Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 introduces students to the types of questions and marks allocation. Check the pattern of questions and figure out the marks allocation to prepare for the board exams.

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Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: The Manipur HSLC exam pattern 2025 includes the topic-wise weightage assigned to each subject. The exam pattern also contains details about the chapter-wise marks distribution, difficulty level, and number of questions. The state board has released the Manipur HSLC exam pattern along with the Manipur HSLC syllabus on its official website. Students must go through the Manipur Board Class 10 blueprint 2025 for better preparation for the examinations. The board follows an exam pattern to conduct exams. All the subjects have a set pattern of questions. Some subjects have practical exams and internal assessments too. Accordingly, the marks are divided for each of the subjects. It is necessary for students to know in advance the exam pattern for each of the subjects.
The exam pattern includes the weightage for all topics of each subject. The marks distribution for diverse topics gives students an idea of the important topics to be prepared for the exam. Looking at the marks weightage, students can focus on areas where they lack. This helps them to prepare in the best manner and score high marks. For better preparation, students can also solve BSEM HSLC Previous Year Question Papers .
Students can study the comprehensive Manipur Board HSLC exam pattern 2025 in this article, along with the marking scheme, for subjects like Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. Read on to learn more about the Manipur Board Class 10 Exam Pattern 2025 .
Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2025 Highlights
Every academic year, the board exams are conducted by Manipur Board of Secondary Education. Students going to sit for the exams can check Manipur HSLC Timetable 2025 . Below are the highlights of the Manipur HSLC Blueprint.
Name of the Exam | Manipur HSLC Examination |
Conducting Authority | Manipur Board of Secondary Education |
Category | Syllabus |
Frequency of Exam Conduction | Once in an Academic year |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Duration of Exam | 3 Hours |
Question Paper Marks | 100 marks (Theory marks + Internal Assessments) |
Negative Marking | No Negative Marking |
Official Website | |
Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 - Scheme of Examination
For better Manipur HSLC result 2025 , students must know the Manipur HSLC 2025 exam pattern beforehand. The students can check the Manipur HSLC 2025 exam pattern provided below to know how the exam will be administered by the Manipur Board.
Subjects | Maximum Marks | Duration |
First language | 100 | 3 Hours |
English | 100 | 3 Hours |
Maths - Theory, Practical | 90, 10 | 3, 1 Hour |
Science - Theory, Practical | 90, 10 | 3, 1 Hour |
Social Science | 100 | 3 Hours |
Total Marks | 500 | -- |
Additional Subject | 100 | 3 Hours |
Manipur Board HSLC Passing Marks
Manipur board HSLC Exam Pattern 2025 is beneficial for students. Besides knowing the type of questions and marks weightage, students must also know the passing marks to clear the exam.Subject | Total marks | Pass Marks |
First Language | 80 | 20 |
Social science | 80 | 20 |
Mathematics | 80 | 20 |
English | 80 | 20 |
Optional Subject | 80 | 20 |
Manipur Board HSLC Marks Distribution for Practical Exams
The Manipur HSLC timetable 2025 states that the practical exams will be held following the theory exams. Students must be prepared to give the Manipur HSLC practical exams. The school will administer the science and math practical exams. The allocation of marks for practical tests is given below.
Lab Notebooks | 2 Marks |
Viva-voce | 3 Marks |
Experiments Performing | 5 Marks |
Total | 10 |
Students can acquire comprehensive information on the exam length, the type of paper, and the required minimum marks by visiting the board's official website. The identical subject has been covered here:
- Regular assessments: Four units per subject in the months of June, July, October, and November (3 hours).
- Term Exams: Two exams in each topic are given in the months of February and September (3 hours).
The grades are determined based on the points earned in both internal and external assessments. The internal evaluation scores are used to calculate 20% of the marks, and the external assessment is used to determine the remaining 80%.
Manipur Board HSLC Passing Criteria
Students need to score at least 33 marks in each subject to pass the Manipur Board Class 10 examinations. Check out the table to know the divisions scored by students.
Manipur Board HSLC: Classification of Successful Candidate
III Division | 165 marks and above but below 225 |
II Division | 225 marks and above but below 300 |
I Division | 300 marks and above the average |
Letter | 80% marks or above in a particular subject |
Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2025
On the state board's official website, the Manipur Board will provide the Manipur Boad HSLC syllabus 2024-25 .
- Internal evaluations are given 20% of the total weight.
- The external board exam has a weight of 80%.
- The exam lasts for three hours.
- The student must receive 33 out of a possible 100 points to pass the test in all topics, or 33% of the possible points.
- The minimum score needed to pass an external examination is 20, meaning the student needs to get at least 20 out of a possible 80.
- There are five core subjects and one additional subject available for individuals who choose to take it.
- These topics are either the first language or the subject.
- These topics include English (second language), Mathematics, Social Science, and Science, as well as First Language or the Subject in place of First Language.
