counselling or regardless of their joining status, or aspirants admitted up to second phase of centralised allotment.

Other Eligible candidates List 

If there are still openings after the applicants on the initial two lists have been assessed in accordance with the procedures and directions, any applicant who meets the eligibility requirements listed previously may be evaluated for admission to the available stray vacancies.

Kerala LLB 2024 Counselling Guidelines for Stray Vacancy Filling Allotment

Here are the guidelines for stray vacancy counselling and allotment followed by the colleges -

  • Filling stray vacancies should not be a first-come, first-served process.
  • Eligible candidates should report to the appropriate college administration with all essential documents in original, along with the Transfer Certificate. All documentation indicated in the prospectus as papers to be presented to the college authority for admission must be provided to the authority of the college before the reporting period ends.
  • There should be no formal seat allocation before the conclusion of the reporting period, and admission should be conducted in rank order only, from the applicants who reported to the college administration and meet the conditions in the previous paragraph.
  • Only once the reporting period has ended should admissions be finalised. Fees received from applicants who are not ultimately admitted should be repaid as soon as possible. However, if any individual on the allotment list (list 1 of the lists for Stray Vacancy Filling Allotment) reports at the college within the reporting period, they must be assessed for admission directly.
  • Enrollment to any category seat should be limited to contenders from the corresponding categories.
  • However, if not enough individuals appear during the reporting time, the college authorities may transfer the category seats to some other eligible category in accordance as per the requirement in the prospectus.
  • Using the Data Sheet provided by the candidates, college officials should check the Rank List as well as the category position of the candidates. The college administration should also confirm academic eligibility.
  • The colleges must submit the list of admitted individuals to the CEE on December 30, 2023, by 5:00 PM. The lists should include the candidate's name, roll number and rank, category, reporting time, and name.
  • All college officials should update the information of stray vacancy enrollment through OAMS by December 30, 2023, at 5:00 PM.

Dos & Don'ts for KLEE 2024 Counselling Process

Check out the major pointers for the Kerala LLB 2024 counselling process -

Do’s for KLEE 2024 Counselling

Here are some Do's for Kerala LLB 2024 Counselling:

  • To participate in the counselling process of Kerala LLB 2024 counselling process, candidates must register themselves for counselling and pay the registration fee before the last date announced by the conducting body expires.
  • Students need to make sure that they have a valid score in Kerala LLB 2024 exam. 
  • Only qualified and shortlisted candidates must register themselves for counselling.
  • Aspirants must check out the entire list of documents required for Kerala LLB 2024 counselling and keep them ready for verification purposes.
  • Before engaging in the choice-filling process, students must go through the entire list of participating colleges of Kerala LLB 2024 from the official website.
  • They must check out all the options available and select the best and most relevant ones.
  • Once a seat has been allotted to a student, he/she has to self-report, then download the provisional admission letter, and report to the allotted institute on the prescribed date and time to finalize his/her admission.

Don’ts for KLEE 2024 Counselling

Given below are some most important Don’ts for Kerala LLB 2024 Counselling:

  • Aspirants should not take the risk of being absent from the counselling process as the seats are only limited and they get filled very quickly. 
  • Students must make sure to not miss the document verification process of Kerala LLB 2024 as it is a crucial part of the counselling process. Those failing to verify their documents will be disqualified.
  • Candidates should not miss carrying the category certificate (if applicable).
  • The students claiming PH/ CAP/ NCC/ Sports must not forget to carry the supporting documents as proof.
  • Candidates should not fail to self-report as well as physically report to the allotted institute to confirm their admission. 
  • Students should not carry different documents than the ones submitted at the time of registration. Doing so may lead to direct disqualification.

Important Points to Remember about KLEE 2024 Counselling Process

Some important points that candidates appearing for the counselling process of KLEE 2024 must bear in mind have been listed below.

