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AP Intermediate Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25:
The Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) will share the AP Intermediate Economics Exam Pattern for the academic session 2024-25 on its website at bieap.apcfss.in. As per the last year's AP Inter 2nd year Economics exam pattern, there will be 100-mark paper, and the exam will be conducted for 3 hours. There will be no practical exam in the AP intermediate Economics subject. The theory paper will have 30 marks long answer-type, 40 marks short answer-type, and 30 marks very short answer-type questions. The marks division of the AP Intermediate exam is different for different subjects. The subjects like English, History, Civics, Economics, Commerce, and Sociology, and optional language subjects such as Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, Sanskrit, and Kannada will carry 100 marks. Students appearing for the forthcoming BIEAP Intermediate exams 2025 are advised to go through the
AP Intermediate Economics syllabus 2024-25
as well.
The AP Intermediate Economics syllabus 2024-25 includes 10 chapters which are further divided into sub topics. Chapter 4, Agricultural Sector, with 26 marks, carries the maximum weightage in the BIEAP Inter 2nd year exam 2025. This is followed by Chapter 7, Planning and Economic Reforms, with 22 marks. Apart from these, the Industrial Sector, National Income, Environment and sustainable economic development carry the third highest marks weightage. Apart from this, the AP Intermediate Economics paper will have MCQs, Very short, Short, and Long answer questions. The
AP Intermediate time table 2025
will be released in December 2024. AP Intermediate exam 2025 will be held in March 2025. Read further to learn more about AP Intermediate Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25.
Also read:
AP Intermediate Economics Model Paper 2024-25
AP Intermediate Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25
Students must obtain a minimum of 35% in each subject to pass the BIEAP intermediate exam 2025. The mark distribution for each unit has been provided below to give you an idea of the topics and chapters with the highest weight. Check out the AP Intermediate Economics Blueprint 2024-25 here.
S. No. | Units | Essay (10 marks) | S.A (5 marks) | V.S.A (2 marks) | Total marks |
1 | Economic Growth and Development | 10 | - | 2 | 12 |
2 | Population and Human Resources Development | - | 5 | 2+2+2= 6 | 11 |
3 | National Income | 10 | 5 | 2 | 17 |
4 | Agriculture Sector | 10 | 5+5 = 10 | 2+2+2= 6 | 26 |
5 | Industrial Sector | 10 | 5 | 2 | 17 |
6 | Tertiary Sector | - | 5 | 2+2 = 4 | 9 |
7 | Planning And Economic Reforms | 10 | 5+5 = 10 | 2 | 22 |
8 | Environment and Sustainable Economic Development | - | 5+5 = 10 | 2+2+2+2 = 8 | 18 |
9 | Economy Of Andhra Pradesh | - | 5 | 2+2 = 4 | 9 |
10 | Economic Statistics | - | 5 | 2+2 = 4 | 9 |
Total | 50 | 60 | 40 | 150 |
Also read: AP Intermediate previous year question papers
AP Intermediate Economics Syllabus 2024-25
The chapter wise BIEAP inter 2nd year Economics Syllabus 2024-25 is tabulated below:
Chapters | Topics |
Chapter 1: Economic Growth and Development |
1.0. Introduction
1.1. Economic growth 1.2. Economic Development 1.3. Differences Between Economic Growth and Development 1.4. Classification of the World Countries 1.5. Indicators of Economic development 1.6. Determinants of Economic Development 1.7. Characteristic features of Developer Countries 1.8. Characteristic features of Developing countries with special reference to India |
Chapter 2: Population and Human Resources Development |
2.0. Introduction
2.1. Theory of Demographic Transition 2.2. World Population 2.3. Causes of rapid Growth of population in India 2.4. Occupational distribution of population of India 2.5. Meaning of Human Resources Development 2.6. Role of Education and Health in Economic Development 2.7. Human Development Index (HDI) |
Chapter 3: National Income |
3.0. Introduction
