NIMCET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Soham Mitra on 20 Mar, 2025 15:53

76 days Remaining for the exam

Here are some tips and tricks that can help candidates prepare for the NIMCET 2025 exam and get good scores.

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How to Prepare for NIMCET 2025

Candidates may utilize these preparation tips and tricks to learn about the many strategies they can use to improve their NIMCET 2025 preparation process. Candidates have a good chance of performing well in the NIMCET 2025 exam if they follow the suggestions and are devoted to their studies. NIMCET 2025 will be held as a computer-based test to offer MCA admissions to qualified applicants at all participating institutes. 

Candidates must get good marks and fulfil the admission cutoff to be considered for admission. The applicant who is taking the test must be well familiar with the NIMCET 2025 exam pattern and syllabus. Mathematics, Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning, Computer Awareness, and General English are the four areas of the test. Start your preparation for NIMCET 2025 by learning the fundamental topics. Then move on to the more difficult subjects. Apart from that, take mock exams on a regular basis to become familiar with the NIMCET paper pattern.

Before you read about the NIMCET preparation strategy 2025, we suggest that you understand what the exam is all about. NIMCET, short for NIT MCA Common Entrance Test, is one of the most popular exams taken by students to get admission to Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programmes offered by the prestigious National Institutes of Technology (NITs). NIMCET scores are accepted at only 11 NITs. Check the list of NIMCET 2025 Participating Colleges to know where NIMCET scores are accepted. Before you come up with a NIMCET 2025 preparation strategy to crack the exam, let us first understand what kind of topics and sections are there in the exam.

    NIMCET Preparation Strategy 2025

    Every year, the National Institute of Technology MCA Common Entrance Test (NIMCET) is held for admission to the MCA (Master of Computer Applications) programme. This exam requires a thorough plan and a well-organized NIMCET preparation strategy 2025. There are some simple techniques that students can use to prepare in a more effective manner. Some of them have been listed below:

    1. Understand the NIMCET Exam Pattern 2025

    The first step in appearing for the NIMCET 2025 with confidence is to understand and be completely informed about the exam pattern of NIMCET. There are 120 questions in this pattern. If we go by this, the applicant should be able to finish all of the questions during the exam in 90-100 minutes. This is why it is critical to understand the exam structure so that one can determine which sections are more significant and require continual review. Candidates will be able to learn about the examination's duration, mode, kind of questions, marking scheme, and other facts. Candidates will be able to improve their preparation by referring to the test pattern since it will help them become familiar with the exam. Knowledge of how the test will be conducted is crucial, as it will aid applicants in determining the best course of study for them.



    Examination Mode

    Computer Based Test (CBT)

    Total time

    2 hours (120 Minutes)


    Mathematics - 50 Questions

    Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning - 40 Questions

    Computer Awareness - 10 Questions

    General English - 20 Questions

    Total Number of Questions


    Marking Scheme

    12, 6, 4 marks will be allotted for every correct answer

    3, 1.5, 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer

    2. Check the Syllabus

    Students should check the NIMCET 2025 syllabus thoroughly and should jot down the points they need to work on and also the problem areas. This will give them clarity in the process of preparation for NIMCET 2024.

    3. Study Material

    Students must buy the best books for NIMCET 2025 for every section beforehand. So, that they can immediately start with the preparation after making the timetable. Candidates should make sure that the books cover the entire syllabus in depth and provide comprehensible explanations on the topics.

    NIMCET Best Books 2025 for Mathematics

    Name of the bookAuthor
    Handbook of MathematicsAmit Rastogi
    Numerical Ability and Mathematical AptitudeA B Rao
    Class 11th & 12thRD Sharma
    Class 11th & 12thRS Agarwal
    Objective ArithmeticR.S Aggarwal

