MH SET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 25 Feb, 2025 17:04

Registration Starts On February 24, 2025

To prepare for the MH SET 2025 exam, first understand the exam pattern & syllabus and create a study plan that focuses 40% on Paper 1 and 60% on Paper 2. Focus on time management & accuracy and solve previous year question papers to understand question patterns, difficulty level, and important topics. Find MH SET 2025 exam preparation tips in detail below.

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MH SET 2025 Preparation Strategy

Before formulating an MH SET 2025 preparation strategy, a candidate must first ensure that he/she has a thorough knowledge of the MH SET Syllabus 2025 and the MH SET Exam Pattern 2025. Once a candidate has understood the syllabus and exam pattern, it is time to move to prepare for the MH SET Exam. Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (MH SET) is an exam conducted by the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) for recruitment of Assistant Professors in the colleges of Maharashtra and Goa. MH SET is a 3-hour long exam containing 150 questions divided into 2 papers -- Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is a general paper and includes Teaching and Research Aptitude questions. Paper 2, on the other hand, is of the subject selected by the candidate.

MH SET is conducted for a total of 32 subjects, which range from Physical Education to Mathematical Science, Journalism, Sociology, Management, Languages, Sciences etc. Candidate must choose one area or subject of specialization for the MH SET exam. Paper 2 of MH SET is based on this subject selected by a candidate. Being a recruitment exam, MH SET attracts many applications and is a very competitive exam. Keeping that in mind, a candidate has to ensure a solid preparation strategy for the MH SET exam. Candidates should not worry, if they have prepared well, they will surely do well in the exam. Here are some MH SET 2025 preparation tips that candidates must keep in mind when preparing for the exam.

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MH SET Preparation Tips 2025

MH SET is the gateway to landing a prestigious job in one of the best universities in India. Therefore, competition for the exam can get a little fierce. Therefore, candidates must ensure that they have a strong preparation strategy for MH SET in order to excel in the exam. Here are some MH SET preparation tips to help you make a strong foundation when preparing for the MH SET 2025.

Understand the Syllabus

Always go through the syllabus before you start preparing for MH SET. Having an overview of the syllabus in mind will help you in the following ways.

  • Help you identify weak and strong subjects. You can devise a preparation plan accordingly,
  • Give you an idea of the number of subjects, which will help you plan better.

  • (No. of Topics / No. of Days to Prepare) will help you calculate the time or number of hours you can dedicate to a topic.
    Once you have an idea of the time, vary it according to your strong and weak areas.

Prepare Short Notes

This is one of the most important habits that candidates often neglect. You should always keep preparation note while studying for MH SET. Just ensure that you are not copying the book as it is but devise some form of code to shorten your notes.

This will not only help you remember things better but also help you when you want to quickly refer to a topic to refresh your memory. Also, your notes would be crucial when doing last-minute revision for MH SET.

Practice As Much As You Can

Get your hands on some previous year question papers for MH SET or on mock tests for MH SET and solve as many questions as you can. Practising is the one best way to prepare for the MH SET exam. It will help you increase your speed and accuracy and also give you an idea of the type of questions appearing in the MH SET exam.

Use Stopwatch to Time Yourself

Candidates are able to achieve good accuracy while practising but often fail to ignore the most crucial element in the MH SET exam -- Time. While practising questions, use a stopwatch in your phone or watch to time yourself. This is an excellent way to get an idea of your speed in the exam.

In the beginning, don't worry about the time and only focus on getting the questions correct. Once you see that you are getting a good accuracy, lay focus on improving your speed. Try and solve more questions withing a set amount of time. Calculate the average time taken on each question by:

Avg. Time Taken = (Total Time Taken) / (No. of Questions Solved)

Try and decrease this value to an optimum level while maintaining accuracy. See at what average time you can achieve the best accuracy. having control on time in the MH SET exam will help you perform better!

Also Read: MH SET Selection Process 2025

Best Books to Prepare for MH SET 2025

Here are some recommended preparation books for MH SET 2025:

Name of Book


NTA UGC - NET/SET/JRF - Paper 1: Teaching and Research Aptitude

K V S MadaanPearson Education

UGC NET/JRF/SLET General Paper-1 Teaching & Research Aptitude


Oxford NTA UGC Paper I for NET/SET/JRF

Harpreet KaurOxford University Press

Trueman's UGC NET/SET General Paper I - Teaching & Research Aptitude

Sajit KumarDanika Publishing Company

MH SET Preparation Tips 2025: Last Minute Preparation Tips

Last-minute before the MH SET exam is crucial, so make sure to utilise that time to the fullest. Given below are a few last-minute preparation tips for MH SET 2025 Exam

  • Do not take pressure: Candidates must keep in mind that they do not have to stress out themselves a few days before the MH SET exam and as this will fade out whatever has been learnt. 
  • Stay Calm: Make sure to add breaks in the time table. Try to incorporate 5 mins break every hour and a 1-2 hour break if you plan to study for 4-6 in one go. Listen to music and calm your mind, so that it is not burdened with the pressure and is ready to learn more.
  • Avoid New Topics: Never pick up new topics to learn in the last few days of the exam. By doing this, you will waste your time and also, you will have less time for revision. 
  • Revision: Make sure that you are making enough time to revise whatever you have learnt. The last few days before the MH SET exam must be used to strengthen the topics you have already learnt. 

The MH SET 2025 exam will be conducted on April 7, 2025. Candidates who are planning to appear for this exam next year, must follow these above-mentioned MH SET Preparation Strategy in order to ace in the examination. 

For more details on MH SET 2025 exam, feel free to drop your question at CollegeDekho QnA Zone!

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