MAH BA B.Ed & BSc B.Ed CET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 12 Feb, 2025 13:08

MAH BA B.Ed B.Sc B.Ed CET 2025 preparation strategy is essential for the candidates seeking to appear for the test. Once they have covered the syllabus, they can attempt mock tests or solve past year question papers to assess their knowledge.

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MAH BA B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed CET 2025 How To Prepare

MAH BA B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed CET 2025 Preparation: MAH BA B.Ed B.Sc B.Ed 2025 date is March 28, 2025. With the exam a few weeks away, interested candidates must step up their preparation to increase their chances of securing desired marks. 

After covering the syllabus, they must revise the topics at regular intervals. The major sections of the exam include General Knowledge, Mental Ability and Teaching Aptitude. Mental Ability and Teaching Aptitude sections are a little tricky and require a logical mindset to solve. To do well in General Knowledge, candidates must focus on current affairs as well as Static GK. Given below are some of the preparation tips, which, if followed, will help the students achieve a good score.

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MAH BA B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed CET 2025 Preparation Strategy, Study Plan, Time Table

To excel in the MAH BA B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed CET 2025, proper planning and strategizing are required. Provided below are some of the general guidelines one must follow to ace the MAH BA B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed CET exam.

  1. The foremost thing one has to do is to be aware of the exam pattern. The exam pattern is an essential highlight of every exam. One can get to know the exam pattern by visiting the official website of the exam conducting body. One should always check the exam pattern so that if any change has occurred, it does not get missed.
  2. The next thing that will help the candidates streamline their preparation is to have a look at the exam syllabus. They must review the entire syllabus. Look for sections that have more weightage in comparison to the others. Among the segments, both Mental Ability and Teaching Aptitude have 30 questions and 30 marks weightage each and the General Knowledge section has the maximum number of questions that is 40 and 40 marks weightage. 
  3. Next, they have to look for the previous years' question papers and analyze them. This will help them understand the types of questions which are asked, the important topics, what to read and what not to read, etc. Only when one has analyzed previous years papers, can he/ she be able to plan better.
  4. Next in the line is the preparation of a timetable. A timetable is essential, as it will help the students study in the right way, without missing the subjects. Try to allot 2-3 hours every day to one complete section. Along with the timetable, they can also briefly prepare a to-do list to make their work easier.
  5. Now to score well in the exam, it is mandatory to practice a bunch of mock tests and sample papers, solving these helps the candidates efficiently prepare for the exam. The most essential advantage of solving mocks and sample papers is that they help you learn time-management skills, and also give the aspirants a sense of the real exam.
  6. Next in line is revision. Weekly revising the concepts studied will help the students recall what they have learned.
  7. Last but not least, candidates should always take a balanced diet and follow a proper sleep schedule.

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MAH BA B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed CET 2025 Section-Wise Preparation Strategy

Each of the subjects in the syllabus of MAH BA B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed requires some sort of specific guidelines while preparing. Given below is the section-wise preparation study plan that caters to all the subjects individually. One must go through these tips and tricks and increase their chances of success.

General Knowledge:

  • The section on General Knowledge includes topics such as the Indian Constitution concerning education, Indian civics, and economics till class X, geography and history till class X, and technology and general science up to class X. Apart from that, basic knowledge of important current events, person in news, important national days, awards and honours, books and authors, etc.
  • This section has maximum weightage in the exam, thus requiring maximum effort while preparing.
  • To prepare for the general knowledge section one must read newspapers both national and local daily. Try to make notes and checklists of the information that is available from the newspaper. Use creative means to create self-notes such as mind maps, flow charts, tables, and Venn diagrams to easily remember all facts.
  • Apart from that, one should also read a general knowledge magazine, these magazines are released monthly and are available both online and offline in almost all bookstores. Read them and try to learn the factual concepts.
  • Another fun way is to learn and study from the internet, watch youtube videos, and solve online daily quizzes, faqs, and mock tests. These are readily available at different exam preparation platforms.
  • One can also make use of news channels and government websites to stay always updated.
  • As it is a state exam, it is advised to never miss the state/ city section in the national newspaper or read a local daily to always stay updated with what's going on in the state of Maharashtra.
  • Static subjects like history, civics, geography, science, technology, etc till class Xth can be done from the NCERTs/ NIOS material available online. 

Mental Ability: 

  • The section of Mental Ability includes topics such as coding-decoding, logical problems, numerical ability, odd one out, analogy, letter and number series, statements and conclusion, reasoning ability, etc.
  • This section can only be aced when regular practice is done. A number of books are available both online and offline that can help in strengthening the mental ability of an individual.
  • The best way to prepare for this section is to solve as many as mock tests as possible. 
  • This section must be taken up daily at least for 2 hours. 

Teaching Aptitude: 

  • As the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed exam is a teaching training exam, this section is really important and holds 30% weightage in the exam. 
  • The section of Teaching Aptitude includes topics such as general awareness and interest in teaching, interpersonal relations and intra-personal relations, emotional and social attachment, leadership qualities, and attitude towards the teaching profession, students, and education.
  • While preparing for the teaching aptitude section, the best way is to go through the previous year's papers to understand how the questions are framed and what topics are important. Try to search for solved previous years' question papers, as it helps to analyze how to answer effectively.
  • The other way is to use books available both online and offline for basic understanding.
  • Note-making is an essential part when preparing for this portion for conceptual clarity.

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FAQs about MAH BA B.Ed & BSc B.Ed CET Preparation Tips

What is the syllabus of the teaching aptitude section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The syllabus of teaching aptitude section includes topics such as general awareness and interest in teaching, inter-personal relations and intra-personal relations, emotional and social attachment, leadership qualities, attitude towards teaching profession, students and education.

What is the syllabus of the mental ability section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The syllabus of mental ability section includes topics such as coding-decoding, logical problems, numerical ability, odd one out, analogy, letter and number series, statements and conclusion, reasoning ability etc.

What is the syllabus of the general knowledge section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The syllabus of the general knowledge section includes topics such as Indian Constitution with reference to education, Indian civics and economics till class X, geography and history till class X, and technology and general science upto class X. Apart from that, basic knowledge of important current events, person in news, important national days, awards and honors, books and authors, etc.

Who conducts the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The exam conducting body of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam is the State Common Entrance Test Cell (SCET).

What is the syllabus of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The syllabus of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam includes general awareness, mental ability, and teaching aptitude.

What is the language of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The language of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam is both English and Marathi.

What is the exam duration of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The exam duration of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam is 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes).

What are the total marks of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The total marks of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam is 100 marks for 100 questions; each question carries one mark each.

What are the total number of questions asked in the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The general awareness section has 40 questions and the mental ability and the teaching aptitude has 30 questions each; which totals up to 100 questions.

What is the section-wise weightage of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

The general awareness section holds 40% weightage and the mental ability and the teaching aptitude both holds 30% weightage each.

How to prepare for the teaching aptitude section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

To prepare for the teaching aptitude section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam; one should analyze solved previous year's question papers and practice as many as mock tests as possible and make short and crisp notes for conceptual clarity.

How to prepare for the mental ability section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

To prepare for the mental ability section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam; one should solve daily mocks and sample papers etc.

How to prepare for the general knowledge section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam?

To prepare for the general knowledge section of the MAH BA B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed CET exam; one should read daily newspaper, current affairs magazine, solve daily quizzes, solve mocks and sample papers, reading NCERTs, making self notes etc. 

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