AP ECET 2025 Syllabus (Out) - Download Latest AP ECET Syllabus for All Subjects

Updated By Soham Mitra on 19 Mar, 2025 15:18

Registration Starts On March 12, 2025

AP ECET subject-wise syllabus 2025 has been released which can be checked on this page.

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AP ECET 2025 Syllabus

AP ECET Syllabus 2025: The Jawahar Lal Technological University (JNTU) has released the syllabus for the AP ECET exam on behalf of the Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE) on the official website: cets.apsche.ap.gov.in. According to the latest AP ECET 2025 syllabus, the AP ECET 2025 exam will be conducted for Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, etc. The detailed subject-wise AP ECET syllabus 2025 has been provided on the page.

The candidates are advised to check the AP ECET Exam Pattern 2025 along with the syllabus to get a hold of the exam. The AP ECET 2025 exam will be conducted in May 2025 (tentatively), and the online application form is expected in March 2025 on the official website: cets.apsche.ap.gov.in.

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AP ECET 2025 Agriculture Engineering Syllabus

Candidates who are preparing for AP ECET Agriculture Engineering can check the detailed syllabus from the PDF below. 

AP ECET Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2025

AP ECET 2025 Chemical Engineering Syllabus

Candidates can examine the whole curriculum from the table below if they are preparing for the AP ECET Chemical Engineering. 



Material Technology

Mechanical properties of metals and Testing of materials โ€“ thermal equilibrium diagram- Production of Iron-plain carbon steels, alloy steels - Miscellaneous materials โ€“ Glass, carbon, graphite, rubber, elastomers, fiberglass and FRP etc.. โ€“ Corrosioncauses, types, methods of prevention. 

Chemical Process Principles

Determination of molarity, molality & normality, analysis of solids , liquids and gases on dry and wet basis , Daltons law , ideal gas equation of state , vapor pressure boiling point and freezing point , elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point-uses, Bypassing ,Recycling & purge streams โ€“ uses , limiting component , excess reactant , percentage conversion & yield and degree of completion , Material balances with and without chemical reactions, law of conservation of energy , heat of reaction , heat of formation , and heat of combustion โ€“ related problems , gross and net calorific values , theoretical air and excess air calculations.

Organic Chemical Technology

Coal chemicals, coking of coal, coal tar distillation, petroleum refining-atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation , fluid catalytic cracking , catalytic reforming , petrochemicals from methane and ethylene , pulp and paper industry , oils , fats and soaps ,sugar & fermentation, rubber industries.

Inorganic Chemical Technology

Water-sources, impurities-treatment-dissolved solidsion exchange process and Reverse Osmosis (RO) process, manufacture of chemicals like, soda ash, ammonia, Urea, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, Super Phosphate and industrial Gases ,paints, pigments and varnishes, graphite and silicon carbide and cement.

Fluid mechanics

Flow of incompressible fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, viscosity, Bernoulliโ€™s theorem, friction losses, flow meters, different types of pumps for transportation of fluids, Flow past immersed bodies, fluidization - packed bed and fluidized bed. 

Heat transfer

Conduction โ€“ mechanisms of heat flow โ€“ Fourierโ€™s law, thermal conductivity, steady state conduction- compound resistances in series, heat flow through a cylinder โ€“ related problems. Convection โ€“ heat flow in fluids- rate of heat transfer, average temperature of fluid stream โ€“ Overall heat transfer coefficient โ€“ LMTD โ€“ Fouling factors โ€“ Heat transfer to fluids with and without phase change. Radiation โ€“ fundamentals, emission of radiation, black body radiation, laws of black body radiation โ€“ radiation between surfaces.- Heat Exchange Equipment โ€“ types of heat exchange equipment, counter current and parallel current flows.- Evaporation โ€“ liquid characteristics and important properties, types of evaporators, condensers, ejectors- evaporator economy- single and multiple effect โ€“related problems.

Mechanical unit operations

Size reduction methods, laws of size reduction- crushers and grinders. different types of equipments for mixing dry powders, differential and cumulative screen analysis, screen effectiveness, average particle size, storage of solids, conveyers, froth floatation, electrostatic precipitator ,scrubber, cyclone separators, filtration, sedimentation

Thermodynamics and Reaction Engineering

1st law of Thermodynamics, PVT relationships for gases, 2nd law of Thermodynamics, refrigeration and liquefaction, determination of equilibrium constant and conversion, Temperature and Pressure effects on reactions โ€“ Arhenius equation. Basic equations & working of batch, tubular and stirred tank reactors, catalysis.

Mass Transfer

Principles of diffusion, inter phase mass transfer, distillation, absorption and adsorption, humidification, membrane separation, extraction and leaching, drying, crystallization.

Instrumentation & process control

Static and dynamic characteristics of an instrument-step input, linear input, sinusoidal inputs, measurement of temperature, pressure, vacuum, liquid levels and composition. process instrumentation, diagrams and process control, different types of controllers, concepts of DCS and PLC.

Environmental Studies and Pollution Control Engineering

Scope and importance of environmental studies, segments, Eco systems, bio diversity, water pollution, types, classification, treatment methods, air pollution, types, classification, analysis, control methods, solid waste management, sources, classification, disposal, pollution control in sugar, fertilizer & petroleum industries, legal aspects. 

Energy Technology & Plant Operation

Classification of energy sources-Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous fuels โ€“ Combustion principles, Refractories, Furnaces - Blast Furnace, LD Converter - Nuclear Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Bio-Energy โ€“ Energy Conservation - Industrial Hazards and Prevention -Safety and first Aid

AP ECET Civil Engineering 2025 Syllabus

Candidates must check out the subjects and subtopics to study for the Chemical engineering exam through the syllabus provided below - 



Strength of Materials (Unit 1 & 2)

Simple Stresses and Strains-Curves for Ductile Materials-Mechanical Properties of Materials-Hookeโ€™s Law-Lateral Strain-Poissonโ€™s Ratio-Elastic Constants and The Relation between Them-Composite Sections- Resilience-Strain Energy-Gradual and Sudden LoadingShear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Cantilever, Simply Supported, Fixed, Continuous and Overhanging Beams Subjected to Point Loads and UDL 

Theory of Simple Bending-Assumptions-Bending Equation-Bending Stresses-Section Modulus-Shear Stress Distribution Across Various Sections Like Rectangular, Circular and ISections.

Theory of Structures (Unit 3)

Deflection of Cantilevers and Simply Supported Beams-Double Integration and Macaulayโ€™s Methods-Mohrโ€™s Theorems for Slope and Deflections-Calculation for Propped Cantilevers Subjected to Simple Loading-Analysis of Fixed And Continuous Beams of Uniform Section for Simple Loading Without Sinking of Supports. Columns and Struts-TypesSlenderness Ratio- Eulerโ€™s and Rankineโ€™s Formulae for Axial Loading. Determination of Forces in Members of Statically Determinate, Plane and Pin-Jointed Trusses for Dead Loads Only. Dams and Retaining Walls-Conditions for Stability-Middle Third Rule-Rankineโ€™s Formula for Active Earth Pressure. 

Reinforced Concrete Structures (Unit 4 & 5)

Grades of Concrete, Characteristic Strength, Modulus of Elasticity-I.S. 456 -2000- Philosophy of Limit State Design. Limit State of Strength and Serviceability, Partial Safety Factor-Design Strength of Materials and Design Loads-Assumptions. Analysis and Limit State Design Of Rectangular Beams-Singly, Doubly Reinforced and T-Beams. Shear in RCC Beams, Lintels and Sunshades-Development Length. Slabs-Analysis and Limit State Design of One-Way And Two-Way Slabs as Per IS.456-2000.Torsion Reinforcement. Design of Continuous Slabs and Beams-Deflection Check for Slabs And Beams. Detailing of Reinforcement in Singly Reinforced and Doubly Reinforced Simply Supported Beams of Rectangular Sections and Lintels, One Way and Two Way Slabs.

Columns: Codal Provisions of I.S 456-2000-Short and Long Columns-Different Shapes-Design of Short Columns by Limit State Method-Long Columns- Concept, Effective Length for Different End Conditions. Footings-Isolated Column Footings-One Way Shear and Two-Way Shear. Stairs-Types, Loads on Stairs. Working Stress Method of Design: Basic Principles, Neutral Axis, Lever Arm-Design and Analysis of Singly Reinforced Simply Supported Rectangular Beams. Comparison of Limit State and Working Stress Methods.

Surveying (Unit 6)

Chain Surveying- Purpose and Principle- Errors and Corrections- Different Operations in Chain Surveying- Obstacles โ€“ Methods of Calculation of Area. Compass SurveyingPurpose and Principle-Bearings-Traversing Using Prismatic Compass-Local Attraction-Errors. Levelling-Definitions - Component Parts-Errors - Classification of Levelling-ContouringCharacteristics and Methods. Theodolite- Principles and Component Parts- Fundamental Lines and Relationship Among Them- Adjustments of Theodolite- Measurement of Horizontal and Vertical Angles-Errors-Traverse Computations- Bowditch and Transit Rule. TacheometryPrinciple-Stadia Tacheometry-Tangential Tacheometry, Total Station, Global Positioning System โ€“ Importance, G.I.S โ€“ Use and Applications in Civil Engineering

Hydraulics (Unit 7 & 8)

Fluid Properties-Specific Weightโ€“Mass Density-Specific Gravity-Surface Tension-CapillarityViscosity. Atmospheric Pressure, Gauge Pressure and Absolute Pressure. Fluid Pressure on Plane Surfaces-Centre of Pressure, Measurement of Fluid Pressure Using Piezometer and Mano Meters. Types of Flows-Uniform, Nonuniform, Steady, Unsteady, Laminar and Turbulent Flows. Energies of Liquid in Motion-Continuity Equation. Bernoulliโ€™s Theorem-Pitot Tube-Venturi Meter. Flow Thorough Small and Large Orifices, Free Orifices, Submerged Orifices, Coefficients of Orifices- Cc, Cv and Cd. Flow Through Internal, External, Convergent and Divergent Mouthpieces. Types of Notches-Rectangular and Triangular, Flow Over Notches. Types of Weirs-Sharp Crested and Broad Crested-Mathematical Formulae for Discharge-Francis and Bazinโ€™s Equations.

Flow Through Pipes-Major and Minor Losses-Chezyโ€™s and Darcyโ€™s Formulae for Loss of Head Due to Friction-HGL & TEL- Reynoldโ€™s Number for Laminar and Turbulent Flows. Flow Through Open Channels-Rectangular and Trapezoidal-Chezyโ€™s Formula for Discharge - Kutterโ€™s and Manningโ€™s Equation for Chezyโ€™s Constants-Most Economical Sections. Centrifugal Pumps Without Problems. Classification of Turbines- Kaplan, Franciโ€™s and Pelton Wheel Without Problems-Use of Draft Tube. Hydro-Electrical Installations-Components and Uses.

Irrigation Engineering (Unit 9 & 10)

Necessity of Irrigations- Perennial and Inundation Irrigation, Flow and Lift Irrigation, Principal Crops-Kharif and Rabi Seasons-Duty, Delta and Base Period. Methods of IrrigationCheck Flooding, Basin Flooding, Contour Bunding, Furrow, Sprinkler and Drip Irrigations. Hydrology โ€“ Rainfall, Types of Rain Gauges, Types of Catchments-Rain Fall and Run Off. Measurement of Velocity of Flow in Streams-Ryveโ€™s and Dickenโ€™s Formulae for Computing Maximum Flood Discharge. Classifications of Head Works-Component Parts of Diversion Head Works. Weirs and Barrages. Percolation and Uplift Pressures. Types of ReservoirsDead Storage, Live Storage and Surcharge Storage.

