Karnataka 2nd PUC Syllabus 2024-25 Released : Download Latest and Revised Karnataka 2nd PUC Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise


Updated On: December 03, 2024 12:23 PM

Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25 for all the subjects of Science, Commerce, and Arts stream is available here. Students can check the Karnataka 2nd PUC Syllabus in detail and make a study plan. Read the article in detail to know the topics included in different subjects. 

Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25

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Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25 Overview

Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25: The Karnataka Department of Pre-University Education has released the Karnataka Board 1st and 2nd PUC Syllabus 2024-25 for students online. The students can go through the updated syllabus and check the names of topics included in each of the subjects. Students can divide the syllabus into smaller units and prepare for the board exams. The syllabus also includes marks distribution. Students can check the marks weightage and prepare the topics accordingly. To prepare well for the board exams, students can also go through the Karnataka Board Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25 , grading system, and marking scheme.

Once the Karnataka 2nd PUC syllabus is completed, students can solve the Karnataka 2nd PUC Question papers . This will help them to test their knowledge of the topics and prepare a strategy to score high marks in the Karnataka PUC exams. From the article below, students can check the syllabus for 1st PUC and 2nd PUC.

Latest Updates:

  • Dec 03, 2024: The Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka released the tentative Karnataka 2nd PUC time table 2024 on the official website- kseab.karnataka.gov.in. Karnataka 2nd PUC Exam 2024 will be held from March 1 to March 19, 2025.

Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25 – PUC Board 1st & 2nd Curriculum

Every academic year, the Directorate of Government Education, KSEEB, organizes the Karnataka PUC exam for 1st and 2nd PUC students. Students who pass the Karnataka PUC test go to the next level.

Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25 – Highlights

Name of the Exam Karnataka PUC Examination
Conducting Body Karnataka State Board of PUC Education
Frequency of Examination Once in an Academic year
Exam Mode Offline
Duration of Exam 3 Hours
Question Paper Marks 100 marks (Theory marks + Internal Assessments)
Negative Marking No Negative Marking
Official Website pue.kar.nic.in

Karnataka 2nd PUC Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25

Following is the list of topics covered in the Karnataka 2nd PUC Mathematics syllabus 2024-25 . It is suggested that students download and take a print of the syllabus. There are 15 units in all, and some of the topics include Matrices and Determinants, Permutations and Combinations, Probability, Binomial Theorem, Partial Fractions, etc. Find the detailed PUC subjects in Karnataka syllabus below.
Units Important Topics
Relations and Functions Types of relations: universal and equivalence relations, transitive, empty, reflexive, etc.
Inverse Trigonometric Functions Types of functions: the inverse of a function composite functions, One to one functions, Binary operations, etc.
Algebra Matrices Concept, Types of matrices, Algebra of matrices, Symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices
Calculus Continuity and Differentiability, Applications of Derivatives, Integrals, Applications of the Integrals, Differential Equations, etc.
Vectors and Three-dimensional Geometry Direction cosines/ratios of vectors, types of vectors, parallel and collinear vectors, etc.
Linear Programming L.P.P. introduction, mathematical formulation-mathematical formulation of L.P.P., and so on.
Probability Conditional probability, Baye's theorem, Bernoulli trials and Binomial distribution, Bernoulli trial definition, and so on.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Biology Syllabus 2024-25