- One of the following must be present in the native language: Hindi, Mizo, Hmar, Paite, Tangkhul, Zou, Nepali, Kom, Vaiphei, Ruanmei, Mao, and Tadou- Kuki are among the other languages.
- One of the following must be included in the subjects instead of the first language: Additional English, Elementary Manipuri, or Elementary Hindi.
- Every student must take English, math, science, and social science classes.
The tables below include the Manipur Board class 10th curriculum for 2025 .
Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Computer Science
The students can expect questions of 80 marks from the Computer Science exam paper. They must score a minimum of 33% to pass the exams. Students can find the details of the Manipur HSLC Syllabus for Computer Science in the table below.1. Weightage to Objectives
Objectives | Knowledge (K) | Understanding (U) | Application (A) | Skill (S) | Total |
Percentage of Marks | 21% | 35% | 35% | 9% | 100% |
Marks | 17 | 28 | 28 | 7 | 80 |
2. Weightage to Form of Questions
Form of Questions | LA (5 marks) | SA1 (4 marks) | SA2 (3 marks) | SA3 (2 marks) | VSA (1 mark) | Total Questions |
No. of Questions | 5 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 28 |
Marks Allocated | 25 | 20 | 15 | 14 | 6 | 80 |
Estimated Time (in minutes) | 60 | 45 | 35 | 28 | 12 | 180 |
3. Weightage of Contents
Unit Name | Marks |
1.1 Algorithm for Problem Solving | 06 |
1.2 Introduction to C Language | 13 |
1.3 Arrays | 10 |
1.4 Strings | 07 |
1.5 Functions | 07 |
1.6 Basic Concepts of Structure, Union & Pointer | 07 |
2.1 Web Page Designing using HTML | 20 |
2.2 Hyperlink and Form | 10 |
Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Mathematics
One of the most crucial subjects is Math. There are many theorems and formulae in the subject. Mathematical themes are covered in each of the 14 areas of the Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2025. Below is the list of Chapters given along with the major topics covered in it. Students can start preparing for the exams accordingly.
1. Weightage to Objectives
Objectives | Knowledge | Understanding | Application | Skill | Total |
Percentage of Marks | 37% | 45% | 12% | 6% | 100% |
Marks | 30 | 36 | 9 | 5 | 80 |
2. Weightage to Forms of Questions
Forms of Questions | Long Answer (LA) | Short Answer 1 (SA I) | Short Answer 2 (SA II) | Short Answer 3 (SA III) | Very Short Answer (VSA) | Objective (O) | Total |
Number of Questions | 5 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 32 |
Marks Allotted | 27 | 12 | 18 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 80 |
Estimated Time (in Mins) | 70 | 33 | 36 | 20 | 13 | 8 | 180 |
3. Weightage to Contents
I | Number System, Polynomials and Factorization | 14 |
II | Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, and Arithmetic Progression (AP) | 14 |
III | Triangles, Circles, and Construction | 15 |
IV | Trigonometric Ratios, Height and Distances, and Coordinate Geometry | 15 |
V | Mensuration | 10 |
VI | Statistics and Probability | 10 |
VII | Trading and Demat Account | 2 |
Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Science
Chemistry, Physics, and Biology are the three sub-subjects that make up the subject of science. It is thought of as an all-encompassing subject that educates students about the structure and behaviour of the natural and physical world. Below is the comprehensive Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2025 for science.
Chapter No. | Chapter Number | Deleted Portion / Chapter | Periods | Marks |
1 | Periodic Classification of Elements | Early attempts at the classification of elements - Lavoisier's classification, Dobereiner's law of triads, Newland's law of octaves | 4 | 7 |
2 | Chemical Bonding | Co-ordinate or dative bond, formation of ozone, hydronium ion and ammonium ion, dipole character, and VSEPR theory | 5 | 5 |
3 | Acids, Bases and Salts | Does the dissolution of acids and alkalis in water involve heat change?, hydrolysis of salts | 5 | 7 |
4 | Types of Chemical Reactions | Physical changes, chemical changes, chemical reactions, exothermic reactions, endothermic reactions, respiration is an exothermic reaction, decomposition reactions, acids and bases reactions, oxidation-reduction, neutralisation reaction, fast reaction | 5 | 7 |
5 | Metals and Non-Metals | Metals, non-metals, metalloids, physical properties of metals/non-metals, trends across period, metallic character, reactivity with oxygen | 5 | 7 |
6 | Carbon and its Compounds | Nomenclature of carbon compounds, word root, functional group, homologous series, IUPAC names, physical properties of carbon compounds | 5 | 7 |
7 | Materials of Common Use | The ammonia soda or Solvay process, soaps and detergents | 4 | 4 |
8 | Electricity | No Deletion | 10 | 8 |
9 | Magnetism | No Deletion | 9 | 7 |
Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Social Science
History, Civics, and Geography are the three main subjects studied within the field of social science. All three of these subjects must be thoroughly studied by each student. The table below includes information on class 10 social science exam pattern for the Manipur Board. The table below includes the Chapters along with the Major Topics covered in it.
