KLEE 2025 Seat Allotment - Result, Direct Link, How to Check, Fee, Documents Required

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 04 Nov, 2024 13:21

KLEE 2024 seat allotment for round 2 counselling for 3-year LLB and 5-year LLB was declared on October 24, 2024. Students had to complete the college reporting by October 30, 2024, 3 pm.

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About KLEE 2024 Seat Allotment (Out)

KLEE 2024 seat allotment for 3-year LLB and 5-year LLB was declared on October 24, 2024, for the 2nd round. Applicants who obtained allocation for 3-year LLB and 5-year LLB per the final allotment list for the 2nd round must report to the allocated college on or before October 30, 2024, 3 pm. Students can check the KLEE 2024 seat allotment list PDFs below - 

Upcoming Law Exams :

KLEE 2024 Seat Allotment Important Dates

Candidates may check out the important dates of Kerala LLB seat allotment 2024 here: 


Dates for 3 Year LLB

Dates for 5 Year LLB

Final Seat allotment for Phase 1

October 11, 2024October 11, 2024

College Reporting

October 14 - 22, 2024October 14 - 22, 2024

Final Seat Allotment for Phase 2

October 24, 2024October 24, 2024

College Reporting

October 24 - 30, 2024, 3 pmOctober 24 - 30, 2024, 3 pm

Final Seat Allotment for Phase 3 (Mop Up Allotment Round)


Stray Vacancy Round


Dates for 3-year LLB

Dates for 5-year LLB

College Reporting Process


Admission Cutoff Date

Colleges Accepting Exam KLEE :

KLEE 2024 Seat Allotment Procedure

The complete procedure for the KLEE seat allotment is mentioned below:

Step 1: Registration and Seat Allotment

  • The first step of the seat allotment process is registration which includes choices filling of course and college. Applicants may change any option within a limited time slot. No changes will be made to the college choice once the seat allotment process is completed. 

Step 2: Payment of fee

  • Applicants with the allocated seats need to lock their seats after paying the fee before the last date decided by the university. The fee may be submitted online as well as offline mode. 

Step 3: Admission

  • Applicants must take admission in the college allocated to them as soon as possible or the seat will be transferred to some other candidate. 

Step 3: Confirming Participation in Further Allotment Rounds

  • Candidates need to confirm their participation online for their participation in further rounds of allotments by clicking on the โ€˜confirmโ€™ button. Candidates may also delete their unsolicited alternatives or alter current priorities only after the confirmation. 

Steps to check the outcome of the seat allotment -

All submitted alternatives are handled after the option registration time has ended. All allotments are made solely based on the candidate's options exercised, rank earned, and eligible reservations. All course allocations will be announced on the website cee.kerala.gov.in. 

Here's how to do it:

  • Candidates can access their homepage by entering their application number and password into the website's 'Candidate Portal.'
  • Then, candidates can obtain their allotment memo and datasheet by selecting the' Allocation Result' menu option.
  • Print out the allotment memo and date sheet.
  • The allotment memo contains information about the course and college to which the candidate has been assigned, as well as the money that must be paid. 
  • It also includes the candidate's name, roll number, allotment details, tuition payments, and other information.
  • After receiving the allotment memo, candidates must report to the assigned college for admission price payment and document verification.
  • Candidates who do not pay the fees or attend the college on or before the deadline will forfeit their allotment as well as all current possibilities. 
  • Once lost, options will no longer be available in succeeding phases. At the time of enrollment, candidates must pay an entry fee set by the university in question.

Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) of KLEE 2024 and Online Submission of Options

The Centralised Allotment Process - CAP will be done online to offer an allotment to the Integrated Five Year LLB programs. 

Candidates will be able to choose courses/ colleges based on their performance in the Kerala LLB 2024 for admission to Integrated Five Year LLB Courses.

  • Courses/colleges will be assigned strictly following the rank and category lists.
  • Allotment to all courses in all categories will be done through a Centralised Allotment Process, which is a Single Window System (SWS).
  • The process involves allocating Integrated Five Year LLB seats in Government Law Colleges and Government Merit seats in Private Self Financing Colleges based on the options submitted online by candidates who were included in the CEE's Rank list and Category lists for admission to Integrated five-year LLB courses.
  • The Centralised Allotment is a simple and transparent technique of course allotment that allows the candidate to exercise their options for colleges of their choice in the order of their desire while considering all those accessible to be chosen from.
  • Allocations shall be made exclusively based on the candidate's options exercised, rank earned, and eligible reservations.
  • Candidates should only register for courses and colleges they are sure they will attend upon allotment.
  • If the applicants do not pay the fee/join the college, they will lose the allotment as well as all other possibilities.
  • When a candidate is allotted a new allocation, the preceding allotment, if any, is instantly annulled.
  • The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala, will manage the Single Window Admissions System for the Integrated Five Year LLB Courses 2024, with technological assistance from the National Informatics Centre (NIC).
  • Courses and seats in government law colleges, as well as government merit seats in private self-financing colleges, shall be included in the SWS and will be allocated per the terms of allotment.

