Tips to Crack AP ICET 2025 Mathematical Ability
You will be evaluated on on Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry in the Mathematical Ability section of AP ICET 2025. Below are the most important tips to crack Mathematical Ability section:
Make Your Basics Strong
A clear-cut understanding is of utmost importance when aiming for success in the narration of the Mathematical Ability section. You should give importance to the prime topics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Building a strong foundation using NCERT books (Class 9-12) will be useful before leaping into advanced problems. Strengthen your basics by learning shortcuts for calculations for squares, cubes, percentages. For quick multiplication & division, master Vedic Math techniques.
Practice Regularly
More and more practice of mathematical problems and ample knowledge will enhance speed and accuracy. Thus, try answering questions of varying difficulty levels daily. Books such as R.S. Aggarwal's Quantitative Aptitude and Arihant's AP ICET guide help in covering various problems.
Learn Shortcuts
During the exam, time is the most important factor, so it is best to learn all the shortcut techniques that would help solve problems faster. Books like Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma and Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M. Tyra have great calculative tricks that can save a lot of your time during the exam.
Don't Forget Time Management
Given that the AP ICET is a timed exam, this practice should help you move toward tackling the exam under timed conditions. A full-length, timed mock test with stipulated time limits for all question types will ensure the maximum number of questions attempted within the limited time. It is suggested that you solve the easier questions first and then move on to the medium and difficult ones. While practising, set a time limit of 1-2 min per question and do not spend too much time on a question.
Solve Previous Years' Questions
By practicing previous year AP ICET question papers, you'll get a better sense of the exam's pattern, level of difficulty, and topics that tend to repeat. In addition to this, solving past papers enhances a student's problem-solving ability and confidence before the real examination. Also, solve as many sectional mock tests to improve accuracy, analyze your mistakes & revise the weak areas.
Calculation Speed
Do not become overly reliant on using a calculator just yet. Increase your brain-speed mathematics, solving as many problems on squares, cubes, percentages, and fractions. For quick calculations, learn LCM-HCF tricks and use percentage-to-fraction conversions. Constantly doing this will improve your speed on how to solve the numerical question.
Keep Revising Important Formulas
Mathematical formulas play an important role while solving problems that require speed. You must be well-versed with important formulas on percentage profit & loss, algebra, trigonometry, and geometry, and revise them on a daily basis till it's on your fingertips.