Storage Head Works-Different Types of Dams-Rigid and Non-Rigid Dams- Gravity Dams-Low and High Dams. Elementary Profile of a Dam. Failures of Gravity Dams-Drainage Galleries. Ogee and Siphon Spill Ways. Earth Damsโ€” Types, Failures and Precautions. Phreatic Lines and Drainage Arrangements in Earthen Dams. Distribution WorksClassifications and Alignment of Canals-Typical Cross Section of a Canal-Berm and Balanced Depth of Cutting- Canal Lining. Laceyโ€™s Silt Theory. Cross Drainage Worksโ€“Types and Functions.

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AP ECET Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus 2025

If candidates are studying for the AP ECET Computer Science Engineering, they can check the detailed AP ECET 2025 CSE Syllabus from the table below. 



Digital Electronics

Number Systems-Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra and basic Combinational circuits-Flip-Flops-Counters and registers-Additional Combinational Circuits.

Software Engineering

Basics of Software Engineering Designs & Life Cycle ModelsSoftware Project Management-Requirement Analysis & Specifications- Software Design, Coding-Software testing, Debugging, Reliability, Quality Management &Maintenance. 

Computer Organisation and Microprocessors

CPU Organization-Information representation and Arithmetic Operations-Memory Organization-I/O Organization- Fundamentals of 8086 and Advanced Processors. 

Data structures through C

Introduction to Data structures, Searching and Sorting-Linked Storage Representation-Linked Lists-Linear Data Structures-Stacks-Linear Data StructuresQueues-Non-Linear Data Structures-Trees.

Computer Networks

Introduction to Networks-LAN components, Devices, tools, and Network Topologies-Network Addressing and sub-netting-Networks protocols and managementBasic Network administration.

Operating Systems

Introduction to Operating system-Process management- Synchronization & Deadlocks-Memory Management-Disk scheduling and File Management 


Concepts of DBMS & RDBMS-Concepts of SQL-Basics of PL/ SQL- Advanced PL/SQL-Concepts of NoSQL & MongoDB. 

Object oriented Programming through C++

Object oriented programming concepts & Introduction to C++-Functions, Arrays, Pointers &References- Constructors, Destructors & Operator Overloading- Inheritance& Virtual functions- C++ I/O & Templates.

Java Programming

Basics of java and overloading-Concepts of inheritance, overriding, Interfaces and Packages-I/O Streams and Collections-Exception handling and Multithreaded Programming-Applets, AWT and Event Handling. 

Web Technologies

Principles of Web Designing and HTML Introduction- Various HTML tags and usage of style sheets-Understand XML and Client side scripting using Java Script-JavaScript Ajax and J Query-Web servers and Server side scripting using PHP.

AP ECET 2025 Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus

Candidates can check the Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus from the below table. 



Electronic Devices & Circuits

Semiconductor diodes โ€“ varactor diode โ€“ zener diode โ€“ Clippers and clampers-Transistorsโ€“ FETs โ€“ UJT (characteristics only) โ€“ Power supplies โ€“ Rectifiers and Filters โ€“ HW, FW and Bridge type โ€“ RC , LC and CLC filters โ€“ Series and Shunt regulators โ€“ Transistor amplifiers โ€“ CE,CC and CB configurations โ€“ Biasing techniques-RC coupled โ€“ Transformer coupled amplifiers Differential amplifiers โ€“ Feedback, Power and Tuned amplifiers โ€“ Operational amplifiers โ€“ characteristics and applications โ€“ RC , LC and Crystal oscillators โ€“ Astable , Bistable and Monostable Multivibrators using Transistors and 555 timers- Schmitt Trigger โ€“ Sweep circuits โ€“ Miller and Bootstrap circuits.

Circuit Theory

Mesh current and Node voltage analysis โ€“ Crammerโ€™s Rule โ€“ Network theorems โ€“ Theveninโ€™s, Nortonโ€™s, Maximum Power transfer, Superposition and Reciprocity theoremsโ€“RC,RL,RLC Transients- Series and Parallel Resonance โ€“ Q- factor โ€“ Selectivity โ€“ Bandwidth โ€“Linear wave shaping circuits. Transmission Lines โ€“ Characteristic Impedance โ€“Reflection Coefficient โ€“ SWR โ€“ Transmission Line losses and Impedance matching.

Electronic Measuring Instruments and Audio & Video Systems

Analog Instruments โ€“ Extension of range of Ammeter, Voltmeter and Ohmmeter โ€“ FET voltmeter โ€“ Differential voltmeter โ€“ Digital instruments โ€“ Ramp โ€“Dual Slope integration โ€“ successive approximation โ€“ digital frequency meter-digital LCR meter- CRO โ€“ CRT โ€“ time base generator โ€“ deflection sensitivity โ€“ triggered sweep circuits โ€“ CRO applications, AF Oscillator โ€“ RF Signal generator โ€“ AF and RF Power meters โ€“ Q meter โ€“ Distortion Factor Meter โ€“ Digital IC tester-Audio systems-Digital TV Fundamentals-LCD-HDTV-Smart TVDTH-Touch screen technology. 

Industrial & Power Electronics

Thyristor family โ€“ SCR ,TRIAC, Power BJT โ€“IGBT (characteristics, working principle and applications) โ€“โ€“ Series and Parallel Invertersโ€“ PWM inverters, โ€“ Single phase โ€“ SMPS โ€“ Off Line and On Line UPS โ€“ Opto electronic devices โ€“ LDR, Photo diode and transistor and Photo voltaic cell (characteristics and applications) โ€“ Transducers โ€“ LVDT โ€“ Strain Gauge, Thermistor, Thermocouple - Ultrasonics - Pulse echo flaw detector-Industrial heating methods-Basics of control systems-Transfer function-ROC-Open and closed loop systems(up to second order)

Communication Systems

Analog โ€“ Need for modulation โ€“ Types of modulation โ€“ AM , FM , PM โ€“ Modulation Index โ€“ Bandwidth โ€“ Power requirements โ€“ Transmitters โ€“ Low level , High level and SSB types โ€“ Receivers โ€“ Super heterodyne โ€“ AM and FM receivers โ€“ characteristics โ€“ Sensitivity , Selectivity , Fidelity โ€“ IMRR and choice of IF โ€“ Wave Propagation โ€“ Ground , Sky and Space waves โ€“ Properties. Digital โ€“ Pulse modulation โ€“ PCM , Delta modulation โ€“ Data codes โ€“ Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission โ€“ error detection and correction - digital modulation โ€“ ASK ,FSK, PSK and QAM โ€“ generation and detection โ€“ Multiplexing โ€“ TDM , FDM โ€“ Multiple Access โ€“ TDMA.

Advanced Communication Systems

Antennasโ€“ radiation resistance โ€“ beam width โ€“ polarization โ€“ directivity โ€“ efficiency โ€“ bandwidth โ€“ gain โ€“ front to back ratio โ€“ folded dipole โ€“ arrays โ€“ broadside โ€“ end fire โ€“ Yagi , Log periodic , Turnstile antennas โ€“ Parabolic reflectors โ€“ beam width, gain and applications. Wave Guides โ€“ Rectangular โ€“ Dominant mode โ€“ Phase and Group velocity โ€“ Cut off wavelength - working principle and applications of Magnetron , Klystron ,TWT โ€“ Radar โ€“ range equation โ€“ Pulsed radars โ€“ indicators โ€“ duplexers โ€“ CW radars and MTI radars โ€“ Satellite communication โ€“ UP link and DOWN link frequencies โ€“ types of satellites โ€“ satellite on board โ€“ earth station systems โ€“ satellite applications โ€“ Fiber Optic communication โ€“ types of fibers โ€“ couplers, splices, connectors, switches , optical emitters and detectors โ€“ optical repeaters โ€“ Wave length Division multiplexing โ€“ Mobile Communication โ€“ cellular concept โ€“ AMPS , GSM , CDMAsystems. 

Digital Electronics

Number systems โ€“ Logic gates โ€“ Boolean algebra โ€“ Adders and Subtractors โ€“ Flip-flops โ€“ Registers and Counters โ€“ Memories โ€“ RAM, ROM, Flash ROM, NVROM โ€“ D/A converters โ€“ binary weighted โ€“ R-2R Ladder, - Counter type A /D Converter and Successive approximation A /D Converter.

Microcontrollers & Microprocessors

8051 Architecture โ€“ Instruction Set โ€“ subroutines โ€“ use of input and output machine related statements โ€“ time delay programme โ€“ assembler directives - peripheral ICs โ€“โ€“ 8086 Architecture โ€“ Instruction Set โ€“ Features of Pentium and its Derivatives. 

Data Communications & Computer Networks

Transmission Media โ€“ twisted pair โ€“ UTP โ€“STP โ€“Coaxial cable โ€“ Optical fiber โ€“ comparison โ€“ Shannon Capacity theorem โ€“ Network Topologies โ€“ BUS, STAR , RING โ€“ switching โ€“ Packet and Message switching โ€“ OSI architecture and functions โ€“ CSMA , CDMA and token ring โ€“ properties and operations โ€“ Wireless LAN โ€“ Blue tooth technology โ€“ WAN architecture โ€“ Packet transmission โ€“ ARPA Net โ€“ ISP and ISDN architectures โ€“ WAN Protocols โ€“ X .25 , Frame Relay , ATM ,TCP / IP features and comparison โ€“Ports and Sockets โ€“ Domain Name System โ€“ POP and SMTP server โ€“ File transfer protocol โ€“ Proxy server and Web server architecture.

AP ECET 2025 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Syllabus

Candidates can examine the entire syllabus from the table below if they are preparing for the AP ECET Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 



Basic Electrical Engineering

Ohms and Kirchhoffโ€™s Laws, star/delta transformation, Network theorems, Power and Energy, Heating effects of Electric current, Magnetic effects, Electromagnetic Induction, Electrostatics, Batteries, Types of Electrical Engineering Materials โ€“ Conducting, Semi- conducting, Magnetic, Insulating, Di-electric โ€“ Properties and Uses.

D.C. Machines, Batteries & Measuring Instruments

D.C. Generators: Construction, Operation, types, EMF Equation, Windings, Characteristics, Efficiency and Parallel operation. DC Motors: Principle of operation, Back EMF, Torque Equation, Types, armature reaction. Characteristics, Starters, Speed Control, Losses, Efficiency and Testing. Measuring Instruments: Classification, Principle of Operation of moving Coil, Moving Iron, Dynamometer type, Induction type meters, Instrument Transformers, Induction type Energy meter, Measurement of Resistance, Transducers and Sensors โ€“ Types, Thermistor, Thermocouple, Pressure Transducers and Strain gauges, Electronic and Digital Instruments.

A.C. Circuits & Transformers

A.C. Circuits: Fundamentals, Series and parallel R-L-C Circuits, Resonant circuits, Polyphase Circuits, Measurement of power by 2 Wattmeters. Transformer: Single-phase Transformer, Construction, Operation, Equivalent circuit, regulation, efficiency, Testing and Parallel operation, Accessories of Transformers and Cooling. Three-phase Transformers, Auto-Transformers. 

A.C. Machines

Alternators: Construction, Operation, EMF equation, regulation, testing and parallel operation. Synchronous Motors: Operation and performance, effects of Excitation, โ€˜Vโ€™-Curve and inverted โ€˜Vโ€™- Curve, methods of Starting and uses. Three-Phase induction Motors: Construction, Principle of Operation, Torque Equation, Slip-torque characteristics, losses, efficiency, speed control, starters. Single-phase Induction Motor: Types, Principle of operation, applications. Single-phase commutator motors: Types, Principle of operation and applications. 

