AP ICET Mathematical Ability Syllabus 2025: Important Topics, Preparation Tips, Best Books

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 13 Mar, 2025 16:00

Registration Starts On March 13, 2025

The AP ICET syllabus 2025 will be released officially on the official website by APSCHE along with the AP ICET 2025 notification. However, you can check the detailed syllabus and important topics for each section of the exam right here!

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AP ICET 2025 Mathematical Ability Syllabus Overview

The AP ICET Mathematical Ability syllabus 2025 will test your problem-solving powers, numerical ability, and analytical skills. The syllabus covers topics like Arithmetic Ability, Algebraic & Geometrical Ability, and Statistics Ability. You can prepare yourself for concepts such as the Number System, Profit & Loss, Time & Work, Ratio & Proportion, and Progressions. Fundamental concepts such as Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, and Mensuration must also be firmly in your grasp so you can tackle the more complex problems.

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AP ICET 2025 Mathematical Ability Highlights

The following table provides you with an overview of the Mathematical Ability section in AP ICET 2025:



Total Questions


Total Marks


Topics Asked
  • Arithmetical Ability
  • Statistical Ability
  • Algebraical and Geometrical Ability

Question Type

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Number of Answer Choices4

Marking Scheme

+1 for each correct answer, no negative marking

Exam Duration

150 minutes (for the entire AP ICET exam)

Difficulty Level

Moderate to High

Sectional Time LimitNo

AP ICET 2025 Mathematical Ability Syllabus

Below is the detailed syllabus for the Mathematical Ability section, covering all three subsections:

Arithmetical Ability



Number System

  • Properties of numbers
  • Divisibility rules
  • Factorization
  • Base system
  • Concepts of HCF and LCM
  • Concepts of finding remainders
  • Unit digits and last two digits
  • Factorial based problems

Rational Numbers

  • Properties of Rational Numbers
  • Inequalities & Number Line Problems
  • Fraction & Ratio-Based Calculations
  • Recurring Decimal to Fraction Conversion
  • Decimal Representation of Rational Numbers
  • Simplification & Approximation in DI (Data Interpretation)


  • HCF Prime Factorisation Method
  • HCF Division Method
  • LCM Prime Factorisation Method
  • LCM Division Method
  • Relationship Between HCF & LCM

Ratio & Proportion

  • Simple Ratios
  • Compound Ratios
  • Equivalent Ratios
  • Comparison of Ratios
  • Direct Proportion (a/b = c/d)
  • Inverse Proportion (a ร— b = c ร— d)
  • Continued Proportion (a/b = b/c)
  • Mean Proportion and Third Proportional

Profit, Loss & Discounts

  • Cost price
  • Selling price
  • Marked price
  • Successive discounts
  • Profit and loss percentages

Time, Speed & Distance

  • Average Speed
  • Relative Speed
  • Boats & Streams
  • Trains-based problems (Train crossing stationary objects like poles, platforms, and train crossing moving objects (another train, person)

Boats & Streams

  • Upstream Speed
  • Downstream Speed
  • Speed of stream
  • Speed of boat in still water
  • Effective speed = Boat Speed ยฑ Stream Speed
  • Time taken to travel upstream or downstream

Surds & Indices

  • Simple Surds
  • Compound Surds
  • Binomial Surds
  • Negative and Fractional Exponents
  • Comparison of Exponential Numbers
  • Rationalization of Denominators


  • Conversion Between Fractions & Percentages
  • Percentage Increase & Decrease
  • Percentage to Ratio Conversion
  • Percentage-based calculations in Tables, Graphs & Charts
  • Determining Percentage Change in Data Sets


  • Simple Partnership
  • Compound (Time-Variant) Partnership
  • Partnership with Varying Investments

Pipes and Cisterns

  • Filling Pipes and Emptying Pipes
  • Two Pipes Filling the Tank
  • Tank with Leakage
  • One Pipe Filling & One Pipe Emptying
  • A Pipe is Opened/ Closed After Some Time

Areas and Volumes

  • Areas & Perimeters (Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles & Sectors)
  • Volume & Surface Area (Cube, Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere & Hemisphere)


  • Area of Rectangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Cylinder
  • Volume of Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Prism, Cone
  • Perimeter of Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle

Algebraical and Geometrical Ability


Truth Tables


Converse and Inverse






Trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios, trigonometric ratios of standard angles (0ยฐ, 30ยฐ, 45ยฐ, 60ยฐ, 90ยฐ, 180ยฐ), trigonometric identities, sample problems on heights and distances

Algebra: Polynomials, remainder theorem and consequences, linear equations and expressions, progressions, binomial theorem, matrices, notion of a limit and derivative

Geometry: Plane geometry (lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles), coordinate geometry (distance between points)

Statistical Ability



Frequency distributions

It is the number of observations for each possible value of a variable depicted using graphs and frequency tables. It includes Ungrouped frequency distributions, Grouped frequency distributions, Relative frequency distributions, and Cumulative frequency distributions.


It is the average value of a dataset. It includes Geometric Mean, Arithmetic Mean, Ungrouped Data, and Grouped Data.


It is the middle value when data is arranged in ascending or descending order obtained by dividing the dataset into two halves, with 50% of the data points having values less than or equal to the median, and 50% having values greater than or equal to it.


It is the data point that comes the most frequently among a group of data members. The different categories of mode are Unimodal, Bimodal, Trimodal, and Multimodal.

