HPU B.Ed 2025 Seat Allotment - Result, Direct Link, How to Check, Fee, Documents Required

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 03 Oct, 2024 16:18

HPU B.Ed CET seat allotment 2024 for phase 4 counselling was published on October 8. The result will be available in the candidate login. Selected students have to complete the document verification and admission fee payment as per the schedule.

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About HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Seat Allotment (October 8)

HPU B.Ed 2024 seat allotment result for the final mop-up round will be launched on October 8. Original certificate verification and admission fee payment by the selected aspirants can be completed between October 9 and 11.

The seat allotment is declared for the respective rounds of counselling based on the web choices, the number of seats available, and the reservation policy. The direct link to check the college allotment for the final mop-up round will be displayed below -

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Seat Allotment - TBA

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HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Seat Allotment Dates

The crucial dates regarding the HPU B.Ed CET 2024 seat allotment is available in the table below - 

HPU B.Ed CET Seat Allotment for Round 1

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Events


Allocated College Display at Applicant Login for Round 1 Counselling of HPU B.Ed CET

August 20

Original Document Verification at College Level for Round 1 Counselling of HPU B.Ed CET

August 21 - 22

Online Fee Payment of Admission Fee for Round 1 Counselling of HPU B.Ed CET

August 21 - 22

HPU B.Ed CET Seat Allotment for Round 2

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Events


Allotment of Colleges Display at Candidate Login for Round 2

August 30

Original Document Verification for Round 2 counselling of HPU B.Ed CET

August 31 - September 1

Online Submission of Admission Fee for Round 2

August 31 - September 1

HPU B.Ed CET Seat Allotment for Round 3

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Events


Display of allocation of colleges at candidate login for HPU B.Ed CET Round 3

September 7

Original Document Verification of aspirants of HPU B.Ed CET for Round 3

September 8 - 9

Online Submission of Admission Fee for Round 3

September 8 - 9

HPU B.Ed CET Online Counselling Correctionโ€“cumโ€“Mop-up Round Important Dates



Seat Allotment for Online Counselling Correctionโ€“cumโ€“Mop-up Round

September 15

Verification of Certificates

September 16 - 17

Online fee payment 

September 16 - 17

Final Mop-up Round of HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Online Counselling Important Dates



Seat Allotment for Final Mop-up Round of HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Online Counselling

October 8

Verification of original documents

October 9 - 11

Online fee submission

October 9 - 11

How to Download HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Seat Allotment Result?

HPU B.Ed CET Seat Allotment Result is made available on the Himachal Pradesh University's counselling website. Students can get the allotment letter by following these simple steps:

  • Applicants can utilise their internet browser to view Himachal Pradesh University's official website and look for the B.Ed counselling page link.
  • Students will be able to receive the seat allotment result after they navigate to the HPU B.Ed CET counselling page link.
  • They next must click on the seat allotment result link, which will open a new tab and prompt them to submit the information asked.
  • The link will not be available all year and will only be active or launched during the HPU B.Ed CET counselling rounds.
  • This webpage provides candidates with access to the college-specific allotment list as well as the candidate-wise list in PDF format.
  • Candidates selected for provisional seat assignment must report to the B.Ed college of their choice to have their certificates confirmed. They must also show proof of payment of the fees.
  • After the procedure is completed, qualified candidates will be notified of their final HPU B.Ed CET seat assignment order at the college.
  • They must preserve a copy of the final seat allotment order to minimise any future confusion.

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Seat Allotment Certificate Verification and Counselling

Here are some important points to remember about certificate verification and counselling during the HPU B.Ed CET seat allocation 2024 -

  • The certificate verification is done at the college level during counselling.
  • Students provide original certificates during this stage of the counselling rounds.
  • Candidates who receive a seat in the counselling can go to the website to pay their admission fees online.
  • Candidates must report to the appropriate college on time and submit all original certificates.
  • The principal / verification officer at the designated college will confirm the admission once all original certificates have been confirmed and payment has been done.

HPU B.Ed CET 2024 Seat Allotment Reservation Criteria

We have shared some pointers below regarding the HPU B.Ed Seat Allotment reservation criteria - 

Reservation of Seats 

  • Seats shall be reserved for all categories per Himachal Pradesh Government norms.
  • 85% of the seats are reserved for bonafide / domicile natives of Himachal Pradesh, with the remaining 15% open to candidates from other states or UTs.
  • All contenders must present a genuine Himachali / Resident certificate at the time of their admission.
  • 10% of the 85% state quota seats in non-government self-financing institutions will be recognised as management quota seats and will be exempt from the university's centralised counselling.
  • The institute's management shall fill management quota seats transparently based on the merit of the admissions test through its own counselling.
  • There will be no reservation in relation to the authorised management quota seats. The basic eligibility requirements will be the same as for other students.

