PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 has been released on the official website @ Students can also download Punjab Board Class 10 Subject wise Syllabus PDFS by clicking on the direct links provided in the article given below.
- About PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25
- PSEB 10th Latest Updates 2024-25
- PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF
- PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Hindi
- PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 English
- PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Maths
- PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Science
- PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Social Science
- PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Computer Science
- PSEB Class 10 Preparation Tips 2024-25
- Benefits of Knowing the PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25
- Faqs

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About PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25
The Punjab State Examination Board (PSEB) has issued the syllabus for the academic year 2024-25. The PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for each subject is available in PDF format on the official website at The complete syllabus covers a variety of topics that must be studied to pass the class 10 board exams. Along with the syllabus, the board has issued the latest PSEB Class 10 Exam Pattern 2024-25 . It helps the students know about the marks distribution, types, number, and difficulty level of questions asked in the exam, duration, and so on. Students can check and download the syllabus for all the streams by clicking on the direct links provided in the article given below.
Students who will be appearing for the PSEB 10th Board 2025 should go through the complete PSEB 10th Syllabus 2024-25 before starting the preparations for the exams. Knowing the syllabus will enable the students to strategize their study plan based on the portions that carry maximum weightage. Check more information regarding the same from the details given below:
PSEB 10th Latest Updates 2024-25
- 17th March 2025: According to the PSEB 10th Date Sheet 2025 , released by the Punjab School Examination Board, the class 10th exams will be conducted from March 10 to April 04, 2025.
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF
In the table given below, a direct link to download the PSEB 10th Syllabus for all the subjects has been provided. The syllabus has been provided in PDF format.
Syllabus name | Download link |
Agriculture | Click Here |
Computer Science | Click Here |
English | Click Here |
Physical Education | Click Here |
Hindi | Click Here |
Urdu Elective | Click Here |
Sanskrit | Click Here |
Cutting and Tailoring | Click Here |
Home Science | Click Here |
Math | Click Here |
PSEB Class 10 Punjabi A Syllabus 2024-25 | Click Here |
PSEB class 10 Punjabi B Syllabus 2024-25 | Click Here |
Science | Click Here |
PSEB Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 | Click Here |
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Hindi
Students must also concentrate on the Hindi subject. It covers topics such as writing, grammar, and understanding. Candidates can refer to the Punjab 10th board syllabus 2024-25, which is listed below for their convenience.
Section | Content | Marks |
भाग- क
अतिलघुउत्तर प्रश्न |
(व्यवहारिक व्याकरण)
| 10 Marks |
भाग – ख
व्यवहारिक व्याकरण | उपयुक्त भाग-क (1) में लिखित सभी विषय | 10 Marks |
पाठ्य पुस्तक |
| 25 Marks |
रचनात्मक लेखन |
| 12 Marks |
| 18 Marks |
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 English
The PSEB 10th board syllabus 2024-25 aids students in their preparation for the 10th-grade exams. The Punjab 10th board English syllabus is available here.
1 Reading Skills
• Reading Comprehension of unseen passage with five multiple choice questions.
• Unseen Picture/Poster based Comprehension with five multiple choice questions.
2 English Main Course Book
L-1 The Happy Prince
L-2 Where is Science Taking Us?
L-3 Secret of Happiness
L-4 A Gift for Christmas
L-5 Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thought and Practices
L-6 The Home-Coming
L-7 The Making of the Earth
L-8 The Rule of the Road
3 Poems
P-1 Character of a Happy Man
P-2 Death the Leveller
P-3 A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh
P-4 Razia, the Tigress
P-5 Where the Mind is Without Fear
4 Supplementary Reader
L-1 Bed Number -29
L-2 Half A Rupee Worth
L-3 One Thousand Dollars
L4 The Dying Detective
L-5 How Much Land Does a Man Need
L-6 Return to Air
5 Vocabulary
1. Pairs of words generally confused
2. Idioms 1 to 40
3. One word for many 1 to 40
4. Common Errors All
5. Common Proverbs 1 to 40
6 Grammar
1 Use of Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, and Sentence Connectors
2 Use and Kinds of Non-Finites
3 Simple, Complex, and Compound Sentences
4 Voice
5 Reported Speech
6 Use of Tenses
7 Punctuation
7 Writing Skills
1 Notice and Note making
2 Messages
3 Advertisements
4 Paragraphs
5 Letters (Personal, Business & Official)
8 Translation from English to Punjabi/Hindi and Translation from Punjabi/Hindi to English.
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Maths
According to the PSEB 10th syllabus 2024-25, students must cover the following chapters.