Students can check the names of chapters and the topics included in them from the table below. Go through the table to prepare for the board exams.
Chapters Topics
The Living World
  • Diversity in the living world, Binomial nomenclature, taxonomic categories
  • Taxonomic aids
Biological Classification
  • The two-kingdom and five-kingdom classifications, as well as the distinguishing characteristics of the kingdoms Monera, Archaebacteria, and Eubacteria, are discussed.
  • Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Prot
  • Viruses, Viroids, Lichens, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia
Plant Kingdom
  • Classification of Angiosperms,
  • Algae, Uses of Algae
  • Classification of Algae
  • Bryophytes, Liverworts & Mosses
  • Pteridophytes, characters & classification
  • Gymnosperms, characters & classification
  • Angiosperms, characters, the life cycle of an Angiosperm, Plant life cycles
Animal Kingdom
  • Basis of classification, non-chordate phyla, Characters and examples of Phylum Porifera, Phylum Coelenterata
  • Characters and examples of Phylum Ctenophora, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Aschelminthes
  • Phylum Annelida, Phylum Arthropoda: Characters and Examples
  • Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, and Osteichthyes
  • Class Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves & Mammalia
Morphology of Flowering Plants
  • Stem - modifications, Leaf - venations, Types of leaves, Phyllotaxy
  • Modification of leaves, Inflorescence, Flower and parts of a flower
  • Fruit, Seed, Monocot & dicot seed structure, Family Fabaceae with economic importance
  • Family Solanaceae, Family Liliaceae with economic importance
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  • Meristematic tissues, permanent tissues, and simple tissues are all types of tissues (Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma)
  • Tissue system, Epidermal tissue, Complex tissue - Xylem and Phloem
  • Ground tissue and vascular tissue are two types of tissue. Dicot and monocot anatomy
  • Anatomy of dicot and monocot stems, roots
  • Dicot and monocot leaf anatomy, dicot stem secondary growth, and dicot root
Structural Organisation in Animals
  • Animal tissues - Epithelial tissue, Connective tissue
  • Muscle tissue, Neural tissue, Organ and organ system
  • Earthworm - Morphology, Anatomy- alimentary canal
  • Cockroach - Morphology, Anatomy - Alimentary canal
  • Frog - Morphology, Anatomy - Digestive system, Vascular system
  • Frog anatomy - Excretory system, Neural control system, Sense
  • organs, Male and female reproductive systems
Cell-the unit of life
  • Ribosomes and inclusion bodies, as well as the cell envelop and its changes
  • Eukaryotic cells, Plant and animal cell ultrastructure, Comparison
  • Endomembrane system - Endoplasmic reticulum structure and functions
  • Golgi apparatus and reticulum
  • Lysosomes and the Endomembrane System: Structure and Functions
  • Vacuoles, Mitochondrial Structure and Functions, Plastids
  • Ribosomes, Cytoskeleton, Cilia, and Flagella Structure and Function
  • How do you examine a chemical compound? Amino acid chemical and physical properties
  • Classification and examples of lipids Structures of heterocyclic carbon compounds
  • Biomacromolecules, Proteins, Primary and secondary metabolites
  • Importance
  • Examples of polysaccharides, nucleic acids, protein structure,
  • In a polymer, the nature of bond connecting is important.
  • Classification and nomenclature of enzymes, Factors affecting enzyme activity Cofactors, enzymes
Cell cycle and Cell Division
  • Interphase, Phases of the Cell Cycle
  • Mitosis and its phases, M phase Mitosis, Cytokinesis, and the Importance of Mitosis
  • Meiosis I, Meiosis II, and Meiosis' Importance
Transport in Plants
  • Diffusion - Facilitated diffusion, Passive symport, antiport, and uniport transports are examples of modes of transfer.
  • Active transportation, a comparison of several modes of transportation, Water Potential and Components of Water Potential in Plants
  • Osmosis, Osmosis Demonstration, Plasmolysis, Imbibition
  • The flow of water up a plant, Transpiration pull, root pressure
  • Transpiration
  • Mineral ion translocation, phloem transport, and pressure flow hypothesis
Mineral nutrition
  • The importance of macronutrients and micronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium
  • Biological nitrogen fixing, nitrogen cycle
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  • Splitting of water, Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation,
  • Chemiosmotic hypothesis
  • Factors affecting photosynthesis

Respiration in Plants

  • Fermentation, aerobic respiration, and the TCA cycle
  • Oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport system
  • Respiratory quotient, Amphibolic pathway
Plant Growth and Development
  • Growth rates, Arithmetic growth and Geometric growth, Conditions for growth
  • Discovery of plant growth regulators, Physiological effects of PGRs -
  • Auxins
  • Physiological effects of PGRs - Ethylene, ABA (Abscisic acid)
Digestion and Absorption
  • T.S. of the gut, Section of small intestinal mucosa showing villi, Digestive
  • glands
  • Digestion of food - Digestion in buccal cavity, stomach and intestine
  • Functions of the large intestine, Absorption of digested products,
  • Disorders of the digestive system
Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  • Human respiratory system, Respiratory organs, and Definition of Breathing
  • Gas transportation, oxygen transport, carbon dioxide transport
  • Respiratory system disorders, regulation of respiration
Body Fluids and Circulation
  • Differentiate between blood and lymph, Blood - A special connective tissue, Plasma and its contents, Formed elements
  • Circulatory pathways - Open and closed circulatory systems, Human
  • circulatory system, Conduction of heartbeat
  • Cardiac cycle, ECG, Double circulation
Excretory Products and Their Elimination
  • Structure of Nephron
  • Urine formation, Function of tubules
Locomotion and Movement
  • A contractile protein's structure (Actin and Myosin)
  • Muscle contraction mechanism
Neural Control and Coordination
  • Generation and conduction of nerve impulse, Transmission of impulses
  • Reflex action, Sensory reception and processing
Chemical Coordination and Integration
  • The Thyroid gland and its hormones, as well as the Penial gland and its hormones
  • Mechanism of Hormones of the Heart, Kidney, and Gastrointestinal Tract
  • effect of hormones
  • Endocrine glands Testis and Ovary, and their hormones
Also Read - Karnataka 2nd PUC Biology Syllabus 2024-25

