UP Board 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Released : Download Latest and Revised UP Class 10th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise


Updated On: November 19, 2024 11:01 AM

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 is now available for all subjects on the official website of UPMSP at upmsp.edu.in. Students can download the PDFs to start preparing for the upcoming 10th board exams. 

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

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About UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

Knowing the UP Board 10th syllabus 2024-25.will be your first step towards exam preparation. You must also look at the blueprints for each subject's question paper. For that, you have to visit the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad at upmsp.edu.in. The state board has decided to retain the same 100% syllabus for this academic year 2024-25 as well. You can check the units and the chapters that are going to be covered in the curriculum by downloading the latest PDF. Apart from this, you must also have perfect knowledge of the UP Board 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25 to check the various marks allotted for the different units. As you know, the maximum marks for every subject will be 100 and these marks are divided into theory and practical exams.

You need to prepare for 70 marks theory exam and 30 marks practical exam in Science. While in Language papers, Social science and Mathematics, you will have 80 marks in theory exam and 20 marks in internal assessments. You can also go through the month-wise divided syllabus which will help you to complete the syllabus systematically. Only completing the syllabus will not work, you need to solve the UP Board class 10 previous year question papers as well to score better marks. The number of marks that the students have achieved in the theory as well as in the practical exam will be reflected in their marksheet and their results. Check out more information about the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 here:

Latest Updates on UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

  • November 19, 2024: UP Board officially released the UP Board 10th Time table 2025 ; the class 10th exams are to be held from February 24, 2025 to March 12, 2025.

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25: Download PDF

Students need to download the PDF of the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 to start their preparations for the exams. Check the direct PDF from the table given below:

UP Board Class 10 Math Syllabus 2024-25

Class 10th Math can find you easy to moderate. However, some chapters can be more difficult. You just need to put more effort and time into those chapters. Try to practice Math regularly to make it easy. The syllabus for Mathematics, as well as the marks distribution as per the UP Board Class 10 Math Exam Pattern 2024-25 for the subject, are listed here, you can take a glimpse:



Unit- 1: Number System

(1) Real numbers

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic - With Examples Why √2, √3, √5

Revisiting irrational numbers, verification of irrational numbers.

05 marks

Unit-2 : Algebra

1. Polynomials - Zeros of a polynomial. Relation between coefficients and zeros of quadratic polynomials.

2. Pair of linear equations in two variables --

Algebraic method for solving a pair of linear equations.

1. Substitution method

2. Deletion method

3. Quadratic Equation-

Standard Quadratic Equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, (a ≠ 0) Quadratic of Quadratic Equations (Real Roots Only)

Solution by formulas, by factorization. Difference between the discriminant of a quadratic equation and the nature of its roots

Relations. Applications of quadratic equations in daily life and written problems based on them.

4. Arithmetic Progressions

Derivation of the nth term of the arithmetic progression and the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic progression.

8 marks

Unit 3: Coordinate Geometry

1. Line (two dimensional)-

Concepts of coordinate geometry, graphs of linear equations, distance formula, partition formula (internal division).

05 marks

Unit-4 : Geometry

1. Triangle

Definition, examples, counterexamples of similar triangles.

(a) A line drawn parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two sides of the triangle in equal ratio.

(b) The line dividing two sides of a triangle in equal ratio is parallel to the third side.

(c) If in two triangles a pair of corresponding sides are proportional and the subtended angles are equal, then the triangles are similar.

(d) ... If in two triangles a pair of corresponding angles are equal and their corresponding sides are proportional, then the triangles are similar.

(d) If an angle of a triangle is equal to the corresponding angle of another triangle and their corresponding sides are in proportion, then the triangles will be similar.

2. Circle- tangent to a circle, point of contact

( a) The tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.

(b) The lengths of two tangents drawn from an external point are equal.

10 marks

Unit-5 : Trigonometry

1. Introduction to Trigonometry

'Trigonometric ratios of acute angles of a right triangle, Trigonometric ratios of 0° and 90°, Values ​​of trigonometric ratios (30°, 45°, 60°, 0°, 90°). Relations between them.

2. Trigonometric Identities

Establishing the identity and its application

3. Height and distance

Simple questions on angle of elevation, angle of depression, height, and distance (The question should not be more than two right-angled triangles). Angles of elevation/ depression should be 30, 45, and 60 degrees only

12 marks

Unit-6 : Mensuration

1. Areas related to circles -

Sector of a circle and area of ​​a segment of a circle.

2. Surface area and volume -

Surface area and volume of plane figures combined by any two of the following- cube, cuboid, sphere, hemisphere, and right circular cylinder/cone. Mixed questions (Questions related to a combination of two different types of solids, not more than this.

