UCEED 2025 Paper Analysis - Section-wise Difficulty Level, Expected Cutoff, Chapterwise Weightage

Updated By Shivangi Ahirwar on 01 Oct, 2024 13:02

UCEED 2025 paper analysis will be available after the exam concludes on January 19, 2025. Based on previous years' trends, the UCEED exam is generally of moderate difficulty. The analysis will include the exam's difficulty level, frequently asked topics, paper format, and other important details.

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UCEED Paper Analysis 2025

UCEED paper analysis 2025 will be updated here after the exam concludes. The exam analysis will include general and individual test difficulty level analysis, along with question types, the time required to solve the test and expected UCEED 2025 cutoffs. Also, if one looks back at UCEED 2024, the test was easy overall; however, a few candidates feel that it was a bit time-consuming. As the fresh syllabus came into force, there were hardly any surprises in the paper.  IIT Bombay will conduct UCEED 2025 on January 19, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Check the previous year UCEED paper analysis here.

Upcoming Design Exams :

UCEED Exam Analysis 2025 Overview

The UCEED 2025 paper analysis and expected cut-off will be updated here shortly after the UCEED 2025 exam is over. Meanwhile, there is nothing much to do other than go through the analysis of the previous years mentioned below.

As per the new exam pattern UCEED exam 2024 consisted of a total of 59 questions (Part A + Part B), with a combined weightage of 300 marks. Part A had three sections: Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3. All these sections were mandatory, and the questions from Part A were presented on the computer. Part B was also obligatory and included a drawing question and one design aptitude question.

The distribution of questions in each part was as follows:

Part A - 200 Marks

  • Numerical Answer Type (NATs) with 14 questions: Total section marks - 56
  • Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) with 15 questions: Total section marks - 60
  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with 28 questions: Total section marks - 84

Part B - 100 Marks

  • Drawing question - 1 - 50 marks
  • Design Aptitude question -1 - 50 marks

Overall UCEED Question Paper Review: As per student reviews, overall, the UCEED question paper was fairly easy. Some students found the NAT section a bit difficult and thus, lengthy. Candidates expect the cut-off will be on the higher side this time,

Check out the detailed UCEED exam analysis below.

Colleges Accepting Exam UCEED :

UCEED 2024 Analysis (Part A and Part B) - Student Reviews

The detailed UCEED 2024 paper analysis has been updated in the following table.


UCEED 2024 Paper Analysis

Overall Difficulty Level

Easy to Moderate

Difficulty Level of Part A


Difficulty Level of Part B


Expected Number of Good Attempts


Was the Paper Time Consuming?


UCEED 2024 Question Paper: Students Reactions

The following pointers highlight the student’s reaction to the UCEED 2024 paper analysis:

  • The difficulty level of UCEED 2024 was easy to moderate despite changes made to its exam pattern and syllabus.

  • The questions asked were easy compared to the previous year’s UCEED paper.

  • The Numerical Answer Type (NAT) section was time-consuming and involved different types of area-based questions.

  • A few students found the numerical-type questions to be challenging compared to the difficulty level of other sections.

  • MSQ and MCQ questions in part A of the exam were of easy to moderate-level difficulty.

  • The second question in the drawing part was similar to the product design question asked in exams such as the NID DAT.

  • Students were only required to provide labelling to the diagram question asked in Part B. They were not asked to present the whole answer description.

  • MCQ part or aptitude part was the most easy.

  • Although the drawing part was easy, the questions were asked a bit differently as compared to the previous year’s paper.

  • Aptitude questions included figure counting, triangle counting, image analysis, and questions related to the solar system.

  • Students were happy with the updated syllabus questions, said the aptitude part was very easy and the three hours were more than sufficient to complete the exam.

  • Some test takers predict that the UCEED 2024 cutoff would be much higher than the previous year since the questions asked were easy and uncomplicated to answer.

Also Check:UCEED Answer Key 2024

What Does Previous Years' UCEED Paper Analysis Tell Us?

