Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 can be downloaded through the official website of the Board of Secondary Education Assam. There are five compulsory subjects included in the curriculum along with one elective subject.
- About Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25
- Latest Update
- Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: New Guidelines
- Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Overview
- Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25
- Assam HSLC Blueprint 2025
- Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 Subject Wise
- Assam HSLC Grading System 2025
- Assam HSLC Passing Marks 2025
- Faqs

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About Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25
The Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) has prescribed the SEBA HSLC Exam Pattern 2025 for students preparing for the upcoming Assam Board HSLC exams. The exam pattern is released in the form of a model paper, available on the official website, Last year, SEBA introduced significant changes in the exam format, including the use of an OMR sheet for objective-type questions , which constitute 50% of the total marks in core subjects such as English (C1), General Mathematics (C2), General Science (C3), and Social Science (C4) . Each student will receive an OMR sheet to answer objective-type questions , while a separate 16-page answer sheet will be provided for subjective questions , similar to previous years. The SEBA HSLC exam pattern 2025 outlines the marking scheme, question types, and duration to help students plan their studies effectively. Students are advised to check out the Assam HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 to learn more about the detailed curriculum of all the subjects included in the syllabus.
Class 10 students are required to appear for six subjects , including both theory and practical exams. Each exam lasts 3 hours (180 minutes) , and the total marks across all subjects sum up to 600 . The question paper structure includes 30% easy questions, 50% average questions, and 20% difficult questions, ensuring a balanced assessment of students' understanding and skills. BSE Assam will release the Assam HSLC Time Table 2025 on its official website in a PDF format. Check more information about the Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 here:
Also Read: Assam HSLC Result 2025
Latest Update
November 26, 2025: Assam HSLC exams are going to be conducted from February 15 to March 03, 2025. Students can check the Assam HSLC Routine 2025 here.
Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: New Guidelines
Students can check out the latest guidelines for the upcoming SEBA HSLC exam 2024-25 as listed below:
- There will be four sets of question papers (A, B, C, & D) in the SEBA HSLC exam in the form of OMR.
- For Class IX students, the board has introduced a new elective subject titled "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics" this year.
- It is mandatory to score a pass mark in both the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and Descriptive Questions sections individually.
- The District Level Internal Examination Committee will conduct the practical examinations for all subjects.
- In language papers like English, Assamese, and other languages, questions may include unseen passages, grammar items, etc., that are based on learning outcomes rather than specific chapters.
- In the same way, questions in Science and Mathematics will be more concept-based, which may not always come directly from the textbooks. The question papers may include questions from examples and references as well. At times, the MCQs may include summations or calculations as well. The questions will be from the learning outcomes of the content of each subject.
- As per the guidelines of the National Education Policy 2020, question patterns for all subjects, including vocational subjects, have been revised.
Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Overview
Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2025 is now available to be downloaded from the official website of the Board of Secondary Education Assam. You can check out some of the highlights related to the same here:
Board | Board of Secondary Education Assam |
Class | HSLC/10th |
Academic Year | 2024-25 |
Number of Students | To be updated |
Passing Marks | 30% |
Types of Questions | MCQs + Descriptive |
Official Website | |
Also Check: Assam HSLC Admit Card 2025
Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25
Students can go through the latest SEBA HSLC exam pattern for the academic year 2024-25 from the table below:
Subjects | Details on Subjects | Maximum Marks |
First Language | Anyone from the MILs: (Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Bodo, Urdu, Manipuri, Nepali, Khasi, Garo, Mizo, Hmar, Karbi)OR Along with English (IL), any one from In Lieu Languages: (Assamese (IL), Hindi (IL), Manipuri (IL), Santhali (IL)Note: This applies only to Karbi Anglong, Dima Hasao and West Karbi Anglong districts. | 100 Marks 50 x 2 Marks |
Second Language | English | 100 Marks |
General Science | - | 100 Marks |
General Mathematics | - | 100 Marks |
Social Science | - | 100 Marks |
Elective Subject | Anyone from the elective subjects: (Advanced Mathematics (E), Geography (E), History (E), Sanskrit (E), Arabic (E), Persian (E), Santhali (E), Computer Science (E), Fine Art (E), Music (E), Dance (E), Home Science (E), Woodcraft (E), Garment Designing (E), Weaving and Textile Design (E), Assamese (E), Hindi (E), Manipuri (E), Commerce (E), Yoga and Physical Education (E), IT/ITeS NSQF (E), Retail Trade NSQF (E), Agriculture & Horticulture Animal Health Worker NSQF (E), Tourism & Hospitality NSQF (E), Health Care NSQF (E), Private Security NSQF (E), Beauty and Wellness NSQF (E), Automotive NSQF (E), Electronics and Hardware NSQF (E)) | 100 Marks |
The full forms of the abbreviations used in the above table:
- MIL: Modern Indian Languages
- IL: In Lieu Languages
- E: Elective Subjects
- NSQF: National Skills Qualification Framework
Assam HSLC Blueprint 2025
There are at least five compulsory subjects to be taken by all of the class 10th students of the Assam board. You can check out the table given below to learn more about the subject-wise Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2025:
Compulsory Subjects
Subject | Theory | Internal | Total Mark |
English | 90 | 10 | 100 |
English (IL) | 50 | – | 50 |
General Science | 90 | 10 | 100 |
General Maths | 90 | 10 | 100 |
Social Science | 90 | 10 | 100 |
Elective Subjects
There is a vast choice available for the students of class 10th in Assam state in the matter of elective subjects. Elective subjects are optional subjects. Students can choose the subjects according to their interests.