Karnataka 2nd PUC Syllabus for Physics 2024-25

The physics syllabus provided comprises of 13 units with extremely thorough topics and sub-topics. Chapters such as Electric charges and fields, Current Electricity, Moving charges and magnetism, and so on are included in some of the units. Please review the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Syllabus 2024-25 and study accordingly.

Unit Number and Name Unit Name
1. Electric charges and fields Electric Charge
Conductors and Insulators
Charging by Induction
Basic Properties of Electric Charge
Coulomb’s Law
Forces between Multiple Charges
Electric Field
Electric Field Lines
Electric Flux
Electric Dipole
Dipole in a Uniform External Field
Continuous Charge Distribution
Field due to infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire.
Field due to uniformly charged infinite plane sheet.
2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Electrostatic Potential
Potential due to a Point Charge
Potential due to an Electric Dipole
Potential due to a System of Charges
Equipotential Surfaces
Potential Energy of a System of Charges
Potential Energy in an External Field
Electrostatics of Conductors
Capacitors and Capacitance
The Parallel Plate Capacitor
Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance
Combination of Capacitors
Energy Stored in a Capacitor
3. Current Electricity

Electric Current
Electric Currents in Conductors
Drift of Electrons and the Origin of
Limitations of Ohm’s Law
Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
Electrical Energy, Power
Cells, emf, Internal Resistance
Cells in Series and Parallel
Kirchhoff’s Rules
Wheatstone Bridge
Meter Bridge

4. Moving Charges and Magnetism
Magnetic Force
Motion in a Magnetic Field
Motion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields
velocity selector
Magnetic Field due to a Current Element, Biot-Savart Law
Magnetic Field on the Axis of a Circular Current Loop
Ampere’s Circuital Law
The Solenoid and the Toroid
Force between Two Parallel Currents
Torque on Current Loop
The Moving Coil Galvanometer
5. Magnetism and Matter
The Bar Magnet
The magnetic field lines
Magnetism and Gauss’s Law
The Earth’s Magnetism
Magnetisation and magnetic intensity
6. Electronic Induction

The Experiments of Faraday and Henry
Magnetic Flux
Faraday’s Law of Induction
Lenz’s Law and Conservation of Energy
Motional Electromotive Force
Eddy Currents
AC Generator

7. Alternating Current AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor
Representation of AC Current and
Voltage by Rotating Vectors — Phasors
AC Voltage Applied to an Inductor
AC Voltage Applied to a Capacitor
AC Voltage Applied to a Series LCR Circuit
LC Oscillations
8. Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic Spectrum
9. Ray Optics Refraction
Total Internal Reflection
Refraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses
Refraction through a Prism
Some Natural Phenomena due to Sunlight
the rainbow
Optical Instruments (except resolving power microscope and astronomical telescope)
10. Wave Optics Huygens Principle
Refraction and Reflection of Plane Waves using Huygens Principle
Coherent and Incoherent Addition of Waves
11. Dual Nature of radiation and matter Electron Emission
Photoelectric Effect
Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect
Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light
Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation Particle Nature of Light: The Photon
Wave Nature of Matter
12. Atoms Alpha particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom
Atomic Spectra
Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom
De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s Secon d Postulate of Quantisation
12. Nuclei
Atomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus
Size of the Nucleus
Mass Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy
(except binding energy per nucleon and its variation with the mass number)
Nuclear Force
Nuclear Energy
13. Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits Classification of Metals, Conductors and Semiconductors
Intrinsic Semiconductor
Extrinsic Semiconductor