According to the UCEED analysis of past years' question papers, the exam is typically of moderate difficulty. Candidates who engage with previous years' UCEED question papers tend to perform well in the exam. Therefore, it is strongly advised that candidates preparing for UCEED 2024 practice solving previous years' question papers to enhance their time-management and problem-solving skills.

UCEED Paper Analysis 2023: Student Reviews

The UCEED 2023 paper analysis has been updated here.

AspectUCEED 2023 Paper Analysis
Overall Difficulty LevelModerate to Difficult 
Difficulty Level of Part AEasy to Moderate 
Difficulty Level of Part BModerate to Difficult 
Expected Number of Good AttemptsTBU
Was the Paper Time Consuming?Yes

Students Reactions:

  • The UCEED paper was Moderate to Tough 
  • The question paper was more difficult than last year.
  • MSQs and MCQs were easy. 
  • The drawing part was tough
  • Students felt that Part-A was manageable but Part B was difficult to answer. 
  • The aptitude Section was tough
  • The NAT section was tricky
  • There were no questions on General Knowledge
  • According to some students, the UCEED paper was predictable. 
  • There was an animated video and the question was to find out the number of expressions. 
  • A Question-related Train was asked. The train has a general compartment, what problems are faced in the general compartment
  • Part-B was time-consuming
  • Part-B Question- Scene of a School Canteen: There was a canteen and a mouse was moving around. The Tiffen was laying around, and a boy was standing on a stool. Draw the picture from the canteen owner's perspective. 
  • Part A - A train has a general compartment in it. What problems are faced in a general coach?
  • Part B - A girl dancing and giving a online dance examination. Her mother is cheering from behind and her pet cat (poko) is there too. The cat was   roaming around and playing with glasses and other stuff. The student had to make an illustration of this scene. 
  • Part A - Coding Questions were there. Word and Language coding.

Also Check: UCEED Answer Key 2023

UCEED 2023 Question Analysis - Live Updates

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: Exam Concluded 12:00 AM

UCEED Exam 2023 was successfully conducted by IIT Bombay. UCEED 2023 Exam analysis will be updated here. Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for the latest updates on UCEED question paper analysis.

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 11:30 AM

Section 3: MCQ (Multiple Choice Question):

  • 32 questions (3 marks each for the correct answer; 0.71 negative marks for incorrect answers).
  • Each MCQ will have four choices, out of which only one is the correct answer.

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 11:00 AM - 

Section 2: MSQ (Multiple Select Question):

  • 18 questions. Each MSQ may have one or more than one correct choice(s) out of the four given.
  • The following is the marking scheme:
  • Full Marks: + 4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Partial Marks: + 3 If all four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Partial Marks: + 2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct, and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Partial Marks: + 1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Zero Marks: 0 If NONE of the options is chosen (i.e., the question is unanswered)

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 10:30 AM - Part-A Section-1 

Section 1: NAT (Numerical Answer Type):

  • 18 questions (4 marks each; no negative marks).
  • For these questions, the answer is a number that needs to be entered using a virtual keyboard in the computer screen.
  • No choices will be shown for these questions.

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 10:00- Part- A Details

  • Part-A is conducted for a total of 240 marks
  • This part will be administered through a computer-based test.
  • This part will consist of three sections.
  • Section 1: NAT
  • Section 2: MSQ
  • Section 3: MCQ

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 09:45 Exam Pattern 

  • There will be ONE question paper of a total of THREE hours duration.
  • The question paper will be in English only.
  • The question paper will carry a total of 300 marks.
  • The question paper will consist of two parts: Part-A and Part-B.
  • It is compulsory to attempt questions from both parts.

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 09:30

A candidate may attempt UCEED a maximum of two times in consecutive years. It should be noted that the UCEED score is only valid for one year and only for admissions in the same academic year.

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 09:15

UCEED is a test center-based examination with two parts: Part-A is computer-based, and Part-B contains sketching questions that must be attempted on the provided sheet. Candidates are required to complete both parts in the allotted time. The total examination time (including both Parts A and B) is THREE hours.

