Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25 Released : Download Latest and Revised GBSHSE Class 10th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Samia Miraj

Updated On: January 09, 2025 01:17 PM

Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25 can be downloaded in a PDF format from the links given here. Students must download the latest curriculum to prepare well for the exams.
Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25

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About Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25

The Goa Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education will be conducting the Goa 10th Board from 1st March 2025. Students who will be appearing for the board exams in the academic year 2025 must start their preparation for the board exams. Students can download the PDF files of the syllabus which are uploaded on the official website of GBSHSE . Students appearing for the Goa Board Class 10 exams in 2025 should thoroughly review the complete Goa SSC Syllabus, which includes Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. The syllabus is available on the official GBSHSE website (gbshse.org) and outlines the topics as well as the marks distribution for each subject. It's important for students to also familiarize themselves with the Goa Board SSC Exam Pattern 2025 to understand the types of questions and the marking scheme.
The assessment schemes are also uploaded on the official website to be downloaded by the students which includes the Goa SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25 to be followed by the students along with the names of topics that will be included in every subject. The theory paper will be conducted for 80 to 70 marks and the practical papers will be conducted for 20 to 30 marks accordingly. The duration of the paper will be three hours for theory subjects. Check out more information on Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25 here:

Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25: PDF

The Goa Board provides the SSC Syllabus 2024-25 PDFs for various subjects, allowing students to view and download them. To excel in their Goa Board exams, students should refer to the topics outlined in the syllabus for each subject. Below are the PDF links for the Goa Board syllabus.


Download Link


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Social Science 1

Download Here

Social Science 2

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Fine Arts

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Goa SSC English Syllabus 2024-25

Students can refer to the information about the English syllabus according to the latest syllabus PDF uploaded on the official website of the Goa board from the details given below:

Section A

1. Comprehension passage (Narrative passage/ Descriptive passage)

2. Tree diagram

Section B


1. A Letter to God

2. Nelson Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom

3. Two Stories about Flying:

a) His First Flight

b) The Black Aeroplane

4. Hundred Dresses I

5. Hundred Dresses II

6. From the Diary of Anne Frank

7. Glimpses of India:

a) Baker from Goa

b) Coorg

c) Tea from Assam

8. Mijbil, the Otter

9. Madam rides the Bus

10. The Sermon at Benares


1. Dust of Snow

2. Fire and Ice

3. A Tiger in the Zoo

4. Ball Poem

5. Amanda

6. Animals

7. Trees

8. Fog

9. Tale of Custard the Dragon

10. For Anne Gregory


1. A Triumph of Surgery

2. The Thief’s Story

3. The Midnight Visitor

4. A Question of Trust

5. Footprints without Feet

6.. The Necklace

7. Bholi

8. The Hack Driver

Section C

1. Gap Filling: based on the following grammatical points:

Pronouns/ Articles/ Conjunctions/ Degrees of Comparison/ Adverbs/ Determiners /

Relative Pronouns/ Prepositions/ Compound words (anybody, somebody, everyone,

etc.) excluding nouns, verbs, interjections.

2. Modals

3. Transformation of Sentences:

a) As soon as/ No sooner-than/ Hardly-when

b) Too/ So that

c) Question tags

d) Relative Pronouns

e) In spite of / Although

f) Degrees of Comparison

g) Complete with a suitable Conditional Clause

h) Join sentences: nominalizing the verb

4. Active/Passive Voice: Present/Past: (Simple, Continuous and Perfect)

5. Reported Speech

6. Verbs: Tenses to be tested: Present/Past: (Simple, Continuous and Perfect)

Section D

1. Pie Chart

2. Picture description

3. Notice Writing

4. Report Writing

5. Formal Letter (Official and Editor)

6. Essay Writing

Goa SSC Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25

Students can refer to the detailed information about the units and chapters included in Mathematics from the table given below:

Chapter Name


1) Real Numbers

a) Concept of Real numbers.

b) To find the H.C.F of two numbers by Euclid’s Division Algorithm

c) To find HCF/LCM by prime factorization method.

d) Revisiting Rational Numbers and Their Decimal Expansions.

2) Polynomials

a) Concept of a Polynomial, degree & types.

b) Zero(es) of a Linear Polynomial, Quadratic Polynomial, geometric meaning of the zeroes of a Polynomial, relationship between zeroes and coefficients.

c) Finding a Quadratic Polynomial given sum and product of zeroes/zeroes.

d) To find the Quotient and remainder when a Cubic Polynomial is divided by a Linear polynomial and to express in the form: Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder

3) Pair of Linear equations in Two variables

a) General form of a pair of linear equations in two variables

b) Conditions for a pair of Linear equations in two variables to have a unique solution, no solution, infinitely many solutions, (Consistent/Inconsistent), finding the value of the unknown

c) Find the solution of a pair of linear equations in two variables by

(I) Elimination method

(II) Substitution method (one equation should have a coefficient of x or y as one)

(III) Graphical method (both equations should have one coefficient of x or y as one)