  • The counselling process of KLEE 2024 will be conducted in multiple rounds. The total number of rounds of the KLEE 2024 counselling process will depend upon the number of seats that are left vacant at the end of each round.
  • If a candidate is allotted a government law college through KLEE counselling 2024, he/ she will have to pay the entire amount of the course fee at the Centre for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala.
  • If a candidate is allotted a private, self-financing college, he/ she will have to pay a prescribed amount of the course fee at the CEE, Kerala, and the remaining part of other fee items, such as tuition fee etc. will be payable at the college in which he/ she takes admission.

KLEE 2024 Counselling : Post Allotment Activities

Here are the major post-allotment activities during Kerala LLB 2024 counselling -

Reporting at the College: 

Applicants who receive an allocation must report to the Principal / Head of the Institution involved with the suitable documents for a personal interview on the dates specified.

Verification of Documents: 

The Principal / Head of the College or Institution must be individually accountable for checking the authenticity of the documents and certificates provided by the applicants when applying for admission to the college / institution. 

Failure to report for Admission: 

Students who do not take admission on the specified date will be denied. They will not be considered for any future allotments through the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP).

Selection / Allotment of College: 

The selection / allotment of an applicant to any institution will be determined on the candidate's rank and the seats available at the time the candidate files choices. 

Vacancies that arise after the first round of seat allotment will be filled in accordance with the rank and alternatives supplied by the applicants and in accordance with the reservation regulations based on the priority indicated on the options form. There will be no transfer of applicants from one college to another.

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FAQs about KLEE Counselling Process

What happens if an aspirant fails to attend the counselling process of Kerala LLB 2023?

If an aspirant fails to attend the counselling process of Kerala LLB 2023 as per the schedule, they will lose their chances of getting a seat during the seat allotment. 


How many rounds of seat allotments are done during the Kerala LLB counselling process?

There are around 3 rounds of seat allotment during the Kerala LLB counselling process. Other than two phases of seat allotment, one round of mop-up allotment is published.


Which candidates can register web options during the Kerala LLB counselling process?

Candidates who are on the rank list can register for web options during the Kerala LLB counselling process. Those who fail to exercise their web choices will not be considered for Kerala LLB seat allotment under any conditions.


How can candidates access the seat allotment result during the Kerala LLB counselling process?

Candidates can access the seat allotment result during the Kerala LLB counselling process by visiting the official website. They have to log in to their Candidate Portal and check the option “Allotment Result” to view the seat allotment details and obtain the allotment memo.


Is it compulsory to report in person during the Kerala LLB counselling?

Yes, reporting in person during the Kerala LLB counselling is compulsory. Candidates must bring the allotment memo and original certificates and documents as asked by the admission committee and must pay the admission fees after the verification process is over.


What is the significance of the final rank list in the Kerala LLB counselling process?

The rank list is released after the entrance exam results and provides information about the candidates' roll number, application number, score, and rank. The exam cell initially releases a provisional rank list, and candidates can submit their complaints if any, regarding the preliminary rank list. After the concerns are addressed, the final rank list is published.


What documents are important for the Kerala LLB counselling process?

Applicant’s Data Sheet, Allotment memo, SSLC or any other school records, birth certificate, Transfer Certificate, Original qualifying exam mark list, pass certificate, Character Certificate from the last attended institute, 4 copies of recent passport-size photographs, Relieving order if applicable, Migration certificate where relevant are some of the documents important for the Kerala LLB counselling process. Candidates must check the official website once to know about any recent changes or updates regarding the counselling process.

What are the main stages of the Kerala LLB 2023 counselling process?

The main stages of the Kerala LLB 2023 counselling process include the release of the rank list, category list, web options process, provisional seat allotment, final seat allotment, mop-up allotment, and stray vacancy filling.


When will the Kerala LLB 2023 counselling process be held?

The Kerala LLB 2023 counselling process is likely to begin in August 2023. The official dates will be announced after the results.


What is the Kerala LLB 2023 counselling process?

The Kerala LLB 2023 counselling process is the method via which eligible individuals will be assigned seats for the offered programmes based on their exam performance and preferences.


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