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 09:00

UCEED 2023 examination has commenced just now. UCEED 2023 is held in the following 24 cities in India only: Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Ernakulum, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Panaji, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, and Visakhapatnam.

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 08:45

UCEED 2023 will be conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, under the guidance of the UCEED-CEED Implementation Committee 2023.UCEED 2023 is open to all nationals (Indian/Foreign).

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 08:30

The Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) is used to determine admission to the Bachelor of Design (BDes) programme at IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, and IIITDM Jabalpur. 

UCEED Question Paper Analysis 2023: 08:15

IIT Bombay is going to conduct the UCEED Exam on January 22, 2023, i.e today. The UCEED 2023 will be held in an offline format. The exam will last three hours in total. The exam will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 12:00 p.m. As soon as the exam is finished, UCEED Question Paper Analysis will be available. 

UCEED Question Paper PDF 2023

As the UCEED 2023 was conducted in an offline mode, IIT Bombay released the Question and Answer sheet on January 24th, 2023. We updated the UCEED 2023 question paper PDF here. 

UCEED 2023 Question Paper PDF

Also Check: UCEED Result 2023

UCEED Unofficial Answer Key 2023

We will be updating the unofficial UCEED answer key 2023 here after the exam gets over. The unofficial UCEED answer key will be based on the students responses.

Also Check: UCEED Rank Predictor 2023

UCEED 2022 Exam Analysis

UCEED 2022 was held on January 23, 2022, from 9 AM to 12 PM. The overall difficulty level of the exam was reported to be moderate. The exam had a total of 68 questions and the maximum marks are 300. The paper analysis of UCEED 2022 was shared on this page. It contains the expert’s opinion, student feedback, and the difficulty level of the exam. The Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions were lengthy but moderate. The MCQs and MSQs had easy LOD. The drawing question in Part B was easy. 

Detailed UCEED 2022 Exam Analysis for Part A 

Part A was divided into 3 sections with different types of questions - NAT, MSQ, and MCQ. This section was reported to be a bit more difficult as compared to the last year. The overall difficulty level of this section was moderate. The NAT questions were a bit more difficult as compared to the other 2 sections. The MCQ section was the easiest.

Detailed UCEED 2022 Exam Analysis for Part B

Part B of UCEED 2022 had a drawing question. Students had to switch to pen and paper mode for this question. They were asked to draw a living room with 3 planters and a window through which sunlight enters. This part was aimed at testing the candidate's creative skills. The difficulty level of this section was also moderate but some students found it a bit lengthy.

UCEED 2021 Exam Analysis

UCEED 2021 was conducted on January 17, 2021. The overall difficulty of the exam was moderate to difficult. The exam had a total of 68 questions and the maximum marks are 300. The paper analysis of UCEED 2021 has been shared below. It contains the expert’s opinion, student feedback, and the difficulty level of the exam. The Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions were difficult, followed by MSQ. MCQs were easy.

Applicants adopted a careful approach while solving the Multiple Select and Multiple Choice Questions as they had negative marking. NATs did not have negative marking

Detailed UCEED 2021 Exam Analysis for Part A

Questions from the topics such as observation & design sensitivity, environmental & social awareness, visualization & spatial ability, analytical & logical reasoning, language & creativity, and design thinking & problem-solving were asked.

According to students’ feedback, questions from the Visualization, Design Thinking, Spatial Ability, Problem-solving, and Analytical & Logical Reasoning topics were a little more difficult than that of the topics of Environmental and Social Awareness, Observation and Design Sensitivity and Language and Creativity.

Detailed UCEED 2021 Exam Analysis for Part B

Part B of UCEED 2021 was designed to analyse the innovative approach and drawing skills of an individual. The question of Part B was displayed on the computer screen and candidates had to write down the answer on the answer book provided by the invigilator. 