Subjects | Theory | Internal Assessment | Practical |
Assamese | 100 | - | - |
Bengali | 100 | - | - |
Bodo | 100 | - | - |
Manipuri | 100 | - | - |
Nepali | 100 | - | - |
Hindi | 100 | - | - |
Advanced Maths | 90 | 10 | - |
History | 100 | - | - |
Geography | 90 | 10 | - |
Sanskrit | 100 | - | - |
Computer Science | 80 | - | 20 |
Woodcraft | 40 | - | 60 |
Music | 30 | - | 70 |
Dance | 30 | - | 70 |
Fine Art | 40 | - | 60 |
Weaving and Textile Design | 50 | - | 50 |
Garment Designing | 30 | - | 70 |
Home Science | 70 | - | 30 |
Santhali | 100 | - | - |
Arabic | 100 | - | - |
Persian | 100 | - | - |
IT/ITeS NSQF | 30 | - | 70 |
Retail Trade NSQF | 30 | - | 70 |
Agriculture & Horticulture NSQF | 30 | - | 70 |
HealthCare NSQF | 30 | - | 70 |
Private Security | 30 | - | 70 |
Tourism & Hospitality NSQF | 30 | - | 70 |
Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 Subject Wise
Students appearing for the Assam HSLC exams must practice the Assam HSLC Model Paper 2025 and Assam HSLC Previous Year Question Paper . The Secondary Board of Education has also provided a blueprint for every subject available for the class 10th board students in Assam. You can check out the details related to the subject-wise blueprint from the tables mentioned below:
Blueprint of hslc 2025 seba English
For English subjects, there will be four long answers for 16 marks, 14 short answers for 29 marks, and very short answers for 45 marks. Check out the blueprint for the English subject in Assam 10th Exam Pattern 2025:
S.No | Units | Total Marks |
1 | A letter to God | 7 |
2 | Nelson Mandela | 5 |
3 | Coorg | 5 |
4 | Tea from Assam | 5 |
5 | Madam rides the bus | 4 |
6 | A tiger in the zoo | 3 |
7 | Amanda | 2 |
8 | Animals | 2 |
9 | The ball poem | 3 |
10 | The tale of custard the dragon | 3 |
11 | The midnight visitor or a question of trust | 7 |
12 | Footprints without feet or the hack driver | 7 |
13 | Grammar | 16 |
14 | Translation or substance writing | 3 |
15 | Essay or storytelling | 5 |
16 | The letter or report writing | 3 |
17 | Reading comprehension seen passage from any prescribed prose piece | 6 |
Unseen Passage | 4 | |
Total | 90 |
Blueprint of hslc 2025 seba Mathematics
The theory paper in mathematics will be conducted for 90 marks and 10 marks will be provided for the internal assessment. The passing marks in theory are 27. Check out the exam pattern regarding the same from the table given below:
Chapter No. | Chapter Name | Units Included | Units Omitted |
1 | Real Numbers | Whole | Nil |
2 | Polynomials | Whole | Nil |
3 | Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables | Whole | Nil |
4 | Quadratic Equations | Whole | Nil |
5 | Arithmetic Progressions | Whole | Nil |
6 | Triangles | Upto Unit 6.5 (onwards from Exercise 6.3) | Unit 6.4 |
7 | Coordinate Geometry | Whole | Nil |
8 | Introduction to Trigonometry | Whole | Nil |
9 | Excluded from syllabus | * | * |
10 | Circles | Whole | Nil |
11 | Constructions | Upto Unit 11.3 (onwards from Exercise 11.1) | Unit 11.2 |
12 | Areas Related to Circles | Upto Unit 12.4 (onwards from Exercise 12.2) | Unit 12.3 |
13 | Surface Area and Volume | Upto Unit 13.4 (onwards from Exercise 13.2) | Unit 13.3 |
14 | Statistics | Upto Unit 14.5 (onwards from Exercise 14.3) | Unit 14.4 |
15 | Probability | Whole | Nil |
Blueprint of hslc 2025 seba General Science
The theory paper in Science will also be conducted for 90 marks with a passing mark of 27. Check the units included in the curriculum from the table given below:
Chapter No. | Chapter Name |
1 | Chemical Reactions and Equations |
2 | Acids, Bases, and Salts |
3 | Metals and Non-metals |
4 | Carbon and its Compounds |
5 | Periodic Classification of Elements |
6 | Life Processes |
7 | Control and Coordination |
8 | How do Organisms Reproduce |
9 | Heredity and Evolution |
10 | Light - Reflection and Refraction |
11 | Human Eye and Colourful World |
12 | Electricity |
13 | Magnetic Effects of Electric Current |
14 | Sources of Energy |
15 | Our Environment |
16 | Management of Natural Resources |
Blueprint of hslc 2025 seba Social Science
For social science subjects, there will be 45 MCQs of 45 marks and the rest will be descriptive-type questions. Check out the Blueprint for Social Science from the table provided below:
S.No | Units | Total Marks |
