AP ICET Question Paper 2022 Analysis
According to student feedback, the AP ICET 2022 question paper was rated as average in difficulty level. Here is a AP ICET paper analysis of the various sections as narrated by students:
AP ICET Exam Analysis 2022 (For Shift 1)
Candidates can find the exam analysis for AP ICET Session 1 in the table mentioned below.
AP ICET Exam Analysis 2022 (For Shift 2)
Candidates can find the exam analysis for AP ICET Session 2 below.
Analytical Ability
Most of the students found this section to be moderately difficult. It contained two parts: Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency. The Problem-Solving questions seemed relatively difficult because they involved complex calculations with many steps and took considerable time. Data Sufficiency questions were somewhat easier and simply tested a student's understanding of basic concepts and required less time in solving. In general, though, this section was about applying thinking skills under pressure and students commented that time management became very important. Many students could not finish this section in the given time, indicating a need for practice and strategizing which questions to pick.
Mathematical Ability
This section was considered moderate in difficulty. Among the topics included were Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Probability, and Statistics. In this section, a lot of formula-based questions were very straightforward, thus making them fairly doable for students who had a good background in mathematics and its formulas. There were some questions, though, that were challenging because they involved a deeper understanding of concepts and lengthy calculations. In general, mathematically inclined students were able to handle these problems with relative ease, whereas some others found it hard to cope with the questions.
Communication Ability
This part was relatively found to be the easiest, with an easy-to-moderate difficulty level. This part was further subdivided into Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary and Grammar were very direct and scoring, while Reading Comprehension passages were found to be manageable, requiring attention and time. Some students found the passages quite lengthy but pointed out that this section could be managed quite well with ample preparation. Those who had a command of the English language found it easier to score good marks when compared to others.