Consider the following two statements :
Statement I: For any two non-zero complex numbers , and , and z_{1} , z_{2} , \left(\right. \left|\right. z_{1} \left|\right. + \left|\right. z_{2} \left|\right. \left.\right) \left|\right. \frac{z_{1}}{\left|\right. z_{1} \left|\right.} + \frac{z_{2}}{\left|\right. z_{2} \left|\right.} \left|\right. \leq 2 \left(\right. \left|\right. z_{1} \left|\right. + \left|\right. z_{2} \left|\right. \left.\right) ,\text{ and}\textrm{ }
Statement II : If x , y , z are three distinct complex numbers and a , b , c are three positive real numbers such that \frac{a}{\left|\right. y - z \left|\right.} = \frac{b}{\left|\right. z - x \left|\right.} = \frac{c}{\left|\right. x - y \left|\right.}, then \frac{a^{2}}{y - z} + \frac{b^{2}}{z - x} + \frac{c^{2}}{x - y} = 1.
Between the above two statements,