ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Released: Download Latest and Revised ICSE Class 10th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Shipra Sharma

Updated On: November 26, 2024 11:26 AM

ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25 is provided by the board online. The syllabus is available in the PDF format. Students can go through the article and check the latest syllabus. They can also download the syllabus from the links provided in the article.

ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25

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ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25 Overview

ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25 has been released by CISCE on its official website-cisce.org. The board has not deducted any chapter from the syllabus. The latest syllabus is provided to students here. The syllabus includes the list of topics included in the syllabus for each subject. Going through the topics, students can make a study plan. They can prepare a schedule and follow it to complete the syllabus. In addition, they can also check the ICSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25 and get knowledge of the topics that carry the highest marks.

Students must note that there are 3 groups of subjects in class 10. The subjects mentioned in the group 1 are compulsory whereas the students can opt from the list of subjects mentioned in group 2 and 3. Students can download ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25 are per the subjects opted by them. Students appearing for ICSE class 10 board exams are advised to read the full article in order to have detailed information about the changes made in the new syllabus issued by CISCE.

    Latest Updates
    November 26, 2025: ICSE board has released the exam dates for class 10th. The exams are to be conducted from February 18 to March 27, 2025. Students can check the detailed ICSE 10th Timetable 2025 here.

    ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25: All Subjects

    Students can download the syllabus for the session 2024-25 from the links provided here for their respective subjects. Students are advised to prepare according to the revised syllabus for ICSE class 10 board exams. Download links for all the subjects for class 10 have been provided in the table below:



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    Appendix I - List of Prescribed Books

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    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for English

    The English exam Consists of two papers namely, English Language & Literature. ICSE Class 10 English Literature ICSE reduced syllabus for class 10 and English Grammar is given below -

    Paper 1- English Language

    In paper 1, 5 types of questions will be asked-

    1. 300-350 words paragraph to evaluate punctuation, syntax, the correctness of grammar, and spelling.
    2. Write an informal letter with an address, introduction, conclusion, etc.
    3. Write an e-mail or short notice based on the provided information.
    4. Unseen passage- Students have to answer the asked questions by reading the provided passage.
    5. Short answer type questions to evaluate candidates' knowledge of functional grammar, structure, and English usage.

    Paper 2- Literature in English

    In this section, questions will be asked from three prescribed textbooks-

    1. The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare’s unabridged play by A.W. Verity)

    TREASURE TROVE - A collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories (Evergreen Publications)

    2. POETRY: All poems are to be studied.

    (i) I know why the Caged Bird Sings – Maya Angelou
    (ii) The Patriot – Robert Browning
    (iii) Abu Ben Adhem – Leigh Hunt
    (iv) Nine Gold Medals – David Roth
    (v) Daffodils - William Wordsworth

    3. PROSE (short stories): All short stories are to be studied.

    (i) The Little Match Girl – Hans Christian Andersen
    (ii) The Blue Bead – Norah Burke
    (iii) My Greatest Olympic Prize – Jesse Owens
    (iv) All Summer in a Day – Ray Douglas Bradbury
    (v) An Angel in Disguise - T.S. Arthur

    ICSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment (Paper I - English Language)

    There will be two assessments that students have to appear for in the course of the year. The total marks that students will obtain out of 20 are to be sent by the Head of the School to the CISCE.
    Particulars Marks
    Listening Skills: 10 marks
    Speaking Skills: 10 marks
    Total 20 marks

    ICSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment (Paper II - English Literature)

    Students will have to undergo two or three assignments of reasonable length (not exceeding 1500 words in total).
    Particulars Marks
    Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
    External Examiner 10 marks
    Total 20 marks

    Also check: ICSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2024-25

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics

    Given below is the detailed syllabus for ICSE Class 10 Mathematics subject:


    Important topics

    Commercial Mathematics

    Goods and Services Tax, Banking


    Linear Inequations, Quadratic Equations in one variable, Ratio and Proportion, Factorisation of polynomials, Matrices, Arithmetic Progression, Co-ordinate Geometry


