HPU B.Ed 2025 Merit List - Check State Wise, Category Wise Toppers and Rank List

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 16 Sep, 2024 08:21

The HPU B.Ed 2024 revised merit list was issued on September 13, 2024. The merit lists can be accessed from hpuniv.ac.in.

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HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Merit List (Out)

The HPU B.Ed CET merit list 2024 is available on the official website. HPU B.Ed 2024 merit list provides the list of candidates who have qualified the entrance test with the least qualifying marks or more. Based on the merit lists, aspirants will be invited to the counselling process.

Admission of the aspirants will be subject to meeting the eligibility criteria of the university/ participating college and seat availability as per the merit-cum choices/ preferences. The merit list will include the combined merit rank, roll number, candidate name, fatherโ€™s name, stream, category combined rank, category, priority, and marks.

Upcoming Education Exams :

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Merit List Dates

Students can find important dates linked to the HPU B.Ed CET 2024 merit list here for the offered B.Ed course -



HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Exam Date

June 20, 2024

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Merit List Release Date

July 12, 2024
HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Revised Merit List Release Date

September 13, 2024

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Merit List PDFs

Check out the revised merit list PDFs for HPU B.Ed CET 2024 released by the university on September 13. 

Earlier, the General combined merit list was issued on July 12, within a few days after the results. 

(Non-Medical Stream General Combined)HPU B.Ed 2024 Merit List (Medical Stream General Combined)HPU B.Ed 2024 Merit List
HPU B.Ed 2024 Merit List (Arts & Commerce Stream General Combined)-

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Merit List - Important Points to Remember

Before analysing the HPU B.Ed CET merit list, candidates should consider the following factors -

  • The HPU B.Ed CET merit list will be posted on the university's website. Aspirants can then check the HPU B.Ed CET merit list.
  • Aspirants must submit their roll number, which they may find on their hall ticket, to view the HPU B.Ed CET merit list.
  • The admissions test scores and ranks will be included in the HPU B.Ed CET merit list.
  • The HPU B.Ed CET merit list will allow candidates to assess their achievement in the entrance exam.
  • The merit list will also inform students about the number of candidates who will take the test and the level of competition.

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Merit List Process

The HPU B.Ed CET merit list is generated based on the results of the HPU B.Ed CET 2024. The applicants' HPU B.Ed CET scores are published in decreasing order. Those with a better score are put ahead of the other applicants. The merit list for the HPU B.Ed CET is created depending on the student's performance in the test. The merit list is established following the HPU B.Ed CET criteria.

Declaration of Result and Merit List

Before the result is announced, the key answers submitted by the examiners are reviewed by a committee of subject experts immediately following the Entrance Test. If a problem has more than one valid answer, the committee will state this in its report, and if no answer is correct, the committee will also make suggestions to that effect. The panel highlights any printing errors in the questions and key answers and makes relevant comments.

Thus, the Moderation Committee's decision / recommendations are finalised and the outcome and its category-wise list are communicated as scheduled. The result of all applicants who took the admission exam is announced and posted on the university's website. On the university website, they can view their results and merit. The answer sheet will not be re-checked or re-evaluated.

The Controller of Examinations then creates and notifies a cumulative merit list and category-wise based on the achievements of all qualified applicants in the entrance test, which is uploaded to the university website. The mere assignment of a position on this merit list does not convey any entitlement to admission. However, admission will be granted subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, verification of original certificates / documents, and availability of seats in the relevant colleges at the time of counselling / admission.

The Chairman of Department of Education will receive a copy of the complete merit list to complete the admission / counselling process according to the schedule. After determining their rank / score in the merit list, qualified candidates are urged to stay in touch with the websites of the university to participate in the counselling procedure on time. There would be no separate notification sent to the candidates in this respect. If candidates do not meet the stipulated eligibility requirements, their candidature will be rejected for admission to the B.Ed course.

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Result โ€“ Tie Breaker

The following procedure will be used to break the tie and determine the merit. Suppose two or more candidates receive similar aggregate marks in the B.Ed entrance test. In that case, their admission to the course will be decided per the scores / marks obtained by the candidates in the sequence of segment-wise performance in the entrance test, as follows:

(i) Teaching Aptitude & Attitude 

(ii) Language & Comprehension (Hindi & English) 

(iii) General Awareness (Mainly HP & India) 

(iv) Knowledge of National Commission & Committees of Education 

(v) Logical Reasoning 

If the tie remains after following the criteria above, the older candidate will be given precedence. However, in the case of Ex-Servicemen / Wives / Widows / Wards of Ex-Servicemen / Wives / Widows / Wards of Defence people, their merit must be assessed by giving first preference to Ex-Servicemen who themselves appeared in the admission test.

How to check HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Result / Merit List?