Power System Generation & Protection

Generating Stations: Working, Components, Comparison of Thermal, Hydel, Nuclear and Gas Power stations. Pollution control, Combined Working, Power Stations auxiliaries, Characteristic Curves and Important Terms, types of tariffs, power factor correction and economy. Power Systems Protection: Circuit Breakers โ€“ Types, Principles of operation and uses, Current Limiting reactors, Relays โ€“ Classification, Principle of Operation of Induction type over current relay, Directional and Non directional relays, differential relays and distance relays, Protection of alternators, Transformers, Bus-bars, Transmission lines, Lightening arrestors, neutral grounding.

Transmission & Distribution

Transmission and distribution: Types of supply systems, Transmission line parameters, inductance and capacitance, performance of short and medium lines, regulation, Ferranti effect, Corona, Basic concepts of HVDC Transmission, Advantage and disadvantages of HVDC Transmission. Components of lines, supports, conductor spacing, ground clearance and sag, insulators, voltage distribution across the string, string efficiency, methods of improving string efficiency. Earthing and layout of sub-stations. Cables โ€“ Classification, insulation resistance, specifications. Distribution โ€“ Radial and ring distributors, variation of load voltage. 

Electric Traction

Electric Traction: Systems of Train Electrification, Speed-time Curves for different services, Schedule speed, Tractive Effort, Specific Energy Consumption, Traction system auxiliaries, Traction motor.

Electrical Estimation

Electric Wiring: Tools, Wires, Types of wiring, Accessories, Lamp Circuits, Estimating and costing of domestic, industrial, power, irrigation pump sets, over head lines and ii KV Sub Stations, Rural electrification, departmental tests, earthing, maintenance of electrical machines.

Basic Electronics & Digital Electronics

Semi-Conductor devices: N type & P type,, Zener diode, PNP and NPN Transistors, Transistor configurations, characteristics, power supplies โ€“ half and full wave rectifiers, Filters, Zener diode regulation, Special devices โ€“ UJT, FET, LED, SCR, Opto Coupler, Photodiode, Photo Transistor, CRO and Timers. Amplifiers: Types, Principles of operation, Characteristics. Oscillators: Types, operation and application of each. Digital Electronics: Different numbering systems, inter Conversions Boolean Algebra, Logic families, performance of AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND gates, combinational Logic Circuits, sequential logic circuits, Resistors and Memories, A/D and D/A converters.

Power Electronics & Micro Controller

Power Electronic Devices: Construction and working of SCR, GTOSCR, DIAC, TRIAC, Volt-ampere characteristics, Triggering of SCR using UJT, Protection. Converters, AC regulators, Choppers, Inverters and Cycloconverters: Types of Converters, working of AC regulators and Choppers. Types of inverters, Principles of working, Basic principle of working of Cyclo converters. Speed control of D.C. Motors by using converters and choppers, Speed control of induction motor by using AC Voltage regulators โ€“ V/F Control, Switched mode power supplies (SMPS), UPS. Micro Controllers: Architecture of 8051, instruction set of 8051, programming concepts, peripheral ICS โ€“ Function, features.

AP ECET 2025 Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus

Candidates who are going to appear for AP ECET Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering must check the units and the subtopics from the table below - 



Electrical Engineering

Ohmโ€™s law- Kirchhoffโ€™s law- star โ€“delta transformation basis of D.C Machines, motors and generators-A.C. machines.

Industrial electronics and control engineering

Photo transistor, photo conductive device, photo multiplier , solar cell , opto-coupler, dot matrix and seven segment displays, bar graph, basic principles of induction heating, dielectric heating and resistance welding, generation and applications of ultrasonics.- basics of open loop and closed loop control systemsTransfer functions-signal flow graphs-Time response of first order and Second order system concept of stability ( Routh Hurwitz criterion) โ€“ frequency response by bode plot. 


Resistor, capacitor and inductor specifications and applications of transformers, basics of switches , fuses , relays and microphones , Semi conductor materials, PN junction formation, forward and reverse biasing voltages, formation ,working and configurations of PNP and NPN transistors , Zener diode , FET , MOSFET , UJT , diode as rectifier ,C,LC and CLC filter circuits , RC coupled amplifier , transformer coupled amplifier , Darlington and cascaded amplifier , Class-A and Class-B push-pull amplifier , complementary type power amplifier, oscillator principle , RC phase shift and wien bridge oscillator , Boot strap sweep circuit , miller sweep circuit , bistable , astable and monostable multivibrator using transistor. 

Digital Electronics

Number systems , logic gates , half adder and subtractor , full adder , RS, T , D and Master-slave JK type flip-flops , counters, up/down counter , ring counter , Registers , shift registers , universal shift register , basic memories ( RAM and ROM ) , ADC ( Counter method,Successive approximation method ) and DAC.( R-2R method, Binary weighted method )

Electronic Measuring instruments

Analog Instruments โ€“ Extension of range of Ammeter, Voltmeter and Ohmmeter โ€“ FET voltmeter โ€“ Differential voltmeter โ€“ Digital instruments โ€“ Ramp โ€“ Dual Slope integration โ€“ successive approximation โ€“ digital frequency meter. CRO โ€“ CRT โ€“ time basegenerator โ€“ deflection sensitivity โ€“ triggered sweep circuits โ€“ CRO applications -AF Oscillator โ€“ RF Signal generator โ€“ AF and RF Power meters โ€“ Q meter โ€“ Distortion Factor Meter โ€“ Digital IC tester โ€“ Logic Analyzer.

Process Instrumentation

Fundamentals of instrumentation , basic transducer theory forthe measurement of displacement( LVDT, Potentiometer, inductive, capacitive,), angular velocity, temperature ( Thermometers, RTD, Thermo couple,thermister,Pyrometers ), pressure ( elastic elements, Strain gauge,piezo electric ) , Flow ( Head type flow meters, rotameter, Electromagnetic flow meter, anemometers, Ultrasonic flow meter ) , PH , conductivity , weight , humidity , level , viscosity and density , detection of alpha, Beta and Gamma particles 

Process Control

On-off Control, Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, PID Controller, Tuning of PID Controller, Actuators ( Pneumatic, electro-pneumatic Hydraulic) basics of control valves, Cascade Controller, Ratio Controller, Adaptive Control, Line Diagrams, Letter Codes,Basic of CNC Machine, Basics of Robot. 

Communications and Linear IC Applications

Need and Types of Modulation, SSB, DSBand VSB transmission, AM and FM Transmitters, AM and FM Detectors, Basics of Pulse Modulation and Applications, Optical Fibre Communication, , Characteristics of Operational Amplifier, Applications of Operational Amplifier like (Summer, Integrator, Differentiator, Inverter, Voltage Follower, V to I Converter, I to V Converter, Comparator, Square wave Generator, Mono Stable Multivibrator, Astable multivibrator, Wienbridge Oscillator, Instrumentation Amplifier, Schmitt Trigger, Applications of 555 timer, Phase locked loop.

Analytical and biomedical instrumentation

Electromagnetic Spectrum, Beer Lamberts Law, Mono Chromator, Light Sources and Detectors, Spectrophotometer (UV, Visible, IR), Flame Photometer, Spectroflourometer, Polarimeter, Gas Analyzer, Mass Spectrometer, Liquid Chromatography and Gas Chromatography, Basics of Diagnostic Equipment ECG , EEG,EMG Blood flow measurement, Pace Maker, Defibrillator, X-Ray Equipment., CAT

Microcontroller & PLCs

Architecture and Instruction set of 8051 Micro controller, interfacing peripherals (8255, 8251, 8257) and applications of 8051.Basics of PLCArchitecture and instruction set of PLC and applications.

AP ECET 2025 Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

Candidates who are going to appear for AP ECET Mechanical Engineering must check the units and the subtopics from the table below.



Workshop Technology and Conventions in Drawing 

Basic Workshop tools and Operations in carpentry, fitting and sheet metal. Forging processes and tools - Cold and hot working processes. Pattern types โ€“ types of moulding sand and their properties - Defects in casting. Conventions in machine drawing โ€“ Production drawing โ€“ limits, fits & Tolerances โ€“ Surface finish โ€“ Specifications of standard components. 

Production Technology and Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems

Equipment used in arc and gas welding. Modern welding methods โ€“ Submerged arc, atomic, hydrogen, CO2, and Ultrasonic welding. Defects in welding. Working and operations of Lathe, Drilling, Shaper, Slotter, Planner and Milling machines โ€“ Jigs, Fixtures and Jig Boring โ€“ Modern Machining processes โ€“ Ultrasonic machining, Electric Discharge Machining, Abrasive Jet Machining, Laser Beam machining and Chemical machining โ€“ Surface finishing operations โ€“ Honing, Lapping, Super finishing, Electro plating, Metal spraying. Basic components of NC and CNC machines โ€“ CNC part programming - Manual and Computer assisted - Material handling in Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems โ€“ AGVs โ€“ Robots โ€“ Flexible Manufacturing Systems - Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems and Rapid Prototyping. 

Engineering Materials and Solid Mechanics

Mechanical properties of materials โ€“ Destructive and Non-destructive testing of materials, Production of Iron and Steel โ€“ Iron Carbon equilibrium Diagram - Heat treatment processes โ€“ Plain Carbon and Alloy steels โ€“ Ferrous and Non-ferrous metals and alloys. Resolution of Forces, Simple Machines, Simple stresses and strains โ€“ Shear force and bending moment diagrams โ€“ Strain energy โ€“ Deflection of beams โ€“ Torsion in shafts.

Theory of Machines and Design of Machine Elements 

Belt and Chain drives โ€“ Velocity ratio, Belt tensions and centrifugal tension โ€“ Effect of belt thickness โ€“ Slip, lengths of open and cross belting โ€“ Power transmitted by belt, Simple, Compound, and epicyclic gear trains โ€“ Roller and Silent chains โ€“ Flywheels and GovernorsCams. Design of โ€“ Bolted joints, Riveted joints and Welded joints - Shafts, Keys and Couplingsโ€“ Bearings and Springs. 

Thermodynamics and Heat Power Engineering

Basic thermodynamics and Laws of Perfect gases, Thermodynamic processes, Air standard Cycles, fuels and combustion, I.C Engines - Two and Four stroke engines โ€“ Petrol and Diesel engines, Indicated and brake powers, Indicated and Brake thermal efficiencies, Air Compressors, Gas turbines and Jet propulsion.

Hydraulics and Fluid Power Systems

Basics of Fluid mechanics, Fluid Statics, Fluid Kinematics and Dynamics-Flow through pipes, Impact of Jets, Hydraulic turbines, Working principles and operation of reciprocating and centrifugal pumps, Hydraulic and pneumatic Circuit devices- Valves and Actuators.

Steam Boilers, Nozzles, Turbines and Condensers

Properties of Steam, Working, Performance of Boilers, Steam nozzles, Condition for maximum discharge โ€“ steam turbines โ€“ classification, Velocity diagrams for single stage impulse turbine and Reaction turbine- Steam Condensers.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Methods of refrigeration, Cycles and Analysis - Air, Vapor Compression and Vapor Absorption refrigeration, Refrigeration equipment โ€“ Air Conditioning and Psychrometry โ€“ Air Conditioning Equipment and Applications of Air Conditioning. 

Industrial Management and Engineering

Work study, Inspection and SQC - Estimation and Costing โ€“ Basics of Industrial management, organization structures and behaviour, Production and materials management, Maintenance Management and Industrial Safety, Entrepreneurial development, Principles of ISO 9000. 

Energy Sources and Power Plant Engineering

Types of Renewable energy sources โ€“ Solar energy โ€“ Wind energy โ€“ Fuel cells โ€“ MHD generator โ€“ Bio energy โ€“ Tidal energy โ€“ Thermal power plants - layout, important elements in layout and supporting activities- Nuclear Power Plants โ€“ Nuclear Energy chain reaction, Nuclear fuels, Working Principle of Nuclear reactor such as PWR and BWR.