    Similarity, Circles, Angle Properties, Cyclic Properties, Tangent, and Secant Properties, Constructions


    Area and volume of Cylinder, Cone, and Sphere


    Heights and distances, solve/prove simple algebraic trigonometric expressions


    Mean, Median, Mode. Histograms and Ogive


    Random experiments, Sample space, Events, Definition of probability, Simple problems on single events

    ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment

    Two assignments will be there as prescribed by the teacher. The marks evaluation of ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment is tabulated below:
    Particulars Marks
    Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
    External Examiner 10 marks
    Total 20 marks

    Also check: ICSE Class 10 Math Syllabus 2024-25

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Biology

    Given below is the detailed syllabus for ICSE Class 10 Biology subject:


    Important topics

    Basic Biology

    Cell Cycle and Cell Division, Structure of chromosome, Genetics

    Plant Physiology

    Absorption by Roots, Imbibition, diffusion and osmosis, Transpiration, Photosynthesis, and Chemical coordination in Plants

    Human Anatomy and Physiology

    Circulatory System, Excretory System, Nervous system, Endocrine System, Reproductive System

    Population Explosion in India, Need for adopting controlling measures
    Pollution Types and sources of Pollution, Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, Effects of pollution

    ICSE Class 10 Biology Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment

    The practical work in Biology is set to test the students' ability to make an accurate observation from specimens of plants and animals.
    Particulars Marks
    Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
    External Examiner 10 marks
    Total 20 marks

    Also check: ICSE Class 10 Science Syllabus 2024-25

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Physics

    Given below is the detailed syllabus for ICSE class 10 physics subject:


    Important topics

    Force, Work, Power, and Energy

    Turning forces concept, Gravity, Uniform circular motion, Work, energy, power and their relation, Different types of energy, Machines as force multipliers, Principle of Conservation of energy


    Refraction of light, Total internal reflection, critical angle, Lenses, Electromagnetic spectrum.


    Reflection of Sound Waves, vibrations and Resonance, Loudness, pitch and quality of sound

    Electricity and Magnetism

    Ohm’s Law, Electrical power and energy, Household circuits, Magnetic effect of a current


    Calorimetry, Latent heat; loss and gain of heat

    Modern Physics

    Radioactivity and changes in the nucleus, Radiation, Nuclear Energy

    ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment

    The marking scheme of the ICSE class 10 Physics internal assessment is tabulated below:
    Particulars Marks
    Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
    External Examiner 10 marks
    Total 20 marks

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Chemistry

    Given below is the detailed syllabus for ICSE class 10 Chemistry subject:


    Important topics

    Periodic Properties and variations

    Periodicity on the basis of atomic number, Periodic properties, and their variations in groups and periods

    Chemical Bonding

    Electrovalent Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Coordinate Bonding

    Study of Acids, Bases, and Salts

    Molecules and their characteristic properties, Ions present in mineral acids, alkalis, and salts, Definition of salt, types of salts, Action of dilute acids

    Analytical Chemistry

    The action of Ammonium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydroxide on the solution of salts, the Action of alkalis on certain metals

    Mole Concept and Stoichiometry

    Vapour Density and its relation to relative molecular mass, Deduction of simple and molecular formulas from


    Electrolytes and non-electrolytes, Substances containing molecules only, ions only, both molecules and ions, Definition and explanation of electrolysis, electrolyte, electrode, anode, cathode, anion, cation, oxidation and reduction, An elementary study of the migration of ions, Applications of electrolysis:


    The occurrence of metals, Extraction of Aluminium, ) Alloys – composition and uses

    Study of Compounds

    Hydrogen Chloride, Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Sulphuric Acid

    Organic Chemistry

    Introduction, Structure and Isomerism, Homologous series, Simple nomenclature, Hydrocarbons,

    ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment

    The practical work of ICSE 10th Chemistry exam 2024-25 is provided below:
    Particulars Marks
    Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
    External Examiner 10 marks
    Total 20 marks

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Geography

    Given below is the detailed syllabus for ICSE class 10 Geography subject:


    Important Topics

    Map Work

    Interpretation of Topographical Maps, Map of India,

    Location, Extent, and Physical features

    Position and Extent of India, The physical features of India


    Distribution of Temperature, Rainfall, winds, and factors affecting the climate, Monsoon

    Soil Resources

    Types of soil, Soil Erosion

    Natural Vegetation

    Importance of forests, Types of vegetation, Forest conservation

    Water Resources

    Sources, Rainwater harvesting, Irrigation

    Mineral and Energy Resources

    Conventional Sources, Iron ore, Manganese, Copper, Bauxite, Non-conventional Sources


    Indian Agriculture, Agricultural seasons, Climatic conditions, soil requirements, methods of cultivation

    Manufacturing Industries

    Agro-based Industry, Mineral-based Industry


    Importance and Modes, Airways and Waterways

    Waste Management

    Impact of waste accumulation, Need for waste management, Methods of safe disposal, Need and methods for reducing, reusing and recycling waste

    ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus 2024-25 for Internal Assessment

    The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner will evaluate the assignments of History, Civics, and Geography independently.
    Particulars Marks
    Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
    External Examiner 10 marks
    Total 20 marks

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Civics

    Given below is the detailed syllabus for ICSE class 10 Civics subject:


    Important topics

    The Union Legislature

    Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Powers and functions of Union Parliament

    The Union Executive

    The President, Prime Minister, and Council of Ministers

    The Judiciary

    The Supreme Court, High Courts, Subordinate Courts

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 History

    Given below is the detailed syllabus for ICSE class 10 History subject:


    Important topics

    The Indian National Movement (1857 – 1917)

    The First War of Independence, Factors leading to the growth of Nationalism, First Phase of the Indian National Movement (1885-1907)

    Mass Phase of the National Movement (1915-1947)

    Mahatma Gandhi, Forward Bloc, Independence and Partition of India

    The Contemporary World

    The First World War, The Second World War, United Nations, Non-Aligned Movement

    Also read: ICSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25: List of Subjects

    The subjects in ICSE 10th syllabus 2024-25 is bufircated into 3 groups. The list of subjects catagorised under the three groups are as follows:
    Group I (Compulsory)

    S.No. Subject Theory Exam Marks Internal Examination Marks
    1. English 80% 20%
    2. A Second Language (one/two) 80% 20%
    3. History, Civics
    and Geography
    History, Civics
    and Geography (Thailand)
    80% 20%

    Group II: (Any two/three of the following subjects)

    S.No. Subject Theory Exam Marks Internal Examination Marks
    4. Mathematics 80% 20%
    5. Science
    (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
    80% 20%
    6. Economics 80% 20%
    7. Commercial Studies 80% 20%
    8. A Modern Foreign Language 80% 20%
    9. A Classical Language 80% 20%
    10. Environmental Science 80% 20%

    Group III: (Any one/two of the following subjects)
    From group III, students can choose one subject either from Section A or Section B OR Two subjects, one from Section A and one from Section B.

    Section A
    S.No. Subject Theory Exam Marks Internal Examination Marks
    11. Computer Applications 50% 50%
    12. Economic Applications 50% 50%
    13. Commercial Applications 50% 50%
    14. Art 50% 50%
    15. Performing Arts 50% 50%
    16. Home Science 50% 50%
    17. Cookery 50% 50%
    18. Fashion Designing 50% 50%
    19. Physical Education 50% 50%
    20. Yoga 50% 50%
    21. Technical Drawing Applications 50% 50%
    22. Environmental Applications 50% 50%
    23. A Modern Foreign Language 50% 50%
    24. Mass Media & Communication 50% 50%
    25. Hospitality Management 50% 50%
    26. Robotics & Artificial Intelligence 50% 50%
    Section B
    27. Assistant Beauty Therapist 50% 50%
    28. Assistant Hair Stylist 50% 50%
    29. Basic Data Entry Operator 50% 50%
    30. Dietetic Aide 50% 50%
    31. Cashier 50% 50%
    32. Early Years Physical Activity Facilitator 50% 50%
    33. Auto Service Technician 50% 50%

    ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 - Exam Pattern

    Given below is the detailed ICSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25. Along with that students are also advised to download and solve ICSE Class 10 Previous Year Question Paper and ICSE Class 10 Sample Paper to boost the level of their preparation.