The following are the actions that applicants must do to verify the HPU B.Ed CET 2024 result merit list -

  • Students should go to the HPU B.Ed CET main website.
  • They will subsequently be redirected to the official website of the HPU B.Ed CET 2024 to check their results.
  • From this page, they must select the result link.
  • A new page will appear, prompting them to enter the needed information.
  • Aspirants will be able to see the scores / results with the required information.
  • Aspirants must print the results after examining them for reference purposes.

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Merit List Reservation Criteria

Here are some major pointers regarding the reservation regulations in HPU B.Ed CET -

Reservation of Seats in the Colleges of Education

Reservation Roster for Bonafide Candidates of Himachal Pradesh -

  • Admissions of Himachal Pradesh bonafide applicants to B.Ed courses in all institutions / colleges would be made strictly in the merit order of the entrance test.
  • The reservation roster authorised by the Government of Himachal Pradesh shall also apply for enrollment to B.Ed Courses in various categories.
  • 85% of places in the B.Ed Course are allocated for genuine Himachali candidates, with the remaining 15% reserved for students from other states.

Reservation Roster for other State Candidates against 15% Quota -

  • The State Government's approved Reservation Roster 200-Point will apply.
  • Overall, management seats will be 10% of what is given to Himachali bonafide candidates.
  • The management quota seats will be allocated transparently by the Institute's management based on the competence / merit of the Admissions Test through its counselling. 
  • There will be no reservations about the statutory management quota seats. The basic eligibility criteria will be the same as for other students.

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Counselling

Following the announcement of the entrance test merit, the Chairman, Department of Education, Himachal Pradesh University will separately notify the counselling date and procedure, including specific directions for conducting online counselling.

Counselling and Admission Procedure

  • The aforementioned schedule and procedure and complete online counselling guidelines will be made accessible on the university website.
  • As a result, qualified candidates must stay up to date on the counselling schedule and procedure.
  • The Counselling Committee, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, would establish a centralised counselling mechanism to allocate available seats in various colleges of education to candidates via online counselling.
  • Seats will be assigned depending on their performance in the entrance test and their college preferences. 
  • Individuals on the merit list are recommended to thoroughly read the counselling-related information and comprehend the course of action to be taken by the relevant counselling authorities to participate in the online counselling.
  • If the results of qualifying examinations are not announced on the day of counselling, the counselling will still proceed according to the prescribed schedule.
  • However, such candidates' seats will be assigned conditionally at their responsibility and risk subject to the criteria that, following the announcement of the qualifying examination result, they must produce a certificate proving that they passed the qualifying examination with the requisite percentage of marks as specified in the prospectus.
  • If they are discovered to be ineligible after admission, their admission will be automatically cancelled, for which the Counselling Committee will bear no responsibility.
  • Admission to all Govt. / private self-financing educational institutions / colleges will be made based on the HPU B.Ed CET merit and no candidate will be permitted to take admission beyond the merit of the abovementioned entrance test.
  • If any irregularities are discovered on this account, the colleges involved will be held completely responsible, and appropriate action will be taken against these colleges in accordance with the rules.

The following original certificates as well as their photocopies, must be carried by the applicants at the time of counselling / admission in the assigned college - 

  • Online application form print out.
  • Bonafide Himachali certificate given by the Tehsildar / Executive Magistrate of the concerned area. 
  • The aspirants belonging to other than Himachal Pradesh shall also provide a Bonafide / Residence document / certificate of the state they belong, which must be issued by the Tehsildar / Executive Magistrate of the region concerned. 
  • Claim consideration certificate for reserved categories. The relevant authorities should have issued the OBC certificate inside one year.
  • Matriculation and 12th standard Certificates or an equivalent qualification.
  • BA / B.Sc / B.Com (Part I, II & III) / MA / M.Sc / M.com / Bachelorโ€™s in Engineering / Technology or certificates of its equivalent examination, plus a degree in the concerned capacity. 
  • Character certificate from the last attended school / college in case aspirants have no gap in their education. Applicants with one or more years of education gaps must bring the most recent character certificate from the SDM / Tehsildar of the region involved.
  • Admit Card obtained from the webpage of the university for HPU B.Ed CET.
  • A certificate from the Tehsildar / SDM of the relevant area stating that the child is a single girl child.
  • The applicant must pay an approximate counselling charge of Rs 200 at the time of counselling.

The overall eligibility of the individuals shall be established precisely following the terms of the brochure by the Counselling Committee and the Principals or Management of the respective institutions of Education.

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Counselling Important Points

Here are some important details about the HPU B.Ed CET merit list and counselling.

  • Teacher education institutions will be assigned through online counselling
  • Before and after the announcement of their HPU B.Ed CET results, aspirants should remain in touch with top newspapers and the HPU B.Ed CET website.
  • Applicants who do not take part in virtual / online counselling or who refuse to accept the allocated college through online counselling will forfeit their HPU B.Ed CET merit place and will be denied admission to the B.Ed degree programme.
  • All enrollments in the teacher education programme will be made through the Himachal Pradesh University-administered HPU B.Ed CET.

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