Standard Deviation

It measures the spread or variability of a dataset around its mean. A higher value indicates greater dispersion and a lower value indicates data points clustered closely. It can be used in Data Analysis, comparing data sets, Probability and Distributions, and Decision Making.


It is a measure of the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables that include Positive Correlation, Negative Correlation, and no correlation.


  • Data Visualization
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Conditional Probability: Dependent and Independent Events
  • Bayes' Theorem: Understanding and applying Bayes' Theorem
  • Probability Distributions: Binomial, Normal, Poisson, etc.

Tips to Crack AP ICET 2025 Mathematical Ability

You will be evaluated on on Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry in the Mathematical Ability section of AP ICET 2025. Below are the most important tips to crack Mathematical Ability section:

  1. Make Your Basics Strong

A clear-cut understanding is of utmost importance when aiming for success in the narration of the Mathematical Ability section. You should give importance to the prime topics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Building a strong foundation using NCERT books (Class 9-12) will be useful before leaping into advanced problems. Strengthen your basics by learning shortcuts for calculations for squares, cubes, percentages. For quick multiplication & division, master Vedic Math techniques.

  1. Practice Regularly

More and more practice of mathematical problems and ample knowledge will enhance speed and accuracy. Thus, try answering questions of varying difficulty levels daily. Books such as R.S. Aggarwal's Quantitative Aptitude and Arihant's AP ICET guide help in covering various problems.

  1. Learn Shortcuts

During the exam, time is the most important factor, so it is best to learn all the shortcut techniques that would help solve problems faster. Books like Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma and Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M. Tyra have great calculative tricks that can save a lot of your time during the exam.

  1. Don't Forget Time Management

Given that the AP ICET is a timed exam, this practice should help you move toward tackling the exam under timed conditions. A full-length, timed mock test with stipulated time limits for all question types will ensure the maximum number of questions attempted within the limited time. It is suggested that you solve the easier questions first and then move on to the medium and difficult ones. While practising, set a time limit  of 1-2 min per question and do not spend too much time on a question.

  1. Solve Previous Years' Questions

By practicing previous year AP ICET question papers, you'll get a better sense of the exam's pattern, level of difficulty, and topics that tend to repeat. In addition to this, solving past papers enhances a student's problem-solving ability and confidence before the real examination. Also, solve as many sectional mock tests to improve accuracy, analyze your mistakes & revise the weak areas.

  1. Calculation Speed

Do not become overly reliant on using a calculator just yet. Increase your brain-speed mathematics, solving as many problems on squares, cubes, percentages, and fractions. For quick calculations, learn LCM-HCF tricks and use percentage-to-fraction conversions. Constantly doing this will improve your speed on how to solve the numerical question.

  1. Keep Revising Important Formulas

Mathematical formulas play an important role while solving problems that require speed. You must be well-versed with important formulas on percentage profit & loss, algebra, trigonometry, and geometry, and revise them on a daily basis till it's on your fingertips.

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Best Books to Prepare for AP ICET 2025 Mathematical Ability

Given below are the names of some of the best books for the Mathematical Ability section, covering all Mathematical Ability sections of the exam:

Name of the Book


Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT

Sarvesh K. Sharma

Objective Mathematical

R.D. Sharma

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

R.S. Aggarwal

Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT

Sarvesh K. Sharma

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination

Tyagi R.K.

Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency


Fast Track Objective Arithmetic

Rajesh Verma

Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation

Disha Publications

AP ICET Study Guide 2025

Arihant Experts

Mathematics for MBA Entrance Exams

Abhijit Guha
Magical Book on Quicker Maths

M. Tyra

NCERT Mathematics Books (Class 9-12)


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FAQs about AP ICET Syllabus

How can I manage time effectively while solving AP ICET mathematical problems?

To manage time efficiently while solving AP ICET mathematical problems, focus on solving easier questions first before attempting complex ones. Practice time-bound mock tests to develop a strategy for handling different question types. Learning shortcut techniques for calculations and avoiding unnecessary steps while solving problems will also help save time.

How important is the Mathematical Ability section in AP ICET?

The Mathematical Ability section is a crucial part of the AP ICET exam, as it tests your numerical and analytical skills. A strong performance in this section significantly boosts overall scores, making it important for securing admission to top MBA and MCA colleges in Andhra Pradesh.

Which books are the best for preparing for the AP ICET Mathematical Ability section?

Some of the best books for preparing for the AP ICET Mathematical Ability section include Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal, Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma, and Arihantโ€™s AP ICET guide. These books provide a mix of conceptual explanations, practice questions, and shortcut techniques that can help improve problem-solving skills.

How can I improve my speed in solving AP ICET mathematical problems?

Improving speed in solving AP ICET mathematical problems requires regular practice, mental math techniques, and learning shortcut methods for calculations. Solving previous years' papers and taking mock tests under timed conditions will help increase efficiency. Additionally, memorizing formulas and practicing quick calculation techniques can significantly reduce time spent on each question.

What are the key topics covered in the AP ICET Mathematical Ability section?

The AP ICET Mathematical Ability section covers Arithmetic (percentages, ratio & proportion, profit & loss, time & work), Algebra & Geometry (equations, progressions, trigonometry, coordinate geometry), and Statistics (mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and probability). A strong grasp of these topics is essential for scoring well.

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