GATE Sample Questions based on Last 6 Years
Attempt the following GATE sample questions during your exam preparation for better practice. These GATE sample questions have been taken from the official GATE papers of the last 6 years.
Q1- In a B+ tree, the requirement of at least half-full (50%) node occupancy is relaxed for which one of the following cases?
(A) Only the root node
(B) All leaf nodes
(C) All internal nodes
(D) Only the leftmost leaf node
Q2- A vertical smooth rigid retaining wall is supporting horizontal ground with dry cohesionless backfill having a friction angle of 30ยฐ. The inclinations of failure planes with respect to the major principal plane for Rankine's active and passive earth pressure conditions, respectively, are
(A) 30ยฐ and 30ยฐ
(B) 60ยฐ and 60ยฐ
(C) 30ยฐ and 60ยฐ
(D) 60ยฐ and 30ยฐ
Q3- Consider the incompressible laminar flow of a constant property Newtonian fluid in an isothermal circular tube. The flow is steady with fully developed temperature and velocity profiles. The Nusselt number for this flow depends on
(A) neither the Reynolds number nor the Prandtl number
(B) both the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers
(C) the Reynolds number but not the Prandtl number
(D) the Prandtl number but not the Reynolds number
Q4- The James Webb telescope, recently launched in space, is giving humankind unprecedented access to the depths of time by imaging very old stars formed almost 13 billion years ago. Astrophysicists and cosmologists believe that this odyssey in space may even shed light on the existence of dark matter. Dark matter is supposed to interact only via the gravitational interaction and not through the electromagnetic-, the weak- or the strong-interaction. This may justify the epithet "dark" in dark matter.
Based on the above paragraph, which one of the following statements is FALSE?
(A) No other telescope has captured images of stars older than those captured by the James Webb telescope.
(B) People other than astrophysicists and cosmologists may also believe in the existence of dark matter.
(C) The James Webb telescope could be of use in the research on dark matter.
(D) If dark matter was known to interact via the strong-interaction, then the epithet "dark" would be justified.
Q5- The maximum parsimony method is used to construct a phylogenetic tree for s set of sequences. Which one of the following statements about the method is CORRECT?
(A) It predicts the tree that minimizes the steps required to generate the observed Variations
(B) It predicts the tree that maximizes the steps required to generate the observed variations
(C) It predicts the tree with the least number of branch points
(D) It employs probability calculations to identify the tree
Q6- Which of the following is NOT a necessary condition for a process under closed-loop control to be stable?
(A) Dead-time term(s) must be absent in the open-loop transfer function
(B) The roots of the characteristic equation must have a negative real part
(C) All the elements in the left (first) column of the Routh array must have the same sign
(D) Open-loop transfer function must have an amplitude ratio less than 1 at the critical frequency
Q7- A source transmits symbols from an alphabet of size 16. The value of the maximum achievable entropy (in bits) is
Q8- In a two-dimensional potential flow, the doublet is a limit of the superposition of
(A) uniform stream and a source
(B) a source and a sink of equal strength
(C) a uniform stream and a sink
(D) a source and a vortex