10 marks

Unit 7: Statistics and Probability

1. Statistics - Mean, median, and mode of grouped data.

2. Probability - Theoretical definition of probability, general questions based on a single event.

10 marks

Also Read: UP Board Class 10 Math Previous Year Question Paper

UP Board Class 10 Science Syllabus 2024-25

Science is a vital subject that examines the behavior and structure of the physical and biological world. You need to have good experimentation and observation skills to do well in this subject. Give regular revision which is mandatory for this subject. You can go through the topics and the marks distribution allotted against them and prepare a strategy to get good marks. The table below table consists of the topics for UP board class 10 syllabus 2024-25 for Science subjects in addition to the marks:




Chemical substances - Nature and behavior

  • Chemical reactions
  • Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Metals and non-metals
  • Carbon compounds
  • Periodic classification of elements

20 Marks

World of Living

  • Life processes
  • Reproduction
  • Heredity and evolution

20 Marks

Natural phenomena (cultures)

  • Reflection of light
  • Refraction

12 Marks

Natural Resources

  • Sources of energy
  • Our environment
  • Management of natural resources
  • Dams

5 Marks

Current Effect

  • Potential difference and electric current
  • Magnetic effects of current

13 Marks

Also Read: UP Board Class 10 Science Previous Year Question Paper

UP Board Class 10 English Syllabus 2024-25

English is the subject that calls critical thinking, communication, writing, creativity, vocabulary, and grammar. You need to have the basics very clear in Literature, and write answers in your own words. Practise grammar, comprehension, and composition regularly just like Math as these will enhance your writing skills. Also, read books, articles and newspapers to increase your vocabulary. Check out the table below to learn about the topics included in the English syllabus:


Section A - Reading (10 marks)

1. One short unseen passage followed by three MCQs. 3x1=3

2. One unseen passage followed by three very short answer-type questions. 3x2=6

One vocabulary-based question- 1

Section B - Writing (10 marks)

3. Letter (formal/informal)/Application . 4

4. Descriptive paragraph/Report/ Article (One option based on given verbal input,

another on figurative input)in about 80-100 words. 6

Section C - Grammar (15 marks)

5. Five MCQs based on parts of speech, tenses, articles, reordering of sentences, and spellings. 5x1=5

6. Three very short answer-type questions based on narration, voice, and punctuation. 3x2=6

7. Translation of a short passage from Hindi to English. (4 sentences) 4

Section D - Literature (35 marks)

First Flight (23 marks)

Prose(15 marks)

8. Two MCQs based on the given extract. 2x1=2

9. Three MCQs based on lessons. 3x1=3

10. Two short answer-type questions in about 30-40 words each. 3+3=6

11. One long answer type question in about 60 words. 4

Poetry(08 marks)

12. Two MCQs based on the given extract. 2x1=2

13. One short answer type question based on poetry lessons in about 30-40 words 3

Or Four lines from any poem prescribed in the syllabus

14. Central idea of the given poem. 3

Footprints Without Feet(12 marks)

15. Five MCQs based on prescribed lessons. 5x1=5

16. One short answer type question in about 30-40 words. 3

17. One long answer type question in about 60 words. 4

Also Read: UP Board Class 10 English Previous Year Question Paper

UP Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25

The two aspects that you must consider in Social science are theoretical knowledge and map work. Social Science is a wide subject that includes four sections - History, Civics, Geography, and Economics. In History, the best way to remember the important events and dates is by making notes. In Geography, make notes on definitions, features, and other concepts. Do not forget to practice diagrams and map pointing daily. While preparing the subject, students must consider important topics based on the weightage of topics:


Unit Name




India and the Contemporary World - 2 (History)

Section 1 - Events and Processes

Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Nationalism in India

Section 2 - Livelihood, Economy, and Society

The Making of a Global World

Era of Industrialization

Section 3 - Daily Life, Culture, and Politics

Printing Culture and the Modern World

Map Work



Contemporary India - 2 (Geography)

Unit 1

Resources and Development

Forest and Wildlife Resources

Water Resources


Unit 2

Mineral and Energy Resources

Manufacturing Industry

Life Lines of National Economy

Map Work



Democratic Politics - 2 (Civics)

Unit 1

Power-sharing and Federalism

Caste, Religion, and Gender Issues

Unit 2

Political Parties

Outcomes of Democracy



Understanding of Economic Development (Economics)

Unit 1


Sectors of the Indian Economy

Money and Credit

Unit 2

Globalization and Indian Economy

Consumer Rights


Also Read: UP Board Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Question Paper