UCEED 2020 Exam Analysis

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay succeeded in hosting UCEED 2020 on January 18, 2020, in 25 major Indian cities i.e., 24 across the country and one in Dubai, UAE. Every year, CollegeDekho produces an in-depth analysis of the UCEED exam. The UCEED 2020 question paper, which had 300 marks, was prepared in English in which there were two sections to the three-hour paper. Part B had one drawing-based question, whereas Part A had 18 Numerical Answer Type (NAT), 18 Multiple Select Questions (MSQ), and 32 Multiple Choice (MCQ) questions.

The two sections of UCEED 2020 each contained 69 questions in total. Applicants could apply to participating colleges for UCEED 2020 if they were eligible for the written entrance exam. Although the UCEED 2020 test format was altered, the paper's difficulty level has been disclosed to be moderate. Comparatively speaking, the majority of UCEED 2020 applicants assessed all the sections of the exam to be easier than those in UCEED 2019. 

UCEED 2020 Student Reactions

The question paper was neither simple nor too challenging for one of the UCEED 2020 applicants. He added, "Part B of the paper was fairly easy, and Part A of the paper was mediocre". Compared to the previous year, he evaluated the paper as simpler altogether. The MCQs in Part A were slightly challenging, though.

One more applicant believed that Part B should have required more time to complete. He is a BTech student who prepared for the test without using other resources. Overall, he concluded that the paper was simpler than UCEED 2019.

Conversely, some candidates for UCEED 2020 reported that the question paper was a little challenging. They stated that the paper required careful consideration before answering any questions. The hardest questions to answer were those involving logic and arithmetic, while multiple-choice questions took a little longer to complete.

One storyboard question and a few constraints were included in Part B of UCEED 2020. The question required applicants to sketch a desk from the viewpoint of a lady professor at the workplace.

UCEED 2020 Exam Analysis: Part A

Part A of UCEED 2020 included Aptitude questions based on Mathematics, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. No General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Environmental Awareness questions could be seen in UCEED 2020 and the MSQ section was relatively easy to answer as it did not comprise any tricky questions.

Visualisation questions were asked which were based on shadows, perspective, etc. and mathematical problems like area, mensuration, volume, etc. were given to solve. Typical questions with regard to Mental ability/Aptitude were asked which included odd one out, puzzles, sequences and series, etc.

By and large, UCEED 2020 was not that challenging and merely required practice. 

UCEED 2020 Exam Analysis: Part B

A descriptive/hypothetical situation-based question of a lady professor at her workplace was given. The candidates were asked to draw nothing but her table and the view of her room. The question has been given below:

‘A lady professor and her husband were having a conversation on the phone. He was upset with her because she was not following her diet plan. She had forgotten to take her lunch box, and her husband was yelling at her and said that he would not cook for her in the future. So she hung up the phone and ordered her 5th cup of tea and 2nd plate of pakodas. She was correcting students math papers at that time and had to complete her research papers and she had a headache. Draw her table and the view of her room.’

The question demanded detailing, creativity and time-management skills as only 30 minutes were given to answer this 60-mark question.

UCEED 2019 Exam Analysis

Student Reactions

According to one of the candidates, the exam was of moderate difficulty level, and he found Section B (MSQ) the toughest. Other two sections (NAT and MCQ) were easy, according to him.

Another student said that the difficulty level of UCEED 2019 was quite high. As far as the section-wise difficulty level is concerned, NAT was the toughest and it was lengthy as well. Mathematical questions were time-consuming. MCQ section was a bit longer with less number of General Knowledge questions whereas MSQ section was the easiest.

Some of the students basically struggled in terms of time management, and they could not complete the paper on time.

Changes UCEED 2019 Exam Pattern

UCEED exam pattern was somewhat different in terms of the marking scheme as compared to the exam conducted in previous years. Out of the three, two sections of the exam – MCQ as well as MSQ, had negative marking, which was not the case in previous years. However, MSQ section had a negative marking of 0.19 marks for every incorrect answer whereas MCQ section had a negative marking of 1.3 marks for every wrong answer.