Weightage to Objectives
Objectives | Knowledge | Understanding | Application | Skill | Total |
Percentage of Marks | 20 | 55 | 20 | 5 | 100 |
Marks | 16 (5+5+6) | 44 (15+14+15) | 16 (5+5+6) | 4 (2+2+0) | 80 |
2: Weightage to Forms of Questions
Forms of Questions | Long Answer (LA) | Short Answer 1 (SAI) | Short Answer 2 (SAII) | Short Answer 3 (SAIII) | Very Short Answer | Objective | Total |
Number of Questions | 4 (1+1+2) | 10 (4+4+2) | 10 (4+4+2) | 10 (2+2+6) | - | - | 34 |
Marks Allotted | 20 (5+5+10) | 30 (12+12+6) | 20 (8+8+4) | 10 (2+2+6) | - | - | 80 |
Estimated Time (in Mins) | 50 | 60 | 50 | 20 | - | - | 180 |
3: Weightage to Contents
GEOGRAPHY | Unit - I | - |
Unit - II | 6 | |
Unit - III | - | |
Unit - IV | 4 | |
Unit - V | - | |
Unit - VI | 5 | |
Unit - VII | 5 | |
Unit - VIII | 1 | |
Unit - IX | 2 | |
Unit - X | 2 | |
Unit - XI | 2 | |
HISTORY | Unit - I | 6 |
Unit - II | 6 | |
Unit - III** | 5 | |
Unit - IV | 3 | |
Unit - V | 4 | |
Unit - VI | 3 | |
Unit - II | - | |
Unit - III | 6 | |
Unit - IV | - | |
Unit - V | 1 | |
ECONOMICS | Unit - I | 7 |
Unit - II** | - | |
Unit - III | 6 |
Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for English
The Manipur Board conducts the English exam for 100 marks, of which 80 is allocated to theory exams and the remaining 20 to the internal exams. Students can refer to the details provided in the table below.
Unit / Chapter | Unit Name / Chapter | Recommended | Marks |
Course Book (Prose) |
How to save our Environment
Protecting our Fauna Sapol Kangjei Indomitable woman Pugilist of Manipur The Saga of Mountaineer and Explorer The Man who knew Infinity Childhood in Manipur Tourist’s Spots in Manipur | 15 | |
Writing |
Letter Writing Report Writing Notice – Making + Summarising Notice/Diary/Message | - |
3+3 3 |
Determiners Modal Verbs Voice Speech (Narration) Transformation of Sentences | - | 7 |
Literature |
The Last Lesson The Chief’s Daughter India’s Braveheart Woman The Diamond Necklace | - | 7 |
PLAY: The Bishop’s Candle Sticks | - | 5 | |
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day Song of the Flower Preludes A Day | - | 6 | |
Total | 80 |
Manipur Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Manipuri
The candidates can access the Manipuri Exam Pattern online from the official website of the Manipur Board. Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Manipuri is provided below.Unit / Chapter | Unit Name / Chapter | Deleted Portion | Marks |
I | Unseen: COMPREHENSION | No | 06 |
Manipuri Nongin: |
Miolbaigi Hak Amasung Thoudang
Nupa Nupigi Ithak Mannaba Laining Lichatki Mannaba Mityeng Thang Tagi Mahei Amasung Houjikki Mirol Science Amasung Technology Akolbaigi Phibam Ngak Senba |
1. Jatigj Khennabada Yaoba Mannabasing
2. Leiba Amasung Leiminnaba 3. Mityamgi Warep 4. Mount Everest Kabagi Thouna Lingjel 5. Dhakada Ningtambigi Meira | 11 |
Writing: |
Letter Writing Notice/Report writing/Application Writing Amplification | - | 23 |
Grammar: |
Anouba Manipuri Grammar:
1. Wahei Amasung Waheipaaring 2. Parts of Speech 3. Gender 4. Number 5. Case 6. Phrase Amasung Clause 7. Pao Tambagi Wagang 8. Verb ki Sijinnapham (Tense) 9. Thougalou Amasung Phajaba Lon 10. Panthei Amasung Paorou |
1. Adjective Amasung Adverbi ki Degree
2. Parts of Speech ki Thabak Amasung Masak 3. Waheipaaringgi Mahei 4. Aspect 5. Mood 6. Lephram Khudam 7. Longi Masak Maong 8. Artha | 10 |
A comprehensive exam pattern can be very helpful in achieving good exam scores. The release of the BSEM class 10 pattern allows students to schedule their time so they can finish the entire course on time.
The students with in-depth knowledge of the syllabus can easily score good marks in the board exams. They can regularly solve previous year question papers to get familiar with the variety of questions and easily solve all questions within the exams.
By referring to the Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 for all subjects, students can get an idea about the types of questions, marks allocation, and difficulty level of questions.
The students need to score at least 33% marks in each of the subjects in the Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 to pass the exam. It will be necessary for them to appear in each of the board exams.
The students can visit the official website of the Manipur board and check the Manipur HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25. The exam pattern will be available in PDF formats.
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