    NIMCET Best Books 2025 for Computer Awareness

    Name of the Book

    Author/ Publishing House

    Computer Awareness for

    General Competitive Exams

    Saumya Ranjan Behera

    Computer Fundamentals

    Pradeep K Sinha

    Exam Preparation Books For Lucent's Computer

    Lucent Publications

    Objective Computer Awareness

    Arihant Experts

    NIMCET 2025 Best Books for Analytical Reasoning

    Name of the BookAuthor/ Publishing House

    A Modern Approach To Logical Reasoning

    RS Agarwal 

    Logical and Analytical Reasoning

    AK Gupta

    A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal

    BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwali 

    NIMCET 2025 Best Books for General English

    Name of the BookAuthor/ Publishing House

    Objective General English Arihant

    SP Bakshi 

    General English for All Competitive Examinations

    SC Gupta 

    Wren & Martin

    4. Make a Schedule or Timetable

    Students must make a timetable before starting their preparation as it will give them a clear idea of what to study and when to study. It will help students in maintaining a record. Candidates are advised to create a personalised timetable for themselves after reviewing the syllabus and exam pattern. The timetable should be created in such a way that it accommodates all of the topics and units that have to be studied for the examination. Candidates should try to keep various topics to be studied in a day so that the timetable does not turn out to be monotonous in nature. By keeping a personalised timetable, the candidates will have fewer chances of going off-track with their preparation and will have a proper schedule to follow to complete their syllabus, revision and more.

    5. Solve Sample Papers

    Solving NIMCET sample papers is very crucial. Students should get used to solving question papers within a given time. Sample papers also help the students get an idea of what type of questions they need to face in the NIMCET entrance exam.

    6. Take Mock Tests

    Students must take as many NIMCET mock tests as possible. This will help the students understand the areas that they have to work on and also it will help the students in getting used to the question pattern. The students can also solve the questions faster if they take mock tests.

    7. Revision of Syllabus

    Candidates must note to set aside time in their daily schedule for revision. By revising whatever they have studied, the candidates will have fewer chances of forgetting whatever they have studied. The revision will also allow the candidates to go through whatever has already been studied so that the concepts and formulas remain fresh and strong during the examination. Students should revise all the chapters thoroughly before sitting for the NIMCET exam. The students should finish revising at least two days before NIMCET.

    Section-Wise Preparation Tips for NIMCET 2025

    The NIMCET entrance exam includes four sections - Mathematics, Computer Awareness, Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning, and General English. The applicants need to have a section-wise preparation strategy to score well in NIMCET 2025.

    General English

    The students need to have an understanding of basic English Grammar like articles, prepositions, voices and most importantly tenses. The students can read newspapers and watch the news on television to enrich their vocabulary. Students need to learn synonyms and antonyms and need to know the meaning of those words.


    Students need to have a sound knowledge of trigonometry, algebra, probability, vectors, etc. Solving questions that are easy as well as moderate and difficult is important so that the students get used to every type of question. For Mathematics, the more you practice the more youโ€™ll be able to easily solve it.

    Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning

    Students need to practice puzzles, and crosswords as much as possible as these sections are basically on the concept of understanding the situation and solving it logically.

    Computer Awareness

    For this section, students need to buy books on computer applications and study them thoroughly. The students should not get tense as the syllabus is huge. First, the student can start with basic computer facts and concepts and then move forward to data representation. Students need to know how to prepare the representation of integers, characters etc.

    Dos and Don'ts for NIMCET 2025

    The list of dos and don'ts for the candidates preparing for the upcoming NIMCET examination have been listed below - 


    • The candidates should start revising the syllabus a week before the exam

    • The candidates should start preparing for the exam before a month as it is a competitive exam and hundreds of students register for it

    • Download and print a copy of the admit card on A4 size paper as it is the entry ticket for the exam hall

    • Go through the sample question papers and papers of previous years to get an idea of the types of questions youโ€™ll be answering

    • Practice solving questions within a time limit

    • Read questions properly before attending it

    • Patience is the key to success


    • Do not start revising on the last day before the exam

    • The candidates should not forget to carry their admit card or hall ticket

    • The admit cards should be printed on Laser Printers and not Inkjet Printers

    • The applicants should not forget to take necessary items like a black & blue pen, pencil, scale, eraser, etc.

    • Books are not allowed inside the examination hall. Students should, therefore, avoid carrying the same.

    • Cell phones are not allowed inside the examination hall

    Top Information Technology Colleges :

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    FAQs about NIMCET Preparation Tips

    What are the best mathematics books for NIMCET 2025 preparation?