AP ECET Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus 2025

Candidates must examine the units and subtopics from the table below before taking the AP ECET Metallurgical Engineering exam - 



Elementary Principles of Metallurgy

Introduction to metallurgy โ€“ ores & ore dressing, Methods of ore sampling โ€“ Communition โ€“ Screening & Classification - Minerals of commercially important metals - Principles and processes of Pyro, hydro and electrometallurgy

Fuels, Refractories & Pyrometry

Classification of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels โ€“ Testing and properties of important fuels-Manufacture and characteristics of Metallurgical Coke - Combustion of fuels โ€“ Properties, manufacture and selection of Refractories, Principles and operation of important pyrometers. 

Metallurgical Thermodynamics

Introduction and applications of thermodynamics โ€“First Law of thermodynamics- Thermo chemistry - Second Law of thermodynamics - Ellingham diagrams - Fugacity, activity and equilibrium constant -Phase equilibria โ€“ Solutions 

Physical Metallurgy

Structure of metals and Alloys โ€“ Solidification - Diffusion โ€“ Binary thermal equilibrium diagrams-Iron-carbon diagram- important non- ferrous binary alloy systems โ€“ Microscopic and macroscopic examination of metals and alloys.

Heat Treatment Technology

Heat treatment of plain carbon steels - Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening and tempering of steels โ€“ TTT diagrams - Hardenability - Grain size, Quenching media. Alloy steels & Effect of alloying elements on plain carbon steels โ€“ Stainless steels, tool steels โ€“ Case hardening techniques. Special heat treatment techniques such as Austempering , Martempering, sub-zero treatment - Heat treatment of Nonferrous metals and alloys โ€“ Age hardening - Heat Treatment Furnaces and atmospheres. 

Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy

Iron ores and preparation of iron ores - Blast furnace plant and equipment โ€“ blast furnace reactions - irregularities and recent trends - sponge iron & methods of production โ€“ Ferroalloys โ€“ types and applications. Steel making by Bessemer, LD, Kaldo, Open hearth and Electric furnaces โ€“New techniques in steel making โ€“ Vacuum treatment of liquid steel - Ingot defects - Continuous casting. 

Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy

Extraction of copper โ€“ Pyro and hydrometallurgical methods & refining - Aluminum- Extraction, Anode effect, Refining - Zinc and Lead - Pyro and hydrometallurgical extraction and refining. Extraction of Magnesium by Dows and Pidgeon processes. Extraction of Titanium by Krollโ€™s process - Refining by Van Arkellโ€™s process-Extraction of Thorium and Zirconium.

Material Testing

Tension test. Stress- strain relationships, neckingphenomenon โ€“ Ductile and brittle fracture โ€“ Griffithโ€™s theory of brittle fracture - Hardness tests-principles and types. Impact testing- Notched bar impact tests. Transition temperature. Fatigue, Stress cycles, S-N diagram, Factors affecting Fatigue. Creep testing - creep curve, Stress - rupture test. Non-destructive testing- Principles, methods and applications of liquid penetrant, Radiography, Ultrasonic Magnetic particle and Eddy current test.

Mechanical Metallurgy

Plastic deformation of metals โ€“ lattice defects โ€“ Slip and Twinning - CRSS โ€“Strengthening mechanisms. Strain hardening - Hot and Cold working - Recovery, recrystallisation and grain growth. Metal forming processes-Rolling, Forging, Extrusion & Sheet metal forming processes and defects โ€“ Powder metallurgy. Methods of powder production, Characterization, Compaction, Sintering and applications of Powder Metallurgy.

Foundry Technology

Types of foundries โ€“ Basic steps in casting - Patterns: Types, materials and pattern allowances, Moulding Sands - properties and Testing, Moulding Processes and equipment: Sand casting, Die casting, Shell moulding, Centrifugal casting, Investment casting and CO2 process-Cores: Types of Cores and properties, pouring and feeding of castings. Cast irons โ€“ types - Melting of Cast irons - Grey, S.G and Malleable iron. Aluminium, Copper and Steel Foundry practices. Defects in Castings. Cleaning & Salvage of Castings.

Welding Technology

Basic concepts of Welding - Principles and processes of various welding techniques such as Oxy-acetylene, Arc welding, Inert gas welding- TIG and MIG - Special welding processes- Plasma, resistance, electro slag, electron beam, thermit and Laser. Soldering and brazingโ€“ Weldability, factors affecting weldability โ€“ Heat affected Zone, Microstructure โ€“ Post weld treatments โ€“Welding defects โ€“Inspection and testing.

AP ECET Mining Engineering 2025 Syllabus

The table below contains a full syllabus for the AP ECET mining engineering. 



Elements of Mining

Definitions of Terms, Mineral based industries, Mining operations, modes of entry, shaft, incline, adit, Applicable conditions, Limitations, Mining Methods used in coal and Non coal mining, Classification of the mineral deposits based on various factors, classification of coal seams based on various factors. Classification of methods of workingU/G Coal, OCM & Metal Mining, Bore(Drill) holes uses, classification and various tools used in boring(Drilling), feed mechanism, core recovery, deviation of boreholes, Core barrels. Explosives- Characteristics, classification, composition, properties, different explosives used in U/G, OCM, Metal and coal mines, selection of explosives and initiation of explosives, Fuses โ€“ types, Detonators- types. Blasting practice in Mines- terms, tools, rules and provisions related to- Induced Blasting, different types of blasting practice, different types of drill bits, reconditioning of drill bits, dangers and precautionary measures of blasting, fuse and electric blasting, dealing with misfire. Shaft sinking โ€“ Selection of site, different stages of sinking through sub soil, temporary and permanent supporting of shafts, purpose of widening and deepening. Special & modern methods of shaft sinking, pilling, drop shaft method, cementation, freezing method.

Fundamentals of Geology

Definition of the term Geology, scope, uses of geology in Mining field, Branches of geology, Physical Geology, Age of the earth, origin of the earthNebular hypothesis of Kant and Laplace, internal structure of earth, weathering, erosion, denudation, Attrition, Abrasion, Earthquakes, Volcanoes. Mineralogy- Terms, Physical characteristics of minerals, important mineral families, industrial uses of important minerals; Occurrence and distribution in A.P and India. Petrology - Classification of Rocks and its characteristics, structures and textures. Structural Geology, folds, faults, joints, unconformities. Stratigraphy โ€“ definition, objectives, Geological time scale, major stratigraphical divisions of India, Physio-graphic divisions of India, Economic Geology- Terms, processes of mineralization and important economic minerals formed by these processes. Geological prospecting- objectives, guide lines for location of mineral deposits in fields, methods of prospecting. Coal Geology-Periods of coal formation, different stages, origin, classification of coal, coalfields in the world and India. Petroleum Geology โ€“ Petroleum โ€“ Importance, origin, Migration and Accumulation, distribution of oilfields in the world and India. Hydrogeology โ€“ Occurrence and source of ground water, vertical distribution, water table, types, Hydrological cycle, precipitation, types, rainfall measurements, Evaporation, types, Infiltration โ€“ types, factors affecting infiltration, zone of saturation and aeration, water bearing properties of rocks, porosity, permeability, Aquifer, Aquifuge and Aquiclude.

Underground Coal Mining Methods

Methods of working Bord and pillar and long wall - development, opening of districts , different methods of development systems with machines and continuous miners, depillaring. Longwall mining-Long wall advancing, longwall retreating, applicabilities, merits, demerits, limitations. Stowing practice in mines, manual and mechanized, Thick seams โ€“ Classification, Principles, methods, Merits and demerits, Special methods of working like inclined slicing, horizontal slicing, blasting gallery, horizon mining, hydraulic mining, Gasification of coal. 

Underground Metal Mining Methods

Definitions: Development of mineral deposits, levels, sublevels, Winzes and Raises etc. Handling waste rock and mineral, Drilling and blasting, arrangement for loading, conventional and mechanized methods of raising, various stopping methods โ€“ classification, applicability, limitation, merits and demerits. Sampling โ€“ classification, applicability, Assaying, Salting, Deep mining โ€“ problems, problems associated with rise in body temperature, causes, effects, treatment and preventive measures.

Mine Environmental Engineering

Ventilation, objectives/purposes of ventilation, systems of ventilation - natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. Distribution of mine air, ventilation devices, construction location and application. Auxiliary ventilation, Booster ventilation, Homotropal, anti-tropal systems, Ventilation survey โ€“ objectives, methods, precautions and accessories, Mine gases โ€“ Composition of mine air, properties of mine air, classification basing on gassiness, physiological effects, occurrence, testing for presence of mine gases, flame safety lamp โ€“ Principle and constructional details, Gas detectors- types, determination of percentage of gases using conventional methods and using detectors.

Mine Hazards & Rescue

Mine fires, classification, causes preventive measures. spontaneous heating of coal, different methods of dealing with fires, Collection of air samples and interpretation of Mine air samples, Cowards diagram, calculation of CO/O2 deficiency ratio, reopening of sealed off areas, firefighting equipment and organization, Mine Explosions โ€“ Types, Fire damp explosions-causes and preventive measures, Coal dust explosions, causes and preventive measures, treating coal dust, dust barriers, water barriers. Inundation in mines, its causes, precautions, design of dams, accidents due to inundation. Miners diseases, various forms of environmental pollution due to mining, pollution control methods, various miners diseases-causes, symptoms, treatment and preventive measures. Rescue and Recovery - Operations, objectives, classification of rescue apparatus, Resuscitation apparatus, rescue organization. Gas detectors โ€“ recent techniques of gas detection, remote sensing devices, continuous recorders, monitors, Carbon monoxide and multi gas detectors.

Mine Surveying 

Definitions, objectives, Principles, classification, Measurement of distances. Various instruments used in Surveying, chain survey, Fundamentals of compass survey, local attraction, magnetic declination limitation of various surveying methods, various methods of levelling, types of levels, instruments, adjustments, computations, contouring and subsidence, Theodolite types, adjustments, traversing and computations, setting out curves, types, correlation survey, tachometric survey and triangulation Survey, Dip, strike, fault problems, Fundamentals of advance survey โ€“ principles of electronic measurement, different instruments, application of remote sensing, GPS, Total station โ€“ parts and functions.

Mining Machinery

Wire ropes- usage, chemical composition, tests of wires, classification, applicability of different wire ropes, causes of deterioration and precautions, capping, recapping methods and rope splicing, Transportation in mines - classification different types of rope haulages, their applicability, merits and demerits limitations. Safety devices in different rope haulages, Locomotive haulages- types, applicabilityโ€™s, Conveyorstypes, tensioning arrangements, use and applicability in mines, Aerial ropeways, man riding applicabilityโ€™s, Pumps their applicability in mines, construction details merits, demerits and limitations. Conventional face machinery, different Drills, Power loaders, Longwall face machinery-AFC, lump breakers, stage loaders, power pack, SERDS, DERDS, safety devices, power support, Flame proof apparatus and Intrinsically safe apparatus- field of applications, features, remote control principle, Signalling methods used in mines, telephones, Winding - purpose, equipment, types of headgear frames, shaft fittings, guides, Pit top and pit bottom arrangements, keps, suspension gear, types of drums, drum and skip winding, Cage winding and Friction (Keope Winding) speed control and safety contrivances.

Surface Mining & Rock Mechanics

Surface mining โ€“ definition, terms, applicability, limitations, merits and demerits, benches โ€“ parameters, opening of deposits, drainage, different machinery used in surface mines, applications, merits and demerits, drilling and blasting in surface mines, methods and patterns, dangers and precautions, slope stability, influencing factors, terms, types of failures, precautions, simple numerical problems, Environment and ecology โ€“ effects of mining on environment โ€“ different types of pollutions due to mining, Ecology โ€“ impacts of mining on ecology, EIA, EMP and reclamation. Rock mechanics โ€“ Definition, application, various forces acting on a block, stress field, stress distribution around an opening, rock properties and classification, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, theories of rock failure, behaviour and measuring devices, ground movement and subsidence, theories, factors affecting subsidence, methods of subsidence measurement, Strata control- supports, classification, types, merits and demerits.