- Polynomials
- Real Numbers
- Pair of linear equations in two variables
- Quadratic equations
- Arithmetic progressions
- Triangles and circles
- Coordinate geometry
- Introduction to trigonometry
- Some applications of trigonometry
- Constructions
- Areas related to a circle
- Surface areas and volumes
- Statistics
- Probability
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Science
Students should prepare according to the Punjab 10th board syllabus 2024-25, which is listed below, in order to achieve the best results in Science.
- Acids, Bases, And Salts
- Chemical reactions and equations
- Metals and non-metals
- Periodic classification of elements
- Carbon and its compounds
- Life processes
- Control and coordination
- How do organisms reproduce?
- Heredity and evolution
- Light reflection and refraction
- The human eye and the colorful world
- Electricity
- Magnetic effects of electric current
- Our Environment
- Sources of Energy
- Sustainable management of natural resources
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Social Science
Students should prepare according to the PSEB 10th syllabus 2024-25, which is listed below, in order to achieve the best result in the exam:
Categories | Topics |
History |
Geography |
Economics |
Political Science |
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Computer Science
You can refer to the latest syllabus for computer science from the table given below and use it to prepare efficiently for the exam:
Units | Chapters |
Office Tools | Introduction, Software and its Types – System and Application Software ● Different Types of Office Tools: Word processor Softwares, Spreadsheet Softwares, Presentation Software, Database Systems. Multimedia Tools ● Online Office Tools: Common Online Office Tools ● Google Docs -Opening Google Docs, creating a Blank Document using Google Docs, Opening a Microsoft Word Document using Google Docs, downloading document files from Google Docs Collaborating on Documents with Others- Share with people and groups, get link for Viewer, Commenter, Editor; Viewing All the Recent Changes to a Document; ● Google Sheets- Opening Google Sheets, creating a Blank spreadsheet using Google Sheets; ● Google Slides- Opening Google Slides, creating a Blank presentation using Google Slides; ● Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Office Tools ● Offline Vs Online Office Tools |
HTML | Introduction, HTML, Software Requirements for HTML – Text Editors and Web Browsers ● Tags and Attributes - Paired Tags and unpaired Tags ● Basic Structure of HTML document: HEAD Part, BODY Part; Creating a Web Page with Basic Structure of HTML document, Viewing the Web Page with Basic Structure of HTML document ● Formatting in HTML ● Working with Lists: Unordered List, type attribute of Unordered List; Ordered List, type and start attributes of Ordered List; Definition List; Nesting of Lists ● Working with Tables: Using <TABLE>, <TH>, <TD>, <TR>, <CAPTION> tags; Working with attributes of table: Setting Table Height and Width, Setting Table Border and Border Color, Setting Table Backgrounds (Bgcolor, Background attributes), Setting Cell Padding and Cell Spacing, Merging Cells using rowspan and colspan attributes; Changing the Alignment of a Table or Cell Value-Setting Horizontal Alignment (using align attribute), Setting Vertical Alignment (using valign attributes) ● URLs and Their Types: Absolute URL, Relative URL-Relative File Path Delimiters ● Working with Images: Working with Attributes of <IMG> tag-Setting Alternate Text for the Image, Setting Width and Height of the Image, Setting Image Alignment ● Working with Hyperlinks: Different states of links (unvisited, visited, active) Attributes of Anchor Tag: Setting Titles for Links, Setting Target Window; Linking with Images; Link to an Email Address; Named Anchors or Creating Bookmarks ● Working with Forms: <FORM> Tag; Action and Method attributes of form; Elements or Controls for the HTML Form-Textbox Control, Text Area Control, Password Field Control, Checkbox Control, Radio button Control, Selection List Control, File Selection Control, Button Control, Submit Button, Reset Button ● Phases of Web Development: Information Gathering, Planning, Design & Layout, Development, Testing & Launch, Maintenance |
Operating System | Introduction, Operating System, Services provided by operating System User Interface, Program execution, I/O operations, File System manipulation, Communication, Error Detection, Resource Allocation, Protection; ● Types of Operating Systems: Batch Operating System, MultiProgramming Operating System, Time-Sharing Operating Systems, MultiProcessing Operating System, Network Operating System, Real Time Operating System, Single-User and Multi-User Operating Systems ● Computer Security: CIA Triads- Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability; Computer Security Threats: Malware, Phishing, Rootkit, Key logger; How Do We Secure Our Computer: Latest Anti-Malware software, Password protection, Apply Latest Updates & Patches, Firewall, etc. |
Desktop Publishing | Desktop Publishing: Definition and Features of Desktop Publishing ● Desktop –Publishing Software: Introduction of Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, and Corel Draw. QuarkXPress, Adobe Dreamweaver, GIMP ● Word Processing vs. Desktop Publishing: Similarities between Word Processing and Desktop Publishing, Differences between Word Processing and Desktop Publishing ● WYSIWYG Feature; Graphics: 2D Graphics (Raster or Bitmap Graphics, Vector Graphics) 3D Graphics ● Margins, Gutter Margin, Fonts, Frames, and Layers ● Printers: Impact printers-Dot-Matrix Printers, Daisy-wheel Printers, Line Printers; Non-Impact Printers-Ink-jet printers, Laser printers; Difference between Impact Printer and Non-Impact Printer; Difference between Inkjet Printer and Laser Printer |