    Some of the best Mathematics books for NIMCET 2025 have been listed below.

    • Handbook of Mathematics by Amit Rastogi

    • NCERT Mathematics textbook for class 12

    • Mathematics by R S Agarwal

    • Numerical Ability and Mathematical Aptitude by A B Rao

    How to prepare well for NIMCET 2025?

    Candidates who want to prepare for NIMCET 2025 exam can follow the following preparation tips for NIMCET 2025 in order to be successful:

    • Make a timetable according to the exam schedule

    • Divide time so that all the subjects can be given proper importance

    • Choose the best possible NIMCET 2025 reference books for preparation

    • Practice sample papers of NIMCET 2025 as well as the previous yearโ€™s question paper for assistance

    • Take mock tests regularly to assess the preparation level

    • Follow a healthy diet and exercise daily

    What are the best General English books for NIMCET 2025?

    Candidates can refer to the following reference books as given in the list below for an effective General English preparation for NIMCET 2025.

    • English Grammar & Composition by S C Gupta

    • Advance General English by H S Bhatia

    • Advance General English by Hari Mohan Prasad

    • Objective General English by S P Bakshi/ Arihant Publications

    Can I crack NIMCET 2025 if I am weak in Math?

    Mathematics covers a major part of the NIMCET 2025 exam with some of the topics including Trigonometry, Calculus, Vectors, Algebra, Set Theory, Probability, and Statistics, etc. By referring to the best books to clarify the fundamental concepts and solving the previous year's NIMCET Math papers, mock test series, candidates can qualify the examination with good marks. 

    What are the NIMCET 2025 best books for Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning preparation?

    Some of the books that can be referred to by the candidates for a better guide in Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning for NIMCET 2025 preparation are as follows:

    • Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey

    • All About Reasoning by Anjali A Gupta

    • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R S Agarwal

    Can I crack NIMCET 2025 exam with 2 months of preparation?

    It is seen in most cases that the candidates forget or mess up the concepts when covering the syllabus in a hurry. Hence, it is advisable to prepare well in advance if you wish to score good marks in NIMCET 2025. 

    What are the NIMCET 2025 best books for computer awareness preparation?

    Some of the best computer awareness books that the candidates can refer to in order to succeed in the NIMCET 2025 exam are as follows:

    • Computer Awareness for General Competitive Exams by Saumya Ranjan Behera

    • Computer Fundamentals by Pradeep K Sinha

    • Exam Preparation Books For Lucent's Computer by Lucent Publications

    • Objective Computer Awareness by Arihant Experts

    When can I get the model papers for NIMCET exam?

    You can either download previous question papers or but test papers from the E-commerce platforms or book stores.

    How many model papers can I practice in a day to achieve 400+ marks in NIMCET?

    Candidates should solve at least one model paper in a day to achieve 400+ marks in NIMCET exam.

    How many hours should I study in a day to score 420+ marks in NIMCET?

    A candidate should study at least 5-6 hours in a day to score 420+ in NIMCET exam.

    What is the best way to avoid negative marking in MIMCET exam?

    If you are not sure about answer for any of the questions, it is advisable to skip that question so that you can avoid negative marking in NIMCET exam.

    Which subject should be given more importance for NIMCET preparation?

    Mathematics and Analytical Ability/ Logical Reasoning are the subjects with more weightage in the NIMCET exam. Therefore, it advisable to give more importance to these subjects.

    Is General English section easy in NIMCET exam?

    General English is one of the easiest subjects in NIMCET exam, and the candidates can score more than 70 marks out of 80 in it.

    What is the best way to score 400+ marks in NIMCET?

    Constant preparation and practice of mock tests or model papers will help you achieve 400+ marks in NIMCET exam.

    Can I prepare for NIMCET exam in 30 days?

    Usually, revision of NIMCET can be possible in 30 days, and one cannot learn new topics with 30-day preparation strategy.

    What is the best time to start preparation for NIMCET exam?

    One can start preparing for the NIMCET exam 3-6 months in advance so that the chances of securing the best score are high.

    Is it possible to prepare for NIMCET exam without coaching?

    Candidates can crack the NIMCET exam with self-study and coaching is not mandatory.

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