KLEE 2024 Option Registrations

Once the KLEE 2024 merit list is released, the first step is registering the options. The process of providing tier choices for courses and colleges for admission is known as option registration.

The option registration facility is only available for a limited time. When the period expires, the choice registration capability is removed, and candidates can no longer use it. 

Test aspirants who do not lock their options within the time frame specified are not considered for allotments against any of the available seats, regardless of rank. 

How to do KLEE 2024 Option Registrations?

Because option registration is online, candidates must exercise caution when submitting their course and college preferences. Only applicants appearing on the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2024 state rank and category list are eligible for option registration.

The following are the steps to register options:

Navigate to the website -

The candidate can use any computer with an internet connection to visit the website, cee.kerala.gov.in. The platform can be Windows- or Linux-based, and the browser should be the most recent Firefox and Google Chrome versions.

Access the Candidate's Home Page -

The candidate can access their home page by entering their application number and password.

Choose an option -

When you select the 'Option Registration' tab, the Course - College - Fee combo list appears on the Home Page. All of the candidate's eligible alternatives are displayed here, and the candidate should select only those possibilities in the order of preference.

All of the candidate's alternatives are considered. If a candidate is assigned to a certain seat based on their preference, they must accept it or lose that allotment as well as any other possibilities. Once lost, the choice is no longer available in succeeding phases.

Online access Confirmation for participation in the following allotment phases -

Candidates who have valid options and want to participate in the second/subsequent allotment must log in to their Option Registration Page and confirm their preferences by clicking the 'Confirm' button on their Option Registration Page. 

Only after the online option confirmation can candidates delete undesired alternatives or change the importance of current options.

Save the Details -

Select the Save menu option to save the work. It is critical to save the work on a regular basis. The most recently saved data is only visible in later sessions. All unsaved data is lost upon exit, whether by logging out or another method. 

Please ensure that the course-college-quota combinations you have chosen are saved before exiting.

Printing the Options List based on the registered options -

After saving the selected options (after any necessary changes, deletions, and rearrangements), a printout of the final list of selected course-college pairings can be taken and saved for future reference.

KLEE 2024 Registration Fees

Applicants who want to register options in the Mop-up allotment must pay separate registration costs to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations. Candidates who wish to register just for Government Law Colleges must pay a registration fee of Rs.1575/- (the amount set as the Annual Tuition Fee) to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.

Aspirants who wish to register for Self Financing Law Colleges must pay a registration fee of Rs.10000/- (one-third of the annual tuition price of Self Financing Law Colleges, subject to a ceiling of ten thousand only) to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations. In this instance, candidates can apply to both government and private law schools.

The registration fee of candidates who do not receive any allotment during the mop-up phase will be refunded. However, the registration fee of candidates who do not join the course after being allotted through the mop-up phase will be viewed as a penalty and will not be refunded.


Fees (Approximate)

Registration Fees for Govt Law Colleges


Registration Fees for Self Financing Law colleges


What happens after KLEE 2024 Seat Allotment?

Here are the steps for the post Kerala LLB entrance exam 2024 seat allotment -

Reporting at the College

Applicants who receive an allotment must report to the Principal/Head of the Institution concerned with the relevant documentation for a personal interview on the dates specified.

Verification of Documents

The Principal/Head of the College or Institution must be personally responsible for verifying and satisfying the correctness of the records supplied by the candidate when applying for admission to the college/ institution.

The records submitted by the candidate who was admitted to the college/institution must also be verified by the University in question. 

Genuineness of Certificate

If the Selection Committee has any doubts about any certificates provided by a candidate, such certificate will be approved only if further verification reveals that it is authentic.

Admission, even if granted, will be revoked if it is later discovered that counterfeit certificates were provided or that the admission was obtained through dishonest means.

Failure to report for Admission

Applicants who do not enrol on the specified date will be denied admission. They will not be selected for subsequent allotments in the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP).

Admission/Allotment of Seat Selection Principles 

A statewide selection principle determines admission and seat allocation. As a result, the total number of available seats in all institutes will be allocated across the state for the various categories using the mandatory reservation concept per the standard criteria.

