KMAT 2025 Exam Pattern - Check Marking Scheme, Total Marks, Chapter Wise Weightage, Duration

Updated By Aarushi Jain on 17 Feb, 2025 18:04

Registration Starts On June 22, 2025

The KMAT 2025 will be a two-hour online test with 120 multiple-choice questions. Administered by the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA), the test will have three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, and Logical Reasoning.

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KMAT Karnataka 2025 Exam Pattern

KMAT exam pattern 2025 is all about what and how the examination paper will look like. Candidates should be aware of the pattern to be able to understand the style and structure of questions that will be asked in the examination. The KMAT 2025 exam pattern gives an idea of the number of questions, sections of the paper, duration of the examination, total marks, marks allotted to each question, negative marking (if applicable), language in which the paper is published, and language in which the candidates are allowed to answer. Along with this, candidates are also advised to know the about KMAT syllabus 2025. The exam pattern will also help candidates to prepare well for the main examination, keeping in mind the number of questions from each section and the marks allotted to each question. The complete details about the exam pattern of KMAT 2025 have been given on this page. Check the section-wise criteria, number of questions, marking scheme etc. here.

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KMAT Karnataka 2025 Exam Pattern Highlights

Check the table provided below to know the major highlights of the KMAT Karnataka Exam Pattern 2025:



Type of questions

Multiple Choices Questions

Exam Mode

Home-Based Remote Proctored Mode

Total Number of questions


Time duration

120 minutes

Number of sections

3 (Verbal & Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning)

Exam Language


Marking scheme

+1 mark per correct answer

No negative marking

KMAT Exam Pattern 2025: Section-wise Weightage

The question paper of KMAT Karnataka will be divided into three sections namely Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. All the sections contain 40 questions carrying one mark each. Candidates need to answer these questions within 120 minutes. The table provided below contains the section-wise weightage of the KMAT Karnataka exam pattern. 

KMAT Exam Pattern Section-wise Weightage


Questions per subject

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension


Quantitative Ability


Logical Reasoning


Total Number of Questions


KMAT 2025 Exam Pattern: Important Points

The Karnataka Management Aptitude Test (KMAT) 2025 is a critical assessment for prospective management students. The exam is administered as a Home-based Online Remote Proctored Test, ensuring accessibility while maintaining integrity. Here are some important points for candidates to remember: 

  • Candidates need to complete the exam within 2 hours since no extra time will be provided to any candidate
  • The exam will be conducted in Home-based Online Remote Proctored Test. Candidates will not be allowed to use calculators, mobile or any other electronic gadgets during the exam.
  • Candidates will be provided with four choices in the question paper. They will have to choose one option that they feel is correct.
  • There is no negative marking in the KMAT Karnataka exam. Besides this, no mark will be deducted for any unattempted questions.
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KMAT Karnataka 2025 Exam Day Guidelines

Candidates need to follow the KMAT Karnataka exam day guidelines provided below:

  • Candidates do not need to bring any paper to the exam; rough paper will be provided at the exam center.
  • Candidates must bring their KMAT Karnataka admit card to the exam center. Without it, they will not be allowed to enter.
  • Candidates must carry one form of ID proof to the exam. Acceptable forms include Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving License, PAN Card, or Voter ID.
  • Electronic devices such as mobile phones, watches, microphones, calculators, and laptops are prohibited inside the examination center.
  • Candidates are advised to arrive at the examination hall at least one hour before the exam begins.
  • Candidates should follow the invigilator's instructions during the exam and are not permitted to speak with other candidates.

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FAQs about KMAT Exam Pattern

Who prescribes the KMAT Karnataka exam pattern?

The KMAT Karnataka exam pattern is prescribed by the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) which is responsible for conducting the KMAT exam. The KMAT Karnataka exam pattern is intimated to aspirants through the KMAT notification which is released on the official website of KMAT by KPPGCA. The exam pattern for KMAT includes important details like subjects, type of questions, marking scheme, weightage, etc. 

Will there be any changes in the KMAT Karnataka exam pattern?

No changes have been made to the KMAT Karnataka exam pattern as per the KMAT 2024 notification. The Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) will inform aspirants about any major or minor changes in the the KMAT Karnataka exam pattern through official announcements and through the KMAT notification.

In which mode is KMAT Karnataka conducted?

The KMAT Karnataka exam is conducted in a Remote Proctored Internet-Based Test mode. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) has been conducting the KMAT exam in a home-based mode. Aspirants can take the exam from anywhere they wish as long as they have the requirements to appear for the exam.

Is there any negative marking in KMAT Karnataka?

No, there is no negative marking in the KMAT Karnataka exam. Candidates are awarded one mark for each correct answer in the KMAT exam. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. Additionally, there is no negative marking for unattempted questions on the KMAT exam. Aspirants must keep the KMAT marking scheme in mind when answering questions during the exam and also when creating exam strategies for KMAT.

What is the medium for KMAT Karnataka?

The KMAT Karnataka exam is conducted in the English language only. Aspirants will not be able to attempt the test in any vernacular language since the question paper for KMAT Karnataka is not available in any other language apart from English.

Can I switch between sections in KMAT Karnataka?

Yes, you can switch between sections in the KMAT Karnataka exam. The exam conducting body for KMAT has set no restriction to move to and fro among the sections included in the KMAT exam. There are a total of three sections in the KMAT exam including Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, and Basic Aptitude.

Is there any sectional time limit in KMAT Karnataka?

No, there is no sectional time limit in KMAT Karnataka. Since there are no restrictions levied on candidates during the exam in terms of moving to and fro between the three sections included in the KMAT exam, there is no sectional time limit set for any of the sections.

What is the total number of questions in KMAT Karnataka?

The total number of questions in KMAT Karnataka is 120. Each section of the KMAT Karnataka exam has 40 questions for a total of 120 questions. The weightage for each section of the exam is the same. Candidates are required to complete the KMAT exam in 2 hours.

Which section holds the most weightage in KMAT Karnataka?

Each section of the KMAT Karnataka exam has the same weightage since each section of the exam has the same number of questions which is 40. Also, the marking scheme followed for each section is also the same and one mark is awarded for each correct answer on the KMAT exam and there is no negative marking.

How many sections are there in KMAT Karnataka?

There are a total of three sections in the KMAT Karnataka exam. The three sections of the KMAT exam include Verbal & Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning. For MBA aspirants, the last section of the KMAT exam is named Basic Aptitude while for MCA aspirants the last section is Logical Reasoning. The first two sections of KMAT is the same for all aspirants.

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