What is the eligibility criteria for selecting Mathematics in the Methodology segment in Part C?
The eligibility criteria for selecting Mathematics in the Methodology segment in Part C is that the applicants must be BA or BSc with Mathematics as among the group subjects. BCA applicants must have Mathematics as a group subject at the 10+2. B.Tech candidates must have Mathematics and Physics.
What is the qualifying mark in AP EDCET 2023 for SC / ST Category applicants?
There is no qualifying mark for ranking applicants from SC / ST category as well as for women applicants having Physical Sciences / Mathematics Methodologies.
What is the qualifying mark in AP EDCET 2023 for General Category applicants?
The qualifying mark in AP EDCET 2023 for General Category applicants is 37 out of the total mark.
What is the eligibility criteria for selecting Social Studies in the Methodology segment in Part C?
The eligibility criteria for selecting Social Studies in the Methodology segment in Part C is that the applicants must have BA or B.Com or BBM or BCA with Social Sciences as a group subject at the 10+2 level.
What is the eligibility criteria for selecting English in the Methodology segment in Part C?
The eligibility criteria for selecting English in the Methodology segment in Part C is that the applicants must have a BA in Special English or MA in English.
What is the age criteria for AP EDCET 2023 registration?
The age criteria for AP EDCET 2023 registration is 19 years as of July 1, the year the notification is issued by APSCHE. There is no upper age bracket for AP EDCET 2023 application.
What is the minimum mark required to be eligible for AP EDCET 2023 exam registration for reserved category candidates?
The minimum mark required to be eligible for AP EDCET 2023 exam registration for reserved category candidates (SC / ST / BC / PH) is at least 40% in the last qualifying exam.
What is the minimum mark required to be eligible for AP EDCET 2023 exam registration for General Category applicants?
Aspirants must have achieved at least 50% marks in Bachelorโs Degree or Postgraduate Degree in the relevant stream or any equivalent qualification or 5-year Integrated course in the methodology subjects. Candidates who have completed BE or BTech with at least 55% marks having Mathematics and Physics as subjects are also eligible to appear for AP EDCET.
What is the minimum educational qualification required to appear for AP EDCET 2023?
Applicants should have completed or must be appearing for the final examination of BA or BSc or BSc Home Science or B.Com or BCA or BBM or BE or B.Tech while submitting the AP EDCET 2023 application.
Which conducting body notifies the AP EDCET 2023 eligibility criteria?
The AP EDCET 2023 eligibility criteria is notified by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education and Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam Tirupati.
Is it compulsory for the candidates to be Indian nationals to appear for AP EDCET 2023?
Yes, it is compulsory for the candidates to be Indian nationals to appear for AP EDCET 2023. The applicants must meet the Local or Non-Local eligibility criteria as provided in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order 1974.