Other than the marking scheme, there was no change in the total number of questions and total marks. For every correct answer, candidates score 3 marks in both NAT and MSQ sections, whereas 4 marks are added for every correct answer in the MCQ section of the exam.

Section-wise UCEED Exam Analysis 2019

Numerical Aptitude Test (NAT): In this section, students had to solve a set of 20 Maths based questions. Some of the questions' toughness level was quite high and the calculations were a bit time-consuming. Negative marking was not applicable and candidates get 3 marks for every correct answer.

Multiple Selection Questions (MSQ): It comprised 20 questions and they all were quite tough considering the section's nature of having multiple answers. This segment of the exam turned out to be even more challenging due to the re-introduction of negative marking. Candidates were awarded 3 marks for every correct answer and 0.19 mark was deducted for every incorrect answer.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): The section comprised of 45 multiple choice questions based on craft identification, production processes, font recognition, completing the series, special recognition and the likes, visual puzzles and counting surfaces. The section seemed easier as compared to the previous year’s UCEED question papers. For every correct answer, candidates get 4 marks and there is a negative marking of 1.32 marks for every wrong answer.

UCEED 2018 Exam Analysis

The Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design (UCEED) 2018 was conducted on 20th January 2018 by IIT Bombay for admission to B.Des programmes offered at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT-G), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) and Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur (IIITDM-J). Few other colleges also accept UCEED score for admissions. Check the complete list of Colleges Accepting UCEED 2018 Score here.

UCEED admission process is such that aspirants need to first appear for the Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design (UCEED 2018). Candidates who make it to the merit list of this exam then need to apply separately at the respective colleges that offer admission based on aspirant’s UCEED rank.

This examination is different from other Design entrance exams because of its ‘No Drawing’ feature. The test only focuses on candidates’ Observation skills, Visual Ability, Ability to deduce from shapes & figures (Spatial Ability), Sensitivity to Design requirements and Social and Environmental awareness. It lays no stress on Drawing as a part of the test. This attracts many of those aspirants who’re extremely good at Analytical Abilities but lack drawing skills.

UCEED 2018 is a computer-based exam wherein candidates need to attempt 85 questions divided into three sections. The UCEED 2018 exam pattern consists of Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions, Multiple Select Questions (MSQs), as well as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).  

UCEED 2018 Paper Structure

Type of Questions: Type of questions in each section varied from each other.

Number of Questions: The test had a total of 85 questions of maximum 300 marks.

The UCEED 2018 question paper was divided into 3 sections:

  • Section A (NAT) - 20 questions - 4 marks per question - No negative marking-------- Total 80 marks.
  • Section B (MSQ) - 25 questions - 4 marks per question - No negative marking------- Total100 marks.
  • Section C (MCQ) - 40 questions - 3 marks per question - (-1) negative marking-------Total 120 marks.

Section A: Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions

There was no negative marking for this section. Each correct answer will be awarded 4 marks. The questions in this section did not include any choices to choose from. A numeral was needed to be entered in the space provided for the answer using the virtual keyboard.

Section B: Multiple Select Questions (MSQs)

There was no negative marking for this section. A total of 4 marks will be awarded to candidates who select all the correct choices and no wrong choice is selected. This section included questions that had one or more than one correct choice among the four given options.

Section C: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

There is negative marking in this section. 3 marks will be awarded for all correct answers and 1 marks will be deducted for the wrong answers. In this section, the candidates will have to choose one correct option among the given four choices. However, there will be no negative marking for skipping the answer completely.

Detailed Paper Analysis of UCEED 2018 by Experts & Students

According to students, the question paper seemed to be easy and almost similar to UCEED 2017. Sources say that the questions for UCEED 2018 were moderate and time management was the key to solve all the questions.