Mining Legislation, Safety & Management

Mines-Act, Mines Rules - provisions of Mine Act in respect of drinking water, Health, Hygiene, etc., Medical facilities. Limitations of employment, leave with wages, etc., Coal Mines/Metal Mines Regulations - Definitions duties of manager, over man, safety officer, under manager etc., Transport, Mine working ventilation etc., Mines and minerals (Development and regulation) Act 1957- provisions for Licensing- prospecting and mining, Industrial Dispute Act, Causes of disputes, work committee, strikes, lock out, Accidents in mines, safety awareness, pit safety committee, classification of accidents. Mine managementOrganization structure, Entrepreneurship, self employment scheme, market and demand survey, quality systems concepts, quality policy, quality control, quality assurance, ISO 9000, features, draw backs, recruitment, qualifications, training programmes, work-study. safety in mines and Mine accidents. Network analysis โ€“ PERT and CPM, Smart technology โ€“ Use of Internet of Things-IoT.

AP ECET 2025 Biotechnology Syllabus

Candidates who are going to appear for AP ECET Biotechnology must check the units and the subtopics from the table below - 



Basic Industrial Biotechnology

Production Strains, Production media, Types of Media, Carbon, Nitrogen Sources, Biopesticides, Biofertilizers.


Bio-Physics and Cell doctrine, Cell theory and Atomic theory, types of microscopes, Biological membranes, Applications of Bio-Physics. 

Genetics and Cell Biology

Mendelism and its variations, Linkage, Cell division, Chromosome Structure, Chromosome Aberrations, Genetic mechanism of Sex Determination, Sex-Linked genes, holandric genes. 


Classification of Micro Organisms, Nutrition in Micro Organisms, Growth - measurement of microbial growth, culture media, synthetic complex media, Importance and isolation of pure cultures and primary stock cultures, preservation of cultures, control of micro-organisms, dis-infection and sterilization methods, chemical agents, physical agents, different classes of disinfections. 

Bio-Reactor Engineering

Classification of bioreactors, Energy balance of bioreactors, selectivity and optimization of bioreactors, design and analysis of bioreactors, introduction to microprocessors and their applications in bioreactors control, safety regulations and decontamination procedures practiced in the operation of bioreactors. 

Molecular Biology - Genetic Engineering

Nucleic acids - Structure of DNA, RNA, replication of DNA, Organization of nuclear genome, gene numbers, essential and nonessential genes, charge ff rule, one gene, one enzyme hypothesis - Phenyl ketonuria, alkaptonuria and albinism, protein synthesis, applications of Genetic Engineering. 

Plant Bio-Technology

Tissue culture, techniques, application of plant tissue culture, protoplast technology - isolation, culture of protoplasts, regeneration of cell wall and callus formation - protoplast fusion. Genetic engineering through plasmids, Ti Plasmid, gene transfer in plants - Symbiotic N2 fixation, plant protection, applications - methods. 

Animal Bio- Technology

Animal cell and tissue culture, Animal organ culture techniques - Advantages - Limitations and applications, production of transgenic animals by microinjection, future prospects of transgenesis, Cell culture products. 


Bio-Informatics in biology and medicine, bio-molecules and biopolymers, genome analysis. 

Enzyme Engineering

Classification of Enzymes, Applications, Physical and Chemical techniques for enzyme immobilization - advantages and disadvantages of immobilization techniques. Structure of Enzymes - Primary and secondary structure and peptide bond

AP ECET Ceramic Technology Syllabus 2025

Candidates can examine the entire syllabus from the table below if they are preparing for the AP ECET Ceramic Technology. 



Ceramic Raw Materials

Definition of Geology, Petrology and Mineralogy, Minerals used in ceramics, Ceramic Clays and their classification, Physical properties of Clays, Grog and its properties, Types of Silica Minerals, Types of Alumina Minerals, Feldspar group Minerals, Carbonate minerals, Magnesium silicate minerals, Rare earth minerals, Gypsum-Plaster of Paris. 

White Ware & Heavy Clay Ware

Machinery and equipment used in ceramic industry, Body preparation, Fabrication methods, Drying of Clay products, Setting and Firingof Clay products, Classification of Earthenware, Porcelain ware, Special Porcelain ware,Bone china, Sanitary ware, Heavy Clay ware, Floor and Wall Tiles, Glazed vitrified tiles, Double charged tiles, Nano coated tiles, Glazes, Frits, Colors and decoration, Testing and Quality control. 


Classification, properties and Fabrication techniques of Refractories. Insulating Refractories, Kiln furniture, Refractory Cements and mortars, Alumino-silicate Refractories, Silica Refractories, Dolomite Refractories, Magnesite Refractories,Chrome-Magnasite Refractories, Mag-Chrome Refractories, Carbon Refractories, Chromite Refractories. Special Refractories properties and uses, Testing and quality control. 

Glass Technology

Raw materials, Classification of glass making raw materials, Batch preparation, weighing, mixing, Conveying and Charging, Glass melting process, Typesof furnaces, Types of fabrication techniques for Containers, Sheet glass, Float glass, optical glasses, safety glass, Tubes, Annealing, Tempering, Decoration, Testing and Quality Control of glass, Special glasses Like Heat resistant glasses, Fiber glass, Optical Glasses, Glass ceramics, Enamels-Preparation of Enamels.

Cement Technology

Raw materials, Batch preparation, Types of manufacturing process, Rotary kiln, Constituents in Cement, Natural Cements, Portland Cements, Special Cements, and Testing of Cements.

Fuels, Furnaces & Pyrometry

Types of fuels, Advantages and disadvantages of different physical state of Fuels, Combustion, Classification of fuels, NCES & RES, Hydrogen gas, Construction and working of Industrial Pyrometers, furnaces used in glass industry, enamel industry, Kilns used in Ceramic industry.

Advance Ceramics

Advanced powder preparation techniques, shaping and firing techniques, Oxide and Non Oxide Ceramics, Structural Ceramics, Electrical Behavior of Ceramics, Dielectric Ceramics, Magnetic and Optical Ceramics, Ceramic Composites.

Ceramic Science

Chemical bonding, Ceramic Crystal structures, Crystal Imperfections, Phase rule, Phase diagrams of Al2O3-SiO2 and SiO2-Na2O, Diffusion in solids, Phase transformations.

AP ECET Physics Syllabus 2025

The AP ECET 2025 Physics syllabus has been tabulated below.



Units and dimensions

Physical quantity-fundamental and derived physical quantities-units fundamental and derived units-SI units-multiples and sub-multiples in SIunits-advantages of SI units-dimensions and dimensional formulae-dimensionless quantities- applications and limitations of dimensional analysis-problems.

Elements of vectors

Scalar and vector quantities-examplesโ€“graphical representation of a vector-types of vectors addition and subtraction of vectors-triangle law-parallelogram law and its cases-polygon lawresolution of a vector-unit vectors (i, j, k)-dot product and cross product of two vectorscharacteristics of dot and cross products-examples-problems. 

Kinematics and Friction 

Equations of motion-acceleration due to gravity-equations of motion under gravity expressions for maximum height, time of ascent, time of descent, time of flight, velocity on reaching the point of projection-motion of a body projected from the top of a tower-projectile motion-examples-horizontal and oblique projections-expressions for maximum height, time of ascent, time of flight, horizontal range, magnitude and direction of resultant velocityproblems. Friction-normal reaction-laws of friction-coefficients of friction-angle of friction-methods of reducing friction-advantages and disadvantages of friction-motion of a body over a smooth inclined plane and a rough inclined planeโ€“problems.

Work, Power and Energy 

Work, power and energy-definitions and units-potential and kinetic energies-examples and expressions-law of conservation of energy-problems .

Simple harmonic motion and acoustics 

Definition-conditions of SHM-examples of SHM-expressions for displacement, velocity, acceleration, time period, frequency and phase of SHM-time period of a simple pendulum/seconds pendulum-problems. Sound-musical sound and noise-noise pollution-Effects and methods of control of Noise Pollution-Beats and Echo-problems-Doppler effect โ€“ Explanation, cases and Applications Acoustics of buildings-Reverberation-Sabinesโ€™ formula- characteristics of a good building-problems.

Heat and Thermodynamics 

Expansion of gases-Boyleโ€™s law-Absolute scale of temperature-charles laws-Ideal gas equation-Universal gas constant and its value-SI Units-problems-external work done by a gasisothermal process-adiabatic process-first law of thermodynamics and its applications to isothermal process and adiabatic process-two specific heats of a gas-relation between Cp and Cv-problems-second law of thermodynamics and its applications.

Modern Physics 

Photoelectric effect โ€“ explanation and its laws-applications of photoelectric effect (photocell) โ€“ critical angle and total internal reflection โ€“ optical fibers - principle, working , types and applications-concept of super conductivity โ€“ its properties and applications.

AP ECET Chemistry Syllabus 2025

The AP ECET 2025 Chemistry syllabus has been tabulated below.



Atomic Structure

Introduction-Fundamental particles โ€“ Bohrโ€™s theory โ€“ Quantum numbers โ€“โ€“ Aufbau principle โ€“ Hundโ€™s rule โ€“ Pauliโ€™s exclusion principle- Electronic configurations of elements up to atomic number 20, shapes of s,p,d orbitals. 

Chemical Bonding

Introduction โ€“ types of chemical bonds โ€“ Ionic bond taking example of NaCland MgO โ€“ characteristics of ionic compounds and covalent bond taking example H2, O2 ,N2, HCl characteristics of covalent compounds.


Introduction solution classification of solutions, solute, solvent, concentration, mole conceptโ€“Molarity, โ€“Normality, equivalent weight using acids, bases and salts, numerical problems on Molarity and Normality.

Acids and Bases

Introduction โ€“ theories of acids and bases โ€“ Arrhinus, Bronsted โ€“Lowry theory โ€“ Lewis acid base theory โ€“ Ionic product of water - P H and related numerical problems โ€“ buffers solutions โ€“ Applications.


Conductors, insulators, electrolytes โ€“ electrolysis โ€“Faradayโ€™s laws of electrolysis- numerical problems โ€“ Galvanic cell โ€“ standard electrode potential โ€“ electro chemical series โ€“emf and numerical problems on emf of a cell.

Water Technology

Introduction โ€“soft and hard water โ€“ causes of hardness โ€“ types of hardness โ€“disadvantages of hardwater โ€“ degree of Hardness, units and its relationsโ€“ softening methods โ€“ per mutit process โ€“ ion exchange process โ€“qualities of drinking water โ€“ municipal treatment of water for drinking purpose.


Introduction - factors influencing corrosion - electrochemical theory of corrosion- composition cell,stress cell and concentration cellsโ€“ rusting of iron and its mechanism โ€“ prevention of corrosion by a) coating methods, b) cathodic protection (sacrificial and impressive voltage methods). 


Introduction โ€“ polymerisation โ€“ types of polymerisation โ€“ addition, condensation and co-polymerisation with examples โ€“ plastics โ€“ types of plastics โ€“ advantages of plastics over traditional materials โ€“ Disadvantages of using plastics ,thermo plastics and thermo stetting plasticsโ€“ differences between thermo plastics and thermo stetting plastics-preparation and uses of the following plastics : 1. Polythene 2. PVC 3. Teflon 4. Polystyrene 5. Urea formaldehyde โ€“Rubber โ€“ natural rubber โ€“ processing from latex โ€“Vulcanization โ€“ Elastomers โ€“ Buna-s, Neoprenerubber and their uses.