1 | India: Partition Of Bengal Swadeshi Movement Rise Of Gandhi And the Freedom Movement Assam Anti-British Rising And Peasants Revolt Indian Freedom Movement And National Awakening in Assam The cultural heritage of India and the northeast region. | 35 |
2 | Economic Geography, Environment, and Environmental Problems Geography of World Geography of Assam. | 35 |
3 | Indian democracy and International organizations | 10 |
4 | Money and banking Economic Development | 10 |
Total | - | 90 |
Assam HSLC Grading System 2025
The Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) has decided to abolish the division system and implement the CBSE grading system for the Assam HSLC exams. This change aims to ensure uniformity between SEBA and CBSE across the state. The updated SEBA HSLC Grading System will be followed from 2025 onward . Refer to the table below for the latest grading structure.
Marks | Grade Point | Grades |
91-100 | 10 | A1 |
81-90 | 9 | A2 |
71-80 | 8 | B1 |
61-70 | 7 | B2 |
51-60 | 6 | C1 |
41-50 | 5 | C2 |
30-40 | 4 | D1 |
0-29 | Fail | F |
Assam HSLC Passing Marks 2025
A few changes have been made to the curriculum according to the latest notification released by SEBA on their website. Check out the passing marks according to the same from the pointers given below:
- Students have to secure passing marks in both MCQs and descriptive-type questions separately.
- 50% of the marks secured in the internal assessment will be added to the MCQ sections and the remaining 50% will be added to the descriptive-type questions section.
- According to the rules, the passing marks in the MCQ section will be 13, and the passing marks for IA in the MCQ section will be 2. The same will be followed for the descriptive-type questions section.
- Talking about the overall passing marks, it is 30%.
Assam HSLC Passing Marks 2025 for Theory Exam
Refer to the table below to know the subject wise Assam SEBA HSLC Passing Marks 2025:
Subjects | Maximum marks | Passing marks (30%) |
Math | 90 | 27 |
English | 90 | 27 |
General Science | 90 | 27 |
Social Science | 100 | 30 |
English (IL) | 90 | 27 |
Language | 100 | 30 |
Assam HSLC Passing Marks 2025 for Practical Exam
Check out the Assam HSLC Passing Marks 2025 for practical exams of each subject from the table below:Subjects | Maximum marks | Passing marks (30%) |
Computer Science | 20 | 06 |
Home Science | 30 | 09 |
Textile design and cloths | 50 | 15 |
Garment designing (40) | 70 | 21 |
Fine art (36) | 60 | 18 |
Wood craft (41) | 60 | 18 |
Dance (35) | 70 | 21 |
Music (38) | 70 | 21 |
Health care nsqf (52) | 70 | 21 |
Retail trade nsqf (49) | 70 | 21 |
Students are required to have in-depth knowledge of the Assam HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 so that they can appear for the exams according to the study plan and with confidence. Make sure to check important information about the passing marks to prepare for the exams accordingly.
There are mainly 6 subjects that students have to appear for, English, Assamesse, Hindi, Math, Science, and Social science. Other than these, there are many subjects included in the Assam class 10 exams. Students need to select subjects from English, Social Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Biotechnology, and more.
There will be MCQs, very short answer type, short answer type, and essay type questions in the Assam SEBA class 10 exam 2025. 50% MCQs/ objective type answer questions will be there which students will have to solve in an OMR sheet and 50% subjective type questions will be there in the exam that students need to answer in a separate answer copy containing 16 pages.
The total marks for all the Assam HSLC exams together are 600 marks. Students will have to appear for 6 subjects in total including language papers, compulsory and elective subjects.
Assam HSLC Board 2025 will be conducted in offline mode.
Yes, you need to pass the elective subject as well to pass the Assam HSLC Exam 2025. The passing marks for elective subjects are also 30 out of a total of 100 marks.
Students have to obtain a minimum of 30 marks out of the total 100 marks in each subject to pass Assam HSLC Exams 2025. For theory papers that have 90 marks, the passing marks will be 27 separately.
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