During selection according to the statewide split up of seats, an institution-wise break up of seats for the various categories will also be retained for the allotment of seats for the course in each college, following the principle of reservation.

Selection / Allotment of College

The selection/allotment of a candidate to any college will be determined by the candidate's rank and the availability of seats when the candidate files options. 

As per the standard rules, candidates of the reserved category shall be allotted to the institution of their choice, provided he would have been qualified for allotment to that college if he was classified as a candidate coming under the reservation quota.

A reserved category applicant admitted on merit will have the option of enrolling in colleges where a specified number of seats have been kept reserved for the reserved category. 

The allocation to colleges will be based on the distribution of seats for the course in each institution. However, when the selection as mentioned above is applied, the distribution of seats for allotment in certain colleges may sometimes alter.

Allotment memo (Final Selection Memo) 

Following the Online Allotment Process, the selected candidates will get an allotment memo. Students are demanded to report to the college to which they have been selected. Candidates should come to the college with their parents/guardians to apply for admission.

Under no possibilities will an extension of time for reporting to the college be granted. Failure to appear before the admission committee responsible for enrollment to the course on the stated date and time would result in their admission to the programme being forfeited. They will not be considered for any future openings.

Vacancies after 1st Round of Kerala LLB Entrance Exam 2024 Seat Allotment

Vacancies that remain after the first round of seat allocation will be filled according to the rank and alternatives submitted by the candidates while also considering the reservation regulations based on the priority specified in the option form. There will be no movement of candidates from one college to another on either side of the transfer process.

Candidates who obtain TC after enrolling in a college are ineligible for further allotment through the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP).

Even if a vacancy or vacancies appear after the 30th of November 2024 or until the closing date of admission that the government has specified, there will be no seats allotted for the first year of the programme after that date.

KLEE 2024 Counselling: Reservations of Seats

Persons with Disabilities shall be given 5% of the total seats in all Government Law Colleges. Each of the four Government Law Colleges will have one seat reserved for each of the following categories.

  • Ex-servicemen and their dependents
  • Candidates Who Are Blind
  • Candidates eligible for the Sports Quota
  • Ex-paramilitary members and ex-paramilitary children

Aside from the foregoing, the following reservations apply:

Reservation in 3 years and 5 years LLB colleges:

Here is the breakdown of the reservation followed during Kerala LLB 2024 seat allotment for 3-year and 5-year LLB colleges -



State Merit (SM)


Economically Weaker Sections in General Category (EWS)


Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) 


Scheduled castes (SC)


Scheduled Tribes (ST) 


Reservation in LLM colleges:

Here is the summary of the reservation followed during Kerala LLB 2024 seat allotment for LLM colleges -



State Merit (SM)


Economically Weaker Sections in General Category (EWS)


Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) 


Scheduled castes (SC)


Scheduled Tribes (ST) 


KLEE 2024 Mop Up Counselling

A mop-up counselling round is held if any seats remain available after all counselling rounds have been completed. This mop-up counselling is not part of the counselling process. Candidates who appear on the Rank list/ Category lists are eligible to participate in the Mop-Up counselling/ admission procedure. 

  • The registration process for new options begins during the mop-up counselling rounds -
  • Aspirants who have been admitted to any of the Kerala Government Law Colleges on merit are not eligible to participate in the Mop-Up Counselling.
  • Applicants who have been admitted to any of the Self-Financing Law Colleges based on merit will not be suitable to participate in the Mop-Up counselling.
  • A candidate admitted to a Self-Financing Law College on merit will be allowed to participate in a Government Law College through Mop-up Counselling.

General Rules of Kerala LL.B 2024 Mop Up Seat Allotment

Here are some crucial rules of Kerala LL.B 2024 mop-up seat allotment - 

  • If no seat is assigned to the applicant in the mop-up allotment, the candidate's existing admission shall prevail if he already has one.
  • The existing admission for the candidates shall be cancelled if the aspirant is allocated a seat in the mop-up round and it is mandatory to accept the new allocation.
  • Candidates are urged to consider possible openings in addition to the actual vacancies available at the commencement of the mop-up phase of the allotment procedure.
  • Mop-up allotment seats cannot be changed further.
  • Candidates who are assigned a seat in the mop-up allocation (regardless of admission status) will not be suitable for any further allotments.
  • If vacancies exist/ arise following the mop-up allotment, they will be filled through the Stray Vacancy Filling Allocation. 
  • Options submitted by candidates during the mop-up round will be evaluated in this round.
  • Candidates should only register with colleges where they intend to study for the programme if they receive an allotment.