Karnataka 2nd PUC Syllabus for Economics 2024-25

The Karnataka 2nd PUC Economics Syllabus includes all of the questions from the Class 11 Economics Syllabus in addition to a wide range of ideas and in-depth information about the subject. Economics focuses on the decisions that businesses, households, society, and people make about the optimum times, places, and ways to utilise their natural resources. Economics is divided into Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Learn more about Karnataka 2nd PUC timetable 2025 .Check the syllabus for Economics for the academic year 2025.
Chapters Topics
Introductory Microeconomics
  • A Simple economy
  • Central problems of an economy
  • The organisation of economic activities
  • The centrally planned economy
  • The market economy
  • Positive and Normative Economics
  • Micro and Macro Economics
  • Plan of the Book.
Preliminary Notations and Assumptions
  • The Consumer's Budget
  • Budget set
  • Price ratio and the slope of the Budget line and points below the Budget line
  • Changes in the Budget line
  • Preferences of the Consumer
  • Monotonic preferences
  • Substitution between goods
  • Diminishing rate of Substitution
  • Indifference Curve
  • The shape of the Indifference Curve
  • Indifference Map
  • Utility
  • Optimal Choice of the Consumer
  • Demand curve and the Law of Demand
  • Normal and Inferior goods
  • Substitution and Complements
  • Shifts in the Demand curve movements along the Demand Curve and Shifts in the Demand Curve
  • Market Demand
  • Elasticity along a Linear Demand Curve
  • Factors Determining Price Elasticity of Demand for a Good
Production and Costs
  • TP, AP, and MP
  • The Law of Diminishing Marginal Product And The Law of Variable Proportions
  • Returns To Scale
  • Costs
  • Long-Run Costs
The Theory of the Firm under Perfect Competition
  • Perfect Competition
  • Revenue
  • Profit Maximisation
  • Supply Curve of a Firm
  • The Shut-down Point
  • The normal Profit and Break-even Point
  • Determinants of a Firm's Supply Curve
  • Technological Progress
  • Input Prices
  • Unit Tax
  • Market Supply Curve
Market Equilibrium
  • Equilibrium, Excess Demand, Excess Supply
  • Wage Determination in Labour Market
  • Shifts in Demand and Supply
  • Market Equilibrium: Free Entry and Exi
  • Emergence of Macroeconomics
National Income Accounting
  • Some Basic Concepts of Macro Economics
  • Circular Flow of Income And Methods of Calculating National Income
  • Income Method
  • Goods and Prices
  • GDP and Welfare
Money and Banking
  • Functions of Money
  • Demand for Money
  • The Supply of Money
Income Determination
  • Ex Ante And Ex post
  • Movement Along with a Curve Versus Shift of a Curve
  • The short Run Fixed Price Analysis of the Product Market
Government Budget and the Economy
  • Components of the Government Budget
  • Fiscal Policy
Open-Economy Macroeconomics
  • The Balance of Payments
  • The Foreign Exchange Market
  • The Determination of Income in An Open Economy
  • Trade Deficits, Saving and Investments

Karnataka PUC Syllabus for Business Studies 2024-25

Business studies consist of parts 1 and part 2. Please read both parts and become well-versed in the issues. Principles of Management, Business Environment, Organizing, Controlling, Staffing, Financial Management, and other major topics are covered in the PUC board Karnataka syllabus for business studies.

Unit Name

Part I


Nature and Significance of Management


Principles of Management


Business Environment











Part II


Financial Management

Also Read - Karnataka 2nd PUC Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25

Karnataka 2nd PUC Chemistry Syllabus 2024-25

The table below shows the Karnataka 2nd PUC Chemistry syllabus 2025 . They can check the names of the units included in the syllabus and decide the time required for preparing each of the units.

Name of Units



Chemical Kinetics

The d & f Block Elements

Coordination Compounds

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers

Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids



Karnataka 1st PUC Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25

KSEEB 1st PUC Mathematics syllabus includes 16 chapters. From the table below, students can check the names of the chapters.

Sr. No.





Relations and functions


Trigonometric functions


Principal of mathematical induction


Complex numbers and quadratic equations


Linear inequalities


Permutation and combination


Binomial theorem


Sequence and series


Straight lines


Conic sections


Introduction to three dimensional geometry


Limits and derivatives


Mathematica reasoning





Karnataka Board 1st PUC Biology Syllabus 2024-25

The following table includes the names of all chapters included in the Karnataka 1st PUC Biology Syllabus 2025. Ensure that all chapters are covered before the exam.