    Marks distribution

    Subjects under each group

    Group I

    80% marks external exam + 20% marks internal exam

    • History, Civics, Geography
    • English
    • Second Language (one/two)

    Group II

    80% marks external exam + 20% marks internal exam

    • Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
    • Mathematics
    • Commercial Studies
    • Economics
    • Environmental Science
    • A Classical Language
    • A Modern Foreign Language

    Group III

    50% marks external exam + 50 % marks internal exam

    • Arts
    • Performing Arts
    • Computer Applications
    • Economic Applications
    • Commercial Applications
    • Fashion Designing
    • Physical Education
    • Yoga
    • Cookery
    • Home Science and more

    Benefits of Knowing ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25

    Knowing the syllabus in advance helps students to prepare for the board exams. There are various benefits of knowing the syllabus in advance. Let us take a look at them.

    • Studying through the updated syllabus helps students to study the latest topics that are added in the syllabus. Accordingly, students can prepare for the board exams. This makes it possible for students to answer all questions.
    • Following the updated syllabus helps students to prepare for the examinations. The syllabus helps students to answer the questions of all types.
    • Covering up the syllabus helps students to gather knowledge of a variety of topics. Combining the knowledge of all topics helps students to update their knowledge and perform their best in the board exam.
    • While preparing the syllabus, students can get the latest information, theories, and research for more topics. This provides them with the knowledge of latest developments in the subject.
    • Students can focus on the key points and also get an idea about the structure of the questions in the exam.

    How to Download ICSE Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25?

    In order to download the syllabus for ICSE 10th Board 2025 exams, students must follow the below-mentioned steps:

    icse 10th syllabus
    • Step 1: Visit the official website: cisce.org.
    • Step 2: On the Home Page find the link, ‘Examination’.
    • Step 3: Select ICSE 10th class option there.
    • Step 4: A new window will open. Click on, ‘Regulations and Syllabuses' option.
    • Step 5: Choose the subject of whose syllabus you want to download.
    • Step 6: Save the syllabus and take the printout of the syllabus.

    ICSE Class 10 Preparation Tips

    Students should review the following ICSE 10th preparation tips to perform well on the coming exams:

    • Make a schedule : Following a set schedule, one can strategically optimize their time and proceed accordingly.

    • Completing the syllabus ahead of schedule: It will help students feel more confident. It is recommended to do this at least 1.5 months ahead of schedule. It helps in keeping them composed throughout examinations. Additionally, it provides ample time for effective revision using mock tests and sample papers.

    • Practice sample papers: Anyone who wants to get the best possible score understands how important it is to complete the ICSE sample papers and question papers from previous years. Students who practice them will be better able to answer the entire paper within the allotted time, understand the marking scheme, and know the kind of questions that will be asked on the examination.

    • Make notes: While studying, make notes of all the important notes and formulas. These can be referred to before exam day.

    To get the latest syllabus of Class 10 subjects, students can keep visiting the page. They can download the syllabus for all subjects from here and prepare for the board exams.


    What should be the strategy to complete the ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2025?

    The students should focus on completing all the chapters included in the ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2025. They can plan a schedule and follow it to ensure all chapters are completed before the exams.

    What is the marks distribution for social science subject in ICSE class 10 exam?

    Marks distribution for class 10 for the subject social science is as follows: 80% marks external exam + 20% marks internal exam.

    Where can I download ICSE class 10 syllabus for the session 2024-25?

    Students can download the syllabus for class 10 ICSE board on the official site of CISCE- cisce.org.

    What are the passing marks for ICSE class 10 exams?

    The passing marks for class 10 ICSE board are 33 percent in each subject. 

    How to prepare for ICSE class 10 board exams?

    In order to prepare for ICSE class 10 board exams, students must firstly download the revised syllabus for ICSE class 10 and make a list of all  the important topics and then prepare accordingly.


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