Definition and classification of fuels based on physical state and occurrence โ€“ characteristics of goodfuel - Extraction and Refining of petroleum - composition and uses of gaseous fuels. A) water gas b) producer gas c) natural gas d) coal gas e) bio gas f) acetylene

Environmental chemistry 

Introduction โ€“ environment โ€“understand the terms lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere bio sphere, biotic component, energy component pollutant, receptor, sink, particulate, DO, BOD, Threshold limit value, COD- Air pollution - causes-Effects โ€“ acid rain, green house effect โ€“ ozone depletion โ€“ control of Air pollution โ€“ Water pollution โ€“ causes โ€“ effects โ€“ control measures.

AP ECET Mathematics Syllabus 2025

The AP ECET 2025 Mathematics syllabus has been tabulated below.




Matrices: Matrices of 3rd order: Types of matrices-Algebra of matrices-Transpose of a matrixSymmetric, skew symmetric matrices-Minor, cofactor of an element-Determinant of a square matrix-Properties-Laplaceโ€™s expansion-singular and non singular matrices-Adjoint and multiplicative inverse of a square matrix-System of linear equations in 3 variables-Solutions by Crammerโ€™s rule, Matrix inversion method . 

Partial Fractions: Resolving a given rational function into partial fractions. 


Trigonometry: Properties of Trigonometric functions โ€“ Ratios of Compound angles, multiple angles, sub multiple angles โ€“ Transformations of Products into sum or difference and vice versa โ€“ Simple trigonometric equations โ€“ Properties of triangles โ€“ Inverse Trigonometric functions. 

Complex Numbers: Modulus and conjugate, arithmetic operations on complex numberโ€” Modulus-Amplitude form (Polar form)-Euler form (exponential form)-Properties- De Movireโ€™s Theorem and its applications. 


Analytical Geometry: Circles-Equation given center and radius-given ends of diameter-General equation-finding center and radius. Standard forms of equations of Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola โ€“ simple properties.


Differentiation and its Applications: Functions and limits โ€“ Standard limits โ€“ Differentiation from the First Principles โ€“ Differentiation of sum, product, quotient of functions, function of function, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, Hyperbolic functions, implicit, explicit and parametric functions โ€“ Derivative of a function with respect to another function-Second order derivatives โ€“Geometrical applications of the derivative (angle between curves, tangent and normal) โ€“ Increasing and decreasing functions โ€“ Maxima and Minima (single variable functions) using second order derivative only โ€“ Derivative as rate measure -Errors and approximations - Partial Differentiation โ€“ Partial derivatives up to second order โ€“ Eulerโ€™s theorem. 


Integration and Its Applications: Indefinite Integral โ€“ Standard forms โ€“ Integration by decomposition of the integrand of trigonometric, algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and Hyperbolic functions โ€“ Integration by substitution โ€“ Integration of reducible and irreducible quadratic factors โ€“ Integration by parts โ€“ Definite Integrals and properties, Definite Integral as the limit of a sum โ€“ Application of Integration to find areas under plane curves and volumes of Solids of revolution โ€“ Mean and RMS value.


Differential Equations: Definition of a differential equation-order and degree of a differential equation- formation of differential equations-solution of differential equation of the type first order, first degree, variable-separable, homogeneous equations, exact, linear differential equation of the form dy/dx + Py = Q, Bernoulliโ€™s equation, nth order linear differential equation with constant coefficients both homogeneous and non homogeneous and finding the Particular Integrals

AP ECET Pharmacy Syllabus 2025

The AP ECET 2025 Pharmacy syllabus has been tabulated below.

Section I


1. Pharmacopoeia: Introduction to IP, BP, USP, NF and Extra Pharmacopoeia. Salient features of Indian Pharmacopoeia 

2. Packaging materials: Types, selection criteria, advantages and disadvantages of glass, plastic, metal, rubber as packaging materials 

3. Pharmaceutical aids: Organoleptic (Colouring, flavouring, and sweetening) agents, Preservatives: Definition, types with examples and uses 

4. Unit operations: Definition, objectives/applications, principles, construction, and workings of:

 โ€ข Size reduction: hammer mill and ball mill 

โ€ข Size separation: Classification of powders according to IP, Cyclone separator, Sieves and standards of sieves 

โ€ข Mixing: Double cone blender, Turbine mixer, Triple roller mill and Silverson mixer homogenizer 

โ€ข Filtration: Theory of filtration, membrane filter and sintered glass filter 

โ€ข Drying: working of fluidized bed dryer and process of freeze drying 

โ€ข Extraction: Definition, Classification, method, and applications, 

5. Tablets โ€“ coated and uncoated, various modified tablets (sustained release, extended-release, fast dissolving, multi- layered, etc.) 

โ€ข Capsules - hard and soft gelatine capsules 

โ€ข Liquid oral preparations - solution, syrup, elixir, emulsion, suspension, dry powder for reconstitution 

โ€ข Topical preparations - ointments, creams, pastes, gels, liniments and lotions, suppositories, and pessaries โ€ข Nasal preparations, Ear preparations, 

โ€ข Powders and granules - Insufflations, dusting powders, effervescent powders, and effervescent granules 

โ€ข Sterile formulations โ€“ Injectable, eye drops and eye ointments 

โ€ข Immunological products: Sera, vaccines, toxoids, and their manufacturing methods., Basic structure, layout, sections, and activities of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants Quality control and quality assurance: Definition and concepts of quality control and quality assurance, current good manufacturing practice (cGMP), Introduction to the concept of calibration and validation. 

Hospital Pharmacy

1. Different Committees in the Hospital 

โ€ข Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Objectives, Composition, and functions

 โ€ข Hospital Formulary - Definition, procedure for development and use of hospital formulary 

โ€ข Infection Control Committee โ€“ Role of Pharmacist in preventing Antimicrobial Resistance. 

2. Supply Chain and Inventory Control

 โ€ข Preparation of Drug lists - High Risk drugs, Emergency drugs, Schedule H1 drugs, NDPS drugs, reserved antibiotics

 โ€ข Procedures of Drug Purchases โ€“ Drug selection, short term, long term, and tender/etender process, quotations, etc.

 โ€ข Inventory control techniques: Economic Order Quantity, Reorder Quantity Level, Inventory Turnover etc. 

โ€ข Inventory Management of Central Drug Store โ€“ Storage conditions, Methods of storage, Distribution, Maintaining Cold Chain, Devices used for cold storage (Refrigerator, ILR, Walk-in-Cold rooms).

 โ€ข FEFO, FIFO methods.

 โ€ข Expiry drug removal and handling, and disposal. Disposal of Narcotics, cytotoxic drugs 

โ€ข Documentation - purchase and inventory. 

3. Drug distribution: 

โ€ข Drug distribution (in- patients and out - patients) โ€“ Definition, advantages and disadvantages of individual prescription order method, Floor Stock Method, Unit Dose Drug Distribution Method, Drug Basket Method.

 โ€ข Distribution of drugs to ICCU/ICU/NICU/Emergency wards. Automated drug dispensing systems and devices. 

โ€ข Distribution of Narcotic and Psychotropic substances and their storage 

4. Compounding in Hospitals. Bulk compounding, IV admixture services and incompatibilities, Total parenteral nutrition. 

5. Radio Pharmaceuticals - Storage, dispensing and disposal of Radiopharmaceuticals.

Pharmacy Law & Ethics

1. Pharmacy Act-1948 and Rules: Objectives, Definitions, Pharmacy Council of India; its constitution and functions, Education Regulations, State and Joint state pharmacy councils, Registration of Pharmacists, Offences and Penalties. Pharmacy Practice Regulations-2015. 

2. Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945 and New Amendments Objectives, Definitions, Legal definitions of schedules to the Act and Rules 

โ€ข Import of drugs โ€“ Classes of drugs and cosmetics prohibited from import, Import under license or permit. 

โ€ข Manufacture of drugs โ€“ Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain drugs, Conditions for grant of license and conditions of license for manufacture of drugs, Manufacture of drugs for test, examination and analysis, manufacture of new drug, loan license and repacking license. Study of schedule C and C1, G, H, H1, K, P, M, N, and X. Sale of Drugs โ€“ Wholesale, Retail sale and Restricted license, Records to be kept in a pharmacy Drugs Prohibited for manufacture and sale in India 

โ€ข Administration of the Act and Rules โ€“ Drugs Technical Advisory Board, Central Drugs Laboratory, Drugs Consultative Committee, Government analysts, licensing authorities, controlling authorities, Drug Inspectors. 

3. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 and Rules Objectives, Definitions, Authorities and Officers, Prohibition, Control and Regulation, Offences and Penalties. 

4. Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954 Objectives, Definitions, Prohibition of certain advertisements, Classes of exempted advertisements, Offences and Penalties. 

5. Poisons Act-1919: Introduction, objective, definition, possession, possession for sales and sale of any poison, import of poisons 

6. National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority: Drugs Price Control Order (DPCO) - 2013. Objectives, Definitions, Sale prices of bulk drugs, Retail price of formulations, Retail price and ceiling price of scheduled formulations, Pharmaceutical Policy 2002, National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) 

7. Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics: Definition, ethical principles, ethical problem solving, registration, code of ethics for Pharmacist in relation to his job, trade, medical profession and his profession, Pharmacistโ€™s oath. 

8. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and Rules: basic understanding, salient features, and Amendments 

9. Role of all the government pharma regulator bodies โ€“ Central Drugs Standards Control Organization (CDSCO), Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) 

10. Good Regulatory practices (documentation, licenses, renewals, e-governance) in Community Pharmacy, Hospital pharmacy, Pharma Manufacturing, Wholesale business, inspections, import, export of drugs and medical devices 

11. Medical Devices : Categorization, basic aspects related to manufacture and sale

Section II

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

1. Impurities in Pharmaceuticals: Source and effect of impurities in Pharmacopoeial substances, importance of limit test, Principle and procedures of Limit tests for chlorides, sulphates, iron, heavy metals and arsenic 

2 Inorganic Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceutical formulations, market preparations, storage conditions and uses of 

โ€ข Haematinics: Ferrous sulphate, Ferrous fumarate, Ferric ammonium citrate, Ferrous ascorbate, Carbonyl iron 

โ€ข Gastro-intestinal Agents: Antacids: Aluminium hydroxide gel, Magnesium hydroxide, Magaldrate, Sodium bicarbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Acidifying agents, Adsorbents, Protectives, Cathartics. 

โ€ข Topical agents: Silver Nitrate, Ionic Silver, Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Hydrogen peroxide, Boric acid, Bleaching powder, Potassium permanganate. 

โ€ข Dental products: Calcium carbonate, Sodium fluoride, Denture cleaners, Denture adhesives, Mouth washes. 

โ€ข Medicinal gases: Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, oxygen. 

โ€ข Introduction to nomenclature of organic chemical systems with particular reference to heterocyclic compounds containing up to Three rings 

โ€ข Study of the following category of medicinal compounds with respect to classification, chemical name, uses, stability and storage conditions, different types of formulations and their popular brand names 

โ€ข Drugs Acting on Central Nervous System: 

Anaesthetics: Thiopental Sodium, Ketamine Hydrochloride Propofol. 

Sedatives and Hypnotics: Diazepam, Alprazolam, Nitrazepam, Phenobarbital. Antipsychotics: Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride, Haloperidol, Risperidone, Sulpiride, Olanzapine, Quetiapine, Lurasidone. 

Anticonvulsants: Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Clonazepam, Valproic Acid, Gabapentin, Topiramate, Vigabatrin, Lamotrigine. 