Sr. no.



Living world


Biological classification


Plant kingdom


Animal kingdom


Morphology of flowering plants


Anatomy of flowering plants


Structural organisation of animals


Cell the unit of life




Cell cycle and cell division


Transport in plants


Mineral nutrition


Photosynthesis in higher plants


Respiration in plants


Plant growth and development


Digestion and absorption


Breathing and exchange of gases


Body fluids and circulation


Excretory products and elimination


Locomotion and movement


Neural control and coordination


Chemical coordination and integration

Karnataka Board 1st PUC Physics Syllabus 2024-25

Students should focus on each of the topics included in the Physics syllabus. The chapters included in the Karnataka board 1st PUC Physics syllabus are as follows.

Sr. No.





Units and Measurements


Motion in a Straight Line


Motion in a Plane


Laws of Motion


Work, Power, Energy


System of Particles and Rotational Motion




Mechanical Properties of Solids


Mechanical Properties of Fluids


Thermal Properties of Matter




Kinetic Theory





Karnataka 1st PUC Chemistry Syllabus 2024-25

From the table below, students can check out the Chemistry syllabus. They can go through the topics included in the Chemistry syllabus.

Sr. No.



Some basic concepts of chemistry


Structure of Atom


Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties


Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure


States of Matter: Gases and Liquids






Redox Reaction




s-Block Elements


Some p-Block Elements


Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques




Environmental Chemistry

Karnataka 1st PUC Important Reference Books

Students can check the table below to know the names of important books for different subjects. For more information related to the topics, students can refer to these books.

Name of the Subject

Books Recommended


  • NCERT Chemistry Textbook for Class 11th, Organic Chemistry by O.P Tandon
  • Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd for Organic Chemistry
  • Modern's ABC of Chemistry for Class 11th and 12th
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. D. Lee for Inorganic Chemistry.


  • New Simplified Physics Class XI Part-I & Part-II by S.L. Arora
  • Oswaal Books


  • New Era Biology Class XI Part-I & Part-II
  • Trueman's Elementary Biology
  • Modern ABCs Biology Part I and II,
  • NCERT class 11 Biology Textbook


  • R.D. Sharma Mathematics
  • Arihant Handbook of Mathematics
  • R.S. Aggarwal


  • Accountancy: D.K. Goel and T.S. Grewal
  • Analysis of Financial Statements by T.S Grewal
  • NCERT Accountancy Book Part 1 and 2
  • ABD's Accountancy - class XI (Part A) Vol. I and Vol. II

Business Studies

  • Business Studies Class 11 by Poonam Gandhi
  • NCERT Business Studies for Class 11
  • Business Studies textbook for CBSE Class 11 by Bhakti Joshi and Xavier S. David
  • Business Studies with Case Studies for Class 11 by Sandeep Garg

Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25 - Points to Remember

Students must understand the exam pattern in order to effectively prepare for the exam. The Karnataka 2nd PUC syllabus 2024-25 will familiarise students with the marking scheme, the amount of questions, and the duration of the test, among other things.

The following is the exam pattern for Karnataka 2nd PUC 2025:

  • Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Marathi, Telugu, English, Sanskrit, and Urdu mediums will be used in the Karnataka PUC 2024-25 examination.
  • Two of the six subjects are languages, while the remaining four can be chosen from the list below: Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Electronics, English, French, Geography, Geology, Hindi, Hindustani Music, History, Home Science, Kannada, Karnataka Music, Logic, Malayalam, Marathi, Opt-Kannada, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Statistics, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, and others.
  • The minimum passing marks for each paper are 35%, according to the Karnataka PUC curriculum 2024-25.

Importance of Karnataka PUC Subjects

According to the Educational Conduct Board's guidelines, the Karnataka PUC Curriculum includes various disciplines; here we describe the significance of some of the important subjects.

