What is the official website of IIITH UGEE?
IIITH UGEE official website is - ugadmissions.iiit.ac.in/ugee_page.html.
If there is any discrepancy regarding IIITH UGEE, where to contact?
Check the contact details of IIITH UGEE below -
- IIITH UGEE Email ID: ugadmissions@iiit.ac.in
- IIITH UGEE Helpline: +91 (40) 6653 1250, 6653 1337
How many sections are there in IIITH UGEE?
There are 2 sections in the IIITH UGEE exam - 2 - SUPR (Subject Proficiency Test) and REAP (Research Aptitude Test).
Who conducts IIITH UGEE?
IIITH UGEE is conducted by the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIITH).
What is the full name of IIITH UGEE?
IIITH UGEE stands for International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad Undergraduate Entrance Examination.
When is IIITH UGEE scheduled to be conducted?
IIITH UGEE Exam 2025 will be conducted on April 19, 2025.
What to carry along with IIITH UGEE Admit Card 2025?
Aadhar card, PAN card, Voter ID card, Passport Driving license etc. are required to be carried with the hall ticket of IIITH UGEE 2025.
How to download IIITH UGEE 2025 admit card?
Visit the official website of IIITH UGEE 2025. The page to enter the login credentials will open in a new tab. Fill User ID and password in the given space. IIITH UGEE hall ticket 2025 will be displayed on the screen in PDF format. Check the information given very carefully. Further, download the IIITH UGEE 2025 admit card and keep it safe for further use.
How to apply for IIITH UGEE 2025?
To register for IIITH UGEE 2025, candidates should first check their eligibility and then click on the โNew Userโ tab to register, providing basic details like name, mobile number, and email ID. After registration, candidates need to fill out the IIITH UGEE 2025 application form with information specific to their admission channel (UGEE/DASA/KVPY/NTSE/JEE Mains), including personal, academic, and other details. Following this, the application fee must be paid online using a debit card, credit card, or net banking. Finally, after fee payment, candidates should review the application form, submit it, and take a printout for their records.
What is the IIITH UGEE Eligibility Criteria 2025?
To appear in IIITH UGEE 2025, candidates have to pass Class 12 or equivalent qualifying with an aggregate of 60% marks in Physics, Maths, and Chemistry. Shortlisted candidates have to obtain their seats and pay the fees within the given time. Candidates who will fulfil the eligibility criteria of IIITH UGEE 2025 have to deliver their documents and report to the college.