Engineering Mathematics | Determinants and Matrices | Systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
Calculus | Functions, gradient, divergence, curl, chain rules, partial derivatives, directional derivatives |
Integration | Definite and indefinite integrals, line, surface, and volume integrals, theorems of Stokes, Gauss, and Green |
Differential Equations | Linear, non-linear, first and higher-order ordinary and partial differential equations, separation of variables |
Transforms | Laplace transformation |
Complex Analysis | Analytical functions of complex variables |
Series and Numerical Methods | Fourier series, numerical methods for differentiation and integration |
Probability and Statistics | Probability, statistical analysis |
Applied Mechanics and Structures | Engineering Mechanics | Free-body diagrams, equilibrium, trusses and frames, virtual work, kinematics, dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, impulse and momentum (linear and angular), energy formulations |
Mechanics of Materials | Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poissonโs ratio, Mohrโs circle, shear force and bending moment diagrams, bending and shear stresses, torsion, Eulerโs theory of columns, energy methods, material testing methods |
Vibrations | Free and forced vibration, damped and undamped systems, single and multi-DOF systems |
Machine Design | Design for static and dynamic loading, machine elements (shafts, gears, bearings), joining techniques (bolting, riveting, welding) |
Fluid Mechanics and Marine Hydrodynamics | Fluid Mechanics | Fluid properties, statics, stability of floating bodies, conservation laws (mass, momentum, energy), dimensional analysis, dynamic similarity, Stokeโs integral theorem, Bernoulliโs equation, vortex motion, Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layer theory |
Potential Flow Theory | Sources, sinks, doublets, line vortex, hydrodynamic forces, DโAlembertโs paradox, added-mass, slender-body theory, surface waves, energy transport, wave/body forces |
Viscous Flow | Navier-Stokes equations, Couette flow, Plane Poiseuille flow, boundary layer control, turbulent boundary layer |
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering | Ship Geometry and Physical Fundamentals | Archimedesโ principle, buoyancy, laws of flotation, equilibrium, streamlined hull shape, hydrostatic calculations |
Stability and Trim of Ships | Stability at small and large angles, inclining experiment, center of gravity, free surface effect, curves of statical and dynamical stability, damage stability, floodable length calculations, docking stability |
Resistance and Propulsion | Ship resistance, model testing, propeller theories, hull-propeller interactions, propeller cavitation, design and types of propellers, self-propulsion model tests |
Ship Maneuvering and Motions | Equations of motion, ship path keeping and changing, stability and control in horizontal and vertical planes, rudder hydrodynamics, influence of propeller and hull, hydrodynamic derivatives |
Ship Structures and Strength | Shipbuilding materials, structural and framing systems, primary and secondary structural members, load analysis, hull girder strength, stiffened plate analysis, structural vibrations, fatigue and fracture |
Physical Oceanography | Physical properties of seawater, ocean waves, tides, offshore structures, port and harbour engineering |
Thermodynamics and Marine Engineering | Thermodynamics | First and second laws of thermodynamics, gas power cycles, internal combustion engines, refrigeration, air conditioning principles |
Marine Diesel Engines | Diesel engine principles, scavenging, turbo charging, fuel and lubricating oil systems, cooling systems, starting and reversing systems, MARPOL regulations, EEDI, SEEMP |
Marine Steam Turbines | Types, compounding, construction, lubrication, marine gas turbines, nuclear propulsion |
Marine Boilers | Types of boilers, combustion, feed systems, boiler mounting, feed water treatment |
Engine Dynamics | Torsional and axial shaft vibration, critical speeds, engine rating, engine room arrangement, automation, maintenance, reliability of propulsion plants |
Marine Auxiliary Machinery & Systems | Pumps, piping systems, fuel oil systems, lubricating oil systems, bilge and ballast systems, air compressors, boilers, heat exchangers, waste heat recovery, HVAC, deck machinery, cargo handling systems, propulsion and steering gear systems |