Microsoft Publisher | What is Publisher? How to start publisher ● Components of the Publisher Window: The Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon and Tabs, File Window, ● Creating a Publication: Creating a publication using Blank Layout, Creating a Publication using Templates (Installed Templates, Online Templates, My Templates) Customizing Templates ● Advertisements: Brochures Brochures using MS Publisher; Newsletters Newsletters using MS-Publisher, Banners-Creating Banners using MS-Publisher; Business Cards-Creating Business Card in Publisher; ● Award Certificates, Greeting Cards / Invitation Cards / Compliment Cards, Envelops, Letterhead-Creating Letterhead in Publisher, Resumes-Creating Resumes in MS Publisher, Curriculum Vitae (CV); Signs ● Saving Publication, Printing Publication |
PSEB Class 10 Preparation Tips 2024-25
Given below are some of the important PSEB Class 10 Preparation Tips 2025 that can be taken into consideration while preparing for the PSEB 10th Board Exams 2024-25:
- Prepare a study timetable by going over the Date Sheet and Syllabus.
- At least two months before the exam, go over the whole PSEB 10th Syllabus 2024-25. Make sure to set aside time to revise.
- Instead of cramming things, focus on understanding the concepts and strengthening the fundamentals.
- Solve the PSEB Class 10 Previous Year Question Paper and PSEB Class 10 Question Paper to determine your level of preparation and to become aware of essential exam components.
- Remove any distractions, such as social media and video games, and focus solely on your studies.
- Keep your mind fresh by doing outdoor activities and avoiding stress.
Benefits of Knowing the PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25
Various benefits will be provided to the students if they download the latest PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25. Check out the benefits available to the students from the pointers given below:
- Students can use the syllabus to identify the topics on the units included in every subject of the curriculum. Make sure to only download the latest syllabus since some minor changes have been made in the curriculum as per the Punjab School Examination Board.
- Syllabus can be used by the students to track their study sessions. Take a printout of the syllabus and keep going forward by completing every chapter 1 by 1. Make sure to complete the important units first.
- The syllabus will also help the students to learn about the subjects included in the curriculum. Students will be able to check the learning outcomes of the different chapters included in the syllabus and approach those chapters accordingly.
The syllabus will help the students to solve the model test papers quickly. Make sure to only pick up the model test papers after you have completed the syllabus. Students can also pick up the previous year's question papers as available online.
- Teachers will be immensely helped through the syllabus because they can easily make a plan to be followed during the academic year to complete the curriculum on time. They can plan out the lectures and help the students overcome their difficulties by using the syllabus PDF.
Also Read: PSEB 10th Result 2025
Students must have detailed information about the PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 to prepare efficiently for the exam. Students must download the syllabus by visiting the official website of the Punjab School Examination Board. Students must take a printout of the syllabus to check the units and the chapters covered in a particular subject.
Yes, it is very important to download the PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 because it will help you to be familiar with the topics that are coming in the board exams and it will help you to prepare for the board exams.
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 can only be downloaded from the official website of the Punjab School Education Board however you can request a hard copy of the syllabus from your concerned School.
If you are not able to complete the PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 on time then you can consider going over the previous year's question papers to check out some important questions.
Students can take up to 6 months to complete their PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 and the rest of the time they should invest in completing the revision for the syllabus with the help of sample papers.
To revise the PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-254, you can check out the sample papers available on the official website of the Punjab School Education Board. You can also check out the previous year's question papers.
To complete the PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 on time, make sure that you are studying for the examination according to a time table that has specified time allotted for each subject.
PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for English will include a lot of different sections. Students will be learning the main course book along with poems and supplementary readers. It also consists of vocabulary, grammar, and writing sections.
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