KLEE 2024 Counselling - Seats Available

Kerala LLB entrance exam seat allotment will take place per the seat availability. See below for the total number of available seats through KLEE 2024 counselling -

KLEE 2024 3-year LLB course:

Here are the number of seats available for the 3-year LLB courses in Government institutions/colleges -

Names of the Government college

Number of seats

Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram 


Government Law College, Ernakulam


Government Law College, Thrissur


Government Law College, Kozhikode




Here are the total seats available for the 3-year LLB courses in Private Self-financing Law Colleges - 

Names of the Private Self financing Law Colleges 

Number of seats

Al-Ameen Law College, Kulappully, Shornur, Palakkad 


Al Azhar Law college, Perumpillichira P O, Thodupuzha, Idukki 


CSI Institute of Legal Studies, Cheruvarakonam, Parassala P O,Thiruvananthapuram


KMCT Law College, Malappuram


MCT College of Legal Studies, Melmuri, Malappuram


Sree Narayana Law College, Poothotta, Ernakulam 


Nehru Academy of Law, Lakkidi, Palakkad




KLEE 2024 5-year LLB course

Here is the breakdown of the seats available for the 5-year LLB courses in Government institutions/colleges -

Names of the Government college

Number of seats

Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram 


Government Law College, Ernakulam


Government Law College, Kozhikode


Government Law College, Thrissur




Check out the total seats for the 5-year LLB courses in Private Self financing Law Colleges - 

Names of the Private Self financing Law Colleges 

Number of seats

Al Azhar Law college, Perumpillichira P O, Thodupuzha, Idukki


Bharata Mata School of Legal Studies, Aluva East, Chunangamveli, Ernakulam


CSI College for Legal Studies, Kanakkary P O, Ettumanoor, Kottayam


CSI Institute of Legal Studies, Cheruvarakonam, Parassala P O, Thiruvananthapuram


Co-operative School of Law, Vengalloor P O, Mutharamkunnu, Thodupuzha, Idukki


Mar Gregorios College of Law, Nalanchira, Thiruvananthapuram


Mount Zion Law College, Konni, K K Nair Road, Pathanamthitta


N S S Law College, Kottiyam, Kollam


The Kerala Law Academy Law College, Peroorkada


SreeNarayana Law College, Poothotta, Ernakulam


Sree Narayana Guru College of Legal Studies, Kollam


KMCT Law College, Mampara


Markaz Law College, Karanthur, Kozhikode


VR Krishnan Ezhuthachan Law College, Palakkad 


Ambooken Ittoop Memorial (AIM) College of Law, Thrissur


MCT College of Legal Studies, Melmuri, Malappuram


Al Ameen Law College, Kulappully, Shornur


Nehru Academy of Law, Lakkidi, Palakkad


Guru NithyachaithanyaYathi College of Law and Research Centre




Category-wise Seat Allotment of KLEE 2024

Seat allotment protocol in Aided/ Government/ KAU/ KUFOS/ KVASU Colleges:

The allocations will first be granted to the applicants under the State Merit (SM) quota as per compulsory reservation. The seats will only be provided, subject to mandatory reservation, to the applicant, after all of the' state merit ' seats have been terminated.

Allotment in Aided/ Government/ KAU/ KUFOS/ KVASU Colleges with multiple Claims under Mandatory Quota

Candidates listed on the ranking lists will be suitable for allocations under Mandatory Reservation State Merit (SM) or other reservation quotas. In this scenario, the SEBC (EZ / MU / BH / LA / DV / KN / BX / KU) or Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) claim may benefit an applicant. Candidates will be provided seats on the quota structure. The hierarchy will be as follows: 

1) Candidates for the State Merit List 

2) Candidates without reservation gain from SEBC / SC / ST.

Special Reservations Allotment: 

Special reservations will be available to persons with disabilities. These allocations are only produced in the institutes in which the seats are recognized.

Seat allotment protocol in Self-financing Colleges:

The allocation under this will depend upon the college or the college allocated.

Note- If an applicant is directed at any point in the allocation to appear for private counselling and is unable to participate in the process because of real problems, then the applicant's parent/guardian or any authorized person may function as a proxy upon issuance of an approved letter.

KLEE Last Ranks

Following each allotment, the last rank information of the allotment are published and made available on the internet. The last rank given is the candidate's rank, not their place in the category list.