Only one section carried negative marking that is MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions). But when students started attempting the paper, they found it difficult to complete in the stipulated time. Compared to the other two sections, NAT (Numerical Aptitude Test) was a bit lengthy and time-consuming. Some questions in MSQ (Multiple Selection Questions) section were a bit tricky.

As per the analysis by Collegedekho, several unexpected questions from Probability (Mathematics) appeared this time for the exam.

English questions were a little uncertain but were in the same number as the previous year.

Design & Aptitude laid more stress on Spatial, Verbal and Mechanical Ability. Questions about Verbal, Spatial and Mechanical Ability topics especially involving images appeared as expected in a very good number.

Overall, the question paper covered broad topics which gave the platform for everyone to secure good marks. Some aspirants said they did well in NAT, while others performed well in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) and MSQ sections. So, there are chances that the average marking and maximum marks would remain just like in the previous year.

As per Collegedekho, the minimum marks requirement per section (for General Category) for making it to the rank list should be:

  • NAT- 11 (44 marks)
  • MSQ- 14 (56 marks)
  • MCQ- 15 (45 marks)

Check out UCEED 2018 Question Paper!

UCEED 2017 Exam Analysis

IIT Bombay conducted the UCEED 2017 on 22nd January 2017 (Sunday) across 19 test centres in India for around 10,000 candidates who applied for the examination. Admission to the B.Des courses at IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati and IIIT Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur will be offered on the basis of candidates' UCEED rank. The UCEED exam score is valid for one year only.

Expert Analysis & Students' Reactions

The UCEED question paper 2017 turned out to be quite tricky and, therefore, managing time became a problem for the test takers. The difficulty level of UCEED 2017 was higher in comparison with previous years. According to some students, the UCEED question paper seemed easy at first and almost similar to 2016 but found it difficult to complete within the given time duration as they started attempting the paper.

Another important change that students found in the paper was that negative marking was not applicable to all the sections as used to be the case previously. There was only one section MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) where the negative marking was applied.

NAT (Numerical Aptitude Test) was quite lengthy and time-consuming as compared to the other two sections, and there were some questions in MSQ (Multiple Selection Questions) section that turned out to be quite tricky.

UCEED 2017 consisted of three sections:


No. of Questions

Marks Per Question

Negative Marking

Section A - NAT




Section B - MSQ




Section C - MCQ




The answer key for UCEED 2017 was published on January 28, 2017, and the results were announced on 20th February 2017. Candidates had access to their scorecards by 27th February 2017. Based on the UCEED ranks 2017, the seat allotment began from 4th July 2017.

Disclaimer: All details related to analysis have been gathered from various sources, and are subject to change. Candidates must cross-check with the official website of the examination before taking a final decision.

Want to know more about UCEED

FAQs about UCEED Exam Analysis

How many students applied for UCEED 2023?

A total of 13,549 students applied for the test, according to the UCEED 2023 Information Brochure. The test took place on January 22, 2023. The outcomes were announced on March 9, 2023. UCEED 2023 qualified a total of 4,836 applicants. Every year, the number of candidates for UCEED grows. In 2022, there were 10,813 candidates. This demonstrates that UCEED is becoming increasingly popular among students interested in pursuing a career in design.

How many seats are there in IIT for UCEED?

There are 199 seats available in UCEED 2024 for the BDes course at four IITs: IIT Bombay, IIITDM Jabalpur, IIT Guwahati, and IIT Hyderabad. The allocation of seats across the IITs is as follows:
- IIT Bombay: 30 seats
- IIITDM Jabalpur: 30 seats
- IIT Guwahati: 45 seats
- IIT Hyderabad: 10 seats

How many people qualify for UCEED

The number of people who are eligible for UCEED is determined by the number of applications and the cut-off. From a total of 13,549 applications, about 4,836 qualified for UCEED in 2023. The UCEED cut-off changes from year to year, although it is usually around 70%. The number of seats available at the participating design institutions determines the UCEED cut-off. The lower the cut-off, the larger the number of seats. The difficulty level of the exam, as well as the number of applicants, influence the cut-off.