  • Mathematics' Importance - Mathematics is an important subject, especially for PUC students; it is a required subject for a better grade or overall score.
  • Social Studies' Importance - Another important subject in which a student can easily achieve excellent grades by working on geography and history papers is Social Studies.
  • Science's Importance - Because Science includes both physical and biological science articles, achieving the highest score or receiving the best grades is simple.
  • Languages' Importance - The languages in which one can score the highest are Telugu, Hindi, and English. While Telugu and English both have two papers (theory and vocabulary), students in both languages have a lot of opportunities to improve their communication skills.
  • Other Academic Subjects - Carnatic music, Hindustani music, painting, and Art Education are some of the additional courses in the Karnataka SSLC Academic Syllabus that students can take to strengthen their creative and soft skills. In comparison, several basic disciplines help students strengthen their technical skills.

How to Download Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25

The Karnataka 11th & 12th Class Syllabus 2024-25 PDF may be downloaded from the direct link provided. Learn more about Karnataka 2nd PUC Result 2025 . The whole syllabus for each subject is presented in the accompanying table for the benefit of exam applicants. Candidates can either download them from this page or click on the link above.

  • Step 1: Go to the KSEEB PUC board's official website, pue.kar.nic.in.
  • Step 2: Go to the "Notification" section of the homepage and click on the "Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25" link.
  • Step 3: A syllabus PDF appears in a new window.
  • Step 4: Save the PDF file for future reference.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Board 2025 Preparation Tips

To perform well in Karnataka PUC exams 2025, students need to focus on the syllabus and solve questions from sample papers and previous year question papers. This will help students to analyze their level of preparation. To score high marks, students can follow the effective preparation tips given below:

  • Create a Study Schedule : According to the stream, students should equally focus on each of the subjects. They should divide the study hours between all subjects. According to the difficulty level of the subjects, they can fix the study hours and pay more attention to the difficult subjects. Students can set daily targets for each of the subjects. In this manner, they will be able to complete the syllabus in time.
  • Complete the Syllabus in Advance: Going through the Karnataka 2nd PUC 2025 syllabus is the first step for students going to appear for the exams. Students need to complete the entire syllabus of each subject in detail. Students can also check the marks of all topics and prepare the subject accordingly. After completing the syllabus, students can prepare a strategy to structure the answers.
  • Quality over Quantity: While studying daily, students can set small targets that can be easily achieved. They should focus on quality studying instead of going through the numbers. The students should ensure that they are able to answer the questions for the topics covered in a day.
  • Solve Sample Papers and Previous Year Question Papers: Students should regularly solve the Karnataka PUC Model Papers 2025 and previous year question papers to check the level of understanding for diverse topics. If they are able to answer all questions, they are ready for the board exams. If they face difficulty in some questions, they need to focus on the particular topics. This will help them to evaluate themselves and understand their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Enhance Speed and Accuracy: Students need to focus on speed and accuracy while attempting the question paper. It is essential for them to correctly answer all questions within the given time. They can increase their speed and accuracy by regularly attempting the question papers.
Students can keep visiting the page to get regular updates related to the Karnataka 2nd PUC syllabus 2025. Accordingly, students can prepare for the board exams.


Is there a choice of two languages in the Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25 1st Year?

No, you are not authorized to select more than one language as per the Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024-25 1st year. The other language may be chosen by the student with the school's consensus; English is a required subject.

Where does the state board publish the second PUC syllabus for Karnataka?

The second PUC syllabus for Karnataka is available online at pue.kar.nic.in.

How many subjects are there in Karnataka 2nd PUC?

Of the six subjects, two are languages, and the remaining four can be chosen from the list below. English, French, Geography, Geology, Hindi, Hindustani Music, History, Home Science, Kannada, Karnataka Music, Logic, Malayalam, Marathi, Opt-Kannada, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Statistics, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, etc. are only a few of the subjects included in this list.

What are the passing marks in the Karnataka PUC 2024-25 exams?

To pass the Karnataka second PUC exams, students must receive at least 35% of the possible points in each subject.

When will the Karnataka PUC 2025 result be released?

Karnataka PUC 2nd Result will be released in May 2025.

What are the Karnataka PUC exam passing marks?

To pass the exam, students must get a minimum of 35 percent in each subject.

What is the level of difficulty of the questions in the Karnataka PUC exam?

All Karnataka 1st and 2nd PUC exams include short and long questions. The questions are asked for different marks and can be easy to difficult.   

What is the Karnataka PUC Examination?

The 1st and 2nd PUC Examinations, which are the 11th and 12th class Examinations of the Karnataka State Board, are referred to as Karnataka PUC Exams.

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