Original Documents Required for Verification

At the time of counselling / admission in the given college, applicants must bring the following original documents, as well as photocopies of them -

  • Online application form hard copy
  • Genuine Himachali certificate issued by the appropriate Tehsildar / Executive Magistrate.
  • Aspirants from states other than Himachal Pradesh must also present a bonafide / residence document / certificate from their home state.
  • Certificates of matriculation and 12th standard, or an equivalent qualification.
  • BA / B.Sc / B.Com (Part I, II, & III) / MA / M.Sc / M.Com / M.Sc / M.Com / M.Sc / M.Com / M.Sc Bachelor's degree in engineering or technology, or comparable examination certificates, plus a degree in the required area.
  • If applicants have no gaps in their studies, they must provide a character certificate from their most recent school or institution. 
  • Applicants with one or more years of academic gaps must produce the most current character certificate from the region's SDM / Tehsildar.
  • Admit Card for HPU B.Ed CET received from the university's website.
  • A certificate from the relevant Tehsildar / SDM declaring that the child is a lone girl child.
  • At the time of counselling, the candidate must pay an approximate charge of Rs 200 as the counselling fee.

HPU B.Ed CET Seat Allotment Guidelines

Here are some crucial guidelines about HPU B.Ed CET seat allotment - 

  • The definitive eligibility of the applicants shall be determined precisely according to the terms of the prospectus by the Counselling Committee and the Principals / Management of the respective colleges of Education.
  • It will be entirely up to the Principals / Management of the respective institutions to admit qualified candidates to the programme.
  • Before being admitted to the course, applicants must meet the required eligibility conditions.
  • If their ineligibility is discovered at a later point, their candidature will be withdrawn without notice, for which the university will bear no responsibility.
  • All contenders will have to compete within their respective categories / subcategories.
  • Aspirants from reserved categories shall not fill the seats reserved for the respective categories if selected on the basis of general merit for the unreserved seats.
  • However, seats will be allocated institution-wise based on the candidates' merit-cum-preference for the relevant institution.
  • A candidate who wishes to be considered for a reserved seat must indicate only one type of reserved seat which they have filed in their application form.
  • They will not be able to alter the category once it has been mentioned on their application form. 
  • Once assigned / admitted to a college, an applicant is not permitted to transfer to another private college of education, and no communication will be accepted in this respect.
  • The Admission Committee's decision during counselling is final.
  • The university retains the right to make alterations or changes based on State Government / NCTE directives.

Refund of Fees

If a person decides to withdraw from the programme of study in which they enrolled, the institution in question must follow the five-tier reimbursement mechanism outlined below -

  • If the applicants notify the authorities within 15 days or more prior to the formal notice of the last admission date, they will get 100% refund barring the processing charges. The concerned authorities shall take from the refundable sum an amount not exceeding 5% of the payments made by the applicant, limited to a maximum of Rs 5,000 as a processing fee.
  • If the aspirant requests for a refund 15 days prior to the official notice of last enrolment date, they will receive 90% of the refund.
  • If it is less than 15 days after the formal declaration of the last enrollment schedule, they will get an 80% refund.
  • If it is 30 days or within 30 days, but above 15 days, the individuals will receive a 50% refund.
  • If the student puts in the request after more than 30 days from the last enrollment date, then no refund will be provided to the applicant.

Applicants seeking a refund of fees paid during the online counselling procedure for admission through HPU B.Ed CET must apply within the time frame specified and send their application to the Chairman, Department of Education, H.P.University, Shimla - 171005.

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FAQs about HPU B.Ed CET Seat Allotment

At the time of HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counselling, how many preferences for the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list can be given?

At the time of HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counselling, five college preferences can be given for the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment process. The seat preference can be made from the HPU B.Ed CET participating colleges list.

When will the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counseling end?

The HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counselling dates are not out yet. It is expected to end in July 2023.

When will the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counselling begin?

The HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counselling will begin after the results are out, the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 result is expected to be released in June 2023 and thus the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counselling is expected to begin in June 2023.

I belong to Himachal Pradesh, is their any reservation for Himachal Pradesh candidates in the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment process?

Yes, in the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment process, 85% of seats are reserved for the Himachal Pradesh candidates.

Who will release the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list?

The conducting body of the exam; Himachal Pradesh University will release the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list.

Is there any reservation in the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment process?

Yes, 85% seats are reserved for the Himachal Pradesh candidates and remaining 15% seats are reserved for other candidates in the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment process.

How to download the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list?

To download the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list, candidates can follow the steps given below:

  • Visit the official website of Himachal Pradesh University and look for the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 exam.
  • Under the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 counselling page, find the link for the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list.
  • Click on it and enter the required details.
  • A page will appear which will highlight the college-specific allotment list as well as the candidate-wise list in PDF format.
  • Candidates selected for provisional seat assignment must report to the allotted B.Ed college for verification of certificates. Candidates must also show proof of payment of fees.
  • After the procedure is completed, shortlisted candidates will be notified about the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment assignment order at the college.
  • Save the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment letter for future use. 

Where can we check the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list?

You can check the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list on the official website, after providing your application ID or username and password.

When will the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list be out?

The HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment process begins after the counselling session has ended. The HPU B.Ed CET 2023 seat allotment list is expected to release in July or August 2023.

When will the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 exam be conducted?

The HPU B.Ed CET 2023 exam dates are not out yet. The exam is expected to be held in May 2023. 

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