3.1. Trends in the growth of India's National Income 3.2. Trends in distribution of national income by industry Origin 3.3. Share of Public Sector and Private Sector in Gross Domestic product 3.4. Share of Organised and Un-organised Sector in Net Domestic product 3.5. Income Inequalities 3.6. Causes of Income Inequalities 3.7. Measures to control income inequalities 3.8. Unemployment of India 3.9. Poverty 3.10. Micro Finance- Eradication of Poverty |
Chapter 4: Agriculture Sector |
4.0. Introduction
4.1. Importance of agriculture in India 4.2. Features of Indian agriculture 4.3. Agriculture Labour in India 4.4. Land Utilization pattern in India 4.5. Cropping pattern in India 4.6. Organic Farming 4.7. Irrigation facilities in India 4.8. Productivity of agriculture 4.9. Land holdings in India 4.10. Land reforms in India 4.11. Green Revolution in India 4.12. Rural credit in India 4.13. Rural Indebtedness in India 4.14. Agricultural Marketing |
Chapter 5: Industrial Sector |
5.0 Introduction
5.1. Significance of the Indian Industrial Sector in Post- Reform Period 5.2 Industrial Policy Resolution 1948 5.3. Industrial Policy Resolution 1956 5.4. Industrial Policy Resolution 1991 5.5. National Manufacturing Policy 5.6. Disinvestment 5.7. National Investment Fund (NIF) 5.8. Foreign Direct Investment 5.9. Special Economic Zones(SEZs) 5.10. Causes of industrial backwardness in India 5.11. Small Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) 5.12. Industrial Estates 5.13. Industrial Finance in India 5.14. The Industrial Development under the Five Year Plans in India |
Chapter 6: Tertiary Sector |
6.0 Introduction
6.1. Importance of Services Sector 6.2. India's Services Sector 6.3. State-wise Comparison of Services 6.4. Infrastructure Development 6.5 Tourism 6.6. Banking and Insurance 6.7 Communication 6.8. Science and Technology 6.9 Software Industry in India |
Chapter 7: Planning And Economic Reforms |
7.1 Meaning of Planning
7.2. NITI Aayog 7.3. Five Year Plans in India 7.4. XII Five Year Plan 7.5 Regional Imbalances 7.6. Role of Trade in Economic Development 7.7. Economic Reforms in India 7.8. GATT 7.9. WTO |
Chapter 8: Environment and Sustainable Economic Development |
8.1 Environment
8.2. Economic Development 8.3 Environment and Economic Linkages 8.4 Harmony between Environment & Economy |
Chapter 9: Economy Of Andhra Pradesh |
9.1 History of Andhra Pradesh
9.2 Characteristic features of A.P.Economy 9.3 Demographic features 9.4 Occupational distribution of labour 9.5 Health Sector 9.6 Education 9.7 Environment 9.8 Agricultural Sector 9.10 Industrial Sector 9.11 Service and Infrastructure sector 9.12 Information and Technology 9.13 Tourism Andhra Pradesh and Welfare Programmes/Schemes |
Chapter 10: Economic Statistics |
10.1 Measures of Dispersion
10.2 Definitions of Dispersion 10.3 Importance of Measuring Variation 10.4 Properties of a good measure of variation 10.5 Methods of studying variation 10.6 Measures of Dispersion for average 10.7 Lorenz Curve 10.8 Correlation 10.9 Index Numbers 10. 10 Weighted Aggregation Method |
Also read: AP Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25 for all Subjects
AP Intermediate Economics Question Paper Pattern 2024-25
AP Intermediate Economics Question Paper will carry a total of 100 marks, including very short answer, short answer, and long answer questions. The very short answer type questions will carry 2 marks, short answer type questions will carry 4 marks, whereas long answer type questions will be worth 10 marks each. The question paper pattern of AP Intermediate Economics is as follows:Sections | Type of Questions | No. of Questions | Marks |
A | Long answer type questions | Any 3 out of 5 questions | 10 x 3 = 30 |
B | Short answer type questions | Any 8 out of 12 questions | 5 x 8 = 40 |
C | Very short answer type questions | Any 15 out of 20 questions | 2 x 15 = 30 |
Students must analyze the AP inter 2nd year exam pattern and syllabus. This will help them to prepare well and score better marks in AP Intermediate Result 2025 .
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