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25: Exam Pattern

As you already know the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad made no changes in the exam pattern of UPMSP 10th exam 2025. The marking scheme and the question paper pattern will remain as it is like the session 2023-24. You need to prepare for theory papers that will be conducted for 70 marks and the practicals/ internal assessments will be held for 30/ 20 marks. You will get 50 marks for subjective/ descriptive type questions and 20 marks for objective type questions in the theory paper. Moreover, students are required to obtain at least 33% passing marks in theory and practical exams separately to pass the UP Board 10th exam 2025. The subject wise UP Board Class 10 exam pattern 2024-25 is tabulated below

Subjects Types of Questions Total Marks Theory Marks Internal assessment Marks Passing Marks
English Section A: Reading (20 Marks)
Section B: Writing Skills with Grammar (30 Marks)
Section C: Literature Textbook and Supplementary Reading Text (30 Marks)
100 70 30 33
Hindi Part I (15 Marks)
Part II (15 Marks)
Part III (25 Marks)
Part IV (25 Marks)
100 70 30 33
Mathematics MCQ: 1 Mark
Very Short Questions: 1 Mark
Short Questions: 2 Marks
Long Questions: 4 Marks
Very Long Questions: 6 Marks
100 70 30 33
Science MCQ: 1 Mark
Short Questions: 2 Marks
Long Questions: 4 Marks
Very Long Questions: 7 Marks
100 70 30 33
Social Science Very Short Questions
Short Questions
Long Questions
Very Long Questions
100 70 30 33

Benefits of Knowing the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

A lot of benefits will be provided to the students if they download the latest version of the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 such as:

  • Having proper information about the syllabus will help the students plan their study sessions in the upcoming months for effective preparation for the exam.
  • Students can easily sort through the units covered in the curriculum through the syllabus. They can identify the topics that need more attention as compared to the others.
  • Students can understand the learning outcomes of the chapters through the syllabus.
  • Students can easily build a road map towards their goals through the syllabus. They can easily allot the number of hours needed to be devoted to each subject using the syllabus.

UP Board Class 10 Preparation Tips 2025

Students can improve their preparation for the exams by following the tips provided below. Remember that persistence and concentration are the keys to success.
  • Organize a Study Schedule: As the exam date is announced, the students must plan their study time efficiently, allocating dedicated slots for each subject.
  • Practice Previous Year's Papers: To comprehend the exam pattern and become acquainted with the types of questions asked, work through previous year's question papers.
  • Prioritize Weak Areas: To improve overall performance, students need to identify their weaker subjects or topics and devote more attention to them.
  • Clarify Doubts: If you have questions or are having trouble understanding a particular topic, don't be afraid to ask your teachers or fellow students for clarification.
  • Use Quality Study Material: Stick to the prescribed textbooks and reference materials recommended by the board to ensure accuracy and relevance.

The students need to study the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 in detail so that they can work through the different units and chapters included in the curriculum. Make sure to download the latest syllabus along with the exam pattern and prepare for the exams accordingly.


What are the best reference UP Class 10 Books for Math?

Some of the best reference UP Class 10 Books for Math are as follows:

  • All in One Mathematics Class 10
  • Mathematics Class X
  • Secondary School Mathematics for Class 10
  • Exemplar Problem Class 10 Mathematics
  • U-Like Sample Papers (With Solution) & Model Test Papers for Revision in Mathematics

What are best reference UP Class 10 Books for Science?

Some of the best reference UP Class 10 Books for Science apart from NCERT are:

  • Science books (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology)
  • Principles of Physics
  • Fundamentals of Physics
  • All In One Class 10 Science
  • Foundation Science Physics
  • Xam Idea Complete Science Course UP Class 10
  • Together with Science Study Material for Class 10

Which books are followed in UP Board 10th exams 2025?

It must be noted that the UP Board follows the NCERT syllabus as well as the text books from 2018. Hence, you can refer to the NCERT books as these are prescribed by the state board. NCERT Books covers the entire syllabus for all subjects. In fact in the exam, the questions are asked from NCERT books only.

Is the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for the Supplementary Exam the same as the Regular Exams?

 Yes, the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for the Supplementary Exam is the same as the Regular Exams.

Which subjects are covered in the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25?

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 includes music, agriculture, home science, human science, math, commerce, social science, computer science, and languages.

From where the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 can be downloaded?

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF can be downloaded from the official website or from the direct links given above.

Does UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 follow NCERT Syllabus?

 Yes, UPMSP adheres to the NCERT-based textbooks for the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25. You can use NCERTs to study for the UP Board 10th Exams 2025.

Has the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 changed from the previous year?

Yes, the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 has been revised by officials, and we have updated the same in the article above.

Is the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 in English medium?

No, the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 is only available in Hindi. The students can download the syllabus in a PDF format online.

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