4) Quadratic Equations

a) Concept of a Quadratic equation - standard form

b) Finding the Roots of a Quadratic equation by

(I) Factorisation method

(II) Quadratic formula

c) Nature of Roots based on discriminant

5) Arithmetic Progressions

a) Concept of an AP - first term, common difference

b) Questions based on the nth term, the sum of n terms of an AP

6) Triangles

a) Concept of Similarity of Triangles - Tests for similarity of Triangles

b) Concept of theorem on Areas of Similar Triangles (Proof not for evaluation)

c) B.P.T., Pythagoras theorem and Converse of Pythagoras theorem (Proofs for evaluation)

d) Numerical applications of the above 4 theorems

7) Coordinate Geometry

a) Concepts/Applications of

(I) Distance Formula

(II) Section Formula

(III) Area of Triangle Formula

8) Introduction to Trigonometry

a) Concept of Trigonometry

b) Trigonometric ratios and their relationships, k method

c) Proving the Basic Trigonometric identities with the help of a figure.

(I) Sin²θ + Cos²θ = 1

(II) 1 + Tan²θ = Sec²θ

(III) 1 + Cot²θ = Cosec²θ

d) To evaluate expressions involving Trigonometric ratios of some specific angles: 0⁰, 30⁰, 45⁰, 60⁰, 90⁰

e) Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles

9) Some Applications of Trigonometry

a) Heights and Distances: Angle of Elevation and Angle of Depression

b) Problems with heights and Distances. Problems should have only one right triangle with either angle of elevation or depression

10) Circles

a) Concept of Tangent, Thm.10.1 (proof not for Evaluation) Thm.10.2 (with Proof)

b) Numerical applications

11) Constructions

a) Construction of Tangents to a Circle from a point outside the circle.

b) Construction of Similar Triangles as per the given scale factor. Note: Angles can also be drawn using a protractor

12) Areas Related to Circles

a) Perimeter and Area of a Circle

b) Areas of Segment, Sector, Quadrant of a Circle and Semicircle

c) Applications to find areas of shaded region

13) Surface Areas and Volumes

The whole topic is included for evaluation

14) Statistics

a) Concept of Mean, Median, Mode, and the empirical relationship between them

b) To find the Mean of grouped data by Direct method

c) To find Mode of grouped data

15) Probability

a) Concept of Theoretical Probability

b) Probability of a Sure event and an Impossible event, 0 ≤ P(E) ≤ 1, P(not E)

c) Problems based on coins, Dice (only 1), playing cards, numbered cards, items in a box

Logarithms Part 2 (Std X)

a) Laws of Logarithms

b) Logarithm method and its applications

Goa SSC Science Syllabus 2024-25

Students can refer to the units coming in the board exam for Science paper from the pointers given below and prepare for the exam accordingly:

  • Acids, Bases and Salts
  • Light
  • How do Organisms Reproduce?
  • Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  • Chemical Reactions and Equations
  • Control and Coordination
  • Electricity
  • Life Processes

Goa SSC History and Political Science Syllabus 2024-25

The following exam pattern will be followed when curating the question paper for the board exams in History and Political Science:

Sr. No.




H1. Early Trade Activities



H2. The Age of Industrialisation Age



H3. Post Industrialisation Age



H4. The American War of Independence



H5. The French Revolution



H8. Emergence of Nationalism in India



H9. Goa Struggle for Freedom



PS10. Union Legislature



PS11. Union Executive



PS12. Judiciary



PS13. State Legislature



PS14. State Executive



PS15. Urban Local Government



PS16. Panchayati Raj System in India




Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25: Preparation Tips

Students can refer to the following preparation tips and use them when preparing for the board exams:

  • Focus on working through a specified study plan. Make sure that you are making complex subjects a priority when preparing for the board exams.
  • Make sure that you are downloading the latest syllabus as available on the official website so that you do not miss any topics that are newly added or deducted from the syllabus.
  • Try to focus on making small flashcards along with written notes so that you can revise accordingly without having to open the book every time.
  • Take some time off social media so that you can focus on your exams and not get distracted by Instagram or any other social media platform.
  • Focus on using technology to your advantage. Take the help of YouTube to search for valuable lectures on topics that you are finding very difficult to master.

Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25 can be downloaded in a PDF format from the official website of the Goa Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education. You can also download the syllabus by clicking on the direct links present here.


What is the name of the Goa Board?

The Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) is the primary education board in Goa, which is run by the Government of Goa. The main responsibility of GBSHSE is to conduct the SSC exams (Class 10) for the students in Goa.

What is the date for the Goa SSC Board 2025?

Goa SSC Board 2025 Exams will be conducted from 1st March 2025. The examinations will begin from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The tentative exam dates are available on the official website to be downloaded in a PDF format. 

Are there any changes in the Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25?

There are some minor changes done in the latest Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25. Students can refer to the latest syllabus by going to the official website of the Goa Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education and use it to prepare for the board exams. 

How to get the latest Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25?

Students can visit the official website of the Goa Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education or they can directly click on the links given here to download the Goa SSC Syllabus 2024-25.


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