Is it important to go through the UCEED paper analysis?

Going through the paper analysis of UCEED will help candidates in understanding the exam. They will get an idea of the exam's difficulty level and where they stand with respect to getting admission.

What is asked in UCEED Part A?

In Part A of UCEED, aptitude questions based on Mathematics, verbal and non-verbal reasoning are asked. Questions on visualisation and social awareness can also be included.

Is Part A of UCEED easier than Part B?

The difficulty of UCEED Part A and Part B cannot be directly compared because they are separate sorts of tests. Part A consists of a multiple-choice aptitude exam, while Part B consists of a drawing test. Part A is often seen to be easier than Part B because it does not need any artistic or creative abilities. Part A, on the other hand, can be difficult since the questions need a strong comprehension of spatial thinking and problem-solving abilities. Part B is a more difficult test since it demands both artistic and creative abilities. Part B's questions are intended to assess your ability to think outside the box and generate creative ideas.

How does the difficulty level of UCEED determine the cut off scores?

If the difficulty level of UCEED is higher, the cut-off score of that year is kept relatively lower than other years. On the contrary, for an easy exam of UCEED, the cut-off marks are higher.

Is the UCEED difficulty level the same every year?

No, UCEED's level of difficulty varies from year to year. The questions' levels of difficulty might change depending on the year because they are designed to assess current design trends. However, the exam's overall degree of difficulty is typically regarded as moderate.

Is it difficult to crack UCEED?

You can crack UCEED with the correct preparation strategy and study material. The exam is not extremely difficult therefore candidates have to perform exceedingly well so as to clear the competition.

What is the difficulty level of UCEED?

UCEED is thought to have a medium degree of difficulty. Your capacity for observation, problem-solving, and spatial thinking will be put to the test by the questions. However, if you have a solid basis in these subjects, the test is not too challenging.

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I am a student with 10 +3 diploma in IT from the Maharashtra board (MSBTE) am I eligible for appearing the exam?

-shuban murthyUpdated on November 03, 2020 01:48 PM
  • 1 Answer
Samiksha Rautela, Content Team

Dear Student,

You are eligible to appear for UCEED. Check the entire UCEED Eligibility Criteria here.

Also, explore how to prepare for UCEEDexam pattern of UCEED, syllabus of UCEED and best books for UCEED.

To practice for the design, exam check out UCEED Previous Year Question Papers and UCEED Sample Papers.

To take any admission related assistance, either dial the helpline number 1800-572-9877 (toll-free) or fill the Common Application Form. Our admission experts will be glad to help you out. For any questions, post your queries in the QnA zone.

Thank You


I passed my 12th in 2020 as I failed in 2019. Am I eligible for uceed 2021?

-RajeevUpdated on September 18, 2020 09:57 PM
  • 1 Answer
Samiksha Rautela, Content Team

Dear Student,

You are required to fulfil the eligibility criteria of UCEED 2021 in order to be eligible for admission. Open or OBC-NCL category candidates must be born on or after October 1, 1996. SC, ST or PwD category candidates date of birth certificate should mention the birth date on or after October 1, 1991. If you satisfy the aforementioned criteria, then you are eligible for UCEED 2021.

Check out the links mentioned below to understand the exam better.

Colleges Accepting UCEED 2021 Score, Cut-off and Seats

How to Apply for UCEED 2021

Syllabus of UCEED 2021

Exam Pattern of …


Where can I get previous year question papers and answer keys for UCEED?

-AnonymousUpdated on September 17, 2020 08:04 PM
  • 1 Answer
Samiksha Rautela, Content Team

Dear Student,

You can gather the previous year question papers and answer keys of UCEED by clicking on the link below.

UCEED Previous Year Question Papers

You can also go through the UCEED Paper Analysis, UCEED Syllabus and UCEED Exam Pattern.

To understand the exam better read Colleges Accepting UCEED 2021 Score, Cut-off and Seats and UCEED Seat Matrix and Reservation Details.

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