Check out the previous year's rank details below:


Last Ranks 2024

Last Ranks 2021

3-Year LLB

Phase 1 - To be notified

Phase 2 - To be notified

Phase 1 Last Rank

Phase 2 Last Rank

5-Year LLB

Phase 1 - To be notified

Phase 2 - To be notified

Phase 1

Phase 2

Documents to be Produced at the time of Admission

All of the below-mentioned credentials must be presented for verification at the time of admission. On a future occasion, candidates will not be offered the opportunity to submit the original documents/certificates requested.

  • Data Sheet of the Applicant
  • Allotment memo provided by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations
  • SSLC or any other relevant school documents / birth certificate /passport / other legal document proving date of birth must be presented in original.
  • Original qualifying examination mark list and pass certificate
  • Transfer Certificate from the last college attended.
  • Conduct Certificate from the last college attended.
  • Four current passport-sized pictures.
  • The applicant who is working or a trainee in the government / quasi-government/banks, etc., must have a release order and a certificate of good behaviour from the Head of the Institution where the candidate was engaged at the time of admission/interview.
  • Applicants who passed their qualifying examinations at universities / boards outside the state must present a "eligibility Certificate" from the relevant university in Kerala indicating that the university recognised the qualifying examination.
  • Students wishing to attend Law Colleges at various Universities in Kerala must have secured an 'Eligibility Certificate from the relevant university prior to submitting online alternatives for allotment through the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP).
  • All supplied documents / certificates must be originals (to establish nativity / reservation / fee concession).
  • Any other certificates / documents required as recommended by the prospectus/notifications/allotment memo.

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FAQs about KLEE Seat Allotment

What is the significance of mop-up counselling in the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment process?

If any seats remain vacant after all counselling sessions have been conducted, a mop-up counselling round is held. Applicants on the Rank list or Category lists are able to participate in the Mop-Up counselling or enrollment procedure.


What is the registration fee to register options in the mop-up Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment process?

Applicants who wish to register for Mop-up counselling and allotment must pay additional registration fees to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations. Candidates who intend to register just for Government Law Colleges must pay a registration cost of Rs.1575. To apply for Self Financing Law Colleges, applicants must pay a registration fee of Rs.10000.


What happens if a candidate does not remit the admission fee during the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment?

Candidates who have been assigned to courses and have paid the required fee should join the college assigned to them according to the CEE's schedule. Candidates who do not pay the fees before the deadline forfeit their seat allotment and any other possibilities. Once lost, options will no longer be available in future rounds.


What is an allotment memo and allotment schedule during Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment process?

Following the period set out for registering choices or options, the options will be processed and the allotment for all programmes will be posted on the CEE's website on the notified dates. The allocation memo is the memo which will show the course and college to which the candidate has been assigned, as well as the amount to be paid for the course and can be printed. 

The allocation schedule will be communicated separately via the official webpage of the CEE. 


What are the steps involved in registering options during Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment?

To register options, the individual should use their Application Number and Password to access the 'Candidate Portal' at https://cee.kerala.gov.in. They should then click on the 'Option Register' link to go to the Option Registration Page and register and save their registered choices or options. On successfully completing the above mentioned steps, the applicant can then check the list of registered choices or options.


What are the prerequisites for registering options during Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022?

Candidates who intend to register their options should have the 'Application number' and 'password' with them. In addition, the candidate must have access to the internet.


Which candidates will be eligible for registering options during Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment?

Only applicants listed in the state Rank list and Category list of the Kerala LLB Entrance Examination, prepared by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations of Kerala will be eligible to register their options online.

What major documents are required for the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment?

The major  required for the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment are Data Sheet, Allotment memo, Birth Certificate, Original qualifying examination mark list, Pass certificate, Transfer Certificate from the previous institution attended, Statement of Good Conduct from last institution enrolled, Four current passport-sized photos. Applicants would not be given the chance to submit the original documents/certificates sought, on any other dates other than the one specified to them.


How is the CAP conducted during Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment?

To offer an allotment to the LLB programmes, the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) would be done online. Students will be able to choose courses/colleges based on their performance in the Entrance Examination. Courses/colleges will be allocated strictly in keeping with the rank list and category lists for the General Merit and Reservation categories.


How is the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment process executed?

Exam results determine seat allocation for the 2022 Kerala LLB entrance test. Only when the Kerala LLB counselling process is finalised, seats are assigned to the candidates who have aced the exam, in the various institutes participating in the Kerala LLB entrance exam.


When will the Kerala LLB entrance exam 2022 seat allotment process begin?

Seat allotment for the Kerala LLB entrance test 2022 is part of the counselling procedure. The counselling process will reveal the timeline for the Kerala LLB entrance test 2022 seat allotment process. After the results are released, the counselling procedure is likely to begin.


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