Anti-Depressants: Amitriptyline Hydrochloride, Imipramine Hydrochloride, Fluoxetine, Venlafaxine, Duloxetine, Sertraline, Citalopram, Escitalopram, Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine 

โ€ข Drugs Acting on Autonomic Nervous System: Sympathomimetic Agents: 

Direct Acting: Nor- Epinephrine, Epinephrine, Phenylephrine Dopamine, Terbutaline, Salbutamol (Albuterol), Naphazoline, Tetrahydrozoline. 

Indirect Acting Agents: Hydroxy Amphetamine, Pseudoephedrine. Agents With Mixed Mechanism: Ephedrine, Metaraminol 

Adrenergic Antagonists: Alpha Adrenergic Blockers: Tolazoline, Phentolamine Phenoxybenzamine, Prazosin. Beta Adrenergic Blockers: Propranolol, Atenolol, Carvedilol, 

Cholinergic Drugs and Related Agents: Direct Acting Agents: Acetylcholine, Carbachol, And Pilocarpine. Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Neostigmine, Edrophonium Chloride, Tacrine Hydrochloride, Pralidoxime Chloride, Echothiopate Iodide, 

Cholinergic Blocking Agents: Atropine Sulphate, Ipratropium Bromide, 

Synthetic Cholinergic Blocking Agents: Tropicamide, Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride, Clidinium, Bromide, Dicyclomine Hydrochloride, 

โ€ข Drugs Acting on Cardiovascular System: Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs: Quinidine Sulphate,Procainamide Hydrochloride, Verapamil, Phenytoin Sodium, Lidocaine Hydrochloride, Lorcainide Hydrochloride, Amiodarone and Sotalol, 

โ€ข Anti-Hypertensive Agents: Propranolol, Captopril, Ramipril, Methyldopate Hydrochloride, Clonidine Hydrochloride, Hydralazine Hydrochloride, Nifedipine, Antianginal Agents: Isosorbide Dinitrate, 

โ€ข Diuretics: Acetazolamide,Frusemide, Bumetanide, Chlorthalidone, Benzthiazide, Metolazone, Xipamide,Spironolactone 

โ€ข Hypoglycemic Agents: Insulin and Its Preparations, Metformin,Glibenclamide, Glimepiride, Pioglitazone,Repaglinide, Gliflozins, Gliptins 

โ€ข Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Agents:Morphine Analogues, Narcotic Antagonists Nonsteroidal Anti- Inflammatory Agents (NSAIDs) - Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, Celecoxib, Mefenamic Acid, Paracetamol, Aceclofenac. 

โ— Antifungal Agents: Amphotericin-B, Griseofulvin, Miconazole, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Naftifine Hydrochloride 

โ— Urinary Tract Anti-Infective Agents: Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, 

โ— Anti-Tubercular Agents: INH, Ethambutol, Para Amino Salicylic Acid, Pyrazinamide, Rifampicin, Bedaquiline, Delamanid, Pretomanid 

โ— Antiviral Agents: Amantadine Hydrochloride, Idoxuridine, Acyclovir, Foscarnet, Zidovudine, Ribavirin, Remdesivir, Favipiravir 

โ— Antimalarials: Quinine Sulphate, Chloroquine Phosphate, Primaquine Phosphate, Mefloquine, Cycloguanil, Pyrimethamine, Artemisinin 

โ— Sulfonamides: Sulfanilamide, Sulfadiazine, Sulfamethoxazole, Sulfacetamide, Mafenide Acetate, Cotrimoxazole, Dapsone 

โ— Antibiotics: Penicillin G, Amoxicillin, Cloxacillin, Streptomycin, 

Tetracyclines: Doxycycline, Minocycline, 

Macrolides: Erythromycin, Azithromycin, 

Miscellaneous: Chloramphenicol, Clindamycin

Bio Chemistry & Clinical Pathology


โ€ข Definition, classification with examples, chemical properties 

โ€ข Monosaccharides - Structure of glucose, fructose, and galactose 

โ€ข Disaccharides - structure of maltose, lactose, and sucrose 

โ€ข Polysaccharides - chemical nature of starch and glycogen Qualitative tests and biological role of carbohydrates 

2. Proteins 

โ€ข Definition, classification of proteins based on composition and solubility with examples โ€ข Definition, classification of amino acids based on chemical nature and nutritional requirements with examples 

โ€ข Structure of proteins (four levels of organization of protein structure) 

โ€ข Qualitative tests and biological role of proteins and amino acids 

Diseases related to malnutrition of proteins 

3. Lipids 

โ€ข Definition, classification with examples 

โ€ข Fatty acid classification โ€“ Based on chemical and nutritional requirements with examples 

โ€ข Structure and functions of cholesterol in the body 

โ€ข Lipoproteins - types, composition and functions in the body 

โ€ข Qualitative tests and functions of lipids 

4. Enzymes 

โ€ข Definition, properties and IUB and MB classification 

โ€ข Factors affecting enzyme activity 

โ€ข Mechanism of action of enzymes, Enzyme inhibitors 

โ€ข Therapeutic and pharmaceutical importance of enzymes 

5. Vitamins 

โ€ข Definition and classification with examples 

โ€ข Sources, chemical nature, functions, coenzyme form, recommended dietary requirements, deficiency diseases of fat-and water-soluble vitamins 

6. Metabolism (Study of cycle/pathways without chemical structures) 

โ€ข Metabolism of Carbohydrates: Glycolysis, TCA cycle and glycogen metabolism, regulation of blood glucose level. Diseases related to abnormal metabolism of Carbohydrates 

โ€ข Metabolism of lipids: Lipolysis, ฮฒ-oxidation of Fatty acid (Palmitic acid) ketogenesis and ketolysis. Diseases related to abnormal metabolism of lipids such as Ketoacidosis, Fatty liver, Hypercholesterolemia 

โ€ข Metabolism of Amino acids (Proteins): General reactions of amino acids and its significanceโ€“ Transamination, deamination, Urea cycle and decarboxylation. Diseases related to abnormal metabolism of amino acids, Disorders of ammonia metabolism, phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria and Jaundice. 

โ€ข Biological oxidation: Electron transport chain and Oxidative phosphorylation 

7. Minerals: Types, Functions, Deficiency diseases, recommended dietary requirements 8. Water and Electrolytes 

โ€ข Distribution, functions of water in the body 

โ€ข Water turnover and balance 

โ€ข Electrolyte composition of the body fluids, Dietary intake of electrolyte and Electrolyte balance, Dehydration, causes of dehydration and oral rehydration therapy 

9. Organ function tests 

โ€ข Functions of kidney and routinely performed tests to assess the functions of kidney and their clinical significances 

โ€ข Functions of liver and routinely performed tests to assess the functions of liver and their clinical significances, Lipid profile tests and its clinical significances 

10. Introduction to Pathology of Blood and Urine 

โ€ข Lymphocytes and Platelets, their role in health and disease 

โ€ข Erythrocytes - Abnormal cells and their significance, Normal and Abnormal constituents of Urine and their significance


Definition, etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, Non โ€“ pharmacological and pharmacological management of the diseases associated with: 

(a) Cardiovascular System 

โ€ข Hypertension 

โ€ข Angina and Myocardial infarction 

โ€ข Hyperlipidaemia 

โ€ข Congestive Heart Failure 

(b) Respiratory System 

โ€ข Asthma, COPD 

(c) Endocrine System 

โ€ข Diabetes, Thyroid disorders - Hypo and Hyperthyroidism 

(d) Central Nervous System 

โ— Epilepsy 

โ€ข Parkinsonโ€™s disease 

โ€ข Alzheimerโ€™s disease 

โ€ข Stroke 

โ€ข Migraine 

(e) Gastro Intestinal Disorders 

โ€ข Gastro oesophageal reflux disease 

โ€ข Peptic Ulcer Disease 

โ€ข Alcoholic liver disease 

(f) Haematological disorders 

โ€ข Iron deficiency anaemia 

โ€ข Megaloblastic anaemia Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohnโ€™s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis 

(g) Infectious diseases 

โ€ข Tuberculosis 

โ€ข Pneumonia 

โ€ข Urinary tract infections 

โ€ข Hepatitis 

โ€ข Gonorrhoea and Syphilis 

โ€ข Malaria 

โ€ข HIV and Opportunistic infections 

โ€ข Viral Infections (SARS, CoV2) 

(h) Musculoskeletal disorders 

โ€ข Rheumatoid arthritis

 โ€ข Osteoarthritis 

(i) Dermatology 

โ€ข Psoriasis 

โ€ข Scabies

 โ€ข Eczema 

(j) Psychiatric Disorders 

โ€ข Depression 

โ€ข Anxiety 

โ€ข Psychosis

Section III


1.Quality control of crude drugs: 

Different methods of adulteration of crude drugs, Evaluation of crude drugs 2. Brief outline of occurrence, distribution, isolation, identification tests, therapeutic activity and pharmaceutical applications of alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils, tannins and resins. Laxatives: Aloe, Castor oil, Ispaghula, Senna, Cardiotonic: Digitalis, Arjuna, Carminatives and G.I. regulators: Coriander, Fennel, Cardamom,Ginger, Clove, Black Pepper, Asafoetida, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Astringents: Myrobalan, Black Catechu, Pale Catechu 

Drugs acting on nervous system: Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Ephedra, Opium, Tea leaves, Coffee seeds, Coca 

Anti-hypertensive: Rauwolfia, Anti-tussive: Vasaka, Tolu Balsam 

Anti-rheumatics: Colchicum seed, Anti-tumour: Vinca, Podophyllum 

Antidiabetics: Pterocarpus, Gymnema, Diuretics: Gokhru, Punarnava 

Anti-dysenteric: Ipecacuanha, Antiseptics and disinfectants: Benzoin, Myrrh, Neem, Turmeric, Antimalarials: Cinchona, Artemisia Oxytocic: Ergot, 

Vitamins: Cod liver oil, Shark liver oil 

Enzymes: Papaya, Diastase, Pancreatin,Yeast, Pharmaceutical Aids: Kaolin, Lanolin, Beeswax, Acacia,Tragacanth, Sodium alginate, Agar, Guar gum, Gelatine Miscellaneous: Squill, Galls, Ashwagandha, Tulsi,Guggul 

3.Plant fibres used as surgical dressings: Cotton, silk, wool and regenerated fibres Sutures โ€“ Surgical Catgut and Ligatures 

4. Basic principles involved in the traditional systems of medicine like: Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy Method of preparation of Ayurvedic formulations like: Arista, Asava, Gutika, Taila, Churna, Lehya and Bhasma 

5. Herbal cosmetics: Sources, chemical constituents, commercial preparations, therapeutic and cosmetic uses of: Aloe vera gel, Almond oil, Lavender oil, Olive oil, Rosemary oil, Sandal Wood oil 

6. Phytochemical investigation of drugs 

Social Pharmacy

1. Preventive healthcare โ€“ Role of Pharmacists in the following 

โ€ข Demography and Family Planning 

โ€ข Mother and child health, importance of breastfeeding, ill effects of infant milk substitutes and bottle feeding 

โ€ข Overview of Vaccines, types of immunity and immunization Effect of Environment on Health โ€“ Water pollution, importance of safe drinking water, waterborne diseases, air pollution, noise pollution, sewage and solid waste disposal, occupational illnesses, Environmental pollution due to pharmaceuticals 

โ€ข Psychosocial Pharmacy: Drugs of misuse and abuse โ€“ psychotropics, narcotics, alcohol, tobacco products. Social Impact of these habits on social health and productivity and suicidal behaviours 

2. Nutrition and Health 

โ€ข Basics of nutrition โ€“ Macronutrients and Micronutrients 

โ€ข Importance of water and fibres in diet 

โ€ข Balanced diet, Malnutrition, nutrition deficiency diseases, ill effects of junk foods, calorific and nutritive values of various foods, fortification of food 

โ€ข Introduction to food safety, adulteration of foods, effects of artificial ripening, use of pesticides, genetically modified foods 

โ€ข Dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, food supplements โ€“ indications, benefits, Drug-Food Interactions 

3. Epidemiology: Introduction to epidemiology, and its applications. Understanding of terms such as epidemic, pandemic, endemic, mode of transmission, outbreak, quarantine, isolation, incubation period, contact tracing, morbidity, mortality. Causative agents, epidemiology and clinical presentations and Role of Pharmacists in educating the public in prevention of the following communicable diseases: 

โ€ข Respiratory infections โ€“ chickenpox, measles, rubella, mumps, influenza (including Avian-Flu, H1N1, SARS, MERS, COVID-19), diphtheria, whooping cough, meningococcal meningitis, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, Ebola Intestinal infections โ€“ poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis, cholera, acute diarrheal diseases, typhoid, amebiasis, worm infestations, food poisoning

 โ€ข Arthropod-borne infections - dengue, malaria, filariasis and, chikungunya 

โ€ข Surface infections โ€“ trachoma, tetanus, leprosy, STDs, HIV/AIDS 

Community Pharmacy & Management

1. Introduction to the concept of Good Pharmacy Practice and SOPs. 

2. Prescription and prescription handling 

โ€ข Definition, parts of prescriptions, legality of prescriptions, prescription handling, labelling of dispensed medications (Main label, ancillary label, pictograms), brief instructions on medication usage Dispensing process, Good Dispensing Practices, dispensing errors and strategies to minimize them 

3. Patient counselling 

โ€ข Definition and benefits of patient counselling 

โ€ข Stages of patient counselling - Introduction, counselling content, counselling process, and closing the counselling session 

โ€ข Barriers to effective counseling - Types and strategies to overcome the barriers 

โ€ข Patient counselling points for chronic diseases/disorders - Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and AIDS 

โ€ข Patient Package Inserts - Definition, importance and benefits, Scenarios of PPI use in India and other countries Patient Information leaflets - Definition and uses 

4. Over The Counter (OTC) Medications 

โ€ข Definition, need and role of Pharmacists in OTC medication dispensing 

โ€ข OTC medications in India, counseling for OTC products 

โ€ข Self-medication and role of pharmacists in promoting the safe practices during selfmedication Responding to symptoms, minor ailments, and advice for self-care in conditions such as - Pain management, Cough, Cold, Diarrhea, Constipation, Vomiting, Fever, Sore throat, Skin disorders, Oral health (mouth ulcers, dental pain, gum swelling) 5. Community Pharmacy Management 

โ€ข Legal requirements to set up a community pharmacy 

โ€ข Site selection requirements 

โ€ข Pharmacy designs and interiors 

โ€ข Vendor selection and ordering 

โ€ข Procurement, inventory control methods, and inventory management 

โ€ข Financial planning and management 

โ€ข Accountancy in community pharmacy โ€“ Day book, Cash book 

โ€ข Introduction to pharmacy operation softwares โ€“ usefulness and availability

Section IV

Human Anatomy & Physiology

1. Structure of Cell: Components and its functions 

2. Tissues of the human body: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular and Nervous tissues โ€“ their sub-types and characteristics. 

3. Haemopoietic system 

โ— Composition and functions of blood 

โ— Process of Hemopoiesis 

โ— Characteristics and functions of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets 

โ— Mechanism of Blood Clotting 

โ— Importance of Blood groups 

4. Lymphatic system 

โ— Lymph and lymphatic system, composition, function and its formation. Structure and functions of spleen and lymph node 

5. Cardiovascular system 

โ— Anatomy and Physiology of heart 

โ— Blood vessels and circulation (Pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulation) 

โ— Cardiac cycle and Heart sounds, Basics of ECG Blood pressure and its regulation 

6. Respiratory system 

โ— Anatomy of respiratory organs and their functions. 

โ— Regulation, and Mechanism of respiration. Respiratory volumes and capacities โ€“ definitions

 7. Digestive system 

โ— Anatomy and Physiology of the GIT 

โ— Anatomy and functions of accessory glands 

โ— Physiology of digestion and absorption 

8. Nervous system 

โ— Classification of nervous system 

โ— Anatomy and physiology of cerebrum, cerebellum, mid brain 

โ— Function of hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and basal ganglia 

โ— Spinal cord-structure and reflexes 

โ— Names and functions of cranial nerves. Anatomy and physiology of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (ANS) 

9. Urinary system 

โ— Anatomy and physiology of urinary system 

โ— Physiology of urine formation 

โ— Renin - angiotensin system 

โ— Clearance tests and micturition 

10. Endocrine system (Hormones and their functions)

 โ— Pituitary gland 

โ— Adrenal gland 

โ— Thyroid and parathyroid gland Pancreas and gonads


1. General Pharmacology 

โ€ข Introduction and scope of Pharmacology 

โ€ข Various routes of drug administration - advantages and disadvantages 

โ€ข Drug absorption - definition, types, factors affecting drug absorption 

โ€ข Bioavailability and the factors affecting bioavailability 

โ€ข Drug distribution - definition, factors affecting drug distribution 

โ€ข Biotransformation of drugs - Definition, types of biotransformation reactions, factors influencing drug metabolisms 

โ€ข Excretion of drugs - Definition, routes of drug excretion General mechanisms of drug action and factors modifying drug action 

2. Drugs Acting on the Peripheral Nervous System 

โ€ข Steps involved in neurohumoral transmission 

โ€ข Definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of a) Cholinergic drugs b) Anti-Cholinergic drugs c) Adrenergic drugs d) Anti-adrenergic drugs e) Neuromuscular blocking agents f) Drugs used in Myasthenia gravis g) Local anaesthetic agents h) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 3. Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System Definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of 

โ€ข General anaesthetics 

โ€ข Hypnotics and sedatives 

โ€ข Anti-Convulsant drugs 

โ€ข Anti-anxiety drugs 

โ€ข Anti-depressant drugs 

โ€ข Anti-psychotics 

โ€ข Nootropic agents 

โ€ข Centrally acting muscle relaxants Opioid analgesics 

4. Drugs Acting on the Cardiovascular System Definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications,and contraindications of 

โ€ข Anti-hypertensive drugs 

โ€ข Anti-anginal drugs 

โ€ข Anti-arrhythmic drugs 

โ€ข Drugs used in atherosclerosis and 

โ€ข Congestive heart failure Drug therapy for shock 

5. Drugs Acting on Blood and Blood Forming Organs Definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of 

โ€ข Hematinic agents 

โ€ข Anti-coagulants 

โ€ข Anti-platelet agents Thrombolytic drugs 

6. Definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of 

โ€ข Bronchodilators 

โ€ข Expectorants 

โ€ข Anti-tussive agents

โ€ข Mucolytic agents 

7. Drugs Acting on the Gastro Intestinal Tract Definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of 

โ€ข Anti-ulcer drugs 

โ€ข Anti-emetics 

โ€ข Laxatives and purgatives 

โ€ข Anti-diarrheal drugs 

8. Drugs Acting on the Kidney Definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of 

โ€ข Diuretics Anti-Diuretics 

9. Autocoids 

โ€ข Physiological role of Histamine, 5 HT and Prostaglandins 

โ€ข Classification, clinical uses, and adverse effects of antihistamines and 5 HT antagonists 

10. Chemotherapeutic Agents: Introduction, basic principles of chemotherapy of infections, infestations and neoplastic diseases, Classification, dose, indication and contraindications of drugs belonging to following classes: 

โ€ข Penicillins 

โ€ข Cephalosporins 

โ€ข Aminoglycosides 

โ€ข Fluoroquinolones 

โ€ข Macrolides 

โ€ข Tetracyclines 

โ€ข Sulphonamides 

โ€ข Anti-tubercular drugs 

โ€ข Anti-fungal drugs 

โ€ข Anti-viral drugs 

โ€ข Anti-amoebic agents 

โ€ข Anthelmintics 

โ€ข Anti-malarial agents

 โ€ข Anti-neoplastic agents


1. Clinical Pharmacy: Definition, scope, and development - in India and other countries Technical definitions, common terminologies used in clinical settings and their significance such as Paediatrics, Geriatric, Anti-natal Care, Post-natal Care, etc 

2. Daily activities of clinical pharmacists: Definition, goal, and procedure of 

โ€ข Ward round participation 

โ€ข Treatment Chart Review 

โ€ข Adverse drug reaction monitoring 

โ€ข Drug information and poisons information 

โ€ข Medication history 

โ€ข Patient counselling 

โ€ข Interprofessional collaboration 

3. Pharmaceutical care: Definition, classification of drug related problems. Principles and procedure to provide pharmaceutical care 

4. Clinical laboratory tests used in the evaluation of disease states - significance and interpretation of test results 

โ€ข Haematological, Liver function, Renal function, thyroid function tests 

โ€ข Tests associated with cardiac disorders 

โ€ข Fluid and electrolyte balance Pulmonary Function Tests 

5. Medication errors: Definition, types, consequences, and strategies to minimize medication errors, LASA drugs and Tallman lettering as per ISMP 

6. Drug Interactions: Definition, types, clinical significance of drug interactions

Best Books for AP ECET 2025

Candidates appearing for the AP ECET 2025 exam must select the appropriate study materials in order to prepare for the AP ECET 2025 exam. There are plenty of study materials available in the market for AP ECET 2025 and candidates must be careful while choosing the best books for AP ECET 2025. It is necessary for the candidates to ensure that the AP ECET 2025 best books comprise enough sample questions for practice.

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FAQs about AP ECET Syllabus

What subjects are included in the AP ECET 2024 syllabus?

The AP ECET 2024 syllabus includes subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.


Has Andhra Pradesh ECET 2024 syllabus been revised?

The conducting authority has not announced any information regarding the revision of the AP ECET 2024 syllabus. There are higher chances of the candidates studying the same AP ECET syllabus as the past year. In case of any revision in the AP ECET syllabus, the authorities will notify the candidates online via a common announcement. Candidates are advised to study the topics of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and the selected engineering paper prescribed by the AP ECET authorities.


Do I need to study the entire AP ECET syllabus for the AP ECET 2024 examination?

Yes, the candidates are advised to check and prepare the entire Andhra Pradesh ECET syllabus for the entrance examination. This will allow the candidates to know the subjects and their topics in depth and have a higher chance of performing well in the examination. Since the question paper will be prepared based on the official syllabus, it will be advantageous for the candidates to be familiar with the Andhra Pradesh ECET syllabus. However, the candidates can identify topics that might have more weightage and allot more preparation time for them.


Is the AP ECET syllabus 2024 similar to the Class 12 qualifying exam syllabus?

The AP ECET syllabus is similar to the syllabus of the class 12 qualifying examination conducted by a recognized board. Candidates may have to study the similar units and topics of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics that they have prepared for the class 12 exam. However, for Andhra AP ECET, the candidates will be required to have a deeper understanding of the topics. The candidates are advised to check the AP ECET syllabus carefully while preparing for the AP ECET exam.


What is the official Andhra Pradesh ECET marking scheme 2024?

As per the AP ECET official marking scheme, one mark is allotted for every correct response. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. It is to be noted that unattempted questions are not negatively marked. Since there is no negative marking, the candidates are advised to attempt as many questions as they can to have a higher chance of securing their desired scores.


What are the passing marks for the AP ECET 2024 exam?

Candidates will be required to score a minimum of 25% marks (of the total allotted marks) in order to secure a rank in the AP ECET 2024 exam. That is a minimum of 50 marks out of a total of 200 marks is required to be secured by the candidates for obtaining a rank.

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